THE OPEN LINE - Homewood City Schools

THE OPEN LINE - Homewood City Schools

THE OPEN LINE - Homewood City Schools


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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OPEN</strong> <strong>LINE</strong>Official Newsletter of <strong>Homewood</strong> High SchoolMay 2012Mission StatementThe mission of <strong>Homewood</strong> High School is toensure that each student realizes his or herunique potential in a school setting characterizedby a dedicated and exemplary staff, a supportiveand involved community, a recognitionand acceptance of diversity, an optimal utilizationof resources, an uncompromising commitmentto excellence, and a willingness to effectchange.In This IssueGuidance ................................................. 2-3Library ...................................................... 4Happenings ............................................. 5-7For Your Information ........................... 8Athletics…………………….. ............ 9Contact Information<strong>Homewood</strong> High School1901 South Lakeshore Drive<strong>Homewood</strong>, AL 35209Office: (205) 871-9663www.homewood.k12.al.us/hhsAdministrationPrincipal:Assistant Principals:Guidance CounselorsDr. Kevin MaddoxTyler BurgessEddie CunninghamJohn FinlayDr. Joel HennekeDr. Desiree SmithKenya Bledsoe - Dept. Chair; Senior CounselorAlison Glover - College and Career CounselorElaine Haskins - 9th and 10th grade; Peer HelpersAlida Hodge-11th grade and Testing CoordinatorOpen LineKent JacksonLori BeasleyFrom the Principal:Spring has arrived (quite early I mightadd) and we are in high gear preparing forthe final stretch run of this school year.We were very pleased with the way ourstudents transitioned back to class followingnine days of spring break. They allseem very eager to successfully completethe current school year.During this time of year, students andstaff members are under enormous pressure as they sprint toward thefinish line as they attempt to juggle multiple responsibilities duringthe busiest time of the year. At this point, we are vigorously planningfor prom, exams, senior awards day, and graduation. These culminatingevents mark the end of a long journey for the seniors. Thesenior class of 2012 holds a special place in my heart. I was privilegedto serve as their 8 th grade principal before moving with them tothe high school four years ago. I have watched these students growinto mature young adults and have gotten to know them on a verypersonal level. I wish each of them well as they prepare to embarkon a new journey.For the past three years, our school has promoted a Bike for Bagwellevent on April 27 to coincide with Relay for Life. During this time,our students help raise funds by making pledges and donations tostaff members to ride spin bikes during the school day. For the pastthree years, Kim Gossett has been the grand champion by raisingthousands of dollars through her classes. This year, the competitionseems to be more intense. The culminating event that day is a peprally in the auditorium.We would like to invite our parents to join in on the fun. If you haveany questions regarding Relay for Life activities at HHS, please contactMr. Justin Cannady at jcannady@homewood.k12.al.us.Until next time, remember to wear your seat belt.Kevin Maddox, Ed.D.1

HHSGUIDANCE2012-2013 Course SelectionOn March 14th, Course Verification forms were mailedhome. On the Course Verification form, please check forthe following:4 Core Classes– an English, Math, Science, and SocialStudiesElectives– total of 2 credits for rising 9th grade students;total of 3 credits for rising 10th-12th grade students4 Alternates– Alternates may be used to complete a student’sschedule.Changes can be made on the Course Verification form. Theforms should be signed and dated by the parent, even if thereare no changes to the form. The deadline to make changes andfinalize the courserequests is Friday,April 6, 2012 by 3:00p.m. Rising 9th gradestudents should turn ininto their HMS Englishteacher. Rising10th-12th gradersshould return the formto the HHS GuidanceDepartment.Visit the HHS Guidanceblog for additional information. (Click Guidance on theleft, then click the link to the Guidance Blog.)Upcoming Senior EventsCap and Gown Distribution– May 11th (5th period) in theauditorium (all fees must bepaid)Awards Day – May 18 at8:15 a.m. in the auditoriumBaccalaureate - May 20,2012 at 3 p.m. in the auditoriumGraduation practice at 9 amat Wright Center/ Samford Universitytheir graduation suppliesSeniors were excited to pick upGraduation – May 21, 2012 at7p.m. at Wright Center/ Samford University**Admission by ticket only***Students must wear cap and gown for all three eventsawardsday, baccalaureate, and graduation.Scholarship RecipientsMiller Allan – Alabama, Alabama Engineering, Rhodes CollegeKinsley Collins – Birmingham Southern, Saint Leo University,Christian Brothers University, OglethorpeAaron Joshua Crocker – Montevallo, Florida Southern College,MillsapsKatie Dixon– Mississippi SateteMarisa Dodson – Birmingham Southern, UAB, Mercer, BridgewaterCollege, Oglethorpe2(Scholarship Recipients Continued)Julia Kendrick - University of Vermont, Roger Williams University,University of Maine, University of MassachusettsKathryn Ford – UAB, Auburn, XavierRoss Furios– Birmingham SouthernNate Mann - AuburnEmily McDuff – Auburn, Alabama, TroyChandler Moore – Auburn, Mississippi StateRachel Ray - Mississippi State, Birmingham Southern, Sewanee,Oglethorpe, Judson, UAB, Belmont, Brenau, South AlabamaHeath Reid - AuburnStephanie Simpson – Mississippi College, Montevallo, UNA,Birmingham SouthernPatrick Stevens – Samford, Mississippi State, Troy, AuburnWalter Summerville - SamfordWarner Thompson - AlabamaCaleb Weaver - Boston College, College of CharlestonKern Williams - Auburn, AlabamaAttention Rising SophomoresAs noted on page 5 in the Curriculum Guide under the requirementsfor the AL High School Diploma and the ALHigh School Diploma with Advanced Academic Endorsement,two required electives include the LIFE PE and Health classes.Please note that there is no substitute for the LIFE PE class.The intention is for students to complete the required LIFE PEand Health courses prior to their junior year.There are options to complete the LIFE PE and Health requirementsfor students who will be sophomores during the 2012-13school year:Incorporated Class (Curriculum Guide, p. 31)-Offered during the regular school day-Takes place during one elective period-A year-long course-Includes LIFE PE (1.0 credit), Health (0.5 credit), and DriverEducation (0.5 credit)-Students can earn up to 2 credits upon completion of the courseBlended Course (Curriculum Guide, p. 31)-Offered as a “zero period” during the school year from 7:00-7:45 a.m.-A year-long course-Includes LIFE PE (1.0 credit) and Health (0.5 credit)-Students can earn up to 1.5 credits upon completion of thecourseLIFE PE, Health, and Driver Education during SummerSchool-Take any combination of these classes – LIFE PE, Health andDriver Education – during summer school at cost to the student-Take any combination during the summer prior to or the summerfollowing sophomore year-Summer School information will be on the HHS school websitein April.

HHSGUIDANCEUpcoming Scholarship Opportunitiesefferson State Community College is offering a scholarshipJopportunity to participate in the Jeff State Singers. Auditionswill be held March 27, 29, 31 and April 3, 5, and 6. Toset up an audition appointment, call Jessica Kaufhold at 205-856-7900.The Birmingham Branch of the American Society of CivilEngineers is offering scholarships to high school seniorsthroughout Central Alabama. The scholarship is restricted tostudents who attend a civil engineering program at a universityor college in Alabama. The application is available in theGuidance Department. Deadline is April 2nd.The Ensley High School Alumni Association, Inc. is receivingapplications for the Herb Hanes-Bill Sparks Scholarship.To qualify for the scholarship, the student must have participatedin varsity athletics, been accepted into a four-year Alabamacollege or university and complete the application. Applicationsare available in the Guidance Department. Deadlineis April 6th.The National Pan-Hellenic Council Birmingham Chapterawards a scholarship to one student, a graduating senior thatexemplifies high academic achievement, leadership, and involvementwithin the community. Essay is required. Applicationis available in the Guidance Department. Deadline isApril 6th.Junior League of Birmingham Memorial Scholarship – Applicantsmust have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 orhigher, enroll as a full- or part-time student in any private orpublic accredited two- or four-year college or vocationaltechnicalschool for the 2012 – 2013 school year; and must beinvolved in a volunteer capacity in the community and show acommitment to community service. Apply online at http://www.jlbonline.com/scholarships. Deadline is April 6th.The Ms. Senior Alabama, Inc. Pageant Board of Directorswill be awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving youngwoman based on academic and activity performance, financialneed, and essay. The essay must be 250-300 words on asenior adult women (60 or older) who has been a significantrole model. Applications are available in Guidance. Deadlineis April 6th.Junior Achievement of Greater Birmingham will award twoscholarships – The Gordon R. Lineberry Scholarship and thePeter Bolvig/BE&K Inc. Leadership Award. The scholarshipcommittee will consider the applicant’s personal statement,work experience, extracurricular activities, GPA, test scoresand letters of recommendation. Applications are available inthe Guidance Department. Deadline is April 13th.Visine Students with Vision Scholarship Program is offeringscholarships to students who have demonstrated a clear visionor goal for their future. High school seniors with a minimumGPA of 2.8 may submit an online application ataim.applyists.net/Vision. Deadline is April 16th.(Scholarship Opportunities Continued)he Carlton Reese Memorial Unity Choir, Inc. will awardT scholarships to deserving high school seniors from theGreater Birmingham area. Applications are available in theGuidance Department – a music resume is a requirement of theapplication. Application packets must be postmarked by April27th.Robert O. Finley III Foundation Scholarship is looking for applicantsthat have a parent that attended Berry High School,participates in any athletic endeavor, has an acceptable gradepoint average, has been admitted to a school of higher learning,and exhibits character traits such as outstanding citizenship,unselfish service to community, school, and faith. Applicationsare available in the Guidance Department. Deadline is May 1st.*Remember to check the Guidance link from the <strong>Homewood</strong>High School website to access important information about upcomingevents, scholarship opportunities, leadership opportunities,summer programs, and much more!ACTFREE ACT Prep Classes Sponsored by the Jefferson CountyAlumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.April 7 th , 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at UAB Business-EngineeringComplex 1150 10 th Avenue South Rooms 105, 109, 114Register online: http://eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=2924026843ACT Online PrepOur Media Center has an online ACT Prep program which allowsstudents to prepare for the ACT anywhere, anytime, fromany computer with Internet capability. This program is FREE toall HHS students. Sign up in the Media Center.Preview Day/Open HouseStillman Tigerfest will be Saturday, April 7th. Registrationbegins at 10:00 a.m. For more information, call 205-366-8817.Jacksonville State University’s Spring Preview Day will beApril 14th. Reservations are encouraged – visit www.jsu.edu/previewday to register.Spring for Furman is scheduled for Saturday, April 14th. Formore information, visit http://www2.furman.edu/admission/EngageFurman/Pages/SpringforFurman.aspx.College Fair 2012<strong>Homewood</strong> High School hosted a College & Career Fair onFebruary 9th in the Practice Gym. Over 40 representativesfrom four year and two year colleges, technical schools, cosmetologyschools, and military recruiters visited with HHSstudents to provide information on opportunities that are availableafter graduation. It is important for students to learn aboutoptions and have a plan for their future. Ms. Glover hopes thatevery student walked away with information to explore.3

HHSLIBRARYLibrary BooksThe library recently sent outabout 250 library fines andoverdue notices. Please help usto recover our materials beforethe end of the school year. Seniorswill not be cleared to graduatewith outstanding books orfines, and underclassmen willnot be able to register withoutclearing all debts. Books maybe checked out for three weeks at a time. After three weeks,if the student still needs the material, he or she must come byto renew it. Please help our students be responsible in returningmaterials!Book Club Spring Semester Datesand ThemesAll meetings will be held in the library from 3 to 4 PM. Wehope to see you there!Tuesday, April 3:The Hunger Games! To celebrate the new movie, we will discussThe Hunger Games trilogy and other dystopian novels.Tuesday, May 1:Books into movies end-of-the-year party! We will discussmovie adaptations of popular books and view excerpts fromsome of your favorite films.Scoop.it: Useful Tool for Web Researchand EvaluationIn the past few weeks, the library has been using Scoop.itwith a couple of classes, including Holly Hamm’s APLangauge and Comp classes and Melenie McBrayer’s EnvironmentalScience classes. This is a site that allows studentsto access up-to-the-minute news and information about topicsthat interest them. They can then choose the informationthey want to “scoop” and add to their topic page. Othermembers of the site can view their topic page, read articles,their comments, and make suggestions for new information.To create a topic, students add a title, description, and keywords for the site to use to search. The key words the studentsuse are important in finding relevant information. Thisgives teachers the opportunity to teach necessary searchingskills and ways to narrow results, so students aren’t lookingat a lot of information that isn’t relevant to them. Scoop.itcrawls the web using Google News, Google Blogs, Twitter,Youtube, and Digg to find information based on those keywords. It then lists articles as suggested content. Studentsthen have the opportunity to evaluate the article and source,and decide whether or not it is credible. They can discardthe source, or scoop it.Featured TitleThe Fault in Our StarsJohn Greenrom Destiny: Sixteen year oldF Hazel, who has cancer, meetsAugustus at a kids-with-cancersupport group and as they fall inlove they both wonder how theywill be remembered.From the author of Looking forAlaska, John Green delivers onceagain with The Fault in Our Stars.Norah Piehl, who writes for Teenreads.com, states that"John Green shatters expectations with this novel, turningassumptions about 'tragic' books --- perhaps even about theidea of tragedy itself --- on their heads."To read her entire review, go to:http://www.teenreads.com/reviews/the-fault-in-our-starsStop by the library to check it out today!New Technology in the LibraryAnew Promethean Board was installed in the Libraryover Spring Break. This interactive whiteboard is atool which allows users to create presentations that caneasily jump from one application to another, including theinternet. With interactive handheld devices, or “clickers”,entire groups of students can respond to prepared questionsthat are built into the lesson, or teachers can ask questionsspontaneously and the students use the clickers to respond.Lessons, called flipcharts, are storable, can be kept forlong periods of time, are easily shared between users, enhancingcollaboration. The flipcharts resemble PowerPointpresentations, but can be controlled at the board throughthe use of an electronic pen, freeing the presenter to be infront of the group, instead of tethered to a laptop.Many students at the high school have already been exposedto this technology at our three elementary schoolsand the middle school, so this acquisition offers a continuationof new technology. The Librarians will use the PrometheanBoard for instruction as well as communication,and teachers may schedule their own classes in the spaceto make use of this great new tool.4

HHSHAPPENINGSAnytown AlabamaAnytown Alabama is a wonderful opportunity for highschool students to develop leadership skills that they takeback to their schools and communities. Delegates are selectedso that every race, gender, religion, school, neighborhood, andability is represented. Students learn how to respond to difficultreal-life situations with kindness,courage and respect. Students alsolearn to appreciate other cultures andbeliefs while celebrating their own.-Camp program – June 3 rd -9 th atHargis Retreat Center (Chelsea, AL)-Applications due April 13 thApplications available on the YWCA website:www.ywcabham.org/anytownalabama/applications.aspTEEN COURTTeen Court is a REAL sentencing court for juvenile offendersrun by teens from across Jefferson who chargeteen offenders with misdemeanors or minorcrimes. Selected volunteers serve as defenseattorneys, prosecuting attorneys, clerks, bailiffs,and jurors. Teen Court teaches both volunteersand the offenders about the laws that were broken,the consequences of the offense, and howdue process is observed through court procedure.Applications are available on the ACLCE website (AlabamaCenter for Law and Civic Education): www.aclce.orgFreshman Advisoryn January, freshmen were introduced to the course selectionprocess by reviewing the Curriculum Guide, partic-Iularly graduation requirements for the Advanced Diploma.Students reviewed their transcripts to help guide courseselections. Sophomore core teachers spoke to freshmenabout options for English, Math, Science and Social Studies.Students received a checklist to follow as they workedthrough the course selection process.In February and March, students had an opportunity towork in small groups to gather information about colleges.Groups presented information to during Advisory so thattheir peers could learn about various schools and programs.Upcoming topics this spring include job and interviewskills (guest speaker from Publix will present for two days);resume-building skills; summer volunteer opportunities; abudget project; and preparation for final exams and transitioningto the sophomore year.The goal of Advisory is to support freshmen as they transitionto high school. Freshmen are given opportunities toconnect what they are learning in the classroom to lifeskills necessary for success in high school and beyond. Ifyou have questions about Advisory, please contact a teacher,counselor, or administrator on the Freshman Team.My Capstone Leadership AcademyExperienceBy Elizabeth Hale, HHS Sophomorehen I was selected to apply for The Capstone LeadershipW Academy, I was both honored and excited. While I wasn'tsure what to expect, I had a feeling that I was in for an experiencelike no other. Fortunately for me, Iwas accepted into the Academy andbegan to make plans to attend.Upon arriving in Tuscaloosa, I wasgreeted by students and facultymembers from the University of AlabamaHonors College. I had the privilegeof staying in the Hotel Capstoneon campus and after checkingin, my mom and I boarded a bus fora guided tour which was very informative.That night, a prominentmember of the University's Greek Relief team spoke to us abouther experience with the April 27th tornado and her effort to helpvictims as a leader. As the Academy progressed, we were giventhe opportunity to learn about our small group members. I was apart of the orange group; we called ourselves Sunkist.During the weekend, we focused on our values, vision, and voice.The speakers gave insight on their experiences as a leader andtheir thoughts on the topics. Afterwards, we were able to discussthe lecture with our small groups and give thoughts about ourown leadership styles and experiences. As the Academy came to aclose, we shared skits about what we learned with our parents andthe other groups.While I was sad that it was over, I am excited to implement mynewfound leadership skills within my extracurricular activitiesand in the classroom. I intend to use my values to guide my leadershipabilities. There are numerous important values, but a fewthat stand out to me are responsibility, integrity, and compassion.I am very thankful to have been chosen to attend the CapstoneLeadership Academy!Summer Program at UABhe 2012 National Science Foundation Alabama LSAMPT Summer Bridge Program is a special academic opportunitydesigned specifically for high-achieving underrepresented minorityhigh school seniors that plan to attend an ALSAMP Institutionin the fall and major in science, technology, engineering or mathematics.ALSAMP Institutions are Alabama A&M, AlabamaState, Auburn, Miles, Oakwood, Stillman, Talladega, Tuskegee,Alabama, UAB, UAH, and USA. Selected applicants will be enrolledin 6 credit hours at UAB. All tuition, housing, books, andmeals will be provided in addition to a $1,500 stipend. See Ms.Glover if you are interested in applying. Deadline to submit applicationis April 26th.5

HHSHAPPENINGSNational Honor Society Inducts NewMembersn Tuesday, March 6, 2012, the Patricia Ragland TolbertO Chapter of the <strong>Homewood</strong> High School National HonorSociety inducted its new members for the 2011-2012 school year.The Patricia Ragland Tolbert Chapter of the National Honor Societyrecognizes the academic talents of <strong>Homewood</strong> High School'stop juniors and seniors. Membership is based on the qualities ofscholarship (a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher), service, leadershipand character. Members must attend meetings, maintain academicstandards, be involved in individual and chapter serviceand leadership projects and remain upstanding in character. It isan honor to be selected and to serve in this organization.<strong>Homewood</strong> administrators and teachers salute these outstandingstudents. We encourage all <strong>Homewood</strong> High Students to upholdthe ideals of the National Honor Society.The new members for 2011-2012 are:Taylor AlfordEman AntarLina AntarChris AtchisonAimee BalsZach BlomelyChris CampbellSebastian CannovaLauren CollinsDonald DeMetzEdward DeMetzAllise FortinberryRoss FurioMary GentrySarah HardamanEden HarrisJacob HelfAli HolderAnn Casey HughesBrent HughesAngelica JaimesScholarship FinalistsCGrace KyleMichael LummisThomas MontgomeryKelsey MorelliMary Claire NaborsKevin NixonWill PalmisanoConner PetersonCamille PonsetiSarah PottsRebecca RileyMack SextonKathryn ShewmakeDrew ShroyerGabrielle SmithGrant SmithMegan SpadeLiza SpencerMaggie WilliamsTyler WilliamsMadison Windhamongratulations to our National Merit ScholarshipFinalists!Carly GalbraithJulia KendrickEmily McDuffCaleb WeaverCongratulations to our National Achievement ScholarshipFinalists!Lin KabachiaSmita SpeerStar Spangled Girls Announcedongratulations to the following 2012-2013 Star SpangledC Girls!STAR SPANGLED GIRLS 2012-2013Lindsay AngelAimee BalsHannah BeckeringGrace BertramCarmen ChappellCarrie Grace CreedRileigh EatonOlivia HarmonCaroline HarrisAnn Casey HughesAnna JeffcoatRachel LevkoffSamantha NelmsCourtenay PyburnAbby RuggieroKatherine SchablowLaine SmithAbby ThompsonCarlyle ThorntonSavannah TrammellSarah WalesSavannah WrightElizabeth HornadyKensie KileRosalind LitseyHunter McGarityNational Honor Society Teams Upwith ABC 33/40omewood High School National Honor Society membersH participated in the ABC 33/40 Weather Radio Promotionwith James Spann at thePublix in <strong>Homewood</strong> onWednesday, February 15,2012. Students were onhand to assist with the programmingof weather radiosavailable at the event. Severalhundred radios wereprogrammed for severe weather alerts from the National WeatherService. This is only one example of community serviceperformed by National Honor Society members.6

HHSHAPPENINGSThe Movement<strong>Homewood</strong> High School will host the Spirit Scamper5K/10K and One Mile Fun Run on May 5th at 7:30 am.The Spirit Scamper will include a new and improved course. Ournew course will feature more entertainment as well as a flat terrain.Start training for your walk or run NOW. Walking the 5Kis a great option!Click on the link below to register for the race.Spirit Scamper Registration FormWellness Weekend will be May 4th and 5th. This event is theend of the year Fitness Festival. Physical Education programs ateach school will be featured on Friday, May 4th at the FitnessFestival. HHS will host the event, as well as <strong>THE</strong> MOVEMENTCommunity Wellness Fair in our gym concourse area.Upcoming Events and Dates:April 25th-Bike for Bagwell at <strong>Homewood</strong> Middle SchoolApril 27th-Bike for Bagwell at <strong>Homewood</strong> High SchoolMay 4th and 5th-Wellness WeekendMay 5th-Spirit Scamper 5K/10K and One Mile Fun RunStar Spangled Girls Learn Self-Defensegt. Keith Peterson and Officer Ashley Polnitz taught aS self defense class to the Star Spangled Girls on March15th. This class gave the girls very useful information onhow to protect themselves from a potential attacker as well aspreventative measures to take in possibly threatening circumstances.The girls were trained how to defend themselvesand took the opportunity to practice these moves with eachother! Thanks to the <strong>Homewood</strong> Police Department for sharingsome potentially life-saving techniques and advice forour students!!Computer Applications Waiver TestAny HHS student interested in taking the Computer ApplicationsWaiver Test in May should sign up at Room 118 withMrs. Beasley Monday, May 14th through Friday, May 18th.The test will be administered in Room 118 according to theschedule below. A study guide is available on the website. Anonline tutorial will be available May 1st. Please see Mrs. Beasleyfor username and password.Spring Semester: May 22, 2012………....12:30-2:00May 23, 2012 ………...12:30-2:00May 24, 2012………..10:10-12:00Summer Term: June 5, 2012…………..12:00-1:30June 6, 2012……... …..12:00-1:30Photography Contest WinnersNicholas Simpson, Bailey Burgess,and Kate Williams photographswere selected as finalists in the 32ndAnnual College and High School PhotographyContest sponsored by Nikon,USA. Their work will appear in thebook, The Best of College and HighSchool Photography 2012. Over 17,000 photographs were receivedfrom students in the U.S., Canada, and around the world.Dr. Carolyn McDonalds's oil portrait,titled, "Emma in Pigtails," was recentlyjuried into the competition, "WomenArtists' of the Southeast." The exhibitopens in Jacksonville, Florida in April2012.2012-13 HHS Peer HelperRecruitmentThe recruitment process for the 2012-13 HHS Peer Helperswill involve completing an application, getting teacherrecommendations, and participating in an interview. Applicationswill be available beginning Wednesday, March 28 th inGuidance, at the front desk, and onthe Peer Helper bulletin board outsideMs. Haskins’ office. Applicationsare due by Wednesday, April11 th . If you have questions, pleaseemail Ms. Haskins atehaskins@homewood.k12.al.us orstop by her office.7

HHSFor Your InformationMay 2012 Semester ExamsSENIORSReview and Exemptions5/9 - Last day to cover new material5/10-Pick up and return exemption forms5/11-Pick up and return exemption forms5/14-Seniors are not required to attendSemester Exam ScheduleTuesday, May 15th7:50 – 9:50 Social Studies Exam10:30-12:30 Science ExamWednesday, Math 16 th7:50 – 9:50 English Exam12: 15 – 2:15 Elective ExamThursday, May 17 th7:50 – 9:50 Math ExamSeniors who are taking more than one social studies, one science,one English, or one math course, should plan to take their seniorlevel course as scheduled, and the other course the same day, butat 3:30pm in the After School Academic Booster Program heldeach day in the Social Studies Pod. This must be arranged inadvance with Dr. Smith, Assistant Principal of Instruction.STUDENTS IN GRADES 9-12Review and Exemptions5/16-Last day to cover new material5/16-Students last name M-Z pick up and return exemptionforms5/17-Students with last name A-L pick up and return exemptionforms5/18-Last day for all students to pick up and return exemptionformsSemester Exam ScheduleMonday, May 21 st7:50 –9:50 1 st Period Exam10:10-12:00 3 rd Period ExamTuesday, May 22 nd7:50 – 9:50 2 nd Period Exam10:10 –12:00 4 th Period ExamWednesday, May 23 rd7:50-9:50 5 th (4 th /5 th ) Period Exam10:10-12:00 7 th Period ExamThursday, May 24 th7:50-9:50 6 th Period Exam10:10-12:00 Make-up exams that have been preapprovedby Assistant Principal ofInstructionSummer SchoolSummer School 2012 will run from Monday June 4th,through Friday, June 29th from 8:00am-12:00pm for students.There will be two consecutive10-day sessions within that month. Alist of courses and registration dateswill be posted on the school websiteand flyers will be available to studentssoon.Advanced Placement TestingDATE 8 a.m. 12 p.m.Monday, 5/7Tuesday, 5/8Wednesday,5/9Thursday,5/10ChemistryEnviron. Sci.Spanish LanguageCalculus ABCalculus BCEnglish LiteraturePsychologyFriday, 5/11 U.S. History European HistoryMonday, 5/14 Biology Physics BPhysics C: Mechanics**Physics C: E & M (2 p.m.)Tuesday, 5/15 U.S. GovernmentWednesday,5/16English LanguageJunior Awards DayWe will celebrate the academicaccomplishments of HHS Juniorson Tuesday, April 24th inthe Bailey Theatre at 6p.m.French8

HHSFOR Athletics YOUR INFORMATIONPlease Visit the new <strong>Homewood</strong> AthleticsWebsite!Girls GolfBoys SoccerThere’s even an app you can download for yourconvenience, and it is available at the new site.Girls SoccerSpring Sports Schedules:(Click the links of each to view theschedule)BaseballSoftballBoys BasketballTrack and FieldGirls BasketballBoys Golf9

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