Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012Figure I1.1 Boundary of the Casino Central Business District ConservationArea and identification of contributory buildings.(ii) Infill development‣ Design infill and replacement buildings to reflect the general historiccharacter of the precinct and capture characteristic elements fromcontributory buildings and heritage items in the vicinity, see Figure I1.1.‣ Maintain a two storey building height at the street frontage. This twostorey height restriction may be relaxed where such construction issetback 10 metres from road frontages. Refer to facade treatmentabove.‣ Where sites are amalgamated, use articulation to reflect the formersubdivision pattern.‣ Maintain a balance of solid areas over voids--Large areas of plate glasscurtain walls are generally not suitable and may not be supported.‣ Use awnings and verandahs to reduce the bulk and scale of buildings.Part I – Other Considerations – Heritage I.16

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012‣ Use of articulation in facades such as string courses, cornices, pilastersand other features that break up the scale of facades is encouraged.‣ Painting of facades in corporate colours is not supported and corporateidentify should be established through appropriate signage.(10) Heritage IncentivesIn order to encourage proactive conservation and management of heritageassets in the Richmond Valley Local Government Area, owners of HeritageItems or items within a Heritage Conservation Area shall be given someincentive by Council.(a) Waiving of prescribed Development Application feesDevelopment Application fees (not including any applicable advertising,archiving fee component or the like) will be waived for proposals pertaining torestoration and conservation works on scheduled Heritage Items or itemswithin a Heritage Conservation Area. These works would include, but are notlimited to:‣ roofing, waterproofing and drainage works.‣ re-instatement of fences, verandahs, architectural features.‣ exterior painting.The General Manager has the discretion to waive Development Applicationfees in relation to scheduled Heritage Items or items within a HeritageConservation Area.(b) Heritage AdviceCouncil receives fundingfrom the Heritage Branchwhich partly funds theengagement of theservices of a qualifiedHeritage Advisor. One ofthe key roles of theHeritage Advisor is toprovide comment andrecommendations inrelation to developmentproposals. Council offersfree heritage conservationadvice to owners ofheritage listed items from both Council’s technical staff and the appointedHeritage Advisor.In addition, the Heritage Advisor is available to provide free pre-lodgementadvice in relation to proposed alterations/additions and infill development forproperties which are heritage listed. The Heritage Advisor is also able toprovide free advice regarding suitable management strategies, such asConservation Management Plan preparation, for properties of heritagesignificance to achieve best heritage outcomes.Part I – Other Considerations – Heritage I.17

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012Figure I1.1 Boundary of the Casino Central Business District ConservationArea and identification of contributory buildings.(ii) Infill development‣ Design infill and replacement buildings to reflect the general historiccharacter of the precinct and capture characteristic elements fromcontributory buildings and heritage items in the vicinity, see Figure I1.1.‣ Maintain a two storey building height at the street frontage. This twostorey height restriction may be relaxed where such construction issetback 10 metres from road frontages. Refer to facade treatmentabove.‣ Where sites are amalgamated, use articulation to reflect the formersubdivision pattern.‣ Maintain a balance of solid areas over voids--Large areas of plate glasscurtain walls are generally not suitable and may not be supported.‣ Use awnings and verandahs to reduce the bulk and scale of buildings.<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Heritage I.16

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