Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING


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<strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong> Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 60ROMULAN EMPIREROMULAN EMPIRERomulan Mining FacilityThe Romulan Mining Facility is necessary for harvestingand processing dilithium. The facility comes with afreighter, which begins mining the nearest dilithiummoon or latinum nebula as soon as the Mining Facility isoperational. Once the freighter has a full payload, itreturns to the Mining facility to process the raw load.Romulan Orbital Processing FacilityRomulan Orbital Processing Facilities are built byconstruction ships and are placed over a planet to tapthe planet’s metal resources. Once built, they stay in afixed orbit over the planet while mining.Romulan Plasma CannonThe Romulan Plasma Cannon is a small, unmanneddefensive platform. It provides support for Romulanoutposts by firing pulse phasers at all enemy vesselswithin its range.Romulan Spy SatelliteThe Romulan Spy Satellite is an unmanned, smallsatellite that provides line-of-sight in a radius aroundit. The spy satellite can be modified to use a TachyonDetection Grid to locate cloaked ships if developed bya research station.Romulan Trading StationThe <strong>Star</strong> Empire extends far into the galaxy, bringingRomulan trade and influence to myriad worlds. Onceconstructed, a trading station can be used to buy or selldilithium, metal, and latinum—particularly useful whenthere is an abundance of one resource but a limitedsupply of another. A cargo ship will need to beconstructed that can then be sent to other trading stations you construct, ortrading stations of other players (when playing Multiplayer). Ferengi traderswill periodically send trading ships to any trading stations you construct,generating latinum for you.Romulan ShipyardThe Romulan Shipyard has two bays, one for constructionand one for repair. This allows it to construct or repairone ship at a time. The Romulan shipyard can build theTalon, Shrike, Kestrel, Griffin, Draconarius, Raptor, andcolony-class ships.Romulan Torpedo TurretThe Romulan Torpedo Turret is a larger, unmanneddefensive platform. It provides support for Romulanoutposts by firing plasma torpedoes at all enemy vesselswithin its range.Romulan Covert-Ops. FacilityThe Romulan Covert-Ops Facility allows you to upgradethe Talon, Shrike, Raptor, Griffin, Veles, and Warbird-class,each with their own special weapon. When each newship’s technology is researched, a new pod is built ontothe covert ops facility. Though they are attached to thefacility, each pod has its own shields and can be targetedindependently from the main structure. If the covert opsfacility is destroyed, all pods on the facility are destroyed with it. A covert opsfacility can build the following pods:Tachyon Detection Grid—Talon-classRomulan Spy—Shrike-classMyotronic Inhibitor—Raptor-classSensor Jammer—Griffin-classShield Inversion Beam—Warbird-classCloak Enhancer—Veles-classRomulan Advanced ShipyardThe Romulan Advanced Shipyard has two bays, one forconstruction and one for repair, like its smallercounterpart. The advanced shipyard can build the Veles,Shadow, Venator, and Warbird-class vessels.60 61

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