Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council

Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council Part I - Other Considerations - Richmond Valley Council
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Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012NAI = Not an issue;SSD = Site specific determination (no standard buffer distance applies);BMP = Best management practice to apply given site circumstances. Buffer and/or management practice shouldrepresent duty of care to the environment and the public and include measures necessary to protect bank stability,maintain riparian vegetation and protect water quality. The incorporation of best management practice measures inproperty and farm plans is encouraged;STRC = Subject to relevant codes.Buffer distances represent the recommendations of the North Coast Land Use Conflict Working Group following asynthesis of existing guidelines and policy. In some cases, specific and relevant guidelines may require larger buffersor lesser buffers than those prescribed may be appropriate in the circumstances.Note 1 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with National Environmental Guidelines for Piggeries (APL2004) and Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 2 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with NSW Feedlot Manual(NSW Agriculture 1997) or AProducers Guide to Starting a Small Beef Feedlot in NSW (NSW Agriculture, 2001) and Assessment and Managementof Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 3 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with NSW Poultry Farming Guidelines (NSW Agriculture1996), NSW Meat Chicken Guidelines (NSW Agriculture 2004), Assessment and Management of Odour fromStationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 4 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with NSW Guidelines for Dairy Effluent ResourceManagement – Draft (NSW Agriculture 2004), and Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources inNSW (DEC 2006)Note5 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Rabbit Farming: Planning and development controlguidelines (NSW Inter-Departmental Committee on Intensive Agriculture, 1999) and environmental assessment inaccordance with Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 6 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Assessment and Management of Odour fromStationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006) and any other relevant guideline or policyNote 7 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Guidelines for the Development of ControlledEnvironment Horticulture (NSW DPI 2005)Note 8 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Turf Farming – Guidelines for Consent Authorities inNSW (NSW Agriculture 1996)Table I11.2 Recommended minimum buffers (metres) for key environmentalassets (From Living and Working in Rural Areas – A handbook for managingland use conflict NSW North Coast)Residentialareas & UrbandevelopmentRural settlement& on-site wastesystemsEducationfacilities & preschoolsRural touristaccommodationNative vegetation/habitat 50 50 50 50Ecosystem & wildlife corridors 50 50 50 50Estuaries & major waterways 100 100 100 100Minor waterways 50* 50* 50* 50*Wetlands 100 50* 50* 50*State & regionally significant farmland 300 300 300 SSD* Site assessment is necessary as 50m buffer may be inadequate given groundwater, soil type, topographyad site factors.SSD = Site specific determination (no standard or simple buffer distances apply).Buffer distances represent the recommendations of the North Coast Land Use Conflict Working Groupfollowing a synthesis of existing guidelines and policy. In some cases, specific and relevant guidelines mayrequire larger buffers or lesser buffers than those prescribed may be appropriate in the circumstances.Part I – Other Considerations – LUCRA I.126

Richmond Valley Development Control Plan 2012(1) Types of Buffers - LUCRASeparation buffers are the most common and involve establishing a physicalseparation between land uses where conflict could arise. The aim of doing thisis to reduce the impacts of the uses solely by distance separation, rather thanby any physical means such as earthworks or vegetation planting. These canbe fixed separation distances or variable.‣ Fixed separation distances generally apply in the absence of evidencethat an alternate lesser buffer will be effective in the circumstances.‣ Variable separation distances are calculated based on the site specificcircumstances given factors such as the scale of the development, riskof conflict and risk to the adjoining environment have regard to acceptedprocedures for assessing these risks. The odour assessment process inNSW involving stationary sources is a form of a variable buffer as itvaries according to specifics of the development and the site. Biologicaland vegetated buffers are buffers created by vegetation planting andphysical landscaping works. They are most commonly designed toreduce visual impact and reduce the potential for airborne-createdconflict such as chemical spray drift and dust and can help provideenvironmental protection through vegetated filter strips and riparianplantings. Landscape and ecological buffers refer to the use of existingvegetation to help reduce the impacts from development. They aremostly used to protect a sensitive environment by maintaining orenhancing existing habitat and wildlife corridors.‣ Property management buffers refer to the use of alternative orspecialised management practices or actions at the interface betweenuses where the potential for conflict is high. The aim of these buffers isto reduce the potential of conflict arising in the first place. Examplesinclude siting cattle yards well away from a nearby residence to reducepotential nuisance issues, and adopting a specialised chemicalapplication regime for crops close to a residence or waterways with theaim of minimising off-site impacts on neighbours and the environment.(2) Other Statutory and Recommended Buffers - LUCRAThere are other statutory and recommended buffers that can apply to specificsites and situations. These include:‣ bushfire protection buffers‣ mosquito buffers‣ airport buffers‣ power line buffers‣ rifle range buffers‣ railway line buffers‣ cultural heritage buffers.(3) Other Recommended LUCRA Minimum Buffers (m) for other land usesThe following table provides some minimum (metres) buffer distances forvarious land uses such as Waste Facilities, Sewage Works, Dip Sites,Boarding Kennels, Stock Homes/stables and Effluent Re-use Areas.Part I – Other Considerations – LUCRA I.127

<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Development Control Plan 2012NAI = Not an issue;SSD = Site specific determination (no standard buffer distance applies);BMP = Best management practice to apply given site circumstances. Buffer and/or management practice shouldrepresent duty of care to the environment and the public and include measures necessary to protect bank stability,maintain riparian vegetation and protect water quality. The incorporation of best management practice measures inproperty and farm plans is encouraged;STRC = Subject to relevant codes.Buffer distances represent the recommendations of the North Coast Land Use Conflict Working Group following asynthesis of existing guidelines and policy. In some cases, specific and relevant guidelines may require larger buffersor lesser buffers than those prescribed may be appropriate in the circumstances.Note 1 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with National Environmental Guidelines for Piggeries (APL2004) and Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 2 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with NSW Feedlot Manual(NSW Agriculture 1997) or AProducers Guide to Starting a Small Beef Feedlot in NSW (NSW Agriculture, 2001) and Assessment and Managementof Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 3 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with NSW Poultry Farming Guidelines (NSW Agriculture1996), NSW Meat Chicken Guidelines (NSW Agriculture 2004), Assessment and Management of Odour fromStationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 4 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with NSW Guidelines for Dairy Effluent ResourceManagement – Draft (NSW Agriculture 2004), and Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources inNSW (DEC 2006)Note5 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Rabbit Farming: Planning and development controlguidelines (NSW Inter-Departmental Committee on Intensive Agriculture, 1999) and environmental assessment inaccordance with Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006)Note 6 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Assessment and Management of Odour fromStationary Sources in NSW (DEC 2006) and any other relevant guideline or policyNote 7 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Guidelines for the Development of ControlledEnvironment Horticulture (NSW DPI 2005)Note 8 Subject to environmental assessment in accordance with Turf Farming – Guidelines for Consent Authorities inNSW (NSW Agriculture 1996)Table I11.2 Recommended minimum buffers (metres) for key environmentalassets (From Living and Working in Rural Areas – A handbook for managingland use conflict NSW North Coast)Residentialareas & UrbandevelopmentRural settlement& on-site wastesystemsEducationfacilities & preschoolsRural touristaccommodationNative vegetation/habitat 50 50 50 50Ecosystem & wildlife corridors 50 50 50 50Estuaries & major waterways 100 100 100 100Minor waterways 50* 50* 50* 50*Wetlands 100 50* 50* 50*State & regionally significant farmland 300 300 300 SSD* Site assessment is necessary as 50m buffer may be inadequate given groundwater, soil type, topographyad site factors.SSD = Site specific determination (no standard or simple buffer distances apply).Buffer distances represent the recommendations of the North Coast Land Use Conflict Working Groupfollowing a synthesis of existing guidelines and policy. In some cases, specific and relevant guidelines mayrequire larger buffers or lesser buffers than those prescribed may be appropriate in the circumstances.<strong>Part</strong> I – <strong>Other</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> – LUCRA I.126

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