16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party

16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party 16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party


Budget : States VoicesUnion Budget anti-poor, says DhumalHimachal Pradesh ChiefMinister Shri Prem Kumar Dhumalon February 26 has termed theUnion Budget for 2010-11 as antipoor,anti-common man and antifarmer.The proposed hike in petroland diesel prices would affect thecommon man in every sphere oflife and push up the prices of essential commodities, hesaid.Shri Dhumal has said that the Union Governmentonce again had discriminated against Himachal Pradeshby not extending the long-awaited industrial packagewhich had been given by the NDA Government till 2013originally and pushed back later to 2010 by the UPAGovernment. This, he said, would stop industrial growthin Himachal Pradesh.“The package was attracting a large number ofindustrial houses to the State,” he added.A hard blow to aam admi'saspirations : Shivraj SinghMadhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Shivraj SinghChauhan on February has hit outat the Union Budget, especiallythe Centre’s developmentpackage for Bundelkhand. Callingit a hard blow to the aspirationsof the aam admi, he said theBudget had made life worse forthe common man alreadystruggling with rising prices.He said the Centre hadalready increased the price of ureaby 10 per cent and the Budget further increases theprices of coal and fertilizers, making it difficult for farmersto survive. Shri Chauhan also condemned the hike inpetrol and fuel prices saying it would increasetransportation costs leading to a further rise in theprices of essential commodities.About Bundelkhand, the Chief Minister said theannounced package of Rs.1,200 crore was not evensufficient for the part of the region falling in MadhyaPradesh. The Centre had ignored his demand of Rs.2,400crore for the Madhya Pradesh part of Bundelkhand,along with financial assistance for the Vindhya andMahakaushal regions of the State.Budget against interests ofcommon man: Raman SinghChhattisgarh Chief MinisterShri Raman Singh has said thebudget for 2010-11 would onlybenefit corporate houses, not thecommon man.“It seems that the generalbudget was drafted to protect theinterests of corporate houses, notthe common man in the country,”Shri Singh, told media persons in Raipur.Shri Singh has claimed that “for past few years, theCongress-led central government has been presentingthe budget only to benefit the multi-national companies(MNCs) and big corporate houses”.“Decision to hike fuel prices can’t be justified, thecommon man is already facing tough time with risingprices of essential food items, and the fuel price hikewill put further burden on them” he added.UPA not fair with BJPruled-states : Narendra ModiGujarat Chief Minister ShriNarendra Modi, reacting budget,said “By increasing Centralexcise on manufacturing sector,the Central government hascreated a new problem for theindustries here. Gujarat’s textileindustry has been given a deathblow by the Centre in thisBudget.” He added, the Centralgovernment has decided to giveRs 200- crore special package to textile industry ofTirupur in Tamil Nadu which is a state ruled by UPA.While in the name of pollution the same Centralgovernment has decided not to give permission to setup 60 new units in Gujarat. “Central government’sdecision to increase Central import duty on gold andsilver will adversely impact gems and Jewellery businessin Gujarat” Shri Modi said.Reacting to discriminatory approach of Congressled UPA, he said “Government has given Rs 200-crorefor beach development in Goa, while Gujarat, which has1,600-kms-long coastline, has been totally ignored. Thisbudget is anti-Gujarat and it will adversely impactindustrial development of the state.”March 16-31, 2010 26

Cut in fertilizer subsidy to adversely impactagricultural growth : YeddyurappaReacting to Union Budget (2010-11)Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri B SYeddyurappa said “The 2010-11 budget isdisappointing. It will further burden poorand middle-class. The state’s requests fora waiver of farm loans in regions devastatedby floods last year, Rs 8500 crore forinfrastructure development in Bangaloreand Rs 8000 crore for redressal of regionalimbalance has not been considered.” “The cut in fertiliser subsidywould lead to increase in price of fertilizer, resulting in an adverseimpact on growth of agriculture” he said. He added “The Centrehas failed to come out with effective programmes to boostagriculture growth and to take effective steps to control inflation”.Union Budget ignoresBihar’s interests : Nitish KumarBihar Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar has termed the UnionBudget for 2010-11 as “extremely disappointing for Bihar”. He hasaccused the Centre of all but glossing over its promise to accord“Special Category” status to the State.Shri Kumar said, instead ofsoothing the concerns of commonpeople reeling under skyrocketingcommodity prices, it would only serveto “rub salt into their wounds” byincreasing inflation.“Despite the visits of so manyCentral teams and Ministers to the flood-afflicted belt, nothinghas been done to address the plight of the flood victims. Last year,while Bundelkhand had been given a special package to combatdrought, we did not receive anything. Does it imply that oursituation is any better?” he said.Alleging that the Budget does not hold out any promise toaddress regional imbalances, the Chief Minister remarked that theCentre had “deliberately chosen to ignore Bihar”.“So far, whatever achievement that we have accomplishedhas been without any help from the Centre,” he said, adding that“even the 13th Finance Commission’s recommendation for grantsto Bihar was inadequate as it would not meet the State’s financialrequirements,” he added. Blaming Union Finance Minister PranabMukherjee, Deputy Chief Minister Shri Sushil Kumar Modi saidthat while “Shri Mukherjee had granted Tamil Nadu and WestBengal packages for their water development works, andBundelkhand and Goa ‘Special Packages’ worth Rs. 1200 croreand Rs. 500 crore respectively for their development, Bihar hadbeen left out.”•The decision to reduce subsidy onfertilisers clearly shows the apathy of theUPA Government towards the plight of thefarmers who are already neck deep inagrarian crisis. Although the Governmenthas admitted in its latest Economic Surveyand in the Union Budget that the conditionof farmers is pitiable it is doing nothingmore than offering lip sympathy to mitigatethe problems afflicting the agrarian sector,’-Sh Rajnath Singh, Former BJP PresidentCompanies are celebrating reductionin corporate tax surcharge; economists arehailing the cut in fiscal deficit; the marketis cheering the roadmap on goods andservices tax and the direct tax code; businessgroupings are as usual toeing thegovernment line, but it is the aam aadmiwho has nothing to celebrate-Sh. Yashwant Sinha, Former Finance MinisterPeople had expected the exemption limitin income tax to be raised up to Rs 2.5 lakhper annum. But that did not happen. Theallocation for social sector has not increasedmuch keeping in view the inflation. Thebudget is anti-farmer.-Dr. M. M Joshi, Senior Leader BJPThe revenue measures taken by theGovernment in the budget are not just heavilyregressive but also suggest a lack of concernfor 95 per cent of the population. Direct taxpayers — the corporations and the less thanfive per cent of the population who even fileincome-tax returns, let alone pay such taxes— have been given a bonanza of taxreductions which will cost the exchequer anestimated Rs 26,000 crores (on top of benefitsin the current year that are pro- jected tohave cost about Rs 80,000 crores). Butindirect taxes have been raised across theboard, including for items of massconsumption, so that the common peoplewill now con- tribute disproportionately tothe additional Rs 60,000 crores that is beingraised.-Jayati Ghosh , Professor of Eco. JNU.Pranab Mukherjee, an expert at politicalneedlepoint, is brilliant enough to drawblood and justify it as the price of knittinga national tapestry- M.J Akbar, Eminent Journalist.March 16-31, 2010 27

Budget : States VoicesUnion Budget anti-poor, says DhumalHimachal Pradesh ChiefMinister Shri Prem Kumar Dhumalon February 26 has termed theUnion Budget for <strong>2010</strong>-11 as antipoor,anti-common man and antifarmer.The proposed hike in petroland diesel prices would affect thecommon man in every sphere oflife and push up the prices of essential commodities, hesaid.Shri Dhumal has said that the Union Governmentonce again had discriminated against Himachal Pradeshby not extending the long-awaited industrial packagewhich had been given by the NDA Government till 2013originally and pushed back later to <strong>2010</strong> by the UPAGovernment. This, he said, would stop industrial growthin Himachal Pradesh.“The package was attracting a large number ofindustrial houses to the State,” he added.A hard blow to aam admi'saspirations : Shivraj SinghMadhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Shivraj SinghChauhan on February has hit outat the Union Budget, especiallythe Centre’s developmentpackage for Bundelkhand. Callingit a hard blow to the aspirationsof the aam admi, he said theBudget had made life worse forthe common man alreadystruggling with rising prices.He said the Centre hadalready increased the price of ureaby 10 per cent and the Budget further increases theprices of coal and fertilizers, making it difficult for farmersto survive. Shri Chauhan also condemned the hike inpetrol and fuel prices saying it would increasetransportation costs leading to a further rise in theprices of essential commodities.About Bundelkhand, the Chief Minister said theannounced package of Rs.1,200 crore was not evensufficient for the part of the region falling in MadhyaPradesh. The Centre had ignored his demand of Rs.2,400crore for the Madhya Pradesh part of Bundelkhand,along with financial assistance for the Vindhya andMahakaushal regions of the State.Budget against interests ofcommon man: Raman SinghChhattisgarh Chief MinisterShri Raman Singh has said thebudget for <strong>2010</strong>-11 would onlybenefit corporate houses, not thecommon man.“It seems that the generalbudget was drafted to protect theinterests of corporate houses, notthe common man in the country,”Shri Singh, told media persons in Raipur.Shri Singh has claimed that “for past few years, theCongress-led central government has been presentingthe budget only to benefit the multi-national companies(MNCs) and big corporate houses”.“Decision to hike fuel prices can’t be justified, thecommon man is already facing tough time with risingprices of essential food items, and the fuel price hikewill put further burden on them” he added.UPA not fair with BJPruled-states : Narendra ModiGujarat Chief Minister ShriNarendra Modi, reacting budget,said “By increasing Centralexcise on manufacturing sector,the Central government hascreated a new problem for theindustries here. Gujarat’s textileindustry has been given a deathblow by the Centre in thisBudget.” He added, the Centralgovernment has decided to giveRs 200- crore special package to textile industry ofTirupur in Tamil Nadu which is a state ruled by UPA.While in the name of pollution the same Centralgovernment has decided not to give permission to setup 60 new units in Gujarat. “Central government’sdecision to increase Central import duty on gold andsilver will adversely impact gems and Jewellery businessin Gujarat” Shri Modi said.Reacting to discriminatory approach of Congressled UPA, he said “Government has given Rs 200-crorefor beach development in Goa, while Gujarat, which has1,600-kms-long coastline, has been totally ignored. Thisbudget is anti-Gujarat and it will adversely impactindustrial development of the state.”<strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>16</strong>-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 26

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