Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012I14.4 Design standards/controls – HomeOccupation (Sex Services)(1) Location – Home Occupation (Sex Services)(a) Richmond Valley Local Environmental Plan 2012‣ Sex Service Premises may only be located within the following zones (inaccordance with the LEP land use permissibility tables)• RU1 – Primary Production• B3 – Commercial Core• IN1 – General Industrial – (dwelling may pre-exist within industrial)(b) Additional locational guidelines for Restricted PremisesIn addition to the above zone restrictions, the following locationlimitations apply:‣ Consent shall not be granted to development for the purpose of a HomeOccupation (Sex Services) unless Council is satisfied that thedevelopment will not be adjacent to, adjoin or be within 50 metres of;• an educational establishment frequented by minors,• a child care centre or residential care facility,• a recreational area,• any other place regularly frequented by children for recreational orcultural activities,• a place of public worship, funeral chapel or funeral home,• a hospital,• any land zoned for residential use (exception non-residential RU5 –Village)• any other Sex Services Premises or where consent has beengranted for such.Exceptional design standards may provide for relaxation of the aboverequirements, subject to demonstrated alternate means of shieldingand/or separation of the premises from nearby receivers of not less than50 metres. Multiple Sex Service Premises will only be considered in anarea if can be demonstrated that conflict will not arise and that there willnot be an excessive congregation of premises leading to the creation ofan undesirable precinct precluding other legitimate land-uses.(2) External Appearance – Home Occupation (Sex Services)‣ Premises must be compatible with the surrounding built form in order todiscretely blend into the streetscape and area. Colour selection forfinishes must not be garish and detail for decorative finishes shall besubdued in nature.‣ Entranceways for pedestrian and vehicle access shall be well lit,however must not form a prominent feature within the streetscape. Allaccess shall provide equitable treatment of users including disabilityaccess. A single main entrance for clientele shall be provided which isout of sight of the streetscape and the general public.‣ Sex workers or any sex related products shall not be displayed from anywindow or doorway of the premises. No signage or graphics shall bePart I – Other Considerations – Sex Services Premises I.146

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012displayed on any exterior surface of the premises, apart from thatprescribed within the signage section below.(3) Operation Safety & Security (also see CPTED)‣ Sex workers or any sex related products shall not be displayed from anywindow or doorway of the premises. All activities, including the greetingof clientele, shall be confined to the interior of the building and shall notbe visible in any way or form from the outside of the premises.‣ Internal Car parking areas shall be well lit and signage visible within thepremise grounds shall be subtly lit and directional in nature only.‣ No spruikers of any kind shall operate within the road reserve, nor anyinternal car parking area, or on the land outside the building.(4) Car Parking - Sex Service Premises‣ On site car parking shall be provided at the rate of one space peremployee of the premises working at any time and one space per roomwhere sex services are to be offered as provided within the Statement ofEnvironmental Effects (the SEE) provided with the application. (seeChapter I4 detailing car parking provision).• Some reduction (up to 35%) in car parking provision may beconsidered if the applicant can demonstrate there is a provision ofadequate nearby on-street car parking which will not conflict withthe hours parking would be required by nearby land uses. Inaddition to providing this, the applicant must demonstrate there willbe no resulting impact and/or congestion of adjoining streets whichmay adversely affect adjoining properties or the amenity of thearea.‣ Car parking provided shall be easy for clientele to locate.(5) Signage – Sex Service Premises‣ Signage must be strictly limited to the identification of the premises byname and/or street number (the name in itself may not be reasonablyconstrued to be rude or offensive to the average person). One sign (ortwo signs on a corner allotment – one per frontage) a maximum of0.35m 2 may be displayed and may be dully illuminated producing anoverall luminescence per sign (measured at a distance of 400mm eachnot in excess of 20 candela (the intensity of one twenty (20) watt lightglobe measured at a 400mm distance). Additional signage not of anexcessive or lewd nature may be provided within the car parking area if itcannot be viewed from adjoining roads/streets or properties or provideexcessive spillage of light.‣ Additionally, the following provisions must apply to signage:• Must not contain any characters, depictions, pictures or drawings• Must not be representative by shape and/or form other than thenumber of the premises.• Must not be illuminated, flash or move in any way.Part I – Other Considerations – Sex Services Premises I.147

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012I14.4 Design standards/controls – HomeOccupation (Sex Services)(1) Location – Home Occupation (Sex Services)(a) <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Local Environmental Plan 2012‣ Sex Service Premises may only be located within the following zones (inaccordance with the LEP land use permissibility tables)• RU1 – Primary Production• B3 – Commercial Core• IN1 – General Industrial – (dwelling may pre-exist within industrial)(b) Additional locational guidelines for Restricted PremisesIn addition to the above zone restrictions, the following locationlimitations apply:‣ Consent shall not be granted to development for the purpose of a HomeOccupation (Sex Services) unless <strong>Council</strong> is satisfied that thedevelopment will not be adjacent to, adjoin or be within 50 metres of;• an educational establishment frequented by minors,• a child care centre or residential care facility,• a recreational area,• any other place regularly frequented by children for recreational orcultural activities,• a place of public worship, funeral chapel or funeral home,• a hospital,• any land zoned for residential use (exception non-residential RU5 –Village)• any other Sex Services Premises or where consent has beengranted for such.Exceptional design standards may provide for relaxation of the aboverequirements, subject to demonstrated alternate means of shieldingand/or separation of the premises from nearby receivers of not less than50 metres. Multiple Sex Service Premises will only be considered in anarea if can be demonstrated that conflict will not arise and that there willnot be an excessive congregation of premises leading to the creation ofan undesirable precinct precluding other legitimate land-uses.(2) External Appearance – Home Occupation (Sex Services)‣ Premises must be compatible with the surrounding built form in order todiscretely blend into the streetscape and area. Colour selection forfinishes must not be garish and detail for decorative finishes shall besubdued in nature.‣ Entranceways for pedestrian and vehicle access shall be well lit,however must not form a prominent feature within the streetscape. Allaccess shall provide equitable treatment of users including disabilityaccess. A single main entrance for clientele shall be provided which isout of sight of the streetscape and the general public.‣ Sex workers or any sex related products shall not be displayed from anywindow or doorway of the premises. No signage or graphics shall be<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Sex Services Premises I.146

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