Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012In the event a crash protection barrier is required by Council, certification froma suitably qualified professional shall be submitted demonstrating the barrierhas been designed and constructed so as to maximise safety of diners andvehicle occupants.(e) Furnishings to be temporaryAll street furniture associate with kerbside dining areas such as umbrellas,pots, tables and chairs, are to be temporary in design to enable removal uponinitiation of planned footpath widening or upgrades, or a lease is terminated.All structures/furniture shall be shown and approved within the developmentconsent plan.(f) Design/landscapingPrior to lodgement of a development application, discussions should be heldwith Council regarding the design and landscaping of the proposed kerbsidedining area.Any design or landscaping incorporated into the development should:‣ permit social interaction between pedestrians and dining patrons‣ provide positive contribution to the streetscape by:• permitting the visual continuity of the streetscape• not unreasonably obstructing the existing vista• where necessary encouraging the use of appropriate low barriersand bollards• associated plantings should not be used as a screening elementbut as a landscaping technique to soften the hard surface elementsof the streetscape• the design of the kerbside dining area shall maintain the visualintegrity of adjoining development• in certain circumstances the design of the kerbside dining are mayneed to address or incorporate elements for the visually impaired,disabled or elderly.(g) Development application requirementsAs is the case with any food and drink premises, a development applicationmust be submitted to Council for development consent. A developmentapplication is to contain:‣ a completed development application form accompanied by the relevantfee and per Council’s Revenue Policy.‣ Consent for the lodgement of the development application will berequired from the owner (usually Council), and the owner of the adjoiningpremises within which the principal business is operated.‣ site plans identifying the relevant areas in relationship to the applicant’spremises.‣ plans of the proposed kerbside dining area, whether it be for apermanent structure, or a moveable area including the location of allstructure, street furniture, bollards, barriers, walls, tables and the like.‣ a plan identifying any proposed landscaping.Part I – Other Considerations – Dev. In, On, Over or Under a Public Road I.34

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012‣ consideration of the condition and grade of the footpath and whether anyimprovements to the footpath are required, and any potential loss of carparking as a result of the proposal.‣ for larger scale developments, artist impressions, sketches andelevations of the proposed dining area may be required.‣ an assessment regarding the impact that the dining area will have uponvehicular movements and pedestrian movements, particularly for thevisually impaired, disabled and elderly.‣ details of the premises seeking approval for kerbside dining such ashours of operation, service of alcohol etc.‣ where necessary, an assessment of the proposed development inaccordance with the principles of Crime Prevention ThroughEnvironmental Design (CPTED).‣ All plans supplied must be to scale, and clearly identify furniture andother structures, include dimensions for such things as the pedestrianzone, trading zone and kerbside zone, and identify the location of theprincipal premises.In granting development consent, Council may impose conditions requiring:‣ the dining facilities to be moveable in nature.‣ the facility may only be operated at certain specified times.‣ the consent is subject to having a current lease or licence arrangementwith Council.‣ whether the consumption of alcohol will be permitted in the kerbsidedining area.Part I – Other Considerations – Dev. In, On, Over or Under a Public Road I.35

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012‣ consideration of the condition and grade of the footpath and whether anyimprovements to the footpath are required, and any potential loss of carparking as a result of the proposal.‣ for larger scale developments, artist impressions, sketches andelevations of the proposed dining area may be required.‣ an assessment regarding the impact that the dining area will have uponvehicular movements and pedestrian movements, particularly for thevisually impaired, disabled and elderly.‣ details of the premises seeking approval for kerbside dining such ashours of operation, service of alcohol etc.‣ where necessary, an assessment of the proposed development inaccordance with the principles of Crime Prevention ThroughEnvironmental Design (CPTED).‣ All plans supplied must be to scale, and clearly identify furniture andother structures, include dimensions for such things as the pedestrianzone, trading zone and kerbside zone, and identify the location of theprincipal premises.In granting development consent, <strong>Council</strong> may impose conditions requiring:‣ the dining facilities to be moveable in nature.‣ the facility may only be operated at certain specified times.‣ the consent is subject to having a current lease or licence arrangementwith <strong>Council</strong>.‣ whether the consumption of alcohol will be permitted in the kerbsidedining area.<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Dev. In, On, Over or Under a Public Road I.35

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