Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012demonstrate through detailed analysis why additional establishments will notbe a risk.(a) Intensive Poultry sheds – meat or egg productionEstablishments for the raising of poultry for meat or egg production will not besupported:‣ within 1.5 kilometres from any existing poultry establishment, or‣ within 500 metres of areas identified within Land Release Strategies, or‣ if the road access is unsealedFigure I6.3 Map showing Animal Establishment Constraints within RichmondValley Council Area.(2) Development Application Requirements – Animal Boarding and TrainingEstablishmentsA Development Application for an Intensive Animal Establishment, or anAnimal Boarding and Training Establishment, must include but not necessarilybe limited to the following detail within a comprehensive Statement ofEnvironmental Effects:(a) OdourAn Odour Modelling Report prepared by a suitably qualified person whichoutlines the extent of impacts of any odours both from the proposed land useand any cumulative impacts due to any existing land uses which may alreadyPart I – Other Considerations – Animal Est. – Boarding and Training Est. I.64

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012emit offensive odours. Such report is to be prepared with regard for likelyclimatic and prevailing conditions. The Odour Report is also to submitoperational procedures to further mitigation any impacts and to identify theextent of reduction based upon these practices.(b) NoiseA Noise Impact Report prepared by a suitably qualified person which outlinesthe extent of impacts of noise from the proposed use including the full extentand activities to be operating on site and also the activities associated with theproposal including the type and numbers of traffic which will be generated bythe land use. The Report is also to make recommendations for the mitigationof any noise impacts and is to identify the extent of noise reduction as a resultof these measures being implemented. Section I7 – Noise Impact Assessment(NIA) provides additional detail as to what is required for the preparation of adetailed application involving NIA.(c) Traffic and Road HaulageA Traffic Report is required to be submitted and must be prepared by asuitably qualified person, detailing, but not necessarily limited to:‣ the types and numbers of traffic to be generated by the proposal;‣ details of the existing condition, widths, depths of pavement and itssuitability or otherwise for the carriage of transport to be associated withthe land use;‣ proposed upgrading to be undertaken by the applicant includinglocation(s) of width or depth of pavement, sealing of pavement andextension of stormwater pipes or culverts along the route(s).‣ Detailed plans showing where access to the property is proposed andadequate manoeuvring area(s) are provided to ensure visiting vehiclesenter and exit the property in a forward motion. Car parking is to beprovided wholly within the property for a minimum of three vehicles,however more may be required based upon detail supplied as to staffingnumbers and operational procedures.(d) AccessEntrance/exit-way(s) to the local road network must be constructed to Councilspecification and provide suitable line-of-sight distance for exiting vehicles. Asa guide, around 150 metres is required to safely de-accelerate and pull off theroad in a 100km an hour speed zone. In all instances, Council reserves theright to determine whether the placement and access is suitable and safe. Allworks required to be undertaken must be financed by the owner of theproperty or proponent of the development, including any works proposed onthe road reserve verge.(e) Statement of Environmental EffectsThe Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) accompanying the applicationis required to describe in detail all aspects of the operation of theestablishment which may then be transcribed into a Management Plan for theland use.Part I – Other Considerations – Animal Est. – Boarding and Training Est. I.65

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012demonstrate through detailed analysis why additional establishments will notbe a risk.(a) Intensive Poultry sheds – meat or egg productionEstablishments for the raising of poultry for meat or egg production will not besupported:‣ within 1.5 kilometres from any existing poultry establishment, or‣ within 500 metres of areas identified within Land Release Strategies, or‣ if the road access is unsealedFigure I6.3 Map showing Animal Establishment Constraints within <strong>Richmond</strong><strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Area.(2) Development Application Requirements – Animal Boarding and TrainingEstablishmentsA Development Application for an Intensive Animal Establishment, or anAnimal Boarding and Training Establishment, must include but not necessarilybe limited to the following detail within a comprehensive Statement ofEnvironmental Effects:(a) OdourAn Odour Modelling Report prepared by a suitably qualified person whichoutlines the extent of impacts of any odours both from the proposed land useand any cumulative impacts due to any existing land uses which may already<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Animal Est. – Boarding and Training Est. I.64

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