Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012(2) Varying levels of Noise Impact Assessment as relevant to development(a) Low level Noise Impact AssessmentMinimum Requirements for where Noise Impact comment is required i.e.development stipulated within I7.3:‣ A statement summary as to whether there are any inconsistencies withthe existing land uses and the use proposed. Each land use should beaddressed individually (possibly in tabulated form) and a statementsummary supplied.‣ Comment should detail whether any of the main considerations aboverelate to the proposal or the location of the proposal. A short response toeach of the questions within I7.3(1) will suffice, in particular:• Is the proposal likely to impact upon adjoining land-uses(particularly if they are noise-sensitive), neighbourhood amenityand/or community land/meeting places (including pedestriancommuting conduits, parklands, etc)?‣ Comment should outline the likely impacts upon adjoining land-uses andkey stakeholders. Comment need not be prepared by a suitably qualifiedperson however must address all potential impacts and suggest possiblemitigating measures.‣ Comment does not need to entail predictive acoustic readings howevershould endeavour to quantitatively and qualitatively itemise all noisegenerating sources likely to be audible beyond the subject propertyboundary. In instances where the noise source is likely to generatesound which could be reasonably expected to be a nuisance, detail shallbe provided as to how impact may be mitigated.(b) Moderate level NIAMinimum Requirements for Social Impact Assessment as per developmentstipulated within I7.3 above:‣ A comprehensive summary as to whether there are any inconsistencieswith nearby existing land uses and the use proposed. Each adjoiningland-use should be addressed individually (possibly in tabulated form)and a paragraph summary supplied to outline all noise impacts andconsiderations. The NIA must provide a detailed response as to whetherany of the main considerations within I7.3(1) relate to the proposal or thelocation. If an affirmative response to any I7.3(1) consideration isrecorded, the applicant should demonstrate how negative impact may bemitigated and potentially incorporated into the design or operatingprocedure of the development.‣ The NIA shall outline all potential impacts upon adjoining land-uses andkey stakeholders. A report shall be comprehensive and prepared byperson or persons suitably qualified in acoustic reporting with referenceto best practice principles concerning contemporary acoustic reporting.Acoustic levels recorded (both background and peak shall be providedand incorporated into reasoning within the report.‣ The NIA should entail a component of community consultation, record indetail all resulting discussion and comments received, and outline howany potential negative impacts raised may be incorporated into thePart I – Other Considerations – Noise Impact Assessment I.76

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012development design and operation. Community consultation shouldconcentrate on immediate neighbouring land-uses and main stakeholders.(c) High level SIAMinimum Requirements for Social Impact Assessment as per developmentstipulated within I7.3:‣ A comprehensive report shall be provided detailing any inconsistencieswith nearby existing land uses and the use proposed. Each adjoiningland-use should be addressed individually with a comprehensivesummary supplied to outline all noise impacts and considerations. TheNIA must provide a detailed response as to whether any of the mainconsiderations within I7.3(1) relate to the proposal or the location. If anaffirmative response to any I7.3(1) consideration is recorded, theapplicant must provide detail as to how negative impact will be mitigatedand measures incorporated into the design and/or operating procedureof the development to alleviate all noise impacts.‣ The NIA shall outline all potential impacts upon adjoining land-uses andkey stakeholders. A report shall be comprehensive and prepared by asuitably qualified acoustic engineer with particular reference to bestpractice principles and other contemporary studies (see section I7.5below).‣ The NIA is required to outline all potential impacts upon adjoining landusesand key stakeholders identified as a result of a comprehensivescoping component of the assessment. The acoustic engineer isrequired to address all impacted receivers and as well as suggestingongoing monitoring measures to improve upon existing land-useoperation and reporting procedures. Representative contact detailsshould be made readily available to any member of the effected public torecord and respond to offensive noise events. The operating proceduresof the development shall incorporate monitoring and responseprocedures which will ensure ongoing noise level compliance.‣ The NIA shall incorporate a record of consultation with immediateneighbouring land-uses and key stakeholders. Comments and issuesraised should be documented preferably written and signed ‘letterhead’with responses from the applicant as to how the issues raised supportthe development, or suggest mitigating measures which may beincorporated to lessen the impact of the issue raised.‣ The applicant is required to provide a comprehensive analysis of allpotential impacts identified as a result of in-depth analysis of the locationand active/passive use of the proposal site and surrounds. All impactsshould be reported alongside all impacts resulting from community &stakeholder consultation. The proponent is also required to presentsuggested impact minimisation of all perceived impacts.‣ The NIA should entail a component of community consultation, record indetail all resulting discussion and comments received, and outline howany potential negative impacts raised may be incorporated into thedevelopment design and operation. Community consultation shouldPart I – Other Considerations – Noise Impact Assessment I.77

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012development design and operation. Community consultation shouldconcentrate on immediate neighbouring land-uses and main stakeholders.(c) High level SIAMinimum Requirements for Social Impact Assessment as per developmentstipulated within I7.3:‣ A comprehensive report shall be provided detailing any inconsistencieswith nearby existing land uses and the use proposed. Each adjoiningland-use should be addressed individually with a comprehensivesummary supplied to outline all noise impacts and considerations. TheNIA must provide a detailed response as to whether any of the mainconsiderations within I7.3(1) relate to the proposal or the location. If anaffirmative response to any I7.3(1) consideration is recorded, theapplicant must provide detail as to how negative impact will be mitigatedand measures incorporated into the design and/or operating procedureof the development to alleviate all noise impacts.‣ The NIA shall outline all potential impacts upon adjoining land-uses andkey stakeholders. A report shall be comprehensive and prepared by asuitably qualified acoustic engineer with particular reference to bestpractice principles and other contemporary studies (see section I7.5below).‣ The NIA is required to outline all potential impacts upon adjoining landusesand key stakeholders identified as a result of a comprehensivescoping component of the assessment. The acoustic engineer isrequired to address all impacted receivers and as well as suggestingongoing monitoring measures to improve upon existing land-useoperation and reporting procedures. Representative contact detailsshould be made readily available to any member of the effected public torecord and respond to offensive noise events. The operating proceduresof the development shall incorporate monitoring and responseprocedures which will ensure ongoing noise level compliance.‣ The NIA shall incorporate a record of consultation with immediateneighbouring land-uses and key stakeholders. Comments and issuesraised should be documented preferably written and signed ‘letterhead’with responses from the applicant as to how the issues raised supportthe development, or suggest mitigating measures which may beincorporated to lessen the impact of the issue raised.‣ The applicant is required to provide a comprehensive analysis of allpotential impacts identified as a result of in-depth analysis of the locationand active/passive use of the proposal site and surrounds. All impactsshould be reported alongside all impacts resulting from community &stakeholder consultation. The proponent is also required to presentsuggested impact minimisation of all perceived impacts.‣ The NIA should entail a component of community consultation, record indetail all resulting discussion and comments received, and outline howany potential negative impacts raised may be incorporated into thedevelopment design and operation. Community consultation should<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Noise Impact Assessment I.77

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