FROGLOG - Amphibian Specialist Group

FROGLOG - Amphibian Specialist Group FROGLOG - Amphibian Specialist Group
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Journal updateNotice for New Section in “Herpetological review”: AmphibianChytidiomycosis Distributionnew section will be includedA in the journal “HerpetologicalReview” which will be akin tothe current “Geographic Distribution”section in the journal, butspecific to detections (and nondetections) of chytridiomycosis.This section will offer a timelyoutlet for streamlined presentationof research exploring thedistribution and prevalence of theamphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytriumdendrobatidis (Bd).Bd is an emerging infectious diseaselinked to mass mortality ofamphibians worldwide, yet Bddetections in amphibians withno symptoms also are known inmany areas.To aid in our understandingof the scope of this issue, we encouragesubmission of studies onInstructions to AuthorsBd geographic distribution, includingresearch on individual speciesor groups of species, wild or captiveanimals, native or non-nativespecies, live animals or museumspecimens, environmentalsamples, and findings with noBd detections.We ask authors to: 1) restrictthe Introduction of their paperto a maximum of two paragraphsto highlight the context of theirstudy; 2) briefly include both fieldand laboratory Methods; 3) presentResults in a Table, although amap also may be very useful, andlimited text; and 4)have a short discussion of a maximumof three paragraphs to touchupon key findings.Please consider including thefollowing information in submissions:coordinates and descriptionof sampling areas (or pleasenote if locations are extremelysensitive to reveal, and providegeneral area instead); positiveand negative results; dispositionof voucher specimens; dateof specimen collection; name ofcollaborative laboratory or researcherconducting histologicalsections or! PCR analyses; andnames of cooperative land ownersor land management agencies.We aim to expedite the reviewand publication process!Please email submissions directlyto the Associate Editorof the section, Dr. Dede publishes a rangeof articles on any research,discoveries or conservation newsrelating to the amphibian declinephenomenon. We encourageauthors describing originalresearch to first make submissionsto a refereed journal andthen, if appropriate, to publisha synopsis in Froglog. Submissionsshould be in English, normallyno more than 1000 wordsand follow the style of FRO-GLOG Vol 83 (as should references).You may also submitimages, maps, figures or tables.We encourage the submissionof photographs to accompanytext. Short news items andpress releases are also acceptable.Please submit potentialcontributions to Robin Mooreat the address in the box to theright.FROGLOG is the bi-monthly newsletterof the Amphibian SpecialistGroup (ASG). Articles on any subjectrelevant to the understanding of amphibianconservation, research and / orassessments should be sent to: RobinMoore, Editor, Conservation International,2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500,arlington, VA 22202, USA.E-mail: rdmoore@conservation.org12

Journal updateNotice for New Section in “Herpetological review”: <strong>Amphibian</strong>Chytidiomycosis Distributionnew section will be includedA in the journal “HerpetologicalReview” which will be akin tothe current “Geographic Distribution”section in the journal, butspecific to detections (and nondetections) of chytridiomycosis.This section will offer a timelyoutlet for streamlined presentationof research exploring thedistribution and prevalence of theamphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytriumdendrobatidis (Bd).Bd is an emerging infectious diseaselinked to mass mortality ofamphibians worldwide, yet Bddetections in amphibians withno symptoms also are known inmany areas.To aid in our understandingof the scope of this issue, we encouragesubmission of studies onInstructions to AuthorsBd geographic distribution, includingresearch on individual speciesor groups of species, wild or captiveanimals, native or non-nativespecies, live animals or museumspecimens, environmentalsamples, and findings with noBd detections.We ask authors to: 1) restrictthe Introduction of their paperto a maximum of two paragraphsto highlight the context of theirstudy; 2) briefly include both fieldand laboratory Methods; 3) presentResults in a Table, although amap also may be very useful, andlimited text; and 4)have a short discussion of a maximumof three paragraphs to touchupon key findings.Please consider including thefollowing information in submissions:coordinates and descriptionof sampling areas (or pleasenote if locations are extremelysensitive to reveal, and providegeneral area instead); positiveand negative results; dispositionof voucher specimens; dateof specimen collection; name ofcollaborative laboratory or researcherconducting histologicalsections or! PCR analyses; andnames of cooperative land ownersor land management agencies.We aim to expedite the reviewand publication process!Please email submissions directlyto the Associate Editorof the section, Dr. Dede<strong>FROGLOG</strong> publishes a rangeof articles on any research,discoveries or conservation newsrelating to the amphibian declinephenomenon. We encourageauthors describing originalresearch to first make submissionsto a refereed journal andthen, if appropriate, to publisha synopsis in Froglog. Submissionsshould be in English, normallyno more than 1000 wordsand follow the style of FRO-GLOG Vol 83 (as should references).You may also submitimages, maps, figures or tables.We encourage the submissionof photographs to accompanytext. Short news items andpress releases are also acceptable.Please submit potentialcontributions to Robin Mooreat the address in the box to theright.<strong>FROGLOG</strong> is the bi-monthly newsletterof the <strong>Amphibian</strong> <strong>Specialist</strong><strong>Group</strong> (ASG). Articles on any subjectrelevant to the understanding of amphibianconservation, research and / orassessments should be sent to: RobinMoore, Editor, Conservation International,2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500,arlington, VA 22202, USA.E-mail: rdmoore@conservation.org12

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