Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012‣ Will the proposal likely give rise to an increase in noise within thelocality, either directly or indirectly through traffic movements, pedestrianaccess, operational equipment noise, etc?‣ Is the proposal likely to impact upon neighbourhood amenity and/orcommunity meeting places (including pedestrian commuting conduits,parklands, etc) through the direct or indirect emission of noise?The majority of development proposals will only require suitable commentregarding potential noise impacts within or as part of the Statement ofEnvironmental Effects (SEE) accompanying a formal application. Full NoiseImpact Assessment (NIA) is required for more comprehensive proposalswhich are likely to have larger potential noise impact upon neighbourhoodsand localities.The main distinction in the levels of NIA invoked below is the depth and rangeof reporting required within the proposal application. Section 3.4 outlines thedetail required for various levels of Noise Impact Assessment which may beattributed to the development types listed below.There is a high likelihood that most larger scale developments and proposalswill require comprehensive noise reporting or assessment, in many casesthese developments may also be ‘designated’ and require multiple additionalapprovals or concurrence from State and/or Commonwealth agencies.(2) The responsibility of the proponentIt is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure appropriate measures have beenincorporated into the development design and that all applicable sound levelcriteria are met (subject to approval and review) for the extent and life of thedevelopment. The proponent’s responsibilities also involve the following:‣ Determining feasibility of the project including constraints applicablebefore any project action or construction commitment is made;‣ Ensuring all noise generating criteria likely to be associated with thedevelopment are included within the assessment provided and anacceptance that additional costs are likely to be borne by the proponentif the noise report is inadequate;‣ Assessing all outdoor and indoor acoustical environments;measurements and readings must be supplied and extrapolated usingcommonly accepted and contemporaneous units and criteria;‣ Ensuring that the required control measures are incorporated in thedevelopment.(3) Determining what level of Noise Assessment is required for the proposal(a) High degree NIADevelopment types which will require an extensive and comprehensivedegree of Noise Impact Assessment accompanying the application:‣ Developments likely to generate noise and/or vibration impacts whichcould potentially significantly impact receivers within the vicinity andlocality, such as:Part I – Other Considerations – Noise Impact Assessment I.72

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012• animal boarding and/or training establishments (particularly dog &cat) – see Chapter I6 for further detail of other requirements• Any proposed use involving the operation of more than four (4)mechanical vehicles such as automobiles, motorbikes, go-carts, jetskis or similar at one time.• extractive industries of any kind (quarrying) which involve heavymachinery use which are within 500 metres of any residentialdevelopment, particularly involving noise generation of any kind(directly or indirectly) outside of usual operating hours (see below).Quarries which involve blasting and/or crushing requirecomprehensive noise assessment and are generally considered tosignificantly affect residences within 1000 metres.• industries, whether urban or rural utilising machinery use (within100 and 750 metres of residential development respectively)involving noise generation of any kind (directly or indirectly)particularly when outside of usual operating hours (see below fordetails of usual operating hours)‣ Any other proposed noise emitting development situated within 50metres (in an urban area) or 350 metres (within a rural area) of noisesensitive land-uses. If after-hours operation is proposed the trigger iswithin 100 metres (urban) or 750 metres (rural) of noise sensitive landuses(standard hours given below).‣ Pubs, clubs and discothèques, etc (registered clubs) or any other musicgenerating development (such as rehearsal rooms/halls, venues)‣ Late or very early hour premises such as Service Stations and fast orother food premises within 100 metres of residents; Depots,Entertainment Facilities, Function Centres, and any other similarpremise.‣ Any other development Planning or Environmental Health Officersinterpret to likely present comparable noise impacts to those listedabove.(b) Moderate degree NIA requiredDevelopment types which will require a reasonable and comprehensivedegree of Noise Impact Assessment accompanying the application:‣ Developments, such as:• Larger retail complexes, Neighbourhood Shops (late or earlyhours),• industries, whether rural or urban which involve machinery use(within 1000 and 200 metres of sensitive land-use respectively)involving noise generation of any kind (directly or indirectly) outsideof usual operating hours (see below for details of usual operatinghours).• Childcare (caring for in excess of 15 children) within 50 metres ofresidential or other noise sensitive land-use (nslu).• Places of Public Worship and public assembly,• Recreation facilities (indoor and outdoor, inc. water),• Schools (exceeding 15 pupils under 18 years),Part I – Other Considerations – Noise Impact Assessment I.73

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012‣ Will the proposal likely give rise to an increase in noise within thelocality, either directly or indirectly through traffic movements, pedestrianaccess, operational equipment noise, etc?‣ Is the proposal likely to impact upon neighbourhood amenity and/orcommunity meeting places (including pedestrian commuting conduits,parklands, etc) through the direct or indirect emission of noise?The majority of development proposals will only require suitable commentregarding potential noise impacts within or as part of the Statement ofEnvironmental Effects (SEE) accompanying a formal application. Full NoiseImpact Assessment (NIA) is required for more comprehensive proposalswhich are likely to have larger potential noise impact upon neighbourhoodsand localities.The main distinction in the levels of NIA invoked below is the depth and rangeof reporting required within the proposal application. Section 3.4 outlines thedetail required for various levels of Noise Impact Assessment which may beattributed to the development types listed below.There is a high likelihood that most larger scale developments and proposalswill require comprehensive noise reporting or assessment, in many casesthese developments may also be ‘designated’ and require multiple additionalapprovals or concurrence from State and/or Commonwealth agencies.(2) The responsibility of the proponentIt is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure appropriate measures have beenincorporated into the development design and that all applicable sound levelcriteria are met (subject to approval and review) for the extent and life of thedevelopment. The proponent’s responsibilities also involve the following:‣ Determining feasibility of the project including constraints applicablebefore any project action or construction commitment is made;‣ Ensuring all noise generating criteria likely to be associated with thedevelopment are included within the assessment provided and anacceptance that additional costs are likely to be borne by the proponentif the noise report is inadequate;‣ Assessing all outdoor and indoor acoustical environments;measurements and readings must be supplied and extrapolated usingcommonly accepted and contemporaneous units and criteria;‣ Ensuring that the required control measures are incorporated in thedevelopment.(3) Determining what level of Noise Assessment is required for the proposal(a) High degree NIADevelopment types which will require an extensive and comprehensivedegree of Noise Impact Assessment accompanying the application:‣ Developments likely to generate noise and/or vibration impacts whichcould potentially significantly impact receivers within the vicinity andlocality, such as:<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Noise Impact Assessment I.72

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