Rocky Brushy Creek Watershed Mgmt. Plan (2007) -- Part 2

Rocky Brushy Creek Watershed Mgmt. Plan (2007) -- Part 2 Rocky Brushy Creek Watershed Mgmt. Plan (2007) -- Part 2
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EXISTING NATURAL SYSTEMS CONDITIONSFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (formerly Florida Game and Fresh Water FishCommission). Jan, 2004. Florida's Endangered Species, Threatened Species and Species ofSpecial Concern, Official Lists. FFWCC. Tallahassee, FL.Florida Land Boundary Information system. 2003. General Land Office Township plats and surveynotes.\.Florida Natural Areas Inventory. 1997. Matrix of habitats and distribution by county ofrare/endangered species of Florida.Florida Natural Areas Inventory. 1990. The natural communities of Florida. FDEP. Tallahassee. FL.Harper, R.M. 1921. Thirteenth Annual Report: The Geography of Central Florida. Florida StateGeological Survey. Tallahassee, FL.Harris, L D. 1991. The need, rationale and implementation of wildlife dispersal corridors. Issue IV ina series of papers for the S.W.I.M. Model Ordinance Project. Surface Water Improvement andManagement Program of the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, Florida.Maher, D. 1990. The Florida panther and private lands. Conservation Biology. 4:1-4.McElfresh, R., J. Inglis, and B. Brown. 1980. Gray squirrel usage of hardwood ravines within pineplantations. Proceedings of the Louisiana State University Forestry Symposium.Myers, R. L. and J. J. Ewel (eds.). 1990. Ecosystems of Florida. University of Central FloridaPress.Miller, S. H, and J. H. Schaefer. 1998. Hardwood hammock fragments: relationships betweenhuman population growth and wildlife species richness. Fla. Game and Fresh Water Fish Comm.Final Report. Tallahassee. 90pp + vi.National Resources Conservation Service (formerly, Soil Conservation Service). 1915, 1958, and1989. Soil Survey of Hillsborough County, Florida.Soil Conservation Society of America. 1987. Twenty-six Ecological Communities of Florida.SCSOA. Gainesville, FL.Southwest Florida Water Management District Ecologic Evaluation Section. 2004. Minimum andGuidance Levels for Crescent Lake in Hillsborough County, FL. SWFWMD. Brooksville, FL.Southwest Florida Water Management District Ecologic Evaluation Section. 2005. Directory ofLakes. SWFWMD. Brooksville, FL.8-58Rocky/Brushy Creek Watershed Management Plan

CHAPTER 8Southwest Florida Water Management District Land Resources Department. Dec, 2004. FloridaForever Work Plan Annual Update - 2005. SWFWMD. Brooksville, FL.United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Parts 17.11 and 17.12. October 1, 1997.Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.United States Department of Agriculture. 1916. Field operations of the Bureau of Soils. 18 th AnnualReport – Soil Survey of Hillsborough County. USDA. Washington, DC.United States Department of Agriculture. 1958. Soil Survey of Hillsborough County. USDA.Washington, DC.United States Department of Agriculture. 1983. Soil Survey of Hillsborough County. USDA.Washington, DC.University of South Florida. Florida Center for Community Design + Research. 2005. HillsboroughWater Atlas.\.Wolfe, S. H., and R.D. Drew, eds. 1990. An ecological characterization of the Tampa Baywatershed. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 90(20).8.10 List of Common and Scientific Names for Plants and AnimalsMentioned in ReportTreesAustralian pine, Casuarina equisetifoliaBald cypress, Taxodium distichumBluejack oak, Quercus incanablack gum, Nyssa sylvatica var sylvaticaBrazilian pepper, Schinus terebinthifoliusCarolina holly, Ilex ambiguaCarolina willow, Salix carolinianacastor bean, Ricinus communischinaberry tree (Melia azedarach),Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum),dahoon, Ilex cassinelaurel oak, Quercus laurifolialobllolly bay, Gordonia lasianthusloblolly pine, Pinus taedalongleaf pine, Pinus palustrisPond cypress, Taxodium ascendens8-59Rocky/Brushy Creek Watershed Management Plan

CHAPTER 8Southwest Florida Water Management District Land Resources Department. Dec, 2004. FloridaForever Work <strong>Plan</strong> Annual Update - 2005. SWFWMD. Brooksville, FL.United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, <strong>Part</strong>s 17.11 and 17.12. October 1, 1997.Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and <strong>Plan</strong>ts.United States Department of Agriculture. 1916. Field operations of the Bureau of Soils. 18 th AnnualReport – Soil Survey of Hillsborough County. USDA. Washington, DC.United States Department of Agriculture. 1958. Soil Survey of Hillsborough County. USDA.Washington, DC.United States Department of Agriculture. 1983. Soil Survey of Hillsborough County. USDA.Washington, DC.University of South Florida. Florida Center for Community Design + Research. 2005. HillsboroughWater Atlas.\.Wolfe, S. H., and R.D. Drew, eds. 1990. An ecological characterization of the Tampa Baywatershed. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 90(20).8.10 List of Common and Scientific Names for <strong>Plan</strong>ts and AnimalsMentioned in ReportTreesAustralian pine, Casuarina equisetifoliaBald cypress, Taxodium distichumBluejack oak, Quercus incanablack gum, Nyssa sylvatica var sylvaticaBrazilian pepper, Schinus terebinthifoliusCarolina holly, Ilex ambiguaCarolina willow, Salix carolinianacastor bean, Ricinus communischinaberry tree (Melia azedarach),Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum),dahoon, Ilex cassinelaurel oak, Quercus laurifolialobllolly bay, Gordonia lasianthusloblolly pine, Pinus taedalongleaf pine, Pinus palustrisPond cypress, Taxodium ascendens8-59<strong>Rocky</strong>/<strong>Brushy</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> Management <strong>Plan</strong>

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