Mother Tongue-based Literacy Programmes: Case Studies of Good ...

Mother Tongue-based Literacy Programmes: Case Studies of Good ... Mother Tongue-based Literacy Programmes: Case Studies of Good ...
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BangladeshReports/Books/Journals/Training Manual/Policy Papers Reviewed:Ahmed, Monjur.Nath R, Samir et al (2005) Education Watch 2003/4, Quality With Equity: The PrimaryEducation Agenda, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) -Bangladesh.Ahmed, Monjur.Nath R, Samir et al (2005) Quality With Equity: The Primary Education Agenda - Overviewof the main report, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) –Bangladesh, Dhaka.Chowdhury, A. Mushtaque R, Chowdhury, Rasheda K et al (2001) Education Watch 2000-A Questionof Quality, State of Primary Education in Bangladesh, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) –Bangladesh, The University Press limited. Dhaka.Khan, Serajud Dahar (Edited) (2003), Education for All –National Action Plan –2, 2003-2015,Interaction,DhakaKhan, Serajud Dahar (Edited) (2005), Advocacy Action Guide-Primary Education, In collaboration withCommon wealth education Fund (CEF), Interaction, Dhaka.Bangladesh Bureau of statistics (BBS) (2005), Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh-2003, Dhaka.Rajkumar Shaw (Editor) (2006), Adivasi SwashasoniNTERACTION (2006), Study on Assessment of the Primary Education Opportunities and Situations inNaogaon District.Non-formal Primary Education Programme (NFPE), ASHRAI (2006), An assessment of need of the Schoolsin the villages of ASHRAI’s operational Areas.ARP Progress Reports (2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006).Website Documents of EC (2006).ChinaEdmondson, Jerold, Zhou Guoyan, and Somsonge Burusphat . 2000. Introduction to Kam (Dong)Nationality in China. In Somsonge Burusphat (ed.), Kam, Chinese, Thai, English Dictionary, iv-xxiii. ILCRD,Mahidol University (Salaya), Nakhon Pathom, ThailandGeary, D.N. and Yongrong Pan. 2003. A Bilingual Education Pilot Project among the Kam People inGuizhou Province, China. Multilingual and Multicultural Development 24(4), 274-289.Geary, D.N., Geary, R.B., Long Yaohong, and Pan Yongrong. 1999. The First Step: Report on the DongWriters’ Workshop, Rongjiang Teachers’ School. A paper presented in Chinese to the First InternationalConference on Bilingualism, Central University of Nationalities, Beijing, 21-23 August, 1999.Geary, D.N., Geary, R.B., Ou Chaoquan, Long Yaohong, Jiang Daren and Wang Jiying. 2003. The Kam Peopleof China: Turning Nineteen. Routledge Curzon, London.Hakuta, K., Butler, Y.G. and Witt, D. 2000. How Long Does It Take English Learners to Attain Proficiency?University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute Policy Report 2000-1.Kosonen, K. 2005. Education in local languages: Policy and practice in South East Asia. In UNESCO, FirstLanguage First: Community-based Literacy Programmes for Minority Language Contexts in Asia, pp. 96-134.Unesco Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Bangkok, Thailand.[ 164 ]

Lindholm-Leary, K. 2001. Dual Language Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Education.Long Yaohong & Zheng Guoqiao. 1998. The Dong Language in Guizhou Province, China. (trans. D. NormanGeary). Dallas, TX: SIL International.Malone, D. 2003. Developing curriculum for endangered language education: Lessons from the field.International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 6(5), 332-348, Clevedon, England: MultilingualMatters.Stites, R. 1999. Writing cultural boundaries: National minority language policy, literacy planning, andbilingual education. In G.A. Postiglione (ed.), China’s National Minority Education, (pp. 95-130). New Yorkand London: Falmer Press.Stringer, M. 1995. Working Together for Literacy (Incomplete draft edition), Chapter 3. LinguaLinks 5.0,Dallas: SIL International.Thomas, W. and Collier, V. 2002. A National Study of School Effectiveness for Language Minority Students’Long-Term Academic Achievement. Final Report. Washington, D.C.: Center for Research on Education,Diversity and Excellence.ThailandBradley, D. (1997)“Tibeto-Burman Languages and Classification.” In David Bradley, ed. Papers in SoutheastAsian Linguistics No 14: Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayas. Pacific Linguistics, A-86, 1-72.Charuaypon Torranin. (2005) “EFA Implementation in Thailand.” Report to the Thematic Working Groupon Education for All. June 3, 2005, United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok.Dutcher, N., & Tucker, G.R. (1996) The Use of First and Second Languages in Education. Pacific IslandsDiscussion Paper, 1, East Asia and Pacific Region. Washington DC: The World Bank.Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005) Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, TX: SILInternational.Government Gazette. (1997) Vol. 114, Part 55a, 11th October B.E. 2540. ( Translation by the Office of the Council of State, Thailand.Kosonen, Kimmo. (2003) “Community Participation in Minority Language Education in Thailand.” Journalof Southeast Asian Education 4 (1), 104-136.----------. (2005) “Education in Local Languages: Policy and Practice in South East Asia.” In UNESCO, FirstLanguage First: Community-based Literacy Programmes for Minority Language Contexts in Asia, pp. 96-134.Unesco Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Bangkok, Thailand.Stringer, M. (1992) “What is the Multi-Strategy Method?” Notes on Literacy 18(3): 1-16.----------. (1993) “Community Involvement in Multi-Strategy Literacy.” Read 28(2): 10-17.Suwilai Premsrirat. (2006) pc.Womack, W.B. (2005) Literate Networks and the Production of Sgaw and Pwo Karen Writing in Burma, c.1830-1930. Unpublished PhD thesis. London: School of Oriental and African Studies.[ 165 ]

Lindholm-Leary, K. 2001. Dual Language Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Education.Long Yaohong & Zheng Guoqiao. 1998. The Dong Language in Guizhou Province, China. (trans. D. NormanGeary). Dallas, TX: SIL International.Malone, D. 2003. Developing curriculum for endangered language education: Lessons from the field.International Journal <strong>of</strong> Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 6(5), 332-348, Clevedon, England: MultilingualMatters.Stites, R. 1999. Writing cultural boundaries: National minority language policy, literacy planning, andbilingual education. In G.A. Postiglione (ed.), China’s National Minority Education, (pp. 95-130). New Yorkand London: Falmer Press.Stringer, M. 1995. Working Together for <strong>Literacy</strong> (Incomplete draft edition), Chapter 3. LinguaLinks 5.0,Dallas: SIL International.Thomas, W. and Collier, V. 2002. A National Study <strong>of</strong> School Effectiveness for Language Minority Students’Long-Term Academic Achievement. Final Report. Washington, D.C.: Center for Research on Education,Diversity and Excellence.ThailandBradley, D. (1997)“Tibeto-Burman Languages and Classification.” In David Bradley, ed. Papers in SoutheastAsian Linguistics No 14: Tibeto-Burman languages <strong>of</strong> the Himalayas. Pacific Linguistics, A-86, 1-72.Charuaypon Torranin. (2005) “EFA Implementation in Thailand.” Report to the Thematic Working Groupon Education for All. June 3, 2005, United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok.Dutcher, N., & Tucker, G.R. (1996) The Use <strong>of</strong> First and Second Languages in Education. Pacific IslandsDiscussion Paper, 1, East Asia and Pacific Region. Washington DC: The World Bank.Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005) Ethnologue: Languages <strong>of</strong> the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, TX: SILInternational.Government Gazette. (1997) Vol. 114, Part 55a, 11th October B.E. 2540. ( Translation by the Office <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> State, Thailand.Kosonen, Kimmo. (2003) “Community Participation in Minority Language Education in Thailand.” Journal<strong>of</strong> Southeast Asian Education 4 (1), 104-136.----------. (2005) “Education in Local Languages: Policy and Practice in South East Asia.” In UNESCO, FirstLanguage First: Community-<strong>based</strong> <strong>Literacy</strong> <strong>Programmes</strong> for Minority Language Contexts in Asia, pp. 96-134.Unesco Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Bangkok, Thailand.Stringer, M. (1992) “What is the Multi-Strategy Method?” Notes on <strong>Literacy</strong> 18(3): 1-16.----------. (1993) “Community Involvement in Multi-Strategy <strong>Literacy</strong>.” Read 28(2): 10-17.Suwilai Premsrirat. (2006) pc.Womack, W.B. (2005) Literate Networks and the Production <strong>of</strong> Sgaw and Pwo Karen Writing in Burma, c.1830-1930. Unpublished PhD thesis. London: School <strong>of</strong> Oriental and African <strong>Studies</strong>.[ 165 ]

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