Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012‣ Group Homes (transitional and permanent), Boarding Houses, Hostelsand the like‣ Expansion or change of a non-conforming ‘existing’ or ‘continuing’ use‣ Home occupation (sex services), swingers clubs, sex/lingerie partypremises, and the like,‣ Demolition of a building with heritage significance or change of use of abuilding or place acknowledged to have social or heritage significance(as determined by Council).‣ Larger Urban Industries and Rural Industries with over 10 employees‣ Amusement Centres and Entertainment Facilities,‣ Car Parks over 20 spaces,‣ Places of Public Worship,‣ Seniors Housing and Residential Care Facilities,‣ Any other development Planning Staff interpret to likely presentcomparable social impacts to those listed above. This may include anydevelopment listed as requiring a high degree of SIA above (3.3(2)(a))with reduced potential impacts.(c) Low degree SIACircumstances where a Social Impact statement is sufficient - Developmenttypes which require low degree of Social Impact Assessment accompanyingthe application:‣ Developments, such as:• Small retail complexes• Medical Centres,• Urban Industries and small rural industries,• Educational Establishments‣ Expansion or change of a non-conforming ‘existing’ or ‘continuing’ use‣ Educational Establishments‣ Demolition of a building with heritage significance or change of use of abuilding or place acknowledged to have social or heritage significance,‣ Any other development Planning Staff interpret to likely presentcomparable social impacts to those listed above. This may include anydevelopment listed as requiring a moderate degree of SIA above(3.3(2)(b)) with reduced potential impacts.I8.4 Design Standards – SIA(1) Main Considerations - Checklist for all levels of SIAThe applicant will be required to address social impacts of the proposal withinthe Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) or any Environmental ImpactAssessment accompanying the application, with care to address the followingmain considerations:‣ Access and mobility (consideration of that provided, or existing)‣ Employment impactsPart I – Other Considerations – Social Impact Assessment I.84

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012‣ Accommodation and housing impacts‣ Crime and public safety impacts (refer to the CPTED Section I10)‣ Adjoining land uses and compatibility of the proposal‣ Advertising and/or consultation with neighbours and key stakeholders(a) Low level SIAMinimum Requirements for where Social Impact comment is required i.e.development stipulated within I8.3(2)(c).‣ Comment should detail whether any of the main considerations aboverelate to the proposal or the location of the proposal. A short response toeach of the questions within I8.3(1) will suffice, in particular:• Is the proposal likely to impact upon neighbourhood amenity andcommunity meeting places (including pedestrian commutingconduits, parklands, etc)?• Is the proposal likely to create any element of security or risk forany occupants, nearby residents or passing pedestrians?‣ Comment should outline the likely impacts upon adjoining land-uses andkey stakeholders. Comment may only require one or two paragraphsand is able to be prepared by a non-specialist.‣ Comment does not need to entail community consultation howevershould outline perceived impacts and any potential negative impact thedevelopment may have on the locality. In response to any potentialnegative impact, a response to each and a possible solution should benominated as to how the impact may be mitigated and incorporated intothe development design and operation.‣ Comment must outline if the proposal could likely give rise to anincreased demand for community facilities or services within the localityor increase or decrease provision of accommodation (housing).(b) Moderate level SIAMinimum Requirements for Social Impact Assessment as per developmentstipulated within I8.3(2)(b) above).‣ The SIA should detail whether any of the main considerations aboverelate to the proposal or the land location. A response to each of thequestions within I8.3(1) will be required, and in instances where anaffirmative is recorded, the applicant should provide a response as tohow any negative impact may be mitigated and potentially incorporatedinto the design or operating procedure of the development.‣ The SIA shall outline the likely impacts upon adjoining land-uses and keystakeholders. Comment should be comprehensive and prepared by asuitably qualified or specialist person with particular reference to bestpractice principles and other contemporary studies.‣ The SIA should entail a component of community consultation, record indetail all resulting discussion and comments received, and outline howany potential negative impacts raised may be incorporated into thedevelopment design and operation. Community consultation shouldPart I – Other Considerations – Social Impact Assessment I.85

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012‣ Group Homes (transitional and permanent), Boarding Houses, Hostelsand the like‣ Expansion or change of a non-conforming ‘existing’ or ‘continuing’ use‣ Home occupation (sex services), swingers clubs, sex/lingerie partypremises, and the like,‣ Demolition of a building with heritage significance or change of use of abuilding or place acknowledged to have social or heritage significance(as determined by <strong>Council</strong>).‣ Larger Urban Industries and Rural Industries with over 10 employees‣ Amusement Centres and Entertainment Facilities,‣ Car Parks over 20 spaces,‣ Places of Public Worship,‣ Seniors Housing and Residential Care Facilities,‣ Any other development Planning Staff interpret to likely presentcomparable social impacts to those listed above. This may include anydevelopment listed as requiring a high degree of SIA above (3.3(2)(a))with reduced potential impacts.(c) Low degree SIACircumstances where a Social Impact statement is sufficient - Developmenttypes which require low degree of Social Impact Assessment accompanyingthe application:‣ Developments, such as:• Small retail complexes• Medical Centres,• Urban Industries and small rural industries,• Educational Establishments‣ Expansion or change of a non-conforming ‘existing’ or ‘continuing’ use‣ Educational Establishments‣ Demolition of a building with heritage significance or change of use of abuilding or place acknowledged to have social or heritage significance,‣ Any other development Planning Staff interpret to likely presentcomparable social impacts to those listed above. This may include anydevelopment listed as requiring a moderate degree of SIA above(3.3(2)(b)) with reduced potential impacts.I8.4 Design Standards – SIA(1) Main <strong>Considerations</strong> - Checklist for all levels of SIAThe applicant will be required to address social impacts of the proposal withinthe Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) or any Environmental ImpactAssessment accompanying the application, with care to address the followingmain considerations:‣ Access and mobility (consideration of that provided, or existing)‣ Employment impacts<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Social Impact Assessment I.84

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