Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012‣ fence and wall locations, heights, materials‣ swimming pools‣ privacy - adjoining private open spaces, doors and windows‣ street frontage features - poles, trees, kerbs, footpaths, crossings, streetfurniture‣ noise, odour and light spillage sources (e.g. main roads, railway lines,sports fields, air conditioning units, pool pumps, industrial areas)‣ heritage and/or archaeological features (indigenous and non-indigenous)on site and in the vicinity of the site include landscapes, buildings,conservation areas, special character areas‣ existing advertising signs.Assessment of Proposed DevelopmentIt is imperative that a site analysis include likely impacts of the proposeddevelopment and the measures proposed to mitigate these impacts. It shouldalso show where the site has been unable to incorporate the opportunities andconstraints of the site and the requirements of the DCP. Written and graphicalexplanations should be provided, for any site analysis, ultimately showing thesuitability of the site for the proposed use.Part I – Other Considerations – Context and Site Analysis I.134

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012I13. Use of shipping containersThe use of shipping containers for any purpose requires development consentunless the shipping containers are fully located within a building as part of anapproved use, or are part of the operation of a freight transport facility orrelated approved activity.I13.1 ObjectivesThe objectives of this chapter are:‣ to protect the amenity and/or streetscape of a locality where shippingcontainers are granted development consent, and‣ to apply development controls through guidelines for the installation ofshipping containers.I13.2 Design principles(1) Permanent use of containers‣ Containers visible from public places should not be visually intrusivewhen viewed from that public place or from an adjacent property;‣ Containers are to be maintained in good condition and installed in astructurally stable manner;‣ Containers are not to be located over services or utilities; and‣ The use of the container must relate directly to and be ancillary to thepredominant lawful use of the property.(2) Temporary use of containers‣ Containers are located so as to minimise visual impact; and‣ Containers are used for temporary purposes for a time not exceeding sixmonths.I13.3 Acceptable solutions(1) Permanent use of containers‣ Containers are limited to two containers per property;‣ Containers are to be fully screened from a public place and anyadjoining property;‣ Containers are not to be stacked unless fully contained within a building;‣ Containers are to be maintained free of major rust, and painted in acolour consistent with other development on the site;‣ Containers are to be installed and tied down to a concrete slab orfoundation capable of supporting the combined weight of the containerand contents;Part I – Other Considerations – Shipping Containers I.135

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012‣ fence and wall locations, heights, materials‣ swimming pools‣ privacy - adjoining private open spaces, doors and windows‣ street frontage features - poles, trees, kerbs, footpaths, crossings, streetfurniture‣ noise, odour and light spillage sources (e.g. main roads, railway lines,sports fields, air conditioning units, pool pumps, industrial areas)‣ heritage and/or archaeological features (indigenous and non-indigenous)on site and in the vicinity of the site include landscapes, buildings,conservation areas, special character areas‣ existing advertising signs.Assessment of Proposed DevelopmentIt is imperative that a site analysis include likely impacts of the proposeddevelopment and the measures proposed to mitigate these impacts. It shouldalso show where the site has been unable to incorporate the opportunities andconstraints of the site and the requirements of the DCP. Written and graphicalexplanations should be provided, for any site analysis, ultimately showing thesuitability of the site for the proposed use.<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – Context and Site Analysis I.134

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