FROGLOG - Amphibian Specialist Group

FROGLOG - Amphibian Specialist Group

FROGLOG - Amphibian Specialist Group

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Population and Health of common toads across ag landsContinued from previous pageCaged tadpoles at agricultural siteshad MN in their erythrocytes, althoughthere was no significantdifferencewith respect to the controlgroup. Moreover, erythrocyteslysis was found in higher percentages(17.51%) in tadpoles caged atagricultural sites.Pesticides have the potential tocause dramatic variation in naturalcommunities (Relyea 2005),yet our knowledge of their effectson natural communities is limitedto cases in which pesticides havebeen intentionally or accidentallyapplied to natural sites with subsequentbiota surveys. Based inour results we can determine thattoads inhabiting agroecosystemsare at serious risk, based on evidenceindicating the response toexposure compromises health status.Indeed, we found anuran malformationsacross agricultural sitessuggesting a link with agrochemicalscontamination. Based on laboratoryevidence we propose thatB-sterases should be applied infield monitoring as biomarkers ofpesticide exposure to wildlife becausethe non-destructive natureof its analysis and the sensitivity ofwildlife to anti-ChE agrochemicals.These data represent the firstto indicate the response and healthstatus of toads across agriculturallands in Argentina. Extrapolationfrom the present study is easy, bythe use of representative species ofnative anuran commonly foundin agroecosystems. But, before definitiveconclusions can be drawnconcerning the unsuitability ofagricultural areas for anuran populations,long-term monitoringof population health are urgentlyneed.Acknowledgements: We thankvery especially to Dr. Juan CarlosSánchez-Hernández for his advicewith B-sterases techniques and logisticalsupport.References:ASIH, HL & SSAR. (2001).Guidelines for use of live amphibiansand reptiles in field research.http: //www.utexas.edu/depts/asih/herpcoll.htlm. Accessed on13/06/02Cabagna M.C., R.C. Lajmanovich,G. Stringhini, J.C.Sanchez-Hernandez & P.M. Peltzer.(2005). Hematological parametersof health status in thecommon toad Bufo arenarum inagroecosystems of Santa Fe Province,Argentina. App. Herpetol. 2(4): 373-380.Ellman L, K.D Courtey, V. Andreas& R.M. Featherstone. (1961).A new rapid colorimetric determinationof cholinesterase activity.Bioch. Pharm. 7: 88-95.Heyer, W.R., M.A. Donelly, R.W.McDiarmid, L.C. Hayek & M.S.Foster. (1994). (Eds.). Measuringand Monitoring Biological Diversity,Standard Methods for <strong>Amphibian</strong>s.Smithsonian Institution Press,Washington DC.Lajmanovich R.C. (1995). Relacionestróficas de bufónidos (Anura:Bufonidae) en ambien tes del ríoParaná, Argentina. Alytes 13: 87-103.Meteyer C.U. (2000). Field guideto malformations of frogs and toadswith radiographic interpretations.Biological Science Report. USGS/BRD/BSR-2000-0005.Sanchez-Hernandez, J.C. & B.Moreno-Sanchez. (2002). Lizardcholinesterases as biomarkers ofpesticide exposure: enzymologicalcharacterization. Environ. Toxicol.Chem. 21: 2319-2325.Relyea R.A. (2005). The impactof insecticides and herbicides onthe biodiversity and productivityof aquatic communities. Ecol. Appl.15: 618-627Emails: paolapeltzer@hotmail.com; lajmanovich@hotmail.com;atademo@yahoo.comMore RESEARCHBatrachochytrium dendrobatidis infects Melanoprhyniscus moreirae (AnuraBufonidae) from an Atlantic Rainforest area (Itatiaia), southeastern BrazilMonique Van Slys, Thais Klaion Ferreira, Flavia Rachel Moreira Lamarão, Milton Ozório MoraesDeclines of amphibian populationsdriven by the chytridfungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidisare a concern worldwide(Berger et al., 1999; Lips et al.,2005). Although there is evidencethat not all reported amphibian declinesare caused by the chytrid fungus(Daszak et al., 2005), the diseasechytridiomycosis has been linked to6species declines and extinctions onseveral continents (Weldon & duPrez 2004, Lips et al., 2006; Mendelsonet al., 2006; Schloegel et al.,2006).

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