16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party

16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party 16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party


LOK SABHADiscussion on the Motion of Thankson the President's AddressWhen the Motion of Thanks on the Presidential Address came up for discussion in boththe Houses of Parliament BJP members took the UPA government to task for all its actsof omission and commission. Initiating the debate in the Lok Sabha Chairman of BJPParliamentary Party Shri L K Advani launched the attack on the Congress led UPAgovernment for its misgovernance that led to terrorism, corruption and irrepressibleinflation. For the information of our readers we publish below the synopsis of the speechesmade by BJP leaders in both the Houses of Parliament. Full text of the speeches is beingpublished in a booklet separately.India’s sovereignty should not bediluted : L K AdvaniThis is the only motion which is moved by theruling side and does not face any oppositionbecause it is the motion of thanks. The policiesof the Government are criticized but the motion is notopposed and is passed unanimously. Sometimes wecarry on with certain practices just because we havebeen following them for long but we need to ponderover the idea to modify them if the need arises.President’s Address isprepared by the Cabinethence it is expected that itwould give credit to theGovernment rising above theparty politics. Six years ofVajpayeeji’s rule was markedby several achievements andthis process is still continuingtoday. As far possible weshould try to adopt anapproach furthering mutualharmony. We are inOpposition and it is our dutyto pinpoint shortcomings but this House needs todiscuss as to how Government works, the institutionand Government projects need to be named. ThePresidents’ Address has mentioned and applauded theAGNI-III. In this context, I would like to add that, evennow, to a large extent, our defence forces depend uponforeign weapon systems. We should take concrete stepsto bring about indigenisation in our weapon systems.We should involve private sector in our defencepreparedness. I would like to welcome the instructionsof the Ministry of Finance whereby it has authorizedthe Hon. Minister of Defence to take independentdecisions with regard to the defence projects worthRs.1,000 crore, but I would like to add that transparencyand accountability should not be diluted on account ofthis.In the last year a large number of service personnelhad actively campaigned for one rank one pension.Subsequently, Hon. Prime Minister had announced fromthe ramparts of the Red Fort that the Government hasaccepted the recommendations made by the committeeFor years together, I have been listeningthat there is a large amount of black moneyin our country and this black money getsdeposited in foreign banks. It would be betterif our country evinces interest in this matterand makes efforts to get that money back. Iwould like to press the demand for a WhitePaper to be tabled in the House showing allthe progress made in this matter.headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Not only this eventhe Minister of Finance had computed the expenditureon this item and had said that the Government will haveto shell out approximately Rs.2,100 crore for theirpension. The President’s Address has also mentionedthat her Government has devised a system with regardto the pension demands of the Ex-servicemen. I wouldlike to have categorical statement from the Governmentso that our jawans and officers should not have anygrievance.March 16-31, 2010 10

For years together, I have been listening that thereis a large amount of black money in our country and thisblack money gets deposited in foreign banks. It wouldbe better if our country evinces interest in this matterand makes efforts to get that money back. I would liketo press the demand for a White Paper to be tabled inthe House showing all the progress made in this matter.For the last five or seven days, rising prices ofessential commodities has generated a lot of agitationand concern among the people of our country. Thisinflation is not only due to the mismanagement of theeconomy but also due to the scandals relating to exportand import. So there should be a Joint ParliamentaryCommittee to look into this matter. We should notforget that in the year 2008 the Government gave reliefto the farmers and, in the same year, 16,196 farmerscommitted suicides.The Chief of Army Staff ofSince Agra talks, it was our consistent stand with regard to India is in the knowledge of largePakistan that terror and talks cannot go on hand-in-hand. It number of terrorists ready towas this stand of India which ensured the failure of Agra talks. infiltrate into country. What willIn 2004, exactly after three years past the Agra talks, General come out of the dialogue if weare in such a situation. We haveMusharraf publicly stated that Pakistan will not allow itsseen the Kashmir of pre-1953territory to be used for subversive activities against India. Now, when our President had no rightfollowing 26/11, the Hon. Minister for Home Affairs has himself on Kashmir. Mumbai was madekept on telling us that the validity of the dossiers, which we victim of such a dreadful attackgive to Pakistan, is questioned by them.on 26.11.2008 in which a numberof people were killed, even thenThe issue of electoral reforms is also very important. we are in constant touch with Pakistan.A number of Committees have been constituted for this Nothing would be achieved from remaining in suchpurpose which has given numerous recommendations. constant touch. I admit that this is a very serious issueOne of the recommendations given was that, as far as for me and I feel that the direction towards which thispossible the electoral expenses should be borne by the Government is going on and in this situation if anyGovernment. Now, a new issue in the form of paid news secret agreement is done we will have to face serioushas come up. The Election Commission should take consequences. We cannot repatriate the Punditscognizance of this issue. Secondly, we should ensure displaced from Kashmir.that the elections to Lok Sabha and State Assemblies All these things create serious concern. I wouldare held simultaneously after every five year. For this, submit that in his reply Hon. Prime Minister shouldwe will have to introduce an amendment to the disclose the facts discussed officially or unofficially inConstitution. It will benefit the governance as well as the dialogue held till date with regard to Kashmir. Newpolity of the country and the expenses too will come President of America also repeatedly reiterated duringdown.his election campaign that he will put his full strengthNow, I shall broach another important issue. Since in the resolution of Kashmir problem if he is electedAgra talks, it was our consistent stand with regard to whereas as per the policy of America, it would notPakistan that terror and talks cannot go on hand-inhand.It was this stand of India which ensured the and Pakistan. Therefore, I expect the Government to tellintervene until requested by both the countries Indiafailure of Agra talks. In 2004, exactly after three years us fully and frankly whatever has been discussed aboutpast the Agra talks, General Musharraf stated that Kashmir should be told in the House. I request with allPakistan will not allow its territory to be used for seriousness that India’s sovereignty should not besubversive activities against India. Now, following 26/ diluted.March 16-31, 2010 1111, the Hon. Minister for Home Affairs has himself kepton telling us that the validity of the dossiers, which wegive to Pakistan, is questioned by them. They say thatthis does not constitute any evidence and comes in therealm of literature. But it seems that there is no unanimitywithin the Government itself in this regard. It createsthe impression that the American pressure has led ourGovernment initiating the dialogue process withPakistan. We can change our history but notgeography. Interest of the country should be seen first.We all would like and everybody wants that Indiabefriend with Pakistan, harmony be evolved in betweenthem. It has been stated in the report of NationalIntelligence of USA that Pakistan is of the view that itwill take action against only those terrorist outfits whoare against Pakistan and they are not concerned withany others.

For years together, I have been listening that thereis a large amount of black money in our country and thisblack money gets deposited in foreign banks. It wouldbe better if our country evinces interest in this matterand makes efforts to get that money back. I would liketo press the demand for a White Paper to be tabled inthe House showing all the progress made in this matter.For the last five or seven days, rising prices ofessential commodities has generated a lot of agitationand concern among the people of our country. Thisinflation is not only due to the mismanagement of theeconomy but also due to the scandals relating to exportand import. So there should be a Joint ParliamentaryCommittee to look into this matter. We should notforget that in the year 2008 the Government gave reliefto the farmers and, in the same year, <strong>16</strong>,196 farmerscommitted suicides.The Chief of Army Staff ofSince Agra talks, it was our consistent stand with regard to India is in the knowledge of largePakistan that terror and talks cannot go on hand-in-hand. It number of terrorists ready towas this stand of India which ensured the failure of Agra talks. infiltrate into country. What willIn 2004, exactly after three years past the Agra talks, General come out of the dialogue if weare in such a situation. We haveMusharraf publicly stated that Pakistan will not allow itsseen the Kashmir of pre-1953territory to be used for subversive activities against India. Now, when our President had no rightfollowing 26/11, the Hon. Minister for Home Affairs has himself on Kashmir. Mumbai was madekept on telling us that the validity of the dossiers, which we victim of such a dreadful attackgive to Pakistan, is questioned by them.on 26.11.2008 in which a numberof people were killed, even thenThe issue of electoral reforms is also very important. we are in constant touch with Pakistan.A number of Committees have been constituted for this Nothing would be achieved from remaining in suchpurpose which has given numerous recommendations. constant touch. I admit that this is a very serious issueOne of the recommendations given was that, as far as for me and I feel that the direction towards which thispossible the electoral expenses should be borne by the Government is going on and in this situation if anyGovernment. Now, a new issue in the form of paid news secret agreement is done we will have to face serioushas come up. The Election Commission should take consequences. We cannot repatriate the Punditscognizance of this issue. Secondly, we should ensure displaced from Kashmir.that the elections to Lok Sabha and State Assemblies All these things create serious concern. I wouldare held simultaneously after every five year. For this, submit that in his reply Hon. Prime Minister shouldwe will have to introduce an amendment to the disclose the facts discussed officially or unofficially inConstitution. It will benefit the governance as well as the dialogue held till date with regard to Kashmir. Newpolity of the country and the expenses too will come President of America also repeatedly reiterated duringdown.his election campaign that he will put his full strengthNow, I shall broach another important issue. Since in the resolution of Kashmir problem if he is electedAgra talks, it was our consistent stand with regard to whereas as per the policy of America, it would notPakistan that terror and talks cannot go on hand-inhand.It was this stand of India which ensured the and Pakistan. Therefore, I expect the Government to tellintervene until requested by both the countries Indiafailure of Agra talks. In 2004, exactly after three years us fully and frankly whatever has been discussed aboutpast the Agra talks, General Musharraf stated that Kashmir should be told in the House. I request with allPakistan will not allow its territory to be used for seriousness that India’s sovereignty should not besubversive activities against India. Now, following 26/ diluted.<strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>16</strong>-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 1111, the Hon. Minister for Home Affairs has himself kepton telling us that the validity of the dossiers, which wegive to Pakistan, is questioned by them. They say thatthis does not constitute any evidence and comes in therealm of literature. But it seems that there is no unanimitywithin the Government itself in this regard. It createsthe impression that the American pressure has led ourGovernment initiating the dialogue process withPakistan. We can change our history but notgeography. Interest of the country should be seen first.We all would like and everybody wants that Indiabefriend with Pakistan, harmony be evolved in betweenthem. It has been stated in the report of NationalIntelligence of USA that Pakistan is of the view that itwill take action against only those terrorist outfits whoare against Pakistan and they are not concerned withany others.

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