Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING Star Trek Armada II - GAMING
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Star Trek Armada IIIn Armada II you play as three different races in the single player campaign, but inmultiplayer you can play up to six different races. Each race has many differentships, tactics, and also handle resources on the map differently. This makes verychallenging gameplay and many different tactics and strategies.Available NowStar Trek: Armada IIThe United Federation of Planets is an interstellar alliance ofplanetary governments and colonies established in 2161.There are over 150 members of the Federation and theirterritory spreads across 8,000 light years. The UFP isgoverned by the Federation Council, composed ofrepresentatives from the various planets and located in theEarth city of San Francisco. The agency responsible for alldeep space exploration, scientific research, and militaryactions for the Federation is known as Star Fleet. Starfleetprovides security and defense for all the colonies of the Federation through its vastfleet of starships. The flagship of the Federation – and the pride of Starfleet – is theUSS Enterprise-E, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard.The Klingon Empire was founded over 1,500 years ago onthe planet of Qo’nos by Kahless the Unforgettable. Klingonsare a humanoid warrior civilization bound by pride,tradition, and honor. Their violent and aggressive naturehas made them an interstellar power to be respected. Eachchapter of the Empire’s existence has been wroughtthrough war and violence, then scrawled upon the pages ofhistory with the blood of the dishonored. The KlingonEmpire’s ruling body has fluctuated throughout historybetween an Emperor or the Klingon High Council. The current Klingon Chancellor isMartok, who elected the title after Worf, son of Mogh, killed the previous Chancellorin a duel.[ Return to Top ] (1 of 3)12/12/2003 7:05:24 AM

Star Trek Armada IIThe Borg are a monstrously powerful civilization ofenhanced humanoids with roots from the Delta Quadrant ofthe galaxy. The Borg have cybernetic implants, augmentingboth their technological and combat capabilities. Each Borgdrone is tied to an advanced subspace communicationnetwork, forming the Borg Collective. The Borg Collectivehave a shared consciousness in which the idea of theindividual is a nearly meaningless concept. The Borg exhibita high degree of intelligence and adaptability in their tactics– striking fear in all other species they come across.The Romulans are an offshoot of the Vulcan people, havingleft the planet over 2000 years ago to relocate on the twinplanets of Romulus and Remus. This exodus was inrebellion against the dogmatic Vulcan philosophy of logicand pacifism prevalent in Vulcan society at the time. Thegoverning body of the Romulan Empire is the RomulanSenate, and their leader is known as the Praetor. TheRomulans are a passionate and aggressive people knownfor their stealth and cunning in combat. They have a largemilitary presence in the Alpha Quadrant, and have been involved in wars with boththe United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire in the past.[ Return to Top ]The Cardassian Union is a powerful alliance of worlds withthe homeworld of Cardassia at its heart. Cardassia's lack ofmetal and other natural resources fueled the Union'sburning desire to expand through military conquest. Aftermany years of hostilities towards the Federation, the rulingbody of the Cardassian government – the Detapa Council –begrudgingly signed the Federation-Cardassian treaty of2370. Soon afterwards, an invasion by the Klingon Empire –who suspected that the Detapa Council had beencompromised by agents of the Dominion – left the Cardassian government angeredand humiliated. Rumors have made their way to the busy trade routes of the AlphaQuadrant that Cardassian military scientists have been called back to Cardassia.First encountered by the Borg in the Delta Quadrant in2373, Species 8472 is unlike any race in the galaxy. Interdimensionalbeings, Species 8472 originate outside of theknown universe – from a place with no planets or stars, butonly matter. Species 8472 is capable of traversing thedivide between normal and Fluidic Space through quantumsingularities. Aggressive and single minded in their purpose,they pose a serious threat to all races. Requiring onlybiomass to function, Species 8472 has no need of dilithium,metal, or latinum – and virtually every object they encounter can be broken downinto some degree of biomass. Their ‘ships’ and ‘stations’ are in fact organic life-formsgenetically designed to a specific purpose, many are crewed by a single creature, andnearly all of them are mobile. The organic nature of their structures negates the needto repair – they are all capable of regeneration. Furthermore, their technology is sodifferent and advanced that they cannot be boarded or assimilated, and tractorbeams have no effect. There is no creation of separate units at different shipyards –the different organisms have the ability to transform themselves into other forms ofunits. Their presence in the universe is hostile, and they have already marked the (2 of 3)12/12/2003 7:05:24 AM

<strong>Star</strong> <strong>Trek</strong> <strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong>In <strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong> you play as three different races in the single player campaign, but inmultiplayer you can play up to six different races. Each race has many differentships, tactics, and also handle resources on the map differently. This makes verychallenging gameplay and many different tactics and strategies.Available Now<strong>Star</strong> <strong>Trek</strong>: <strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong>The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar alliance ofplanetary governments and colonies established in 2161.There are over 150 members of the Federation and theirterritory spreads across 8,000 light years. The UFP isgoverned by the Federation Council, composed ofrepresentatives from the various planets and located in theEarth city of San Francisco. The agency responsible for alldeep space exploration, scientific research, and militaryactions for the Federation is known as <strong>Star</strong> Fleet. <strong>Star</strong>fleetprovides security and defense for all the colonies of the Federation through its vastfleet of starships. The flagship of the Federation – and the pride of <strong>Star</strong>fleet – is theUSS Enterprise-E, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard.The Klingon Empire was founded over 1,500 years ago onthe planet of Qo’nos by Kahless the Unforgettable. Klingonsare a humanoid warrior civilization bound by pride,tradition, and honor. Their violent and aggressive naturehas made them an interstellar power to be respected. Eachchapter of the Empire’s existence has been wroughtthrough war and violence, then scrawled upon the pages ofhistory with the blood of the dishonored. The KlingonEmpire’s ruling body has fluctuated throughout historybetween an Emperor or the Klingon High Council. The current Klingon Chancellor isMartok, who elected the title after Worf, son of Mogh, killed the previous Chancellorin a duel.[ Return to Top ] (1 of 3)12/12/2003 7:05:24 AM

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