Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012(f) Environmental Management PlanAn Environmental Management Plan shall be prepared for the operation of theanimal establishment detailing, but not necessarily limited to the followingmatters:‣ Treatment and disposal of litter and effluent;‣ Odour Management;‣ Noise Management;‣ Biosecurity measures for the control and quarantine of exotic, endemicor emergency diseases;‣ Disposal of dead animals;‣ Food Storage and Vermin control;‣ Erosion control measures;‣ Water and Drainage management;‣ Chemicals and Fuel storage;‣ Complaints register;‣ Guidelines for the Operation, e.g. NSW Meat Chicken FarmingGuidelines (NSW), Greyhound Racing Control Board, etc;‣ Water storage and harvesting methods; and‣ Dust and air-borne particulate matter management.(g) On-Site Sewage ManagementThe preparation and review of On- Site Sewage Effluent Disposal for theseforms of land use is to be undertaken in accordance with Council's On-SiteSewage and Wastewater Strategy and associated guidelines. Further effluenttreatment methods and devices may be required for solids disposal and it isrecommended pre-lodgement discussions be held with Council to confirm thetreatment level and technique.(h) Land Use Conflict Risk Assessment (LUCRA)A LUCRA component to provide a site specific conflict risk assessmentrelevant to the location and sensitivity of adjacent, adjoining and nearbylanduses to ultimately determine the feasibility of the establishment in thelocation proposed and any required management response to potentialconflicts. Section I11 addresses the requirements of a LUCRA in detail andshould be referenced comprehensively for this component of the application.(3) Public Exhibition and ConsultationThe Public Exhibition and any required consultation shall be conducted inaccordance with DCP Section I15 – Notification and Advertising ofDevelopment and generally requires minimum 30 day exhibition period.(4) Site Suitability – Intensive Animal Establishments and Animal Boardingand Training Establishments – all other DCP considerations to beaddressedThe suitability of the site for the purpose of accommodating an AnimalEstablishment will be assessed during the application process. It would bemost advisable that the applicant and consultant engaged on the applicant’sPart I – Other Considerations – Animal Est. – Boarding and Training Est. I.66

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012behalf pay particular attention to, but not limited to, the following site suitabilityspecifications as to minimise poor site choices and wasted resources.Considerations relative to site suitability are listed generally here as they areimperative to siting animal establishments suitably;‣ Large and isolated rural allotment as to provide ample distancebetween sensitive receivers in respect to noise, odour and biohazard‘buffer’ requirements.‣ Adequate access as to provide ample entry turnout and line-of-sightdistance relevant to the intended vehicular type and numbers proposedfor the use of the property. The local road network from the larger arterialroads must be of a suitable width, grade and condition to be able toadequately support the intended establishment. The proponent may berequired to upgrade the road (and any associated works) to a conditionsuitable and/or pay contributions for use of the local road network basedupon the assessment of Council.‣ Relatively Flood and Bushfire Free – subject to specifications withinthis DCP and all relevant Council policies.‣ Relatively free of other Environmental Constraints – in particularthose indicated within the Natural Resource Sensitivity mapping andassociated provisions (see Section H4 – Natural Resource Sensitivity forfurther detail and requirements).Part I – Other Considerations – Animal Est. – Boarding and Training Est. I.67

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012(f) Environmental Management PlanAn Environmental Management Plan shall be prepared for the operation of theanimal establishment detailing, but not necessarily limited to the followingmatters:‣ Treatment and disposal of litter and effluent;‣ Odour Management;‣ Noise Management;‣ Biosecurity measures for the control and quarantine of exotic, endemicor emergency diseases;‣ Disposal of dead animals;‣ Food Storage and Vermin control;‣ Erosion control measures;‣ Water and Drainage management;‣ Chemicals and Fuel storage;‣ Complaints register;‣ Guidelines for the Operation, e.g. NSW Meat Chicken FarmingGuidelines (NSW), Greyhound Racing Control Board, etc;‣ Water storage and harvesting methods; and‣ Dust and air-borne particulate matter management.(g) On-Site Sewage ManagementThe preparation and review of On- Site Sewage Effluent Disposal for theseforms of land use is to be undertaken in accordance with <strong>Council</strong>'s On-SiteSewage and Wastewater Strategy and associated guidelines. Further effluenttreatment methods and devices may be required for solids disposal and it isrecommended pre-lodgement discussions be held with <strong>Council</strong> to confirm thetreatment level and technique.(h) Land Use Conflict Risk Assessment (LUCRA)A LUCRA component to provide a site specific conflict risk assessmentrelevant to the location and sensitivity of adjacent, adjoining and nearbylanduses to ultimately determine the feasibility of the establishment in thelocation proposed and any required management response to potentialconflicts. Section I11 addresses the requirements of a LUCRA in detail andshould be referenced comprehensively for this component of the application.(3) Public Exhibition and ConsultationThe Public Exhibition and any required consultation shall be conducted inaccordance with DCP Section I15 – Notification and Advertising ofDevelopment and generally requires minimum 30 day exhibition period.(4) Site Suitability – Intensive Animal Establishments and Animal Boardingand Training Establishments – all other DCP considerations to beaddressedThe suitability of the site for the purpose of accommodating an AnimalEstablishment will be assessed during the application process. It would bemost advisable that the applicant and consultant engaged on the applicant’s<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Animal Est. – Boarding and Training Est. I.66

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