Star Trek Armada II - GAMING

Star Trek Armada II - GAMING Star Trek Armada II - GAMING
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Armada II Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 46BORG COLLECTIVEBORG COLLECTIVECOMBAT SHIPSColony ShipThe huge Borg Colony Ships are the ultimate planetassimilation weapon. The planetary assault beam firedfrom the tip of the Colony Ship is used to eliminatecities and planetary defenses, and then a swarm ofdrones is beamed onto the planet surface.InterceptorThe Interceptor’s function in the Collective is to identifyunassimilated vessels and stations, determine theirpotential value, and assimilate or eliminate them basedon its evaluation. The Interceptor is equipped with anenergy beam.DetectorThe Detector’s function in the Collective is to exploreareas of space, evaluate their importance, and reportthe results to the Collective. The Detector is equippedwith a forward-firing energy cannon. The Detectorrequires a minimal crew to perform its function.Special Weapon: Tachyon Detection GridThe Detector can be adapted to use a Tachyon Detection Grid, allowing it tolocate cloaked ships within its sensor range.WedgeThe Wedge is one of the Collective’s key tools inassimilation. Armed with pulse phasers and themaneuverability to get in close to an enemy vessel, theWedge can lock a vessel in its holding beam as it sendsboarding parties onto enemy ships.Note: Borg boarding parties can only be transported onto a ship whoseshields are down. Transport Attack will direct the ship to fire at an enemyvessel until the shields are down, and then drones will begin transportingaboard. In addition, the Wedge must also lower its own shields during thetransport process, leaving it vulnerable to enemy fire.Special Weapon: Transwarp DriveThe Interceptor can be adapted with a Transwarp Drive. This modificationallows the Interceptor to instantaneously move to a location currently withinline-of-sight of the Collective or its allies, regardless of the distance.AssimilatorThe Assimilator’s function in the Collective is to assimilateor destroy all unassimilated vessels and stations. Itis equipped with high yield energy torpedoes.Special Weapon: Auto-AssimilatorThe Assimilator can be adapted with an Auto-Assimilator. This beam transfersthe crew of an enemy ship from its target and incorporates them into theCollective on board the Assimilator.HarbingerThe Harbinger’s function in the Collective is to providelong-range artillery assault capabilities against enemyfleets and installations. The Harbinger is armed withlong-range high-yield torpedoes.SphereThe Sphere’s function in the Collective is to assimilateor destroy all unassimilated vessels and stations. TheSphere is equipped with an energy beam and requires amoderate number of drones to accomplish its function.Special Weapon: RegenerationThe Sphere can be adapted to engage its regenerativesystems. Regenerating the Sphere temporarily increasesits repair rate and shield recharge rate.46 47

Armada II Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 48BORG COLLECTIVEBORG COLLECTIVEDiamondThe Diamond’s function in the Collective is to assist thecoordinated assimilation of unassimilated fleets andstations. The Diamond is equipped with an energy beamand can be adapted with distinct technologies necessaryto accomplish its function.Special Weapons:Shield RemodulationThe Diamond can be adapted to modify the shields of an allied vessel, makingthem temporarily impervious to attack.Computer OverrideThe Diamond can be adapted to emit an override frequency to an enemy vessel,allowing the Collective to temporarily take control of it.NanitesThe Diamond can be adapted to inject Borg Nanites into an enemy’scommunications system. Infecting an opponent with Nanites results in ascrambling of the enemy’s computer interface.Ultrium BurstThe Diamond can be adapted to fire an Ultrium Burst at multiple enemy targetsit has determined as unsuitable for assimilation. The Ultrium Burst severelydamages all vessels it targets.Harmonic DefenderTo protect the Collective’s fleet vessels, the HarmonicDefender is armed with Fleet Defense Phasers,short-ranged but wide-coverage weapons.Special Weapon: Special Energy RechargerWill recharge the special weapons energy of any friendlyships within a specified distance.CubeThe Cube’s function in the Collective is to assimilate ordestroy all unassimilated vessels and stations. The Cuberequires a significant number of drones to perform itsfunction efficiently. The Cube is equipped with high-yieldenergy torpedoes and energy beams and can assimilate oneenemy special weapon.Special Weapons:Holding BeamThe Cube can be adapted to use a Holding Beam on an enemy vessel. The HoldingBeam restricts movement of an enemy vessel and transfers drones directly onto theenemy ship.Technology Assimilation BeamThis beam is available on all Cube-class ships once you possess a TechnologyAssimilator. The beam immobilizes the target vessel and assimilates a specialweapon from the target vessel (assuming one is present), giving that Cube-classship the ability to use that special weapon. If more than one special weapon ispresent on the target vessel, then a special weapon is assimilated at random.Assimilating a special weapon and then bringing that Cube to a technology assimilatorstation can equip all Cube-class ships in your fleet with that special weapon.Tactical CubeThe Tactical Cube is a more powerful, more heavily-armoredversion of the Cube. Each Tactical Cube can assimilate twoenemy special weapons.Special Weapons:Holding BeamTechnology Assimilation BeamFusion CubeOne of the Collective’s most powerful vessels, the FusionCube is not made from resources at a shipyard, but ratherfrom the fusing together of eight cubes. Armed with eightbatteries of phasers and photon banks, the Fusion Cube canalso be adapted to assimilate the special weapon technologyof enemy ships—each Fusion Cube can assimilate up tothree enemy special weapons.48 49

<strong>Armada</strong> <strong>II</strong> Manual 10/19/01 10:22 AM Page 46BORG COLLECTIVEBORG COLLECTIVECOMBAT SHIPSColony ShipThe huge Borg Colony Ships are the ultimate planetassimilation weapon. The planetary assault beam firedfrom the tip of the Colony Ship is used to eliminatecities and planetary defenses, and then a swarm ofdrones is beamed onto the planet surface.InterceptorThe Interceptor’s function in the Collective is to identifyunassimilated vessels and stations, determine theirpotential value, and assimilate or eliminate them basedon its evaluation. The Interceptor is equipped with anenergy beam.DetectorThe Detector’s function in the Collective is to exploreareas of space, evaluate their importance, and reportthe results to the Collective. The Detector is equippedwith a forward-firing energy cannon. The Detectorrequires a minimal crew to perform its function.Special Weapon: Tachyon Detection GridThe Detector can be adapted to use a Tachyon Detection Grid, allowing it tolocate cloaked ships within its sensor range.WedgeThe Wedge is one of the Collective’s key tools inassimilation. Armed with pulse phasers and themaneuverability to get in close to an enemy vessel, theWedge can lock a vessel in its holding beam as it sendsboarding parties onto enemy ships.Note: Borg boarding parties can only be transported onto a ship whoseshields are down. Transport Attack will direct the ship to fire at an enemyvessel until the shields are down, and then drones will begin transportingaboard. In addition, the Wedge must also lower its own shields during thetransport process, leaving it vulnerable to enemy fire.Special Weapon: Transwarp DriveThe Interceptor can be adapted with a Transwarp Drive. This modificationallows the Interceptor to instantaneously move to a location currently withinline-of-sight of the Collective or its allies, regardless of the distance.AssimilatorThe Assimilator’s function in the Collective is to assimilateor destroy all unassimilated vessels and stations. Itis equipped with high yield energy torpedoes.Special Weapon: Auto-AssimilatorThe Assimilator can be adapted with an Auto-Assimilator. This beam transfersthe crew of an enemy ship from its target and incorporates them into theCollective on board the Assimilator.HarbingerThe Harbinger’s function in the Collective is to providelong-range artillery assault capabilities against enemyfleets and installations. The Harbinger is armed withlong-range high-yield torpedoes.SphereThe Sphere’s function in the Collective is to assimilateor destroy all unassimilated vessels and stations. TheSphere is equipped with an energy beam and requires amoderate number of drones to accomplish its function.Special Weapon: RegenerationThe Sphere can be adapted to engage its regenerativesystems. Regenerating the Sphere temporarily increasesits repair rate and shield recharge rate.46 47

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