Rocky Brushy Creek Watershed Mgmt. Plan (2007) -- Part 2

Rocky Brushy Creek Watershed Mgmt. Plan (2007) -- Part 2 Rocky Brushy Creek Watershed Mgmt. Plan (2007) -- Part 2
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EXISTING NATURAL SYSTEMS CONDITIONS3. Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Program - The CES offers the Florida Yards andNeighborhoods Program (FYNP). The FYNP is a partnership of concerned citizens,members of the landscape industry, the University of Florida’s Cooperative ExtensionService, the National Estuary Program, Florida Sea Grant College Program, and numerousenvironmental agencies. The program was developed to address serious problems ofpollution and disappearing habitats by enlisting homeowners to help save our waterways.The program provides special education and outreach activities in the community byassisting residents to reduce pollution and enhance their environment by improving homeand landscape management.SWFWMD Environmental Education ProgramsSWFWMD implements several programs throughout it 16-county service area that includesHillsborough County:1. Xeriscape - The xeriscape program promotes water conservation through creativelandscaping. Landscapes that conserve water will save the homeowner money on water,energy, and maintenance bills, and will help preserve valuable fresh water resources andprovide wildlife habitat. The program guides homeowners through a seven-step processincluding 1) design, 2) plant selection, 3) improving the soil, 4) wise utilization of turf, 5)efficient irrigation, 6) using mulch, and 7) maintenance.2. SWFWMD In-School Education Programs - The In-School Education Program helpsachieve the SWFWMD’s goal of preserving and protecting water resources and relatedecosystems through educational materials for teachers and students from Kindergartenthrough grade 12.3. SWFWMD Mini-Grants is a program that offers teachers funding to do classroom projectson water quality, water supply, water conservation, or watersheds. Applications areavailable through the SWFWMD at SWFWMD Teacher workshops provide teachers information on water resources in theRocky Creek - Brushy Creek watershed, as well as hands-on activities and strategies forthe best instructional methods on water issues.5. Project WET is an inter-disciplinary water education program for teachers and othereducators working with young people in Kindergarten through grade 12. The program canbe integrated into existing curricula of a school, museum, or community organization. Thegoal of the project is to facilitate and promote appreciation, awareness, knowledge, andstewardship of water resources though the development of classroom-ready teaching aidsand the through the establishment of internationally and state-sponsored Project WETprograms. The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide is a collection of over 908-52Rocky/Brushy Creek Watershed Management Plan

CHAPTER 8innovative, interdisciplinary activities that are hands-on, easy to use, and fun. Designedwith a commitment to state and national education standards, Project WET activities coverdiverse topics and disciplines. The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide activitiespromote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These activities help provide youngpeople with the knowledge and experience they will need to make informed decisionsregarding water resource management.6. The Envirothon is a problem-solving, natural resource education program for high schoolstudents. Student team to solve problems and conduct hands-on investigations aboutforestry, soils, aquatics, wildlife, and current environmental issues. SWFWMD sponsors anannual Envirothon in Hillsborough County inviting local high schools to compete againsteach other in solving problems in various disciplines.7. Florida Waters Project Teacher’s Guides is a set of activities and background informationdesigned to encourage students to investigate and explore the water systems in theircommunities, to learn more about water issues and land resources in their communities,and to take an active role in the protection and preservation of our precious waterresources.8. SWFWMD Water Matters is a set of multi-disciplinary activities and background informationdesigned to help students learn about the process of water management and how they canbe involved with the process. Water Matters is available to the public.9. My Water Activity Book is full of fun activities to help students from kindergarten through 2 ndgrade learn about water resources by coloring and completing mazes, word games, dot-todot,and puzzles. This book is available to teachers and students.10. SWFWMD Splash! Water Education Packet is a colorful, multidisciplinary middle schoolpacket containing fact and activity sheets on wetlands, the hydrologic cycle, desalination,water use, water conservation, community planning, and water management. The packet isfree to educators.11. Water Drops Newsletter is a water resource newsletter available to teachers from grades 3through 5. Newsletter issues come with a teacher’s guide on water conservation, watercycle, and a visit to a nature park. The newsletter was designed to assist teachers discusswater related issues with their students.12. The Watershed Education Resources Box is a collection of puppets, poetry, fiction, andnon-fiction available to teachers to help students understand watersheds and theimportance of watersheds.8-53Rocky/Brushy Creek Watershed Management Plan

CHAPTER 8innovative, interdisciplinary activities that are hands-on, easy to use, and fun. Designedwith a commitment to state and national education standards, Project WET activities coverdiverse topics and disciplines. The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide activitiespromote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These activities help provide youngpeople with the knowledge and experience they will need to make informed decisionsregarding water resource management.6. The Envirothon is a problem-solving, natural resource education program for high schoolstudents. Student team to solve problems and conduct hands-on investigations aboutforestry, soils, aquatics, wildlife, and current environmental issues. SWFWMD sponsors anannual Envirothon in Hillsborough County inviting local high schools to compete againsteach other in solving problems in various disciplines.7. Florida Waters Project Teacher’s Guides is a set of activities and background informationdesigned to encourage students to investigate and explore the water systems in theircommunities, to learn more about water issues and land resources in their communities,and to take an active role in the protection and preservation of our precious waterresources.8. SWFWMD Water Matters is a set of multi-disciplinary activities and background informationdesigned to help students learn about the process of water management and how they canbe involved with the process. Water Matters is available to the public.9. My Water Activity Book is full of fun activities to help students from kindergarten through 2 ndgrade learn about water resources by coloring and completing mazes, word games, dot-todot,and puzzles. This book is available to teachers and students.10. SWFWMD Splash! Water Education Packet is a colorful, multidisciplinary middle schoolpacket containing fact and activity sheets on wetlands, the hydrologic cycle, desalination,water use, water conservation, community planning, and water management. The packet isfree to educators.11. Water Drops Newsletter is a water resource newsletter available to teachers from grades 3through 5. Newsletter issues come with a teacher’s guide on water conservation, watercycle, and a visit to a nature park. The newsletter was designed to assist teachers discusswater related issues with their students.12. The <strong>Watershed</strong> Education Resources Box is a collection of puppets, poetry, fiction, andnon-fiction available to teachers to help students understand watersheds and theimportance of watersheds.8-53<strong>Rocky</strong>/<strong>Brushy</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> Management <strong>Plan</strong>

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