16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party

16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party 16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party


A post-budget discussion by CA CellEffect of Union Budget to behighly inflationary : JaitleyFrom Our CorrespondentChartered Accountants Cellof BJP organized a programon post budget discussion,at LTG Auditorium, New Delhi onMarch 3. The Leader of Oppositionin Rajya Sabha, Shri Arun Jatley wasthe chief guest and Shri P N Vijay(financial Analyst) the guestspeaker and the function waspresided over by CA Gopal kAgarwal national convener of theCell.Speaking on theoccasion Shri ArunJaitley said that, theUnion Budget 2010 –11would be highlyinflationary and theduty hikes in petroleumproducts and service taxproposals would furtherstoke food inflation. Hesaid the Budget had notmade an attempt toaddress the foodshortage India was likely to face asagriculture acreage shrinks andpopulation keeps growing.“The government is coming upwith sham arguments on how totackle food inflation,” he said. Theservice tax on rail freight will makeeverything costlier, which alone maygive Finance Minister PranabMukherjee more than Rs. 8,000crore. If crude prices go up, thegovernment will earn more from oilas the duties on oil are levied advalorem,” he said.Criticizing the sugar policy, ShriJaitley said India exported 4.8 milliontones sugar at Rs 12.5 a Kg andMarch 16-31, 2010 24bought back the commodity at Rs36 per kg. “The sugar policy can’tbe handled by someone who ownsor controls the largest number ofsugar mills in the country. It’s aclassic case of conflict of interest.”He also talked about the rampantcorruption in the governmentwhether it is spectrum sale or theimport and export of food items.CA Cell Convenor Shri Gopalk Agarwal in his remark’shighlighted that there is completeconfusion in the government,whether the budget document is apolicy statement or merelyaccounting statement ofgovernment giving its revenues andexpenses for the year. In the pastwhen Mr. Chidambaram the FinanceMinister he had said that the budgetis not a policy statement but ShriPranav Mukherjee now says that‘budget cannot be mere statementof government account, but mustalso impart vision’. The confusioncreates an uncertain environmentwhere long term planning isbecoming very difficult. Thisconfusion is clearly evident in mostof the provisions and will be muchclearer if we refer to provisions ofDirect Tax Code.Second misconception isregarding Inflation. For the currentbread of economist in thegovernment, Inflation is a sign ofeconomic development as it createsdemand and provides stimulus togrowth and they fail to see the plightof the common man caused byuncontrolled price riseparticularly for the fooditems, which is makinghis life miserable. Thebudget does not tackleInflation in the rightearnest. Its focus ismore towards KhaasAadmi rather than AamAadmi.The third concernwas the Fiscalconsolidation andmanagement of budgetary deficit.Though, budget talks of reducingrevenue deficit and gross fiscaldeficit but if we go in depth thetarget seems unachievable becausethere is unrealistic expectation ongrowth of revenue 5% to 15% andfall in non plan expenditure from 16%to 4%. In case of fiscal consolidationthe problem is of ratio of revenuedeficit to gross fiscal deficit whichis above 75%, meaning thereby thatthe government consumption isbeing financed through borrowingand borrowing is not being used forinvestment. The revenue deficit hasto be very low; otherwise the

BJP on Budgetcountry gets into a debt trap, althoughgross fiscal deficit can help instimulating growth sometimes.Shri P N Vijay said that this budgethas got positive response from thecapital markets and the corporatebecause they were expecting very harshmeasures and withdrawal of stimuluspackage which has been retained. Thereis huge deficit and the economyrequires fiscal consolidation. FinanceMinister should have been moreinnovative in the case of resourcemobilization. CA Anil Gupta expressedhis views on indirect taxes givingdetails with regard to inflationary effectof service tax on freight. CA AnilSharma spoke of the various provisionsof Direct Taxes. The program attendedby about 300 professionals wasconvened by CA Gopal Kedia. Amongthe prominent chartered accountantsfrom in and around Delhi, whoparticipated CA Piyush Goyal was alsopresent. An activity report of the Cellover the past three years was releasedby the national cell convener. At theend of the program a film showingrampant corruption in variousdepartments of the government andspecially Income tax department wasalso shown by CA Kailash Godukawho is the founder member ofParivartan. •Continued from page 9that the BJP would frustrate any evildesign of pro-Pakistan and prosecessionistforces, Shri Gadkariridiculed the NC for demandinggreater autonomy. Why the Jammuand Kashmir government notdemanding financial autonomy? heasked. Instead of acceleratingdevelopment activities, thesuccessive regimes in the state hadraked up such issues to hoodwinkgullible masses, he added.The state of Jammu andKashmir is solely dependent uponthe Centre, so there is a need toMarch 16-31, 2010 25Vishal Jan-Pradarshan against Price Riseand UPA Government's policies21st April 2010Delhi Chalo - Delhi ChaloRise against Price RiseFive Crore signatures15 Lakh people to Gherao the ParliamentStop Price Rise or Quit!New BJP office bearers in OdishaOdisha BJP President Shri Jual Oram on March 08 announced the namesof new BJP office bearers in the State. Vice-Presidents : Sarvshri BimbadharKuanr, Rudra Narayan Pani, Rajkishore Dash, Asit Bose, Aswini Kumar Patra,Ashok Sahu, Smt. Sanchita Mohanty, Smt. Gayatri Dash, Smt. Archana Nayakand Smt. Bijayalaxmi Mishra. General Secretaries : Sarvshri Panchanan Rout,general secretary (Organisation), Nayan Kishore Mohanty, Prithiviraj Harichandan,Basanta Panda and Murali Manohar Sharma. Shri Prahallad Khandelwal hasbeen nominated as treasurer of the party. Secretaries : Shri Golak PrasadMohapatra, Smt. Urmila Mohapatra, Shri Tushar Jena, Smt. Surama Satapathy,Shri Govinda Agrawal, Shri Ajay Das, Smt. Namitarani Sahoo, Shri DebanandaMohapatra, Shri Sukeshi Oram, and Smt. Kamalini Mohanty. • (FOC)generate economic resourcesinstead of raking up emotive issues,he said.Shri Gadkari said, "I promise tothe people of the country and Jammuthat BJP will support and back you.No one will dare to bring backPakistani people to Jammu andKashmir. We will not allow this tohappen". Shri Gadkari questionedthe proposal to bring back thosewho have killed hundreds of peopleand worked against the country.It is noteworthy that the Centrehad earlier backed the proposal ofChief Minister Omar Abdullah,saying it was ready to "welcome"Kashmiris who had gone toPakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) ifthey were ready to return after givingup militancy.Shri Gadkari further said BJPwill fight such policies in Parliament.It will launch an agitation fromKashmir to Kanyakumari and fightthem everywhere. We will not allowSonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singhto run the government if they wentahead with the policy of bringingback terrorists from Pakistan. •

BJP on Budgetcountry gets into a debt trap, althoughgross fiscal deficit can help instimulating growth sometimes.Shri P N Vijay said that this budgethas got positive response from thecapital markets and the corporatebecause they were expecting very harshmeasures and withdrawal of stimuluspackage which has been retained. Thereis huge deficit and the economyrequires fiscal consolidation. FinanceMinister should have been moreinnovative in the case of resourcemobilization. CA Anil Gupta expressedhis views on indirect taxes givingdetails with regard to inflationary effectof service tax on freight. CA AnilSharma spoke of the various provisionsof Direct Taxes. The program attendedby about 300 professionals wasconvened by CA Gopal Kedia. Amongthe prominent chartered accountantsfrom in and around Delhi, whoparticipated CA Piyush Goyal was alsopresent. An activity report of the Cellover the past three years was releasedby the national cell convener. At theend of the program a film showingrampant corruption in variousdepartments of the government andspecially Income tax department wasalso shown by CA Kailash Godukawho is the founder member ofParivartan. •Continued from page 9that the BJP would frustrate any evildesign of pro-Pakistan and prosecessionistforces, Shri Gadkariridiculed the NC for demandinggreater autonomy. Why the Jammuand Kashmir government notdemanding financial autonomy? heasked. Instead of acceleratingdevelopment activities, thesuccessive regimes in the state hadraked up such issues to hoodwinkgullible masses, he added.The state of Jammu andKashmir is solely dependent uponthe Centre, so there is a need to<strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>16</strong>-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 25Vishal Jan-Pradarshan against Price Riseand UPA Government's policies21st April <strong>2010</strong>Delhi Chalo - Delhi ChaloRise against Price RiseFive Crore signatures15 Lakh people to Gherao the ParliamentStop Price Rise or Quit!New BJP office bearers in OdishaOdisha BJP President Shri Jual Oram on <strong>Mar</strong>ch 08 announced the namesof new BJP office bearers in the State. Vice-Presidents : Sarvshri BimbadharKuanr, Rudra Narayan Pani, Rajkishore Dash, Asit Bose, Aswini Kumar Patra,Ashok Sahu, Smt. Sanchita Mohanty, Smt. Gayatri Dash, Smt. Archana Nayakand Smt. Bijayalaxmi Mishra. General Secretaries : Sarvshri Panchanan Rout,general secretary (Organisation), Nayan Kishore Mohanty, Prithiviraj Harichandan,Basanta Panda and Murali Manohar Sharma. Shri Prahallad Khandelwal hasbeen nominated as treasurer of the party. Secretaries : Shri Golak PrasadMohapatra, Smt. Urmila Mohapatra, Shri Tushar Jena, Smt. Surama Satapathy,Shri Govinda Agrawal, Shri Ajay Das, Smt. Namitarani Sahoo, Shri DebanandaMohapatra, Shri Sukeshi Oram, and Smt. Kamalini Mohanty. • (FOC)generate economic resourcesinstead of raking up emotive issues,he said.Shri Gadkari said, "I promise tothe people of the country and Jammuthat BJP will support and back you.No one will dare to bring backPakistani people to Jammu andKashmir. We will not allow this tohappen". Shri Gadkari questionedthe proposal to bring back thosewho have killed hundreds of peopleand worked against the country.It is noteworthy that the Centrehad earlier backed the proposal ofChief Minister Omar Abdullah,saying it was ready to "welcome"Kashmiris who had gone toPakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) ifthey were ready to return after givingup militancy.Shri Gadkari further said BJPwill fight such policies in Parliament.It will launch an agitation fromKashmir to Kanyakumari and fightthem everywhere. We will not allowSonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singhto run the government if they wentahead with the policy of bringingback terrorists from Pakistan. •

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