Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING


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<strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong> Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 56ROMULAN EMPIREROMULAN EMPIREKestrel-classThe Kestrel-class assault ship is designed to transportCenturion assault troops across the reaches of space.The Centurions are specially trained to perform quickand efficient boarding actions, seizing control of enemyvessels and bases in record time.Note: Centurions can only be transported onto a shipwhose shields are down. Transport Attack will directthe ship to fire at an enemy vessel until the shields are down, and then begintransporting centurions aboard. In addition, the assault ships must alsolower their own shields during the transport process, leaving them vulnerableto enemy fire.Shrike-classThe Shrike-class is a favorite of the Tal Shiar, theRomulan Intelligence Agency, for its stealth and speed.Its cloaking device allows Tal Shiar operatives toconduct covert operations in unsanctioned areas ofspace. Shrike-class vessels are equipped with twoforward-firing plasma cannons.Special Weapon: Romulan SpyThe Shrike can be modified to accommodate a Romulan spy on board. The Shrikehas been specially designed with unique transporters, allowing it to transferthe spy onto enemy vessels without lowering its shields or decloaking. Ifsuccessfully transported, the Romulan spy accesses the enemy’s sensors, givingit line-of-sight on a targeted enemy ship or station for a short period of time. Ifthe Romulan spy is able to get on board an enemy starbase, it can access thatopponent’s entire communications network, allowing full line-of-sight on allenemy vessels and stations for a short period of time.Veles-classThe Veles-class is a protector of the Romulan fleet.Equipped with four banks of photon torpedoes and astandard arrangement of phasers, they make aformidable foe in battle. Additionally, Romulan weaponsscientists have enabled the Veles to extend the powerof a cloaked fleet of Romulan warships with its specialweapon.Special Weapon: Cloak EnhancerVeles-class vessels can be upgraded to use a Cloak Enhancer. When activated,this device allows nearby cloaked ships to perform actions that they could nototherwise perform while cloaked, including the use of their weapons.Raptor-classThe Raptor is equipped with the same tri-cobalttorpedoes as the Federation Steamrunner cruiser.<strong>Star</strong>fleet is still unsure how the Romulans were able toduplicate the technology, but it is suspected thatRomulan Tal Shiar operatives infiltrated <strong>Star</strong>fleet’s Corpsof Engineers and stole the plans for the weapon.Special Weapon: Myotronic InhibitorTo prevent the Raptor from being destroyed before it can unleash its attack, allRaptors can be outfitted with a Myotronic Inhibitor. This torpedo temporarilydisables the weapons system of an enemy vessel, rendering them ineffective incombat.Griffin-classThe Griffin was designed to compliment theRomulan fleet by confusing and disabling the enemy.Its reinforced shielding and ample crew allow it to bea formidable opponent in combat. All Griffins are armedwith powerful phasers.Special Weapon: Sensor JammerGriffins can also be outfitted with a Sensor Jammer. The sensor jammerunleashes a subspace wave that disables all enemy ships’ sensors in its wake.Draconarius-classOne of the latest additions to the Romulan fleet, theDraconarius-class is a sleek and deadly attack cruiser,capable of inflicting punishing damage through itsbanks of phasers and photon torpedoes.5657

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