Volleyball rules

Volleyball rules

Volleyball rules


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Double Fault – when 2 opponents commit a fault simultaneously, the referee will direct aplay-over.Ball Hitting the Net – when the ball touches the net anytime during the game, it is consideredto be still in play.Player Hitting the Net – A player may not contact the net while the ball is in play.Dead Ball – The whistle of the referee stops all play. The ball is then dead.BLOCKING Blocking is an action of attempting to stop the ball at the net. Two hands may reach over thenet but may not contact the ball in the opponent’s court until the opponent has completed theattack. Any player participating in a block in which the ball is contacted shall have the right to makea second contact. If 2 players block the ball, it shall be counted as only one hit for the team. The 3 back row players may not block at the net, but may play the ball in any other courtpositionBACK ROW PLAYERSRestriction in the Attack Area– back line players may not direct a ball from within the attack areainto the opponent’s court, unless the ball is below the height of the net. A back line playerspiking from the back line may land on or in front of the attack line, providing his take off for thespike is clearly behind the attack line.SUBSTITUTIONSubstitution is only made when the ball is dead on request of the coach to the referee. A teamis allowed 12 substitutions per set/game. A substitution may only take place between the samepair of players. ie. Player A is on the court. Player B is substituted for Player A. Player A mayonly return back on the court for Player B.ERROR IN A POSITION OF A PLAYERWhen a team is out of position, play must be stopped. If a team at fault was serving, side out willbe called as well. All points scored by the opponents shall stand; if it is not possible to determinewhen the error occurred, the team shall resume correct position and be penalized by loss ofserve or point awarded to the opponents.TIME OUT REQUESTThe coach or captain may request time out for rest or substitution; if for rest, the coach mayspeak to the players. These are granted only when the ball is dead. Players may not leave thecourt and the coach may not enter the court. Two (2) time outs are allowed per game; 30seconds in duration.CHOICE OF COURTSChoice of courts is by a toss of a coin, called by the captains; before the beginning of thedeciding game, a new toss shall decide court and first serve. Teams change courts after eachgame. In the deciding game, when one team reaches 8 points, the teams will change courts.

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