Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012Extract from the Heritage Act 1977Section 4 Definitionsharm means:(a) in relation to a building or work—demolish, or(b) in relation to a relic or moveable object—damage, despoil, move or alter, or(c) in relation to a place or precinct—damage, despoil or develop the land that comprisesthe place or is within the precinct or damage or destroy any tree or other vegetationon, or remove any tree or other vegetation from, the place or precinct.item means a place, building, work, relic, moveable object or precinct.relic means any deposit, artefact, object or material evidence that:(a) relates to the settlement of the area that comprises New South Wales, not beingAboriginal settlement, and(b) is of State or local heritage significance.Division 9Protection of certain relicsSection 138 DefinitionsIn this Division:excavation permit means an excavation permit referred to in section 139.historic shipwreck has the same meaning as it has in Part 3C.historic shipwrecks permit means a historic shipwrecks permit referred to in section 51.permit means an excavation permit or historic shipwrecks permit.relic includes a historic shipwreck.Section 139 Excavation permit required in certain circumstances(1) A person must not disturb or excavate any land knowing or having reasonable cause tosuspect that the disturbance or excavation will or is likely to result in a relic being discovered,exposed, moved, damaged or destroyed unless the disturbance or excavation is carried out inaccordance with an excavation permit.(2) A person must not disturb or excavate any land on which the person has discovered orexposed a relic except in accordance with an excavation permit.(3) This section does not apply to a relic that is subject to an interim heritage order made by theMinister or a listing on the State Heritage Register.(4) The Heritage Council may by order published in the Gazette create exceptions to this section,either unconditionally or subject to conditions, in respect of any of the following:(a) any relic of a specified kind or description,(b) any disturbance or excavation of a specified kind or description,(c) any disturbance or excavation of land in a specified location or having specifiedfeatures or attributes,(d) any disturbance or excavation of land in respect of which an archaeologicalassessment approved by the Heritage Council indicates that there is little likelihood ofthere being any relics in the land.(5) This section does not prevent a person from disturbing or excavating land in which a historicshipwreck is situated in accordance with a historic shipwrecks permit in force in respect of thatshipwreck.Section 140 Application for permit(1) A person may make an application to the Heritage Council for the issue to the person of apermit.(2) The application shall be in the approved form and shall be accompanied by such fee as may beprescribed.Section 141 Determination of application(1) The Heritage Council may determine an application for a permit:(a) by issuing a permit, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as it thinksproper to impose, or(b) by refusing to issue a permit.(2) Where the Heritage Council fails to determine an application for a permit within 21 days afterthe date of that application, it shall, for the purpose only of section 142, be deemed to havedetermined that application by refusing to issue a permit....Part I – Other Considerations – Historic New Italy Village Area I.182

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012Section 146 Notification of discovery of relicA person who is aware or believes that he or she has discovered or located a relic (in anycircumstances, and whether or not the person has been issued with a permit) must:(a) within a reasonable time after he or she first becomes aware or believes that he orshe has discovered or located that relic, notify the Heritage Council of the location ofthe relic, unless he or she believes on reasonable grounds that the Heritage Council isaware of the location of the relic, and(b) within the period required by the Heritage Council, furnish the Heritage Council withsuch information concerning the relic as the Heritage Council may reasonably require.Section 146A Disposition of certain relics(1) As soon as practicable after a relic is obtained from an excavation carried out by the holder of apermit, the holder shall notify the Minister of the existence of the relic.(2) The holder shall furnish the Minister with such information concerning the relic as the Ministermay reasonably require.Section 146B Minister may direct that relic be given to museum or other conservation body(1) The Minister may, by notice in writing, direct any person:(a) who is or has been the holder of a permit, or(b) who, in the Minister’s opinion, has obtained a historic shipwreck as a consequence ofhaving removed the relic without a historic shipwrecks permit, in contravention ofsection 51, or(c) who, in the Minister’s opinion, has obtained a relic as a consequence of havingexcavated land without an excavation permit, in contravention of section 139,to deliver the relic to a specified person or body (such as a museum) who in the opinion of theMinister has the facilities and expertise to conserve the relic.(2) Such a direction may be given on the ground that the person has obtained the relic as aconsequence of:(a)having removed the relic without a historic shipwrecks permit, in contravention ofsection 51, or(b) having excavated land without an excavation permit, in contravention of section 139,whether or not the person has been prosecuted or convicted of an offence in respect of thealleged contravention.Section 146C Forfeiture of certain relics(1) A relic the subject of a direction under section 146B shall be forfeited to the Crown.(2) No compensation is payable to any person as a consequence of the forfeiture of a relic underthis section.(4) EducationOne of the objectives of this Chapter is to inform the community of the likelypresence of archaeology in the New Italy area. This can be achieved byinforming the community, especially new property owners or prospectivepurchases of land, that they should have regard to potential heritage in thearea and take appropriate actions to avoid harming such heritage. Thisobjective can be achieved by the:‣ inclusion of clause 6.4 within the Richmond Valley LEP 2012‣ inclusion of this Chapter within the Richmond Valley DCP 2012, and‣ informing the community of the LEP and DCP requirements, the reasonsfor them, and where they apply in section 149 Planning Certificates, andthe like.(5) Preliminary AssessmentDue diligence is a process where reasonable and practical steps are taken todetermine whether a person’s actions could, in this case, harm archaeology orrelics within the New Italy Settlement Area. The Preliminary Assessmentprocess, forms a key element of due diligence.Part I – Other Considerations – Historic New Italy Village Area I.183

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012Section 146 Notification of discovery of relicA person who is aware or believes that he or she has discovered or located a relic (in anycircumstances, and whether or not the person has been issued with a permit) must:(a) within a reasonable time after he or she first becomes aware or believes that he orshe has discovered or located that relic, notify the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> of the location ofthe relic, unless he or she believes on reasonable grounds that the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> isaware of the location of the relic, and(b) within the period required by the Heritage <strong>Council</strong>, furnish the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> withsuch information concerning the relic as the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> may reasonably require.Section 146A Disposition of certain relics(1) As soon as practicable after a relic is obtained from an excavation carried out by the holder of apermit, the holder shall notify the Minister of the existence of the relic.(2) The holder shall furnish the Minister with such information concerning the relic as the Ministermay reasonably require.Section 146B Minister may direct that relic be given to museum or other conservation body(1) The Minister may, by notice in writing, direct any person:(a) who is or has been the holder of a permit, or(b) who, in the Minister’s opinion, has obtained a historic shipwreck as a consequence ofhaving removed the relic without a historic shipwrecks permit, in contravention ofsection 51, or(c) who, in the Minister’s opinion, has obtained a relic as a consequence of havingexcavated land without an excavation permit, in contravention of section 139,to deliver the relic to a specified person or body (such as a museum) who in the opinion of theMinister has the facilities and expertise to conserve the relic.(2) Such a direction may be given on the ground that the person has obtained the relic as aconsequence of:(a)having removed the relic without a historic shipwrecks permit, in contravention ofsection 51, or(b) having excavated land without an excavation permit, in contravention of section 139,whether or not the person has been prosecuted or convicted of an offence in respect of thealleged contravention.Section 146C Forfeiture of certain relics(1) A relic the subject of a direction under section 146B shall be forfeited to the Crown.(2) No compensation is payable to any person as a consequence of the forfeiture of a relic underthis section.(4) EducationOne of the objectives of this Chapter is to inform the community of the likelypresence of archaeology in the New Italy area. This can be achieved byinforming the community, especially new property owners or prospectivepurchases of land, that they should have regard to potential heritage in thearea and take appropriate actions to avoid harming such heritage. Thisobjective can be achieved by the:‣ inclusion of clause 6.4 within the <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> LEP 2012‣ inclusion of this Chapter within the <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> DCP 2012, and‣ informing the community of the LEP and DCP requirements, the reasonsfor them, and where they apply in section 149 Planning Certificates, andthe like.(5) Preliminary AssessmentDue diligence is a process where reasonable and practical steps are taken todetermine whether a person’s actions could, in this case, harm archaeology orrelics within the New Italy Settlement Area. The Preliminary Assessmentprocess, forms a key element of due diligence.<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Historic New Italy Village Area I.183

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