Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012(i) Dual Road FrontagesWhere residential development is proposed upon land having frontage to 2 ormore public roads (whether formed or unformed), a variation of up to 50%may be granted to the Front Building Line Setback on the secondary roadfrontage. Such a variation shall only be granted where:‣ the development is for residential development,‣ it can be demonstrated that the neighbourhood amenity will not beaffected by the variation,‣ the secondary frontage does not contain a vehicular access,‣ all existing and proposed structures on the property conform to theminimum building line setbacks contained within Table I3.1 for theprimary frontage (Note. a building line variation to more than onefrontage may be rejected),‣ the variation only applies to one secondary frontage, and‣ the frontage is not subject to identified road widening.Council will determine on merits whether a frontage is secondary and haveconsideration of things such as:‣ there being no vehicular access via that frontage,‣ orientation of development (existing or new) and whether it faces awayfrom that frontage, and‣ the length of the frontage relative to the property’s other frontages.(ii) Regard to immediately adjoining buildingsVariation to the front building line setback may be granted where developmenton an immediately adjoining property is forward of the identified setbackscontained within Table I3.1.Such a variation shall only be granted where:‣ the variation is to a primary frontage,‣ the existing front building lines on adjoining properties, being used tojustify this variation, are not facing towards secondary frontages,‣ the development is for residential purposes,‣ the adjoining properties have been developed for residentialdevelopment (not commercial or industrial).To establish the varied front building line setback a straight line shall be drawnfrom the closest, forward most building element on the adjoining properties,excluding any building elements considered to be an articulation zonevariation. This line shall be the new building line setback. See Figure I3.2.(iii) Articulation Zone VariationAn Articulation Zone is an area of development permitted to be constructedforward of the front building line defined in Table I3.1.The Articulation Zone aims to encourage architectural relief along the front ofresidential development by permitting part of the building to be erectedforward of the building line by up to 1.5 metres with a maximum area of 7 m 2 .Part I – Other Considerations – Setbacks and Building Height I.40

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012Varied SetbackPrimary Road FrontageExistingResidentialBuildingSetback set by Table I3.1ExistingResidentialBuildingFigure I3.2 Defining a Front building line Setback Variation based uponadjoining development. (Line drawn between forward most elements onadjoining properties will become the new building line)Note. variation excludes consideration of that part of a structure erected withinan articulation zone.(b) Roads subject to Road WideningThe front building line setback to a road subject to road widening shall beincreased by 3 metres to that provided in this Chapter, to accommodate theproposed widening. Refer to Council Policy with regard to identified RoadWidening.(c) Commercial considerationsPedestrian areas should be accommodated into commercial developmentshaving a zero front building line setback.(d) Heritage Conservation Area considerationsFor development within the Casino CBD Heritage Conservation Area, a frontbuilding line setback of 10 metres shall apply to all development above theheight of the existing facade of the respective property.This setback is to provide for retention of existing facades whileaccommodating additional storeys that are outside the conservation area (10metres deep from the front boundaries along Barker and Walker Streets).By setting back such additions, and incorporating design considerations (referto Chapter I1.3(9)), there should be minimal impact on the streetscape of theconservation area.(e) Bush fire APZ considerationsLand within or adjoining a bushfire hazard may require larger setbacks thanthe minimums provided within this Chapter. Planning for Bushfire Protection(2006) should be consulted. The Asset Protection Zone should be containedwithin the boundaries of the land and therefore represents the minimumsetback, unless a larger setback is required by this Chapter or a developmentspecific chapter of this DCP.Alternative solutions involving reduced Asset Protection Zones may beconsidered on merit but will be subject to approval of the NSW Rural FireService.Part I – Other Considerations – Setbacks and Building Height I.41

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012(i) Dual Road FrontagesWhere residential development is proposed upon land having frontage to 2 ormore public roads (whether formed or unformed), a variation of up to 50%may be granted to the Front Building Line Setback on the secondary roadfrontage. Such a variation shall only be granted where:‣ the development is for residential development,‣ it can be demonstrated that the neighbourhood amenity will not beaffected by the variation,‣ the secondary frontage does not contain a vehicular access,‣ all existing and proposed structures on the property conform to theminimum building line setbacks contained within Table I3.1 for theprimary frontage (Note. a building line variation to more than onefrontage may be rejected),‣ the variation only applies to one secondary frontage, and‣ the frontage is not subject to identified road widening.<strong>Council</strong> will determine on merits whether a frontage is secondary and haveconsideration of things such as:‣ there being no vehicular access via that frontage,‣ orientation of development (existing or new) and whether it faces awayfrom that frontage, and‣ the length of the frontage relative to the property’s other frontages.(ii) Regard to immediately adjoining buildingsVariation to the front building line setback may be granted where developmenton an immediately adjoining property is forward of the identified setbackscontained within Table I3.1.Such a variation shall only be granted where:‣ the variation is to a primary frontage,‣ the existing front building lines on adjoining properties, being used tojustify this variation, are not facing towards secondary frontages,‣ the development is for residential purposes,‣ the adjoining properties have been developed for residentialdevelopment (not commercial or industrial).To establish the varied front building line setback a straight line shall be drawnfrom the closest, forward most building element on the adjoining properties,excluding any building elements considered to be an articulation zonevariation. This line shall be the new building line setback. See Figure I3.2.(iii) Articulation Zone VariationAn Articulation Zone is an area of development permitted to be constructedforward of the front building line defined in Table I3.1.The Articulation Zone aims to encourage architectural relief along the front ofresidential development by permitting part of the building to be erectedforward of the building line by up to 1.5 metres with a maximum area of 7 m 2 .<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Setbacks and Building Height I.40

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