Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING Star Trek Armada II - GAMING
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Star Trek Armada IIWith Armada II we now have almost three times as many ships as appeared in theoriginal Armada. The total number of ships including: Combat, Non Combat, andHero ships is currently at 101 ships. The listing below shows a picture and descriptionfor a combat vessel and a non-combat vessel for each race in Armada II. Each ofthese vessels are new to Armada II and didn't exist in Armada I. Additional ships willbe revealed later near the launch of the game.Cargo ShipsAvailable NowStar Trek: Armada IICargo ships ply the space lanes, movingbetween the trading stations near worldsboth inside and outside the Federation. Theyare equipped with excellent shields but nodefensive armaments, relying on theirmaneuverability to get them out of harmsway.Intrepid-classIntroduced in the early 2370s, the Intrepidclasswas Starfleet’s answer to their growingneed for a versatile and quick class of ships,capable of excellent maneuverability at bothimpulse and warp speed. Using their variableconfiguration nacelles, the Intrepid-classships have greater control of the warp field.Armed with both phasers and photontorpedoes, the Intrepid-class ships rely moreheavily on their speed and maneuverabilityto survive in combat.[ Return to Top ] (1 of 5)12/12/2003 7:05:11 AM

Star Trek Armada IICargo ShipsKlingon cargo ships have come to be thenewest source of lifeblood for the KlingonEmpire, gradually supplanting the historicalKlingon economics of conquest. Lightlyarmed, they rely on their maneuverability tosuccessfully ply the space lanes.Koloth-classThe Koloth class frigate is the latest in a longline of variants based on the venerable D7class. The main difference being the originalD7 and the Koloth is the warp nacelles andthe main boom. The boom is larger to housethe additional equipment needed to powerthe weapon energy boosters. The Koloth isarmed with phasers and four banks ofphoton torpedoes.Special Weapon: Weapon Energy BoosterProvides an increase to both the range andeffectiveness of all energy weapons fired fromfriendly ships that are within a short distancefrom the frigate.[ Return to Top ]Colony ShipThe huge Colony Ships are the ultimateplanet assimilation weapon. MassivePlanetary Bombardment Torpedoes launchedfrom the tip of the Colony Ships are used toeliminate cities and planetary defenses, andthen a swarm of drones is emptied out ontothe planet surface.Tactical CubeThe Tactical Cube's function in the Collectiveis to assimilate enemy ships, stations, andtechnology. The Tactical Cube requires moreDrones than any other Borg vessel toperform its function efficiently. The TacticalCube is equipped with high yield energytorpedoes and energy beams.It is more heavily armored then the normalCube and is also equipped with HoldingBeam technology. (2 of 5)12/12/2003 7:05:11 AM

<strong>Star</strong> <strong>Trek</strong> <strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong>Cargo ShipsKlingon cargo ships have come to be thenewest source of lifeblood for the KlingonEmpire, gradually supplanting the historicalKlingon economics of conquest. Lightlyarmed, they rely on their maneuverability tosuccessfully ply the space lanes.Koloth-classThe Koloth class frigate is the latest in a longline of variants based on the venerable D7class. The main difference being the originalD7 and the Koloth is the warp nacelles andthe main boom. The boom is larger to housethe additional equipment needed to powerthe weapon energy boosters. The Koloth isarmed with phasers and four banks ofphoton torpedoes.Special Weapon: Weapon Energy BoosterProvides an increase to both the range andeffectiveness of all energy weapons fired fromfriendly ships that are within a short distancefrom the frigate.[ Return to Top ]Colony ShipThe huge Colony Ships are the ultimateplanet assimilation weapon. MassivePlanetary Bombardment Torpedoes launchedfrom the tip of the Colony Ships are used toeliminate cities and planetary defenses, andthen a swarm of drones is emptied out ontothe planet surface.Tactical CubeThe Tactical Cube's function in the Collectiveis to assimilate enemy ships, stations, andtechnology. The Tactical Cube requires moreDrones than any other Borg vessel toperform its function efficiently. The TacticalCube is equipped with high yield energytorpedoes and energy beams.It is more heavily armored then the normalCube and is also equipped with HoldingBeam technology. (2 of 5)12/12/2003 7:05:11 AM

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