16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party

16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party

16-31 Mar, 2010 - Bharatiya Janata Party


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Generalise advisories are taken casually by the people.The policy of the Government seems to be ‘condolencefor the dead, compensation for the survival.’Not a single person has comeabove Poverty Line during UPAregime : Shanta KumarThe President’s Address contains a number ofthings as well as achievements.The people have beenbenefited and are beingbenefited. I appreciate for it. Butthere are lots of basic problemsof this country. Poverty isincreasing and what is yourachievement to eradicate it?Even not a single person hascome above the poverty line.Some people are very rich.There is no social justice. Iwould like to say that the concentration of propertyshould not be allowed. Besides, the crimes are onincrease in the country and one of the major factorsbehind this is economic inequality. The people are indistress. They are unemployed.Naxalism and Maoism are spreading their wings.No mention has been made on the rising population ofthe country. Global warming is being talked about butwhen the population would increase, the number ofhouses, roads, vehicles etc. would also increase. TheGovernment are not concerned to contain thepopulation. I would like to say that the Prime Ministershould take some initiative in this regard and formulatea National Population Policy.Nothing has been said about corruption in theAddress. It is the biggest problem and on account ofthis, today India has been included in the most corruptcountries of the world but the Government is not seriousto end corruption in the country. The power is controlledby Electricity Board and even then theft of power ofcrores of rupees is taking place in the country.Lokpal Bill is pending for forty years. UnitedNations is also concerned about the corruption andthey had formed a convention in 2003. Its objective wasthat if any wealth from a country by way of corruption,is put in another country then it has to be returned bythat country. 140 countries have signed on it and 120countries have ratified it but India has not ratified it sofar. It has been reported that about 60-65 lakh crores ofrupees are stashed in Swiss Banks which has beenearned by corrupt activities whereas the people in ourcountry are dying from hunger. I want to know thereasons for which India has not signed on thisconvention.Today, the polices of the Government are not beingimplemented on the basis of Antyodya. These policesare pro-rich. Government is making great efforts foreradicating Naxalism and there should not be any laxityin this. Poverty should be eradicated on war-footing.This is not being done at all. Government shouldformulate some new polices to eradicate poverty and itshould make efforts to bring back money deposited byIndians in foreign banks for stopping dishonesty andcorruption.Government should make a law that illegallydepositing money in foreign banks is a crime and itshould make provision for 20 years of rigorousimprisonment for it. Government is not serious to rootout corruption.Union govt. not serious towipe out poverty : BS KoshyariIt is pleasant to note that President quotes Pt.Nehru in the 74th Para of the Address about eradicationof poverty but the statisticsshow the huge populationof the country is underpoverty line. Now thequestion is whether we arereally thinking about them!Antyodaya like programmeswere launched by many ofour leaders in Rajasthan andHimachal Pradesh. Suchapproach should beadopted. The paperworkwithout concreteimplementation cannot eradicate poverty. The way theprices of sugar and other food items have gone up, thedifficulties of the poor have increased. There is adequatestock of sugar at the rate of Rs. 50/- per kg. but you donot have adequate stock at the rate of Rs. 25/- per kg.You must think about the poorest of the poor.Unfortunately, the corruption is so deep rooted todaythat so many scams have taken place and the ChiefJustice of a High Court and an Army officer to the rankof Lt. General are facing corruption charges. Somethingconcrete needed to be done to root out this evil. Howwill a disease get cured without diagnosing it? It requiresfirm actions.<strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>16</strong>-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 14

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