Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012concentrate on immediate neighbouring land-uses and main stakeholders.‣ Comment should give particularly attention to any increased demand forcommunity facilities/services within the locality or increase/ decrease inthe demand or provision of accommodation (housing).(c) High level SIAMinimum Requirements for Social Impact Assessment as per developmentstipulated within I8.3(2)(a)).‣ The SIA should detail whether any of the main considerations aboverelate to the proposal or the land location. A comprehensive response toeach of the questions within I8.3(1) will be required, and in instanceswhere an affirmative is recorded, the applicant shall provide a mitigatingsolution to be incorporated into the design and/or operating procedure ofthe development. Particular attention to detail should be provided inresponse to the following criteria:• Is the proposal likely to impact upon neighbourhood amenity andcommunity meeting places (including pedestrian commutingconduits, parklands, etc)?• Is the proposal likely to create any element of security or risk forany occupants, nearby residents or passing pedestrians?‣ The SIA is required to outline all potential impacts upon adjoining landusesand key stakeholders after completing a comprehensive scopingcomponent to identify all impacted stakeholders. The SIA must beprepared by a suitably qualified or specialist person and reference bestpractice principles and other contemporary studies.‣ The SIA shall incorporate a record of consultation with immediateneighbouring land-uses and key stakeholders. Comments and issuesraised should be documented preferably written and signed ‘letterhead’with responses from the applicant as to how the issues raised supportthe development, or suggest mitigating measures which may beincorporated to lessen the impact of the issue raised.‣ The applicant is required to provide a comprehensive analysis of allpotential impacts identified as a result of in-depth analysis of the locationand active/passive use of the proposal site and surrounds. All impactsshould be reported alongside all impacts resulting from community &stakeholder consultation. The proponent is also required to presentsuggested impact minimisation of all perceived impacts.‣ In addition to other SIA requirements listed here, consideration shouldalso be made regarding the following:• impact upon particular social groups, such as indigenous, children,aged, ethnic, youth, persons with a disability, etc• social equity (in particular any potential for any disadvantagedgroups to be displaced or further disadvantaged).• whether some form of ongoing monitoring should be proposed forthe early duration of the proposal, and if so, how a review ofimpacts can influence management practices. A conditionalPart I – Other Considerations – Social Impact Assessment I.86

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012consent might require monitoring and review of potentially highsocial impact developments after a nominated period of time.• a Community Focus Meeting may be appropriate to scope potentialimpact issues and all affected stakeholders. In exceptionalcircumstances it could be advantageous to hold further focusmeetings as a monitoring and facilitating tool. The outcomes ofsuccessfully run Community Focus Meetings would provide Termsof Reference (TOR) for accurate predictive modelling within SIApresented alongside a development application.• some degree of quantitative (statistical) analysis may be useful todemonstrate the likelihood of impacts recognised within the TORwithin the SIA.I8.5 Advertising and Notification – SIAproceduresSection I15 concerning advertising and notification generally sets therequirement for advertising periods dependent upon development type. It isconsidered prudent that the applicant begin more detailed SIA consultationwell before the formal advertising period. Consultation should be initiated atleast one month before the advertising period in order to adequately informnearby residents and tenants as to the proposal and any possibleconsequence.Part I – Other Considerations – Social Impact Assessment I.87

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012concentrate on immediate neighbouring land-uses and main stakeholders.‣ Comment should give particularly attention to any increased demand forcommunity facilities/services within the locality or increase/ decrease inthe demand or provision of accommodation (housing).(c) High level SIAMinimum Requirements for Social Impact Assessment as per developmentstipulated within I8.3(2)(a)).‣ The SIA should detail whether any of the main considerations aboverelate to the proposal or the land location. A comprehensive response toeach of the questions within I8.3(1) will be required, and in instanceswhere an affirmative is recorded, the applicant shall provide a mitigatingsolution to be incorporated into the design and/or operating procedure ofthe development. <strong>Part</strong>icular attention to detail should be provided inresponse to the following criteria:• Is the proposal likely to impact upon neighbourhood amenity andcommunity meeting places (including pedestrian commutingconduits, parklands, etc)?• Is the proposal likely to create any element of security or risk forany occupants, nearby residents or passing pedestrians?‣ The SIA is required to outline all potential impacts upon adjoining landusesand key stakeholders after completing a comprehensive scopingcomponent to identify all impacted stakeholders. The SIA must beprepared by a suitably qualified or specialist person and reference bestpractice principles and other contemporary studies.‣ The SIA shall incorporate a record of consultation with immediateneighbouring land-uses and key stakeholders. Comments and issuesraised should be documented preferably written and signed ‘letterhead’with responses from the applicant as to how the issues raised supportthe development, or suggest mitigating measures which may beincorporated to lessen the impact of the issue raised.‣ The applicant is required to provide a comprehensive analysis of allpotential impacts identified as a result of in-depth analysis of the locationand active/passive use of the proposal site and surrounds. All impactsshould be reported alongside all impacts resulting from community &stakeholder consultation. The proponent is also required to presentsuggested impact minimisation of all perceived impacts.‣ In addition to other SIA requirements listed here, consideration shouldalso be made regarding the following:• impact upon particular social groups, such as indigenous, children,aged, ethnic, youth, persons with a disability, etc• social equity (in particular any potential for any disadvantagedgroups to be displaced or further disadvantaged).• whether some form of ongoing monitoring should be proposed forthe early duration of the proposal, and if so, how a review ofimpacts can influence management practices. A conditional<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Social Impact Assessment I.86

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