Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING Star Trek Armada II - GAMING
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Armada II Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 66CARDASSIAN UNIONCARDASSIAN UNIONLegate-classThe Legate-class cruiser is equipped with powerfulplasma torpedoes, providing the ship with long-rangebombardment capabilities. Fleets with the Legate in itgain the benefits of its extended offensive range.Brinok-classBrinok-class ships are long-range patrol cruisers thatare frequently found patrolling the borders of theCardassian Union. They are equipped with cloakingdevices and a devastating array of plasma banks andphasers—making them lethal opponents in combat.Special Weapon: DronesBrinok-class ship can be adapted to launch a number of remote piloted dronesat a target that are extremely difficult to evade.Rasilak-classA lightly armed and armored ship, the Rasilak class ofship relies on its quickness and maneuverability topenetrate enemy lines. Once near an enemy vessel,it can deliver a debilitating payload.Special Weapon: Micro-organismsOnce equipped with this special weapon, a Rasilak candeliver a host of micro-organisms to a target ship that will eat away the ship’shull.Sartan-classBuilt for speed and offense, the Sartan is designed to bethe quick-strike tool of the Cardassian fleet. While itshull is slightly stronger than that of an averagedestroyer, it is lightly shielded.Kulinor-classRecently introduced by Cardassia’s secretive military engineers,the Kulinor is the dark new jewel of the fleet. Armedwith phasers and heavy shields, the Kulinor is capable offront-line offensive combat. The new technologies it can beoutfitted with make it a devastating multi-purpose vessel.Special Weapons:Plasma CannonDesigned for planetary bombardment, the Plasma Cannon is slung underneaththe Kulinor and launches a super-dense projectile at a planet’s surface. The onlyvalid target for a Plasma Cannon is a planet, and when a planet is successfullystruck, it will reduce the target planet’s population.Quantum Singularity EffectIf equipped with this special weapon, the Kulinor can open a gate to fluidicspace and bring a Species 8472 ship across. The Species 8472 ship gated in willthen attack the nearest ship. If the Kulinor that opened the gate is the closestship, then it will be the first to go.Impulse Engine BoostOnce outfitted with this technology, the Kulinor can receive a temporary speedboost.Shield Harmonics DisruptorEquipped with this technology, the Kulinor can lower the shields of an enemyship for as long as the special energy permits. Once the effect is over, thetarget ship’s shields will return to normal.Galor-classUntil the introduction of the Keldon-class, the Galor wasthe most powerful vessel in the Cardassian fleet. Equippedwith both phasers and plasma banks, the Galor-class shipsare powerful and dangerous adversaries.66 67

Armada II Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 68CARDASSIAN UNIONCARDASSIAN UNIONKeldon-classThe Keldon-class of ship are the new flagship of theCardassian fleet. Although it uses the same basic hulldesign as the Galor, the Keldon is equipped with morepowerful phasers and plasma banks. In addition, theCardassians have also equipped Keldon class ships withcloaking devices.Special Weapon: Plasma Bank OverloadOnce equipped with this special weapon, a Keldon can overload its own plasmabanks and delivers a deadly barrage of plasma energy to a target.Dreadnought MissileOften referred to as the Cardassian super weapon, theDreadnought is very expensive in terms of resources toproduce. It carries a charge of a thousand kilograms ofanti-matter, enough explosive power to destroy a smallmoon. It is unmanned and once a target is chosen and themissile hits its target, the target will most certainly bedestroyed. One of the uses of the Dreadnought is to takeout large stationary targets such as starbases and defensive outposts.THE CARDASSIAN STATIONSCardassian StarbaseThe Cardassian Starbase is the center of the Cardassianfleet in a sector. Once a starbase is operational, crewbegins to be transported into the crew pool at a steadyrate. Building additional starbases will increase thisrate. The station can build construction ships, cargo ships, and freighters,the basic units for establishing an outpost in the area. Once a starbase isconstructed, mining stations, phaser turrets, sensor arrays, colony ships,trading stations, shipyards, and research stations can be built. The Cardassianstarbase is armed with an array of pulse phasers for defense.Cardassian Mining StationThe Cardassian Mining Station is necessary for harvestingand processing dilithium. The facility comes with afreighter, which begins mining the nearest dilithium moonor latinum nebula as soon as the mining station isoperational. Once the freighter has a full payload, itreturns to the mining station to process the raw load.Cardassian Orbital Processing FacilityCardassian Orbital Processing Facilities are built byconstruction ships and are placed over a planet to tap theplanet’s metal resources. Once built, they stay in a fixedorbit over the planet while mining.Cardassian Phaser TurretThe Cardassian phaser turret is a small, unmanneddefensive platform. It provides support for Cardassianoutposts by firing at all enemy vessels within its range.You must have a starbase to build a phaser turret.Cardassian Sensor ArrayThe Cardassian sensor array is an unmanned, smallsatellite that provides line-of-sight in a radius around it.The sensor array can be modified to use a tachyondetection grid to locate cloaked ships if developed by aresearch station.Cardassian Trading StationThough the Cardassians have a ruthless reputation,they’ve also learned the benefits of trade. Onceconstructed, a Trading Station can be used to buy or selldilithium, metal, and latinum—particularly useful whenthere is an abundance of one resource but a limitedsupply of another. A cargo ship will need to be constructedthat can then be sent to other trading stations you construct, or tradingstations of other allied players (when playing Multiplayer). Ferengi traders willperiodically send trading ships to any trading stations you construct, generatinglatinum for you. You must have a starbase in order to build a trading station.68 69

<strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong> Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 66CARDASSIAN UNIONCARDASSIAN UNIONLegate-classThe Legate-class cruiser is equipped with powerfulplasma torpedoes, providing the ship with long-rangebombardment capabilities. Fleets with the Legate in itgain the benefits of its extended offensive range.Brinok-classBrinok-class ships are long-range patrol cruisers thatare frequently found patrolling the borders of theCardassian Union. They are equipped with cloakingdevices and a devastating array of plasma banks andphasers—making them lethal opponents in combat.Special Weapon: DronesBrinok-class ship can be adapted to launch a number of remote piloted dronesat a target that are extremely difficult to evade.Rasilak-classA lightly armed and armored ship, the Rasilak class ofship relies on its quickness and maneuverability topenetrate enemy lines. Once near an enemy vessel,it can deliver a debilitating payload.Special Weapon: Micro-organismsOnce equipped with this special weapon, a Rasilak candeliver a host of micro-organisms to a target ship that will eat away the ship’shull.Sartan-classBuilt for speed and offense, the Sartan is designed to bethe quick-strike tool of the Cardassian fleet. While itshull is slightly stronger than that of an averagedestroyer, it is lightly shielded.Kulinor-classRecently introduced by Cardassia’s secretive military engineers,the Kulinor is the dark new jewel of the fleet. Armedwith phasers and heavy shields, the Kulinor is capable offront-line offensive combat. The new technologies it can beoutfitted with make it a devastating multi-purpose vessel.Special Weapons:Plasma CannonDesigned for planetary bombardment, the Plasma Cannon is slung underneaththe Kulinor and launches a super-dense projectile at a planet’s surface. The onlyvalid target for a Plasma Cannon is a planet, and when a planet is successfullystruck, it will reduce the target planet’s population.Quantum Singularity EffectIf equipped with this special weapon, the Kulinor can open a gate to fluidicspace and bring a Species 8472 ship across. The Species 8472 ship gated in willthen attack the nearest ship. If the Kulinor that opened the gate is the closestship, then it will be the first to go.Impulse Engine BoostOnce outfitted with this technology, the Kulinor can receive a temporary speedboost.Shield Harmonics DisruptorEquipped with this technology, the Kulinor can lower the shields of an enemyship for as long as the special energy permits. Once the effect is over, thetarget ship’s shields will return to normal.Galor-classUntil the introduction of the Keldon-class, the Galor wasthe most powerful vessel in the Cardassian fleet. Equippedwith both phasers and plasma banks, the Galor-class shipsare powerful and dangerous adversaries.66 67

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