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interviewrarajeoNtelematicsbeyondnavigationindiA-sAudi ArAbiAold ties,New opportuNitiesasia-pacificwww.biztechreport.comApril 2010Vol. 2, No. 4reportAmericAn entrepreneurashokraoThe First Indian-American to take a<strong>Technology</strong> Company Public on NASDAQGl bAlentrepreneurshipw8,500, $8.00AP-11 copy.indd 13/25/10 8:28:29 AM

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APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 7AP-11 copy.indd 73/25/10 8:29:28 AM

indiaaN iNdustry-FrieNdly iNdia:bAlAnced budGet/bAlAnced GrowthBy rajaNi BaBurajaNthe 2010-11 unionBudget is significantfor india in manyways. a fast-emergingeconomy, india is oneof the countries thatshowed the first signs of economicrecovery from the global recessionthat struck in 2008. this year, indiais hosting several internationalsports events, so it is preparing toget the infrastructure <strong>and</strong> resourcesready to showcase these extravaganzas.however, india is facing anincreasing number of challengeslike population, security issues,price increases <strong>and</strong> carbon emissions.the 2010-11 budget has specialsignificance because it shouldstrike a balance between the country’sgrowth targets <strong>and</strong> the livelihoodof the common man.“Finance Minister pranab Mukherjee has done a finebalancing act” was the immediate reaction from industryorganizations. the 2010 budget underscores the focuson development, especially on infrastructure, ruraldevelopment, urbanization <strong>and</strong> social welfare, aidingindia’s development <strong>and</strong> further stimulating the vitalindustrial sectors, say experts from the iCt industry.anil Chanana, CFo of hCl technologies, said, “thebudget has been successful in reigning in the fiscal deficitwhile at the same time focusing on inclusive growth.with the enhanced spending on infrastructure, this budgetwill help stimulate domestic dem<strong>and</strong> for it products<strong>and</strong> services.”however, the industry expressed disappointment atthe hike in the Minimum alternative tax (Mat) <strong>and</strong> exciseduties. this year, the government has increased theMat from 15 percent to 18 percent, while the industrywas dem<strong>and</strong>ing a cut down to 10 percent. according toindustry experts, the Mat will be a burden on small <strong>and</strong>medium businesses that are still struggling with the impactof the global recession.surjeet singh, CFo of patni, a leading Bpo company,said, “an increase in the Mat from 15 percent to 18 percenton book profits would result in a higher outflow ofcash in the short term <strong>and</strong> would affect indian corporationsadversely.” however, singh says, this impact hasbeen cushioned to a large extent by the lowering of thecorporate surcharge from 10.0 percent to 7.5 percent.singh also appreciated the support offered for inhouser&d. “we welcome a higher percentage of weighteddeduction on in-house r&d, which has been increasedto 200 percent from 150 percent, as it will incentivize itcompanies’ innovation focus,” singh added.the measures adopted by the government to boostskill development will help nurture a workforce of ahigh caliber. it will have a positive impact on the Bpoindustry, which is people intensive.10 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 103/25/10 8:29:37 AM

Bhasin - NassCoMGuruswamy - FreescaleAghi - steria“overall, the budget was wellbalanced <strong>and</strong> responsible,” said ajaiChowdhry, Ceo <strong>and</strong> chairman ofhCl infosystems limited. “Variousprojects <strong>and</strong> schemes announcedby the government will see an increasedrole for information technologyas an enabler towards moreinclusive growth.”the National association of software<strong>and</strong> service Companies (Nass-CoM) termed the 2010-11 budgetproposals as progressive, long-term<strong>and</strong> providing the right thrust on socialsector development, education,infrastructure, managing the fiscaldeficit, the simplification of policies<strong>and</strong> convergence towards gst <strong>and</strong>direct tax Code.pramod Bhasin, chairman ofNassCoM, said, “the announcementof the technology advisorygroup under N<strong>and</strong>an Nilekani, theautomation of central excise, gst<strong>and</strong> commercial taxes will enablethe vision of citizen-centric governance.our industry will partnerwith the government to drive inclusivegrowth within india, whilecontinuing to be the leader aroundthe world in it <strong>and</strong> business processsolutions.”the removal of the anomaly insection 10aa of the sez act <strong>and</strong> theFinance Minister’s reaffirmation onthe importance of sezs will help theindustry move forward with its sezplans across the country, NassCoMofficials said.“while overall the budget is positive,we are disappointed with theincrease in the Mat, which will be aburden on small <strong>and</strong> medium-sizedbusinesses that are still strugglingwith the impact of the global recession,”said som Mittal, NassCoMpresident, in a statement.“there was also no move towardsannouncing parity of incentives betweenthe stpi <strong>and</strong> the sez scheme,which is again necessary for smallcompanies <strong>and</strong> the development oftier-2 <strong>and</strong> tier-3 cities. in line withour recommendation, the it taskforceformed by the department oftechnology (dit) had also stronglyrecommended that the stpis bebrought to par with the sezs.”the reduction in personal incometax is good news to the industry, asemployees in the industry will benefitfrom the extra savings on theirearnings amidst price increases.however, the decision to increasethe excise <strong>and</strong> customs duty on petroleumproducts will result in asharp rise in petrol <strong>and</strong> diesel prices,further aggravating the situation.the stimulus announced by thegovernment has helped the manufacturingsector perform well. withcontinued support from the governmenton stimulating the economicrecovery, the industry will be ableto strengthen itself further, says <strong>and</strong>rewhorne, managing director ofXerox india.“the reduction of customs duty,central excise duty <strong>and</strong> special additionalduty on certain goods <strong>and</strong>commodities critical to sMes <strong>and</strong>sMBs will be beneficial to the indianhousehold,” horne added. “the taxslab for personal income <strong>and</strong> investmentwill also give a boost to the averagemid-level income group.”banking <strong>and</strong> e-initiativesthis year, the Finance Ministerhas acted promptly to offer appropriatebanking facilities to habitationshaving a population in excessof 2,000. it is also proposed to extendinsurance <strong>and</strong> other servicesto the targeted beneficiaries. theseservices will be provided using the<strong>Business</strong> Correspondent <strong>and</strong> othermodels with appropriate technologyback up. By this arrangement, itis proposed to cover 60,000 habitations.in 2007-08 the government setup a Financial inclusion Fund <strong>and</strong> aFinancial inclusion technology Fundin NaBard, to bring banking servicesto the underserved areas. to givemomentum to the pace of financialinclusion, the government proposedan augmentation of rs.100 crore foreach of these funds, which shall becontributed by the government ofindia, rBi <strong>and</strong> NaBard.this move, according to ComvivaCeo Manoranjan Mohapatra, aleading provider of value added servicesfor mobile operators, is highlywelcome as it would enhance bankingfacilities in rural areas so as toprovide financial services to the unbanked.Companies like Comvivasee great potential in the emergingmobile banking market in india.“with over 500 million mobilephones in the country <strong>and</strong> growingrapidly, the mobile phone offers theideal platform to deliver banking<strong>and</strong> financial services to the underservedsections of society,” Mohapatrasaid. in this scenario, Comvivaurges the government to adopt furthermeasures to extend the reach ofmobile commerce in the country inorder to realize the goal of financialinclusion of the masses in the shortesttimeframe.infrastructural boostthis year, the government hasgiven great focus on infrastructuraldevelopment – both rural <strong>and</strong> urban.the it industry has welcomedthe allocation of 1.73 lakh crore forinfrastructure development, as itcontinuEd on PaGE 16APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 11AP-11 copy.indd 113/25/10 8:29:39 AM

north koreaNorth korea:difficult QuestionshArd diplomAcyBy doNald kirkyou would have to believein miracles tothink that North koreawould ever giveup its nuclear weaponsprogram. that’sthe view of a distinguished professorfrom China who talks with anair of authority that seems to reflectan insider’s underst<strong>and</strong>ing ofwhat’s really going on in the Northkorean capital of pyongyang.wang jisi of Beijing university may not speak forhis government, the Chinese Communist party or hiscountry, but his opinion of efforts to get North koreato give up its nuclear program provides a startling noteof realism that seems to have escaped non-Chinese negotiators.“the dprk” – the democratic people’s republicof korea, or simply North korea – “will keep goingnuclear period,” he told a small audience in seoulrecently. “there is no other ‘endgame,’ at least frompyongyang’s point of view.” that’s the kind of bluntdeclaration that u.s. <strong>and</strong> south korean nuclear envoysdo not seem capable of making or even thinking, tojudge from their public utterances.the u.s. envoy, stephen Bosworth, on a swingthrough the region, repeated the mantra of urgingNorth korea to return to six-party talks on its nukes<strong>and</strong> promising all topics would be open for discussion.south korea’s negotiator, wi sun-lac, meeting Bosworthafter both of them had conferred with China’snegotiator, wu dawei in Beijing, spoke of “the need forthe parties to resume six-party talks.” Both the americans<strong>and</strong> south koreans acknowledged, however, thatthe whole process remains stuck on North korea’s insistenceon conditions that have no immediate chanceof acceptance. these include the dem<strong>and</strong> for a korean12 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 123/25/10 8:29:39 AM

war peace treaty – a deal the Northcouples with withdrawal of the remaining28,500 u.s. troops from thesouth – <strong>and</strong> an end to uN sanctionsimposed after its long-range missiletest <strong>and</strong> its subsequent nuclear testlast april <strong>and</strong> May.just in case anyone doubted theNorth’s position, the North koreanmilitary came out with an appropriatelytough statement warningof the consequences of joint u.s.-south korea war games in March. itwas one thing to vow to “mercilesslydestroy the bulwark of aggression,”as the korea people’s army warned,but another to promise “all the offensive<strong>and</strong> defensive means includingnuclear deterrent.” ok, nobodyexpects North korea to drop anyatomic bombs from its decrepit fleetof Mig fighters or attach a nucleardevice to one of its vaunted missiles.in fact, it’s quite uncertain whetherNorth korean engineers <strong>and</strong> scientistshave actually figured out howto “deliver” the fearful warhead.Nonetheless, the statement wouldseem to leave one point indeliblyclear: North korea intends to remaina nuclear power.wang jisi made his remarks ina paper delivered at a forum on theNorth korean nuclear problem heldat the asan institute for policy studies,a think tank financed in largemeasure by hyundai money <strong>and</strong> ledby han sung-joo, a former foreignminister noted for his moderatelyconservative views. wang’s realisticoutlook seemed difficult to disputein the face of the wishful thinking ofu.s. <strong>and</strong> south korean negotiators.he did not have to refer specificallyto Bosworth’s mission to pyongyangin december to get across the futilityof it all. From all that’s gone before,he said, “it is hard to imagineany genuine progress on denuclearization– even if the North koreau.s.contact were upgraded or thesix-party talks were to be resumedsoon.”wang did not claim any real insideknowledge of whatever Northkorean leader kim jong-il talksabout in meetings with the generalshe comm<strong>and</strong>s as chairman of thenational defense commission, thecenter of power in pyongyang. Forthat matter, he did not let us knowif kim talks to his generals at all. Forall anyone knows, maybe the dearleader just tells them what to do<strong>and</strong> think, they bow in assent, <strong>and</strong>that’s it. “it is almost impossible foroutsiders to know whether therewere any debates within the Northkorean leadership about the pros<strong>and</strong> cons of going nuclear,” he said.“why bother?” was the rhetoricalimplication. “even if there had beenany doubts <strong>and</strong> hesitations,” he said,clearly “the perseverance to attainnuclear weapons is serving the leaders’interests very well.”the logic was simple fromwang’s perspective, <strong>and</strong> the pricewas right. “achievement of nucleararms should help consolidate theirposition at home <strong>and</strong> increase diplomaticleverage,” he said. “they feellittle increased military pressurewhile they know how to take onestep forward in nuclearization <strong>and</strong>“there isno other‘endgame,’at least frompyongyang’spoint of view.”then pause to show an ostensiblereadiness to negotiate over denuclearization.all the while, humanitarianaid <strong>and</strong> economic assistance continueto flow into the North.”the degree to which wang reflectsthe outlook of wu dawei <strong>and</strong>others in Beijing is not exactly clear,but it seems more than likely that hegets to lecture at home <strong>and</strong> abroadas both analyst <strong>and</strong> a messenger ofhigh-level thinking. looked at thatway, wang’s pessimism about Northkorea’s giving up its nukes comesacross as a sign of what Beijing seesas a higher priority, that is, proppingup the North korean regime againstthe danger of collapse <strong>and</strong> chaos.wang got that point across too witha c<strong>and</strong>or that’s not readily apparentin narrowly official pronouncementsfrom Beijing.“unlike other partners,” he said,in a dig at the americans <strong>and</strong> possiblythe south koreans, “Beijingwould look at a possible politicalimplosion in North korea in mostnegative terms.” For that reason hisgovernment “would never try to destabilizethat country or join others”in attempting “to do so.” indeed,he added for good measure, it was“a consensus among many observersin China that the pyongyanggovernment, with the social orderit maintains, may survive for a longtime to come” in view of “traditionalfriendship” between Beijing <strong>and</strong>pyongyang, a not-too-subtle allusionto Beijing’s rescue of North korea inthe korean war, as well as “sharedinterests.”Not that China is supportingwhatever North korea does. reportspersist that China is anxious somehowto tamp down North korea’snuclear ambitions, to discouragethe North from another nuclear testthat many observers here are predictingwill happen this year – <strong>and</strong>,of course, to engage in serious, effectiveeconomic reform.japan’s influential national daily,asahi shimbun, for instance, citeddiplomatic sources in Beijing as sayingthat China had responded with“an unexpectedly harsh reaction” tothe North’s nuclear test of May 25last year. “the Communist party ofChina told North korea to reform<strong>and</strong> open up its economy, end itshereditary succession of politicalpower <strong>and</strong> ab<strong>and</strong>on its nuclear developmentprograms,” said asahi,attributing those sweeping dem<strong>and</strong>sto party sources. it was against thisbackground, said the article, thatkim jong-il’s third son, kim jong-un,visited Beijing while his father easedup on disastrous economic reforms.the japanese may be the toughestof all when it comes to belief in afirm approach toward North korea.hitoshi tanaka of the japan Centerfor international exchange, atthe same asan institute gathering,seemed extremely ambivalent aboutthe future of the u.s.-japan relationship,but absolute in his convictionsabout North korea. “it is no secretthat the new government in tokyohas expressed a desire to develop amore ‘equal’ relationship with theunited states,” he said, citing controversyover “the realignment ofu.s. military bases in japan,” notablyin okinawa, as “the major irritantin the alliance.” Nonetheless,he said, “japan seeks to strengthencontinuEd on PaGE 17APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 13AP-11 copy.indd 133/25/10 8:29:40 AM

usinessiNterViewiNg tipsto lAnd yourdreAm JobBy aNiisu k. Verghesethis week i have beeninterviewing communicatorsfor an internalcommunicationsrole. i wanted to jotdown my impressionsfrom talking to a set of talentedpeople, share do’s <strong>and</strong> don’ts <strong>and</strong>what i look for when it comes tohiring someone for a communicationsjob. these ideas <strong>and</strong> recommendationsi believe can apply toany profile <strong>and</strong> role.at the time of publishing this post the position isstill open <strong>and</strong> the selection process is underway.although the role has a mix of recruitment marketingcommunication <strong>and</strong> internal communication duties,it will require the individual to work closely with internalstakeholders to develop, synchronize, disseminate<strong>and</strong> measure messages.here is what i did before conducting the interviews.First, i did my due diligence by reading the CVs carefullyto underst<strong>and</strong> how the individual structured his orher profile <strong>and</strong> highlighted the key words. i made notesof the elements of experience, learning opportunities<strong>and</strong> array of roles played within the communicationportfolio.i sought writing samples from the c<strong>and</strong>idates aheadof the interview since i firmly believe creating content<strong>and</strong> key messages are essentials for any communicationposition. i sifted through the samples to gauge the maturityof the writing <strong>and</strong> the ability to express ideas succinctly.surprisingly, none of the profiles i reviewed includedany element of social media to a) reference their background<strong>and</strong>, b) showcase their work.when i called each of the c<strong>and</strong>idates i ensured i providedthe context, explained my role in the selectionprocess <strong>and</strong> checked if they had clarity on the job description.strangely, only one of them had taken the troubleto find out more about the role <strong>and</strong> how it correlated tothe c<strong>and</strong>idate’s experience. interestingly, one asked mefor feedback at the end of the interview – which to medemonstrated interest in growing <strong>and</strong> improving. i wasasked what i look for when i interview a c<strong>and</strong>idate forsuch a profile. i mulled it over <strong>and</strong> here is what came tomy mind:it boils down to what i call the ‘3ds’ – is the individualdriven, direct <strong>and</strong> distinguished?driven – is the c<strong>and</strong>idate showing enough evidence ofinitiative <strong>and</strong> commitment?direct – is the c<strong>and</strong>idate talking to the point? if youcan’t explain your point crisply, how can you communicatewidely with your internal <strong>and</strong> external stakeholders?distinguished – has the c<strong>and</strong>idate proved his or herworth in the domain?14 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 143/25/10 8:29:40 AM

if you have just started your career, you may arguethat you don’t have enough reasons <strong>and</strong> opportunities tomake a mark. i disagree. if you are keen to make a mark<strong>and</strong> be recognized in your field of work, you should havebegun early. Nothing stops you from building your portfolioof work even as a freelancer, enrolling in courses,joining a communication body, gaining experience withsay, an Ngo (without pay), penning articles for your localnewspaper, writing a blog, hosting a photo feature,showcasing your video skills, demonstrating your leadershipskills at a college event or building your personalbr<strong>and</strong> online.Now, to the questions i prefer to ask during an interview.i try to holistically gauge the c<strong>and</strong>idate at thefollowing levels:• personal (education, interests, hobbies, etc.)• team (how they fit into the current scheme ofthings, how they engage with their team, whomthey look to for insights <strong>and</strong> learning, whomthey report to, how they manage work)• organization (how they are making an impacton their organization, how they know if they aredoing so)• career (expectations, underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> awarenessof opportunities available, industry trends,focus areas, impact)• learning (what investment have they taken togrow, what they are doing to continuously learnmore, who are their mentors)• personal attributes (confidence, clarity ofthought, ethics)• community (what they are doing to improvethings around them in everyday life, what stepsthey have taken to make a difference)at this point, let me share some pointers on whatone should avoid when applying <strong>and</strong> interviewing fora position.1. Stating an incorrect designation <strong>and</strong> role: inoticed one CV that changed the current designation<strong>and</strong> role to suit the profile applied for. ionly discovered this when i probed further <strong>and</strong>found that the c<strong>and</strong>idate didn’t have the relevantexperience.2. Never bad mouth your current firm: when iasked one prospective employee what wouldmake them want to switch companies, the answersi got shocked me. the c<strong>and</strong>idate usedphrases like ‘lax attitude,’ ‘not going anywherehere no matter how long i stay,’ <strong>and</strong> ‘nothingwill change.’ which organization would want tohire someone who has such an attitude? even ifyou are getting a raw deal in your current workplace,be thankful for the opportunities you geteveryday to influence people <strong>and</strong> do the workyou do.3. Unclear about what the industry wants: if youare keen on making a mark in your area of work,you should positively know what is going on inyour industry <strong>and</strong> the impact of regulations <strong>and</strong>governmental interventions. i made it a point toask every c<strong>and</strong>idate about recent trends they observed<strong>and</strong> i never got any convincing answers.if you don’t know of recent shifts in the waycommunication is evolving, how do you plan tovalue-add to how communication is done in yourrole?4. Lack of clarity on career progression: it is thec<strong>and</strong>idate’s responsibility to find career paths<strong>and</strong> opportunities that exist in different organizationsfrom literature that is available. thereare tons of materials that one can refer to.5. Beating around the bush: if you don’t know ananswer, say so. No one is expected to know everything,but the least i would expect is that thec<strong>and</strong>idate tells me that he or she would find out,get my contact information <strong>and</strong> let me know.when the expectation is to give simple, directanswers, nothing can be more frustrating thanlistening to a c<strong>and</strong>idate beat around the bush.6. Wanting to do other jobs within the company:while c<strong>and</strong>or is appreciated, if you know therole does not suit you, explain it <strong>and</strong> drop off. icame across a c<strong>and</strong>idate who wanted to play toher strengths in pr when the job clearly didn’texpect her to do so. you first need to prove yourworth with what you are asked to do <strong>and</strong> thenmove to other domains if you get the opportunity.7. Lack of interest in learning more: i was takenaback when c<strong>and</strong>idates told me that they had absolutelyno idea where to seek information oncorporate communication or internal communication.it may have been excusable 10-15 yearsago when the underst<strong>and</strong>ing of communicationwas nascent. today with a wide spectrum of optionsto source information from it is foolish tomention that one has no context. even a simplegoogle search will get you all the content youneed for a lifetime.8. Do not place content in your CV that you can’texplain: if you mention ‘objectives’ or ‘strengths’in your CV, be prepared for questions related tothem. For example, one c<strong>and</strong>idate included ‘networkingskills’ <strong>and</strong> i probed further for an example.unfortunately, the c<strong>and</strong>idate wasn’t ableto give me a good example of a networking skillshe leveraged to improve her st<strong>and</strong>ing. My recommendationis to drop these elements, whichbloat your CV length. strengths will be discoveredduring the course of a conversation.9. Don’t miss out on your manners: if you are ina place with a lot of background noise, excuseyourself <strong>and</strong> buy more time or do the call later.also, ensure you thank the interviewer for his orher time before signing off. Find out if you cancontinue keeping the relationship going in thefuture or if the interviewer would be willing tomentor you if you are convinced about his or hercredentials.By underst<strong>and</strong>ing the mindset of interviewers youcan approach interviews differently <strong>and</strong> prepare better.taking a lot more interest in the organization <strong>and</strong> roleyou are applying for can go a long way in improvingyour chances of l<strong>and</strong>ing that job.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 15AP-11 copy.indd 153/25/10 8:29:40 AM

indiaChowdhry - hCl infosystemsMahalingam - tCs Wadhwa - Cisco Singh - patniaN iNdustry-FrieNdly iNdia:bAlAnced budGet/bAlAnced GrowthFrom PaGE 11will exp<strong>and</strong> their businessin tier-2 <strong>and</strong> tier-3 cities.social welfare has beenon the priority list. the industryviews this as a positivemove towards achievingindia’s goal to become aworld power in the comingyears. a significant movethat is well appreciated isthe ‘National Clean energyFund,’ which sponsorsresearch <strong>and</strong> innovativeprojects in clean energytechnology. the fund willbe financed by coal. Bothindian <strong>and</strong> imported coalwill be taxed at the rate ofrs. 50 per ton.president <strong>and</strong> CountryManager of Cisco india <strong>and</strong>saarC Naresh wadhwasaid, “the National Cleanenergy Fund will positionindia as a leading force infinding ways to combat theimminent energy crisis. itwill also simultaneouslyencourage research <strong>and</strong>technology projects in theclean energy space.”wadhwa also said theproposed provision to simplifythe foreign direct investmentmodel in india isalso a welcome measure.“with the noble intentionof spurring r&d across16 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010sectors, this budget pavesthe way for tax reforms onin-house r&d expenses,<strong>and</strong> also on contributionsmade towards scientific researchto associations, colleges,universities <strong>and</strong> otherinstitutions,” wadhwasaid. “while research <strong>and</strong>development gets a leg-up,higher education <strong>and</strong> corporatetax reform waits forits turn. the uida took thelead among e-infrastructureinitiatives, <strong>and</strong> broadb<strong>and</strong>roll-out <strong>and</strong> majore-governance projects stillneeds to be addressed.”amar Babu, managingdirector of lenovo india,shares a similar view. hethinks the budget concentrateson the sustainedgrowth <strong>and</strong> momentum inthe industry, so it is welcomingto the industry.“the attention on e-governance with the uidproject <strong>and</strong> the technologyadvisory group indicatesthe government’s continuedmove to leverage informationtechnology in criticalprojects,” Babu said. “itis also setting an exampleby generating thrust inthe renewable energy sector.Funds allocation in thesMe sector is welcome, asthat will allow for the sectorto invest in it for productivity<strong>and</strong> competency.assigning gst will helpclarify pricing norms <strong>and</strong>duty structures across theboard.”the heavy stimuluspackage provided to theagricultural, infrastructure<strong>and</strong> energy sectors clearlyindicates that developmentis a priority to the government.however, these goalscan be achieved only if thegovernment is able to tacklebottlenecks like infrastructure,government systems<strong>and</strong> corruption. accordingto s. Mahalingam, CFo oftCs, an increased thrust inkey areas like primary education,health, infrastructure,rural development<strong>and</strong> financial inclusionwould fuel broad-basedgrowth <strong>and</strong> development.“an enhanced focus onsezs to drive growth <strong>and</strong>employment <strong>and</strong> clarityon the tax regime is welcome,”Mahalingam said.“this would aid the recoveryfor the it industry.social transformation <strong>and</strong>technology-enabled governancewill gain momentum<strong>and</strong> this is good newsfor the country.”ganesh guruswamy,vice president <strong>and</strong> countrymanager of Freescalesemiconductor india, said,“india’s broad-based counter-cyclicpolicy packageto respond to the negativefallout of the global slowdownhas worked wondersin controlling the fallinggdp. today, sectors likeautomotive <strong>and</strong> manufacturinghave already showndouble digit growth, whichshould propel other alliedindustries to grow as well.liberalization of the pricing<strong>and</strong> payment of thetechnology transfer fee<strong>and</strong> trademark will boostthe foreign investment environment.”overall, the 2010-11union Budget is a pragmatic,forward-looking budgetthat provides clarity tobusiness. in the words ofMukesh aghi, chariman &Ceo of steria india, a europeanit-enabled businessservices provider, “it is aprogressive budget, withfocus on urban <strong>and</strong> rural infrastructuredevelopment,education <strong>and</strong> healthcare,to help create a climate forbalanced growth. initiativesfor leveraging technologyas a tool for accountability<strong>and</strong> better governance arecommendable.”the budget reflects thestrong flavor of social inclusionsignaled by the focuson development funding<strong>and</strong> the allocation forthe education segment.with greater focus on infrastructurespending, thisbudget would help stimulatedomestic dem<strong>and</strong> forit products <strong>and</strong> services.it also increases disposableincome in the h<strong>and</strong>s of theemployees, which is beneficialto the it industryin view of its high humancapitalintensity.AP-11 copy.indd 163/25/10 8:29:41 AM

north koreaNorth korea:difficult QuestionshArd diplomAcyFrom PaGE 13existing security arrangements inthe region as a hedge against uncertainty.”tanaka pinned his hopes onan unlikely trilateral relationship ofjapan, China <strong>and</strong> the united statesthat he recommended engage in“strategic dialogue” for the sake of“confidence-building” <strong>and</strong> “military<strong>and</strong> strategic transparency.”the notion of japan <strong>and</strong> the unitedstates, bound in alliance underthe u.s.-japan security treaty signedhalf a century ago, working togetherwith China might seem preposterousconsidering China’s role in savingthe North in the korean war.tanaka preferred to ignore that detailin his passion for unity vis-à-visNorth korea. “in order to have anyhope of success in the six-party talks,the international community’sapproach to this issue musthenceforth obey five guidingprinciples” that seemed to reflecttop-level japanese thinkingjust as professor wang’sremarks might be seen as anexpression of China’s leaders.“North korea,” said tanaka,“must never be recognized asa nuclear state… policy consistenceamong <strong>and</strong> within thefive nations is essential… contingencyplanning is imperative…a comprehensive, negotiatedsettlement is the only practical wayforward… the six-party process mustcontinue with informal negotiationsbefore the talks resume.” like professorwang, tanaka believed that“North korea’s recent movementshave raised serious doubts aboutwhether its leaders have any intentionof negotiating with the internationalcommunity in good faith.”the real reason for espousing thefive principles, he said, was “to ensurea soft l<strong>and</strong>ing” – that is, to worktogether to avoid bloodshed <strong>and</strong> chaosin case of the total collapse of theNorth korean ruling structure.tanaka advanced from that generalidea to the concept of an “eastasia security Forum” – a term thatsounded very much like a de factoalliance, but without actually suggestingmilitary cooperation. rather,he said, “japan should work withthe united states, China <strong>and</strong> otherpartners in the region to establishan east asia security Forum as thecore component of a new multilateralsecurity architecture focusedon inclusive, action-oriented <strong>and</strong>functional cooperation.” in the end,he said, such a forum’s “primarym<strong>and</strong>ate deals with transnational<strong>and</strong> nontraditional security issues”<strong>and</strong> “would serve as a complementto more traditional security frameworksin the region, in particularthe ‘hub <strong>and</strong> spoke’ system of bilateralsecurity arrangements withtanaka advancedfrom thatgeneral idea tothe concept of an“east <strong>Asia</strong>security forum.”the united states.” in other words,an east asia forum might eventuallytake precedence over washington’sbilateral alliances with japan <strong>and</strong>south korea – though tanaka avoidedthe suggestion that these alliancesmight sooner or later seem irrelevant.the forum, he said, “would bemost effective” if membership werelimited to aseaN, the association ofsoutheast asian Nations, plus China,south korea, japan, australia, Newzeal<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the united states.that kind of talk, however, maynot have convinced influential Northkorea watchers in the united states.evans revere, president of the koreasociety in New york <strong>and</strong> a formerdiplomat with a long backgroundin korea, japan <strong>and</strong> China, warnedthat “China could be forced to makehard choices between traditionalsupport for its ally/partner <strong>and</strong> anew approach.” the North koreanuclear issue had reached “a criticalinflection point,” he said, “posing anobstacle to efforts to create a stable<strong>and</strong> predictable Northeast asia securityarchitecture.” Very soon, reverebelieved, North korea’s “actions <strong>and</strong>rhetoric” would “make clear thepath we are on.” under the circumstances,he said, such actions “mayrequire fundamental reassessment”by the united states, south korea,japan <strong>and</strong> China of how to “managethe whole issue.Nor was revere entirely happyabout the outlook of south korea’sgovernment. he did not seem allthat impressed by president leeMyung-bak’s repeated declarationsthat North korea must give up itsnuclear program as a preconditionfor the aid the North was accustomedto receiving in the decade ofthe sunshine policy of reconciliationinitiated by the late president kimdae-jung in 1998. the south“will need to decide whether itmust now get tougher,” said revere,while the North “must askitself whether intransigencerisks sowing the seeds of evenfurther isolation.”revere posed difficultquestions without necessarilyproviding answers. it was“important to ask,” he said,whether “core dprk positionshad changed for better orworse.” <strong>and</strong> was it conceivable,he wanted to know, that “thedprk has made a ‘strategic decision’– but not the one we had hoped for?”revere doubted “strategic patience”would really be enough “in light ofproliferation concerns.” rather, hesaid, there was a need for “a proactivestrategy, <strong>and</strong> one that takesinto account both changing internaldynamics” of North korea <strong>and</strong> the“likelihood that pyongyang is notinclined to give up its nuclear weapons.”that pessimistic view jibedwith the outlook of the Chinese <strong>and</strong>japanese experts -- no matter howmuch they might otherwise disagreeon how to bring North koreato terms on its nukes.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 17AP-11 copy.indd 173/25/10 8:29:42 AM

itenhancinghealthcare withtelemedicineBy aNuradha shuklahealthcare for all isa major concernfor every organizationfrom governmentsto smallcompanies. Forgovernments, it is not only a pollissue, it also helps them run theshow more effectively by portrayingthem as people-friendly. smallcompanies also need to implementhealthcare initiatives to help theiremployees at times of need <strong>and</strong> tomotivate them to serve the organizationoptimally.however, providing healthcare properly to the entirepopulation is not easy due to the widely dispersednature of people, especially in remote villages, <strong>and</strong> therough terrain often separating them. again, all kinds ofspecialties may not be available even in metropolitancities. expertise in a particular medical case may be toofar away to reach <strong>and</strong> the timely arrival of help may notbe possible in most cases.the advent of telemedicine is a big boon to society.telemedicine is the use of communication networksfor the exchange of healthcare information to enableclinical care according to popular definition. the toolbecomes more effective <strong>and</strong> efficient in providinghealthcare in the presence of a modern broadb<strong>and</strong> telecommunicationsinfrastructure.real time telemedicine application actually provides“virtual transportation,” allowing the patient <strong>and</strong> doctorto stay where they are. Medical care can be offeredremotely, even in critical situations, saving many a lifealong with improving the quality of life of the people.For poor countries, this comes as a boon as telemedicinelinks patients, doctors <strong>and</strong> hospitals by using technologieslike isdN <strong>and</strong> pots lines. developing countrieswill also benefit a lot from this exchange of clinical information.in several asian countries, healthcare services faceproblems like inadequate infrastructure <strong>and</strong> the presenceof experienced doctors especially in rural areas.although cities are well equipped, the population theyserve is smaller. this forces people from towns <strong>and</strong> villagesto travel to cities or even across the country forgood medical care.what is teLeMediCine?when a doctor feels that he needs a second opinionon the next course of action to take with respect to apatients’ case, he can opt to consult a specialist via telemedicinein case the other doctor is located elsewhere.software for consolidating medical records is used tomake an electronic patient record or epr. the epr willbe uploaded to the specialist’s computer <strong>and</strong> will beused by the doctors for tele-consultation.the specialist can check the clinical information <strong>and</strong>then advise accordingly. For making the process morefoolproof, the doctors can have a videoconference to18 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 183/25/10 8:29:43 AM

make the diagnosis more accurate<strong>and</strong> decide on an appropriate courseof treatment. the informationshared between the doctors may bein the form of live bidirectional audioor video, recorded audio or videosent after the conference, medicalrecords, medical images, sounds oroutput from medical devices suchas pulmonary function instruments,electrocardiographs or ultrasounddevices.some medical services seem to bewell suited for telemedicine as theyenable an easy exchange of information.radiology reports need onlylow b<strong>and</strong>width messaging systems<strong>and</strong> remote psychiatric counselingto mentally ill patients is possiblethrough videoconferencing alone.echocardiograms, ultrasonographicimages <strong>and</strong> electrocardiograms canbe readily transmitted electronicallyin cases of heart ailments.Many cases have been reportedwhere successful surgeries have beenconducted by doctors using audioguidance from specialists who cansee the patient by video conferencingtechnologies. even infants separatedfrom parents <strong>and</strong> kept in specialtycare centers can be monitoredby parents. telemedicine is also usedto impart proper training via videoconferencing to patients regardingasthma treatment <strong>and</strong> others.in developed countries, medicalcare providers are able to remotelymonitor patients, especially the elderly,for their pulmonary functionor glucose concentration. if theyfind anything amiss they can immediatelycontact the patient or a familymember by telephone, computeror tV to take remedial action.the advancements in wirelesstechnology have given the worldwearable biomedical sensors, whichallow remote monitoring of patientswho can be mobile during the process.this helps detect early signsof health complications by offeringdoctors real time physiological data.this helps in the delivery of timelymedical attention to terminally illpatients <strong>and</strong> the elderly.hurdles in the way oftelemedicine implementationwireless technologies like gprsare not evolved enough to take ontelemedicine services deployment.the costs of linking satellites <strong>and</strong>mobile devices are too prohibitive.the availability of secure connectivityalso st<strong>and</strong>s in the way of e-healthservices. again, insufficient training<strong>and</strong> exposure to such technologiespose problems for most asian countriesunlike the west. the realizationthat telemedicine reduces thecarbon footprint by avoiding medicaltravels is yet to gain ground.telemedicine data encompassesvideo, audio <strong>and</strong> conversational datafrom videoconferences. the datamay be transmitted in real time ornot. this necessitates a communicationinfrastructure that caters to allof the various types of applications.wiMaX (worldwide interoperabilityfor Microwave access) technologieshave been found to be suitablefor the delivery of voice, video,eCg signals <strong>and</strong> medical scan information.it allows data transmissionin various ways like point-to-point,point-to-multipoint <strong>and</strong> full mobilecellular access.telemedicine service providersin developing countries like indiaprefer point-to-multipoint access,as it has Non-line-of-site (Nlos) capability<strong>and</strong> is cost effective. themultiplexing technology also allowsthe transmission <strong>and</strong> reception ofdata simultaneously. this enhancestelemonitoring <strong>and</strong> telemedicineimplementations. the high b<strong>and</strong>width,interoperability, scalability,compatibility, portability, reliability<strong>and</strong> support for various classes ofservice make wiMaX suitable fortelemedicine operations.telemedicine in developingnations of the eastwith a large population living inrural areas in this region the selectionof a proper technology becomesimperative. wiMaX technologieshave been adopted by countries likeindia, as it helps in telemonitoring<strong>and</strong> is useful for telecardiology applications.Video conferencing withgood communication systems enhancemedical services in rural areasin emerging economies.during the pacific science Congressheld in japan in 2007 an asiapacific telemedicine initiative waslaunched. the goal was to implemente-health services in developingnations to prevent child mortality,fight diseases <strong>and</strong> improvethe quality of life. the participatingcountries decided to collaborate inthe exchange of expertise <strong>and</strong> reduceobstacles in the form of time<strong>and</strong> distance in providing optimumhealthcare to their populations.Bhutan, Fiji, germany, india,indonesia, japan, korea, Nepal,pakistan, the philippines, the russianFederation, thail<strong>and</strong>, Vietnam,ukraine <strong>and</strong> the united states wererepresented in the discussion pertainingto e-health services <strong>and</strong>solutions. Collaboration betweenhealthcare <strong>and</strong> telecommunicationservice providers is a must forimplementing e-health services ortelemedicine. regional cooperationfurther enhances the service as it allowsmedicos in different countriesto combine their expertise in deliveringmedical care.initiatives have been takento promote regional cooperationamong the pacific rim countriesby bringing together government,public, private, national <strong>and</strong> internationalagencies. efforts are beingtaken by international <strong>and</strong> regionalorganizations to impart necessarytraining <strong>and</strong> educational programsfor healthcare-professionals. examplesof some such courses are theitu telemedicine expert trainingCourse conducted at tokaiuniversity; courses in the schoolof telemedicine & Biomedical informaticsat sgpgiMs, lucknow, india;<strong>and</strong> the telemedicine course at holyFamily hospital in pakistan.aid agencies like usaid, japan’soda <strong>and</strong> ausaid are working onmaking telemedicine a success. also,ethical, political <strong>and</strong> copyright <strong>and</strong>patent issues are being resolved byinternational telecommunicationagencies as technologies <strong>and</strong> softwarehave to be used in making thedeliverance of telemedicine smoothin developing countries.even small countries like Nepalhave begun investing in telemedicineas the solution of the future toreach remote areas on mountains,etc., where there is only one doctorper 6,000 people. Nepal launched aproject to study the feasibility of telemedicinein pathology, dermatologyContinued on PaGe 33APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 19AP-11 copy.indd 193/25/10 8:29:44 AM

itimportance of databackup <strong>and</strong> restorationBy ViNti VaidComputers <strong>and</strong> datastorage have come along way since computerswere invented.data is generatedin huge volumes byinnumerable individuals <strong>and</strong> companies.it is not always possible tomake hard copies of all that goeson in a computer. a backup of allthe data, whether it is from banks,utilities, educational institutions,businesses or personal work, isimperative. on a small scale, datacan be backed up on Cds <strong>and</strong> flashdrives apart from the hard diskdrives. these are far more evolvedthan the punch cards, magnetictapes <strong>and</strong> floppy disks used someyears back. however, magnetictape backup is still in use today.importance of backupBackup does not mean just making a copy of the data<strong>and</strong> ignoring it. Backup is important because it makesthe data available for continued use. More than makinga backup of all data, the method to restore them to usabilityis critical. also, backups have to be made consistently– not one-half of the database now <strong>and</strong> the otherhalf later. Backing up large volumes of data <strong>and</strong> restoringthem takes considerable time.organizations need to have a database administratorwhose sole responsibility is to make a backup of all data<strong>and</strong> image files. it helps to make copies of entire harddrives by compressing the data <strong>and</strong> storing it. this providesarchiving, but may hamper speedy restoration.when disaster strikes, data recovery from the serveror an entire data center may have to be done on the samesite or at a different location. the backup method is consideredgood if it retrieves data in less time <strong>and</strong> fully inaddition to providing a physically protected storage system.Methods of data backupdata backup may be of different types such as fullbackup, differential backup/incremental backup or agentbasedbackup. off-site data backup is another option tokeep data safe in the eventuality of floods, fire <strong>and</strong> othernatural disasters. off-site backup serves as insurance, preventingcomplete loss of data.Most backup technologies that have been used untilnow are no longer sufficient. technological advances inagents <strong>and</strong> optimized network transmissions are still notadvanced enough to bring the data back into production.Copying data does not ensure restoring the data.the uncertainties <strong>and</strong> disadvantages enumeratedabove will give a picture of what we actually need in aback up solution. the method of making whole-serverbackups has become quite popular now. servers are ofdifferent types, namely file servers, print servers, directoryservers <strong>and</strong> web servers.New technologies even take care of files that are constantlyin use <strong>and</strong> hence, open, such as the windowsregistry, active directory’s database <strong>and</strong> some os files.as these are open <strong>and</strong> constantly changing, they do notoffer a complete file to be backed up. a technique availablein backing up such files is locked File Backup (lFB).the lFB logic may be embedded in the os <strong>and</strong> it waitsfor a pause according to a preset time. during the pause,the lFB makes a copy to the backup application. anothertechnique is the Volume shadow Copy (VsC) servicefrom windows. this keeps a local, on-volume backup ofchanged files. this will offer the previous version of thefiles to the backup application rather than the currentversion, which is open to change.VsC is a native os-level feature that allows administratorsto specify the maximum amount of storage fora shadow cache. the service then automatically makesshadow files <strong>and</strong> will offer multiple old versions of a file.windows Backup server <strong>and</strong> Ntbackup support VsC.windows server 2008 features windows server Backup,which can natively schedule backups <strong>and</strong> connect toremote servers <strong>and</strong> manage backups. the ui is optimized<strong>and</strong> it works on a file-by-file basis, although it makes abackup of entire volumes.Based on different environments, companies canchoose a technology like inter-site data replication, datarewinding <strong>and</strong> virtualization. traditional backup-<strong>and</strong>restoresolutions are also preferred by many companies.20 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 203/25/10 8:29:45 AM

as a company grows, the problembecomes complicated <strong>and</strong> so a centralizedrecovery management systemhas to be put in place. the toolsshould integrate alert <strong>and</strong> notificationso that data protection issues canbe dealt with in a timely manner.however, the latest in data backup<strong>and</strong> recovery is the use of virtualizationtechniques. Virtualizationis used in server consolidation <strong>and</strong> insimplifying server management. thisalso helps in recovery management<strong>and</strong> disaster recovery. the techniqueallows st<strong>and</strong>by sites to accommodatemore systems while also maintainingst<strong>and</strong>by separation between the systems.Multiple virtual servers are runon a single host computer, therebyreducing costs involved in heating,power, racking hardware <strong>and</strong> networkhardware. server deploymentis simplified with a reduction in thedeployment time.Backup sets will contain completecopies of organizational data <strong>and</strong> sothey have to be protected by using thesame security principles <strong>and</strong> layeredsecurity provided for the main server.also, backup media will be portable<strong>and</strong> can be carried away easily. thereshould be an underst<strong>and</strong>ing of whowill back up <strong>and</strong> restore data <strong>and</strong>who will authorize the process.only successful restoration ensuresthat the data was backed up optimally.so restore processes shouldbe scheduled periodically to checkthe efficacy of the backup process.this will ensure that disaster recoveryreally works.data backup in asiasafeComs Network security Consultingin thail<strong>and</strong> offers data backupsolutions. organizations can outsourcedata to such companies afterverifying the degree of confidentiality,risk of disclosure <strong>and</strong> loss of data.data loss can be avoided by properencryption <strong>and</strong> secure storage methods.using the services of such databackup providers also eases the workof the organization’s employees whoare already burdened enough.“the problem facing most inhouseit staff,” says safeComs CeoBernard Collin, “is that given achoice between fixing an immediateproblem that’s preventing a userfrom working right now <strong>and</strong> doinga scheduled backup, the immediateproblem wins every time.”this goes to show that in spite ofbacking up being important, it doesnot get done on time. scheduled backups<strong>and</strong> restoration plans may not beattended to. to avoid such scenariosit is best to outsource the backup job.Backup providers take care of dailybackup schedules <strong>and</strong> maintain thesafety of all backed up data.safecoms has developed a backupsystem called safeBox. it incorporatesan operating system, two hard drives<strong>and</strong> an uninterrupted power supply.data gets stored in a sealed drive duringthe day <strong>and</strong> at night the data iscompressed, encrypted <strong>and</strong> stored ina second drive. periodically the seconddrive is removed <strong>and</strong> stored ina secure, fireproof storage locationoffsite.such an automatic system withminimum human intervention <strong>and</strong>well-maintained records is a fittingbackup solution for organizations.Not just companies, but individualusers are susceptible to data lossdue to hard drive crashes or otherreasons. hong kong based acronis recentlylaunched the acronis true imagehome 2010 plus pack as an addonsolution. it gives advanced homeusers an easy way to restore theirfiles, applications <strong>and</strong> operating systemsto dissimilar hardware.the universal restore componentensures that if the machine is lost orstolen or in case a user wants to useanother machine, the data <strong>and</strong> applicationscan be replicated to a physicalor virtual machine. users can restoredynamic volumes onto bare-metaldisks or existing disks. the solutionthat supports winpe allows users toinstall the latest Microsoft drivers,customized scripts, applications <strong>and</strong>plug-ins.when users boot from their rescuemedia with acronis true imagehome 2010, they are able to use morehardware than the existing one, <strong>and</strong>perform customized execution.“acronis has lately extended itsconsumer portfolio in order to meetspecific home-user needs. the powerfulfeatures in this enhanced solutioncater to home users seeking advancedbackup <strong>and</strong> recovery capabilities, deliveredin an easy to use format,” saidjason donahue, president <strong>and</strong> Ceo ofacronis.universal restore ensures that alldata is protected even if the user’smachine is lost or stolen.data de-duplication is anotherway to achieve data backup. duplicatesof data are made while storingdata. this technique results in themaking of multiple duplicates, whichrequires more storage. the redundantduplicate data can be removedby data de-duplication or single-instancestorage. only one copy of datais left, provided with data indexing,as it may have to be restored at somepoint in time.in asia, there is a significantgrowth in backup <strong>and</strong> recovery markets.data de-duplication solutionsare considered dependable, scalable<strong>and</strong> inexpensive as they reduce cooling<strong>and</strong> power requirements. in avirtual environment, data de-duplicationis very useful, said Vivekan<strong>and</strong>Venugopal, Vp, solutions, products<strong>and</strong> services, asia-pacific region forhitachi data systems.kim wang, of esg-sino, enterprisestorage group’s greater Chinaoperations, said that the low-endbackup market will exp<strong>and</strong>, as thereis a significant increase in awarenessfor backup systems. Companies aretrying to implement them to reducedata de-duplication problems. Manycompanies like iBM, dell, hp <strong>and</strong>Falconstor are looking towards thelucrative asian market in this sector.the presence of data domains isgrowing in the asian storage marketespecially in the financial <strong>and</strong> telecomindustries. Major markets areChina, hong kong, taiwan, southkorea, singapore <strong>and</strong> india. there ismore awareness regarding disasterrecovery <strong>and</strong> planning for businesscontinuity. this has resulted in dem<strong>and</strong>for backup by data de-duplication,use of disaster recovery <strong>and</strong>planning for its implementation.the asian market is fast adoptingdata backup implementationsin spite of the economic downturn.they are striving to run their companiesmore efficiently <strong>and</strong> in real-time,making better use of their resources<strong>and</strong> optimizing the storage environment.it budgets now include storagevirtualization, tiered storage <strong>and</strong>data de-duplication. this will witnessa growing dem<strong>and</strong> for suitable datastorage solutions in asia.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 21AP-11 copy.indd 213/25/10 8:29:45 AM

itLights Goingout for korean,asian online MonocultureBy Matthew weigaNdsouth korea is one of themost internet-wiredcountries, <strong>and</strong> also basesmuch of its economyon the latest technologies.however, approximately99 percent of the country iscompletely reliant on a decade-oldbit of software that is beginningto seriously hold the country’s internetculture back. internet explorer6 (ie6), released in 2001, isa requirement for doing anythingwith a korean bank, online shoppingmall or social networking site.however, the ancient technology isalso a rusty sieve, <strong>and</strong> an internethacker’s dream of un-patched securityvulnerabilities. it must die.ie6 will also soon stop being supported by Microsoftwhen the company drops support for windows Xp,which means that the browser’s problems will never befixed. google docs <strong>and</strong> youtube officially stopped supportingie6 in March of this year, <strong>and</strong> it is expected thatother sites will soon follow. some, such as Facebook <strong>and</strong>digg, have been advising users to upgrade since early2009. Microsoft itself has said that ie6 should be dead<strong>and</strong> gone, <strong>and</strong> has supported efforts to upgrade to internetexplorer 8. this leaves korea with the prospectof being left behind, in the technological internet backroom, with the lights soon to go out.But it is not just korea that has this problem. ie6is still the most popular browser in China, india, othercountries in asia, <strong>and</strong> most of africa as well. in China,the country’s green dam censorship software only censorsweb sites accessed with ie6. China’s banking <strong>and</strong>online shopping sites also have the same activeX lockinproblems that korea does. in india, ie6 numbers aredropping steadily in favor of Firefox <strong>and</strong> google Chrome,but they have not yet reached a majority.ancient historyin korea, it all started in 1998 – ancient history inthe internet age. the 128-bit ssl protocol had beenbanned from being exported out of the united states<strong>and</strong> was not available until december 1999. the onlyother ssl encryption option was a 40-bit protocol, butsouth korean legislation did not allow it. Because thedem<strong>and</strong> for 128-bit encryption was so strong, the koreaninformation security agency funded developmentof a block cipher called seed. the only way to ensurethat client computers would support seed encryptionwas to force them to download a seed plugin, in eitheractiveX control form for ie users, or Nsplugin form forNetscape Navigator users. these plugins required a certificateissued by a korean government authority. whenNetscape declined in popularity, the activeX plugin forsecurity became the only way for korean internet usersto use encryption. <strong>and</strong> by the time 128-bit ssl encryptionwas cleared for export outside of the united states,korean companies had already st<strong>and</strong>ardized everythingbased on their unique seed cipher. seed <strong>and</strong> government-issuedsecurity certificates are still in use today,<strong>and</strong> of course only in korea.outside of korea, ie6 has been becoming less popular.in the united states, it is used less than 10 percent ofthe time now. however, its global average is 20 percent,because it is used much more often in asia. in Chinaalone, the decade-old browser has a 50 percent marketshare. the market share of all version of ie in korea iseven higher, at 99 percent. But outside of asia, in 2010,many internet users are actively looking forward tothe death of ie6. a denver-based company called atendesign group has created a web site ie6funeral.comto celebrate the imminent death of the browser. theweb site stated that the browser died of a workplace22 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 223/25/10 8:29:47 AM

injury at google headquarters, <strong>and</strong>announced a date <strong>and</strong> time for thefuneral. web developers have longdisliked ie 6 because of its peculiaritiesin interpreting htMl <strong>and</strong> Csscomm<strong>and</strong>s.unfixable Flawswhat’s so bad about ie6 anyway?the problem is activeX. activeX isa set of comm<strong>and</strong>s that ie6 acceptswhich allow web pages to interactwith normal executable programson a computer’s machine. the protocolis designed to allow web pagesto do more than htMl allows. unfortunately,this “do more” functionalityincludes hundreds of things thatmalicious web site creators can useto introduce viruses to computersthat visit their web pages, <strong>and</strong> hasbeen a constant source of problemsfor literally hundreds of millions ofpeople.activeX has been widely criticizedin security circles since itsinception, <strong>and</strong> hundreds of vulnerabilitiesusing it have been found inthe 10 years since ie6 was released.Many of them have been patched,but according to the security companysecunia, ie6 still has 24 known,un-patched vulnerabilities. the specificvulnerabilities are all closelyrelated, <strong>and</strong> can be summarized asactiveX having too much power. usingactiveX, a web site designer canmake all visitors to its web site automaticallydownload <strong>and</strong> run anyexecutable file. this means that theweb site designer is completely incontrol of a visitor’s computer. ie7<strong>and</strong> 8 changed activeX to make themsafer. they required user agreementbefore the files would be downloaded<strong>and</strong> run. this is marginally safer,but it initially broke the functionalityof many korean web sites. overthe past few years, most of themhave become compatible with ie7,but it has been a slow process.hackers used security vulnerabilitiesin ie6 during two famous cyberattacks in 2009. the first was a massivedistributed denial-of-service attackagainst korean <strong>and</strong> u.s. government<strong>and</strong> financial web sites, whichwas executed by an army of compromisedcomputer systems. Most ofthe systems involved in the attackwere located in south korea, <strong>and</strong> thesystems were compromised using avulnerability in ie6 <strong>and</strong> a popularfile-distribution system, webhard,which is dependent on activeX controls.despite the press generatedby the attack, no lasting damage occurredother than some companiesbeing forced to take down their websites for a few days.the second attack in december2009 was much more malicious. it issuspected that China-based hackersexploited a flaw in ie6 <strong>and</strong> adobe acrobatdocuments to steal proprietaryinformation from dozens of internationalcompanies working in China,including google. also, the flawswere used to target emails of humanrights activists inside <strong>and</strong> outside ofChina. google issued a statement lettingthe cat out of the bag <strong>and</strong> othercompanies followed suit, admittingthat their computer systems had alsobeen compromised. google also saidin the same statement that it was nolonger willing to cooperate with theChinese government in censorshipof its search engine within China becauseof those attacks, although thatissue is still up in the air.ie6 has also always had problemswith rendering htMl in ast<strong>and</strong>ards-compliant way. it onlyever partially supported Css 1.0,which means that web sites havealways looked different in ie6 <strong>and</strong>other web browsers. web developershave either adapted to write difficult<strong>and</strong> hard-to-underst<strong>and</strong> fixes for ie6peculiarities, or have given up supportingother platforms <strong>and</strong> writtenall of their web designs for ie6 only.the browser also does not supportthe partial transparency of the pNgimage format, hampering its growth<strong>and</strong> popularity in web design. thebrowser is also notoriously unstable.single lines of htMl code insertedin a web site can cause it to crash,<strong>and</strong> have been well documented.March of Progressuntil recently, these problemshave been overlooked or toleratedin the korean internet world. ie6, 7,<strong>and</strong> 8 were all free, <strong>and</strong> they workedperfectly fine for most people. thefact that many korean computer userswere familiar with the inevitabledegradation of a computer system,which led to an unavoidable reinstallof the os was shocking to outsideobservers such as this reporter,but it is par for the course. the dissatisfactionstarted when the iphonewas finally cleared for sale by koreangovernment regulations. koreatelecom has sold more than 200,000iphones since the end of November2009. savvy korean technology usersbegan complaining that their bankingservices did not include iphonesupport, due to the culture of relyingon activeX for security. this relianceis m<strong>and</strong>ated by the Financialsupervisory service’s (Fss) guidelinesfor financial services providedon smartphones, which decided injanuary of this year to subject smartphone financial services to the sameregulations that govern online transactionson personal computers. thismeans public key certificates issuedby the government. <strong>and</strong> that meansactiveX. the iphone simply does notsupport activeX, or ie at all. it usesthe safari web browser.the growing popularity of otherweb browsers such as safari,Chrome <strong>and</strong> Firefox is another trendthat cannot be ignored. each of thebrowsers has advantages <strong>and</strong> disadvantages,but they all have one thingthat ie6 does not – full support forall the latest web st<strong>and</strong>ards. Makinga web site using strict web st<strong>and</strong>ardsis something that works great intheory, <strong>and</strong> in the other three browsers,but not ie6. also, the newest versionof htMl, htMl5, will eventuallycome out. the particulars of thelanguage are being worked out now,<strong>and</strong> it is already partially supportedby safari, Chrome <strong>and</strong> Firefox. thelanguage is expected to enter “recommendation”stage in 2012. thereis absolutely no chance that ie6 willbe able to support htMl5. the onlyie-based browser that will do so willbe internet explorer 9.korea Must upgradein this case the solution is simple<strong>and</strong> clear. korea’s various financial institutions,online marketplaces, socialnetworks <strong>and</strong> government agenciesmust upgrade to browser-independentsolutions for their various onlineContinued on PaGe 33APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 23AP-11 copy.indd 233/25/10 8:29:48 AM

itLeveraging workforceManagement softwareBy aNuradha shuklawo rkforcemanagementhelpsorganizationsdealwith problemsarising in companies, especiallycall centers, whether big orsmall. Call center workforce managementdeals with issues such ashow to exceed service levels whileat the same time controlling payrollcosts.Forecasting, scheduling <strong>and</strong> real-time compliancewill make daily workforce management more effective.this also helps avoid over or under staffing <strong>and</strong> improvesservice levels by making sure that agents are putting intheir best efforts when needed.workforce management software or solutions can beleveraged by small to large companies in a wide rangeof industries <strong>and</strong> verticals. the suites of applications includeall or some of the following features: quality assurance<strong>and</strong> recording, speech analytics, surveying, performancemanagement <strong>and</strong> e-learning.organizations will be able to enhance call center operationalefficiencies <strong>and</strong> customer service. these systemsfeature advanced analytical capabilities, which arefast <strong>and</strong> simple too. Call center managers will be ableto forecast accurately the number of agents that will berequired to man a shift. By calculating the call volumefrom the historical data captured, workforce managementsolutions help decide on the number of agents thatwill be required to serve customers most efficiently.advantages of workforce Management softwareirrespective of the size of the call center, workforcemanagement is a challenge. organizations may wantto evolve from spreadsheets to a web-based workforcemanagement systems. the web-based system will needcomputers <strong>and</strong> an internet connection <strong>and</strong> the softwareis also available on a subscription basis for small companies,eliminating the need for downloads.it is imperative to correlate the number of agents inthe call center with the call volume, otherwise there mayarise a situation where there are more agents <strong>and</strong> fewercalls or more calls <strong>and</strong> an insufficient number of agents.Both give rise to monetary loss owing to customer dissatisfactiondue to longer hold times or idle agents.workforce management software can work for smallcompanies too. Fewer agents does not mean easy scheduling<strong>and</strong> it has been proven to be more difficult to optimallyschedule with fewer agents. the call center performancewill be affected greatly as even the absence ofone agent makes a big difference when the total numbersare less.Most call centers function as multi-channel contactcenters, as they h<strong>and</strong>le e-mail <strong>and</strong> web chat besidesphone calls. in a small call center, only two or three willbe trained for specialty services. if one of them is absentit creates a void in delivering services to the customer’ssatisfaction. such shortcomings prove beyond a doubtthat workforce management software is essential forsmall organizations as well.here, also, the software leverages the historical datacollected to predict <strong>and</strong> forecast the volume for eachchannel for each shift <strong>and</strong> will recommend the numberof agents who have to be scheduled for that particularshift with accuracy.Managers in call centers have to make sure thatagents stick to their schedules, otherwise there will ariseproblems like customer dissatisfaction due to agent inefficiency.agents should also be encouraged to followtime, whether in reporting for work or while leaving.other activities like training <strong>and</strong> coaching should alsobe scheduled from time to time <strong>and</strong> agents must alsofollow those schedules diligently.with the recession fading in some parts of the world<strong>and</strong> still going strong in others, managers should knowhow to derive maximum benefit from the resourcesthey may have. with cost cutting comes a reduction inthe number of employees/agents in a call center. Needlessto say, this translates into more work for those whowere fortunate enough to remain. But this may lead tofatigue owing to an increased workload.to avoid such a scenario, cross-training agents is amust. all of the agents are trained to h<strong>and</strong>le more thanone contact type including web chat, e-mail <strong>and</strong> phone.Mixing up the tasks each agent is responsible for helpsthem overcome burnout or boredom <strong>and</strong> also helps inenhancing individual performance. this reduces thedrudgery of monotony <strong>and</strong> increases productivity.in successful models, agents are made to deal with24 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 243/25/10 8:29:49 AM

even unrelated tasks such as checkingorder invoices, packing orders<strong>and</strong> others, depending on the typeof company the call center serves.this uses the free time during lowcall volume <strong>and</strong> improves efficiencies.the process of scheduling agentsfor different activities without affectingthe service levels for any ofthe channels is accomplished byusing workforce management systems.these can help ensure accuratescheduling of cross-trained staffcovering the whole day, effectivelycutting down on agent burnout <strong>and</strong>increasing productivity as a whole.the management software iscapable of finding out how manyagents are required for a particularshift by integrating with the callcenter database <strong>and</strong> the company’sCrM system.the workforce management systemcan forecast call volume fromhistorical call volume patterns, timeof season <strong>and</strong> past customer activity.the software is flexible enough toaccommodate external or internalevents that will impact call volumelike a recently launched marketingcampaign or other activities both inside<strong>and</strong> outside of the company.also, in case an agent fails toswitchover to the next task accordingto the recommendation of theworkforce management software,an alert is raised which will informthe manager so he or she can takeimmediate action to rectify the situation.in previous methods whenspreadsheets were used, it was notpossible to detect such a flaw until itwas too late.Mobile workforce Managementhaving a mobile solution integratedwith scheduling offers realtime,ongoing optimization of whatis going on in the field when the mobileworkforce is on duty. real-timedecision making is facilitated as engineersin the field can give feedbackregarding on-the-ground realities.this shows that workforce managementsoftware is not only for a callcenter-type of environment.service managers will have greatervisibility of the field force <strong>and</strong> itwill ensure higher levels of resourceutilization. also, field personnel canbe assigned one or two jobs at a timeinstead of giving all the jobs he hasto complete that day in one go. themanager will know if a job is takinga longer time than scheduled orif the job has been completed early<strong>and</strong> the engineer on duty has morecapacity or time left.Cloud-based workforceManagement solutionsMany companies are in favorof “on-dem<strong>and</strong>” solutions such ascloud-based call center software.outsourcing workforce managementhas its advantages such as easy<strong>and</strong> rapid implementation, simpleintegration <strong>and</strong> less risk.such software-as-a-service (saas)or cloud-based call center solutionshelp companies reduce the time <strong>and</strong>costs involved, as the vendor willtake care of the hardware, networkinfrastructure <strong>and</strong> performance ofthe system.other advantages include greaterscalability <strong>and</strong> better integration.Call centers will benefit from theadvanced solutions which will beautomatically implemented by thevendor. this eliminates the need forperiodic upgrades <strong>and</strong> expenses onnew software. as such services aremade available on a subscription basis,companies can trial the software<strong>and</strong> check out its suitability for theirpurposes. if suitable, it can continuewith the solution or else go for another.dMg Consulting released a reporton the future of the call center softwaresolutions’ market saying that itwill grow by 35 percent in 2010 <strong>and</strong>20 percent in 2011. the reason givenwas the recession, which has drivencompanies to leverage cloud-basedcall center solutions to economicallymake use of the latest technology.Besides reducing call center operatingcosts these saass or cloudbasedsolutions help managers increaseschedule adherence, reduceshrinkage, increase agent satisfaction<strong>and</strong> also improve performance<strong>and</strong> productivity along with the regularscheduling capabilities.Companies in asia-<strong>Pacific</strong>rostima asia sdn. Bhd. in Malaysiadevelops <strong>and</strong> supplies enterpriseworkforce management solutions.these solutions help organizationsto optimize their staff schedules bymatching workload to staff resourcesso as to increase operational efficiency,reduce staff costs, improveservice levels <strong>and</strong> retain staff. rostimaprovides unique algorithms thathelp transport companies find theoptimal plan <strong>and</strong> roster while meetingworkplace rules cost-effectively.rostima caters to the gaming,ports, aviation, transportation, retail<strong>and</strong> service sectors. the company leveragesthe services of business professionalswith operational experiencein planning <strong>and</strong> management<strong>and</strong> uses their practical experienceto serve customers optimally. thesolutions are designed to offer real<strong>and</strong> tangible financial savings <strong>and</strong>benefits from the implementationof enterprise workforce managementsolutions.indian company ramco humanCapital Management’s workforcemanagement consists of a centralrepository for employee information.this self-service capabilityprovides a portal for employees tomanage personal information. thecomponents of the system includesemployee information, hr administration,employee assets, grievances<strong>and</strong> disciplinary action.VQ alert is a workforce managementsolution developed by sydneybasedCall design. aspect, a unifiedcommunications solutions provider,<strong>and</strong> Call design, a contact centerprovider, are marketing VQ alert.this is an agent adherence solution,which, along with aspect’sworkforce management capabilities,provides call-center agents withreal-time notifications of changes inwork schedules.these alerts are programmable<strong>and</strong> can be sent to agents or agentgroups, creating a positive workculture in the call center. VQ alertis being leveraged in call centers inthe asia-pacific region by americanexpress <strong>and</strong> st. george Bank.all over the world, workforcemanagement solutions are beingused increasingly to tackle laborproblems. it helps companies arriveat actual required labor strength sothat they are not understaffed <strong>and</strong>so all workers are fully engaged.Besides helping organizations optimizeoutput from all employees, theworkforce management solutionalso prevents employee burnout.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 25AP-11 copy.indd 253/25/10 8:29:49 AM

Special SectiongrowiNgindiA-sAudi ArAbiAtiesBy Matthew weigaNdFor the first time in almost 30 years, the prime Minister ofindia visited saudi arabia from Feb. 27 to March 1. primeMinister Manmohan singh spoke at length with king abdullahbin abdul aziz about security, economic, energy <strong>and</strong>defense issues. By the end of the visit, they had signed 10different agreements. this is the result of negotiations thatbegan with the king’s visit to india in 2006, where he spoke about creatingcomprehensive ties between the two countries <strong>and</strong> was honoredas the chief guest at the republic day parade in New delhi. with primeMinister singh’s visit, the ties are realized. as an added bonus, Manmohansingh received an honorary doctorate from king saud university.“as a result of our interaction, we have agreed to upgrade the quality ofour relationship to that of a strategic partnership,” singh said when hereturned to india.26 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 263/25/10 8:29:52 AM

prime minister manmohan singhking abdullah bin abdul azizthe strategic partnership between the two countriescovers economic, trade <strong>and</strong> investment issues.also, the agreement covers energy security, research& development investment in renewable energy resources<strong>and</strong> mutual investment in the upstream <strong>and</strong>downstream energy activities of both nations. theagreement also includes a pledge for both countries touse space for only peaceful purposes. Finally, the agreementaddresses cooperation in dealing with security<strong>and</strong> terrorism issues. the fact that the agreement wascompleted at all is a signifier of a new era in southasian politics.the prime minister was accompanied by a delegationof ministers, officials <strong>and</strong> businessmen, who werealso busy. there were reports of two private sectoragreements reached during the three-day event.energy needs, againsaudi arabia supplies a full 30 percent of india’scrude oil each year. india’s steady growth will no doubtrequire more energy in the future. india is voraciouslyreaching out for all forms of energy from nuclearto solar, <strong>and</strong> will maintain a healthy diet of oil as itseconomy exp<strong>and</strong>s. securing a steady supply from saudiarabia is essential for india’s future growth.the joint declaration signed by both parties, beingcalled the riyadh declaration, speaks a lot about complementaryneeds <strong>and</strong> interdependence, which meansboth countries should invest in each other’s energy infrastructure.there are also some vague references todeveloping alternative sources of renewable energy.new political eradespite the two countries’ ancient historical ties,india <strong>and</strong> saudi arabia have found themselves separatedby the 20th century’s political climate. Now, however,as circumstances change in the 21st century, bothcountries find themselves with similar interests <strong>and</strong>goals. <strong>and</strong>, as always, one of the most important goalsis bilateral trade. india’s post-liberalization, bilateraltrade sharply shot up, especially after 2000, <strong>and</strong> stoodat us$25 billion in 2008-09.india is now the fourth largest investor in saudiarabia, ahead of japan. indian investments are booming,amounting to $2 billion in 2009. indian companieshave also established more than 500 joint ventures insaudi arabia. From management <strong>and</strong> consultancy services,information technology, construction <strong>and</strong> telecommunications,to pharmaceuticals, there are manynew businesses popping up in the kingdom. there areAPRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 27AP-11 copy.indd 273/25/10 8:29:58 AM

Special SectionindiA-sAudi ArAbiAalso joint ventures between companies in design, consultancy,financial services <strong>and</strong> software development.even before the agreement was signed, indian companiessaw major opportunities in almost all sectors of thesaudi economy, including higher education <strong>and</strong> technicaleducation. indian it companies have already been involvedwith a growing number of saudi companies thatare outsourcing their it requirements.prime Minister singh addressed the Council of saudiChambers of Commerce <strong>and</strong> industry, inviting saudientrepreneurs <strong>and</strong> investors to return the favor <strong>and</strong> investin “construction, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals,health, agriculture, energy, telecommunications, biotechnology,tourism <strong>and</strong> other service sectors.”security <strong>and</strong> terrorismBoth india <strong>and</strong> saudi arabia find themselves the targetsof terrorism. the attacks against Mumbai last year<strong>and</strong> continuing violence vaguely associated with pakistanworries indian leaders, while saudi arabia is still atarget of al Qaeda for its ties to western powers.prime Minister singh saidthat he spoke with king abdullahabout pakistani terrorism, mentioningthat he asked the king totry to influence pakistan to tone itdown a bit. this has sparked somecontroversy in india itself, becausethe government’s policy so far hasbeen to not resort to third partieson this issue. however, it remains to be seen what willdevelop on that front.another security-related issue is an extradition treatysigned by both parties. the two countries agreed tocooperate in stopping criminal activities like moneylaundering, narcotics, arms trafficking <strong>and</strong> human trafficking.india is one of the first countries outside of theMiddle east region with which saudi arabia has signedan extradition treaty.scientific cooperationthe exchange of scientific personnel <strong>and</strong> technologyis one of the more overlooked aspects of this new agreement,but it has great potential. dignitaries from scientificorganizations of both countries signed their ownagreements during the visit. the result of one of thoseagreements is to set up an india-saudi arabia Center ofexcellence in iCt in saudi arabia, at the king abdulazizCity for science <strong>and</strong> technology (kaCst). there will bethree major activities at the center: r&d, it consultation<strong>and</strong> training on the use of information technology.this center will be used to help saudi arabia take agreater advantage of it, from the individual to the organizationallevel. there is talk of building five more nationalinstitutes of science in saudi arabia with indiancooperation.india is now the fourthlargest investor insaudi Arabia,ahead of Japan.it just makes sensesimilar to the Cepa between india <strong>and</strong> korea thatwent into effect at the beginning of this year, india’sagreements with saudi arabia just makes sense. theCepa with korea is about technological trade, economics<strong>and</strong> energy. the agreement with saudi arabia is verysimilar, with an extra emphasis on security. india isgrowing, india’s economy is hungry, <strong>and</strong> india is reachingout to those countries around it that are able to feedits growth.Nobody has been able to ignore the fact that theglobal financial crisis pretty much passed india by.while the rest of the world was moaning in pain <strong>and</strong>talking of bailouts, india had steady 8 percent economicgrowth <strong>and</strong> plenty of investmentmoney to spread around.indian companies specificallyhave a lot of investment alreadyin saudi arabia, <strong>and</strong> the primeminister gave a speech invitingmore saudi investment into itsown economy. the extremelylarge size of india makes themnearly infinite in term of opportunities for investment,<strong>and</strong> the country’s steady growth means that those opportunitieswill become greater in the future.saudi arabia is the latest payoff of what is rapidlybecoming a signature move on india’s part – the republicday diplomacy Move. invite a foreign leader over forrepublic day, give him the spot of honor, <strong>and</strong> in a fewmonths or years you have increased relations. the pastfew years of republic day celebration, the list of guestshave read like a shopping list of countries that india isinterested in. <strong>and</strong> that’s not a bad thing, since there isno better way to attract business than by throwing lotsof parties.india is not only reaching out to the southeast asiannations <strong>and</strong> east asian nations like korea <strong>and</strong> japan, butit is also reaching west to the Middle east. all of thecountries surrounding india are becoming more deeplyinvolved in its economy. this is actually reminiscent ofthe united states at the beginning of the 20th century– coming out of a long, introspective time <strong>and</strong> looking28 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 283/25/10 8:30:01 AM

for more trade relations with countries far <strong>and</strong> wide.however, the united states chose to exercise gunboatdiplomacy in the early 1900s, whereas india is practicingrepublic day diplomacy. let us hope that india isnot interrupted in this move in the same way that twoworld wars interrupted the u.s.this is also the latest chapter in india’s whirlpool,which i have spoken about in previous articles. india isbeginning to draw more resources to itself, possibly divertingthem from other end users. with increased tieswith saudi arabia, what saudi oil will be sent to india<strong>and</strong> diverted away from other markets? will this increasethe cost of the country’s oil with good consequences forits competition <strong>and</strong> bad for its customers? saudi arabiahas a long history of close cooperation with the unitedstates – will the new thrill of india’s attentions draw thecountry away from its old lover to the new? the implicationscould be world altering.For a student of history, this move by both countriesis significant by the fact that it happened at all. For thepast 50-odd years, india <strong>and</strong> saudi arabia found themselveson different sides of a global divide. saudi arabiahad been very close to the united states, while india,with its geographical location, found itself giving atleast appeasement to russia <strong>and</strong> China. while neitherside were directly involved in the Cold war, they foundthat political necessity kept them apart. their increasedties in 2010 show that there is now no obstacle left fortheir cooperation, <strong>and</strong> that the Cold war is truly dead.india is able to shift the global balance of power to moreheavily rely on itself rather than being influenced byone sphere or another. it is a new developing paradigmin international power.another significant aspect of this event is the commentsmade by the prime minister that king abdullahmight help speak to pakistan on india’s behalf. this isa controversial issue in india, because apparently somepoliticians believe that india <strong>and</strong> pakistan should takecare of their differences without outside interference.But despite this political opposition, the prime ministeris reaching out to other countries for political aid. thisis a sign that india is once again looking outwards morethan it ever has since its independence.there is one major difference between the indiakoreaagreement tone <strong>and</strong> the india-saudi agreementtone, which is the talk of technology. korea <strong>and</strong> indiaboth have strong it industries that complement eachother – india has a strong software sector <strong>and</strong> korea hasa strong hardware sector. saudi arabia is not known foreither a strong hardware or software sector, <strong>and</strong> thereforeis looking to import both of those. with ampleenergy resources the country should have no problemfunding such knowledge imports <strong>and</strong>, in fact, it has extensiveplans to build new technology institutes aroundthe country. south korea has shown some interest inbeing involved in this project as well. so it is possiblethat south korea, india <strong>and</strong> saudi arabia could create atechnological alliance to further shift the global balanceof power, given enough time.Basically, there should be no big surprise over thenew cooperation between india <strong>and</strong> saudi arabia, justlike there is no real big surprise for india’s Cepa withsouth korea. in all cases, the parties just have what theother needs, <strong>and</strong> the governments are simply followingpopular trends set up by private business already. indiais a rising star, <strong>and</strong> saudi arabia simply recognizes it.Conversely, saudi arabia is a wealthy, energy-rich country,<strong>and</strong> india wants both the finances <strong>and</strong> the energy tocontinue to fuel its growth. once again, it seems to be asimple match, founded on solid principles, with almostlimitless potential. it is also something to look forwardto seeing developed.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 29AP-11 copy.indd 293/25/10 8:30:02 AM

Special SectionindiA-sAudi ArAbiAa New era oFstrAteGicpArtnershipBy dr. Mezyad alterkawiFor a long time, the kingdomof saudi arabia hasbeen a strategic partnerfor india in the Middleeast. the recent visit ofthe indian prime ministerfurther strengthened ties betweenthe two at many levels, oneof the most important being to improvethe economic relationshipbetween the two nations. accordingto recent saudi arabian Monetaryagency (saMa) reports, saudiimports of indian goods stood atsr18 billion (us$4.86 billion), makingindia the sixth-largest source ofsaudi imports, accounting for 12.4percent of the kingdom’s total importsfrom asia in 2008. saudi arabiacomes fourth after China, theunited states <strong>and</strong> the united arabemirates as india’s most importanttrading partner globally.the presence of three senior ministers, top officials<strong>and</strong> several Ceos made the visit a very prestigious oneindeed, coming four years after the historic visit of kingabdullah bin abdulaziz of saudi arabia to india in 2006.the king’s visit resulted in saudi arabia replacing theuae as india’s number one crude oil resource, with exportsjumping from $500 million to $23bn in 2008. asindia’s largest supplier of crude oil, saudi arabia is sureto benefit from increasing energy dem<strong>and</strong> for one of theworld’s largest economies.the balance of trade between the two states has consistentlyswung in favor of the kingdom, its trade surplusst<strong>and</strong>ing at sr67.3 billion ($18.2 billion) in 2008.indian prime Minister Manmohan singh was confidentthat india’s gdp will grow at 9 to 10 percent annuallyover the next 25 years <strong>and</strong> has sought saudi investmentin sectors ranging from infrastructure to hospitality. thetwo leaders emphasized “the importance of strengtheningthe strategic energy partnership based on complementarity<strong>and</strong> interdependence, as outlined in the delhideclaration (of 2006), including meeting india’s increasingrequirement of crude oil supplies, <strong>and</strong> identifying<strong>and</strong> implementing specific projects for cooperation includingin the areas of new <strong>and</strong> renewable energy.”Both leaders also directed the joint working groupon energy to continue adopting all appropriate meansto achieve the same, the riyadh declaration said. kingabdullah later said that, “prime Minister Manmohansingh’s visit <strong>and</strong> the signing of a number of agreements<strong>and</strong> memor<strong>and</strong>ums of underst<strong>and</strong>ing reflect a new eraof strategic partnership between the two countries.”the prime minister was also conferred an honorary doctoraldegree from king saud university presented by theuniversity rector abdullah al-othman. later, the indianexternal affairs Minister, s.M. krishna, called the visit“highly successful.”Dr. Mez Alterkawi is an associate professor in the Departmentof Urban & Regional Planning at the College ofArchitecture & Planning, King Saud University.30 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 303/25/10 8:30:11 AM

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itincubator FirmFailure or Graduation– the role ofuniversity LinksBy staFF reportertechnology incubatorsare a special form ofbusiness incubator.they focus on newenterprises whoseoperations are basedon novel technological ideas thatare likely to lead to a marketablenew product. they provide commonservices as well as financial,legal <strong>and</strong> business support to thesenewly formed enterprises. the incubationprocess ends after a limitedperiod of time, either with the“graduation” of successful start-upsthat move outside the incubator, orwith the termination of incubationarrangements for one reason or another.technology incubators are a growing part of the institutionalinfrastructure for university-industry technologytransfer, <strong>and</strong> indeed practitioner publicationstout the benefits of incubation for technology commercialization.research shows that university-linked incubatorhave a greater edge when compared to incubators thatare not university linked. one of the most importantbenefits is the availability of experts (mentors) who areequipped with the latest research in specific fields <strong>and</strong>can provide consulting advice on a product. other importantfactors include access to specialized laboratories<strong>and</strong> facilities, access to knowledge based assets that areoften needed for technology-based start-ups <strong>and</strong> intellectualproperty rights.the involvement of a university faculty member asan advisor to a startup firm or as part of its managingteam reduces the chances of a firm’s failure. on the otherh<strong>and</strong>, a faculty member’s engagement with a firm sometimesslows down the firm’s graduation process due tothe faculty member’s dual roles; one as a researcher in auniversity <strong>and</strong> the other as a member of a startup firm.entrepreneurs <strong>and</strong> incubator managers need to beaware of the trade-off they might encounter when incubatinga new venture that relies on a strong universitylink either through a technology license <strong>and</strong>/or havingone or more university faculty members as part of themanagement team.incubators that are linked to science parks have amajor advantage in creating an image <strong>and</strong> credibilitywith customers <strong>and</strong> suppliers. thus, the incubators thathave strong links with universities <strong>and</strong> are located withinscience parks are likely to get the most benefits.32 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 323/25/10 8:30:18 AM

enhancinghealthcare withtelemedicineFroM PaGe 19<strong>and</strong> radiology some years back.local healthcare workers were brought under thescheme to develop <strong>and</strong> operate telemedicine projects.Nepalese living in Butwal, jhapa <strong>and</strong> Bhaktapur are beingserved by telemedicine projects. health professionalsat healthNet Nepal <strong>and</strong> the Ministry of health cametogether to make this project a success.dr. alok roy, Chairman & Managing director ofMedica synergie pvt. ltd., was instrumental in conceptualizing<strong>and</strong> implementing the integrated telemedicine<strong>and</strong> telehealth project or ittp, asia’s telemedicineinitiative. according to him, telemedicine not onlytakes medical care to far flung places by eliminatingimpediments like time <strong>and</strong> distance, but it also helpsin critical care treatment. the timely intervention of aspecialist many miles away may help save a preciouslife. specialists can keep themselves informed about acase <strong>and</strong> provide medical guidance to the patient <strong>and</strong>the doctor attending to him/her without any of themleaving their towns.according to sajeesh kumar, phd (telemedicine),from the Centre of excellence in e-Medicine, universityof western australia, for telemedicine to see moresuccess in the asia-pacific region, local skills <strong>and</strong> infrastructurehave to be leveraged based on local dem<strong>and</strong>.technology management, staff development <strong>and</strong> theeducation of concerned people are important requirements.in the asia-pacific region, most specialists livein capital cities <strong>and</strong> rural areas remain underserved.there is a tremendous growth in telecommunicationchannels <strong>and</strong> internet in this region, making telemedicinea viable solution to enhance medical care. propercoordination between the telecom <strong>and</strong> health care industrieswill increase consumer confidence <strong>and</strong> promotee-health.telemedicine has been found to be successful inproviding wound care remedies with better healing.patients are also satisfied, as this means less time spentwaiting <strong>and</strong> traveling to far off hospitals. doctors canmonitor <strong>and</strong> help in the treatment of patients by examiningthe patient by video conference <strong>and</strong> guide anurse or doctor to take proper action all from a remotelocation. telemedicine also increases collaboration betweenspecialists <strong>and</strong> helps arrive at treatments for newmaladies <strong>and</strong> enables them to attempt new methods oftreatment based on consultations <strong>and</strong> deliberations.Lights Goingout for korean,asian onlineMonocultureFroM PaGe 23offerings. But it is easier said than done. the reasonthat they do not do so already is because governmentregulations require that they support activeX.this is a bureaucracy problem.the korean government, in its many differentministry incarnations, has done a lot to help thehardware technology industry for the last 40 years.it can arguably be said that the korean governmentbuilt its high-tech hardware industry fromthe ground up, practically forcing companies likesamsung <strong>and</strong> lg to stop producing non-technologyrelatedgoods <strong>and</strong> making them make radios withthe threat of large fines. later, it was tVs, then computercomponents. in this hardware industry, theheavy h<strong>and</strong> of government had been exactly whatwas required.But in the software industry, or the internet, theheavy h<strong>and</strong> of government has only been keepingthe country back. there is very little internet innovationwithin korea. in fact, most internet-relatedstartups in korea look overseas for both their users<strong>and</strong> their inspiration. korea’s internet culture istrapped by government bureaucracy. it is trappedin the last decade, at the mercy of even the leastskilled hackers <strong>and</strong> the most powerful viruses. itis trapped away from innovative paths of development,by outdated regulations <strong>and</strong> outmodedforms of security. in the case of the internet, thekorean government should simply step back <strong>and</strong>let it evolve on its own. internet trends are just toofast to regulate, <strong>and</strong> any attempt will simply stiflethe development to the detriment of the countriesinvolved.this is not going to be easy, but the first crackshave already been created. the korean governmentregulations for smart phones to include anoutdated wireless internet platform for interoperability(wipi) functionality that is only required inkorea were bent in order to let the iphone into thecountry, <strong>and</strong> the result was 200,000 smartphonesfree from outdated government requirements.there will be a second crack in the bureaucracy,<strong>and</strong> then more <strong>and</strong> more. No one knows how muchnew technology it will take to push korea, kicking<strong>and</strong> screaming, into the 21st century, but the newtechnology is not letting up. eventually they willhave to cave.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 33AP-11 copy.indd 333/25/10 8:30:19 AM

itteLeMatiCsbeyondnavigationBy rajaNi BaBurajaNtelematics, in the broad sense, refers to sending <strong>and</strong>receiving information via a telecommunications device.this machine-to-machine (M2M) technology is widelyused in vehicles today, <strong>and</strong> so telematics today refers tothe application of the technology in vehicles. telematicsin vehicles provides drivers with real-time informationregarding automobile accidents or theft detection, routeguidance, traffic or daily living information, games <strong>and</strong>e-mail services by applying mobile telecommunications<strong>and</strong> global positioning system (gps) technology. Commercialvehicle telematics (CVt) is emerging as one ofthe fastest growing areas in the telecommunicationsthe telematics try in China, southindus-korea <strong>and</strong> japan ismoving beyond thetraditional navigationservices to explorenew opportunities on the commercialfront. Commercial vehicle telematicsfinds applications in vehicletracking, location based services,fleet management <strong>and</strong> more.sector today.avehicle telematics system consists of a gps receiver<strong>and</strong> an ssM/gprs modem installed in each vehicle. thetechnology is primarily used to track vehicles. expertssay that CVt, though in its infancy in the asia-pacificregion, would give rise to a number of functions rangingfrom “vehicle <strong>and</strong> passenger safety to the ultimateluxury of sinful comfort <strong>and</strong> convenience features.”Bizacumen, in its recent report on CVt, says thattelematics technology has the potential to add the crucialfunctionality imperative for various emerging automotivesystem capabilities.applicationstelematics applications can be broadly classified intofour areas: Navigation service, safety <strong>and</strong> security, information<strong>and</strong> m-Commerce, <strong>and</strong> wireless internet services.Navigation Service: this is one of the most popularapplications of telematics. the technology helps drivers<strong>and</strong> vehicle owners get real-time traffic information <strong>and</strong>map directions. the gps-enabled vehicle telematics providesround-the-clock information about road <strong>and</strong> trafficconditions, enabling them to make wise decisionswhile on the road.Vehicle Diagnosis <strong>and</strong> Control: Vehicle diagnosis<strong>and</strong> control service allows users to check gear performance,engine, brakes <strong>and</strong> get fuel-related information.it enables them to control various parts <strong>and</strong> componentsincluding the doors, trunk, headlights <strong>and</strong> taillights.Safety <strong>and</strong> Security: telematics can be used in emergencyrescue applications. Vehicles fitted with a remote34 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 343/25/10 8:30:24 AM

control for automobile diagnosis areless prone to accidents due to mechanicalfailure. an automatic crashsensor is another important applicationof telematics for ensuringsafety while driving. the safety <strong>and</strong>security service also enables vehiclemonitoring <strong>and</strong> tracking in case oftheft.Information <strong>and</strong> m-Commerce:telematics enables location Basedservice (lBs) on vehicles to provideinformation about places of interestto people. this may include detailsof restaurants, movie theaters,shops <strong>and</strong> more. lBs is emerging asone of the most lucrative marketingopportunities for such businesses.in the form of m-Commerce,telematics can be beneficial to bothbusinesses <strong>and</strong> customers alike. thetechnology can be used to providehotel/air/train reservation <strong>and</strong> logisticsservices.another important application oftelematics is fleet management. thisis important when there is largescalemovement of goods from oneplace to another. telematics helpsmanufacturers save money <strong>and</strong> timewhile transporting goods from oneplace to another. the technology alsohelps on-site service personnel communicatewith each other <strong>and</strong> managetheir fleet effectively. instantcommunication among personneldeployed at different locations helpsthe company save significant time<strong>and</strong> travel costs associated with suchservices.entertainment: telematics empowersvehicle owners with the abilityto play music or video in the carwithout having to download it frommobile h<strong>and</strong>sets, with the help ofphone-automobile synchronizationtechnologies via wireless networkssuch as wCdMa, wlaN <strong>and</strong> Bluetooth.Commercial telematicsin south koreaCommercial telematics was introducedto south korea in 2003.since then, the industry has maturedenough to attract investors <strong>and</strong> customers.user expectations <strong>and</strong> technologieshave been clearly definedover the past few years. a key factorthat drives this growth is the popularityof gps-enabled phones. theyhave helped small <strong>and</strong> medium enterprisesmaximize fleet efficiencies<strong>and</strong> minimize operating costs. theavailability of lBs via mobile phoneshas enabled many service providers<strong>and</strong> hardware manufacturers to extendlBs applications to commercialfleets.in 2003, sk telecom, a leadingservice provider in the country, enteredinto the telematics market inkorea with the introduction of Natedrive. Based on the advantages ofwireless internet services <strong>and</strong> operationalknow-how, Nate drive is theworld’s first h<strong>and</strong>set-based telematicsservice, the company said.south korea has also initiated amajor telematics project – jeju telematicsmodel city construction project– with an aim to energize thetelematics industry in the country<strong>and</strong> create synergy effects betweenassociated industries. a consortiumof companies, led by sk telecom,was designated as the operator forthis telematics project initiated bythe Ministry of information <strong>and</strong>Communications.the korean government, ambitiousto make the country the marketleader in it, has announced telematicsas one of the nine new engines ofeconomic growth. this move givesa strong positive signal to investors<strong>and</strong> global players interested in thetelematics business in korea. withmaturing business models <strong>and</strong> ahighly developed value chain, koreais on track to becoming a majortelematics player by the end of thedecade. domestic wireless operators<strong>and</strong> automakers are keen to rake inthe profits from this highly prospectivemarket opportunity.korea telematics <strong>Business</strong> association(kotBa) is a non-profitorganization established to encouragetelematics in korea. establishedin 2003, kotBa aims to st<strong>and</strong>ardizetelematics technologies <strong>and</strong> services.kotBa has about 60 membersincluding automakers, telecommunicationcompanies, terminal manufacturers,content providers <strong>and</strong>other telematics-related companies,research centers <strong>and</strong> universities activein the telematics industry.according to research <strong>and</strong> Markets,the low penetration of telematicsin korea, one of the top six passengercar manufacturing countriesin the world, has created greaterinterest among key players in the region.the market expects explosivegrowth over the coming few years,the agency thinks. the telematicsmarket in korea will be spurred byits robust infrastructure, especiallyits world-class wireless communicationtechnology <strong>and</strong> an extremely efficient<strong>and</strong> high-speed internet.korea boasts one of the highestbroadb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> 3g penetration ratesin the world. as a leader in communications,korea also surpasses severalsuperior countries in convergence oftechnologies, voice recognition systems<strong>and</strong> remote care diagnostics.service providers could also takeadvantage of these advanced technologiesto design <strong>and</strong> offer uniqueservices for their customers.aBi research expects that commercialtelematics in korea willshow very strong growth, accountingfor a high Cagr of between 38percent to 42 percent in subscribers,hardware shipments, <strong>and</strong> marketvalues.telematics industry in ChinaFollowing in the footsteps of thedeveloped countries, China steppedin to telematics services in 2009with the introduction of gM onstar<strong>and</strong> toyota g-Book. the industry ishopeful about the entry of the twomainstream auto br<strong>and</strong>s in the telematicsmarket in China. however,the market is likely to witness toughcompetition in the coming years asmore players enter. to succeed inthis market, the automakers haveto seek local partners, apply newrules to the game <strong>and</strong> try innovativebusiness models. telematics will geta boost in the form of governmentsupport as it complies with the Chinesegovernment policy that m<strong>and</strong>atesgps devices on every public<strong>and</strong> special-purpose vehicle.however, there are a number ofchallenges facing telematics in China.the country, with its varying economic<strong>and</strong> cultural conditions, poses agreat challenge to international playersentering the market. they have yetto identify the potential service areasthat would appeal to the mass marketin China. wireless carriers can play aContinued on PaGe 40APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 35AP-11 copy.indd 353/25/10 8:30:28 AM

itGreen teLeCoMis it socially beneficial?By N.k. Mathurwhat is Green telecom?all of us would like to stay close to nature, see greeneryaround us, feel freshness pervading our neighborhood.<strong>and</strong> how nice it would be to help nature comecloser to us. the telecom sector, or the iCt sector as awhole, should naturally play a role since iCt-dependentappliances are very close to us in our households aswell as in the workplace. this is where ‘green’ telecomsteps in. it implies that starting from the building to theequipment, machinery <strong>and</strong> the end product, not forgettingthe ancillaries, everything should be as ‘green’ asis feasible through our present state of knowledge. wecan be sure of one more aspect: our capabilities will certainlykeep on evolving <strong>and</strong> improving. it should also beappreciated at the outset that telecommunication <strong>and</strong>related industries play a vital role in two main streamsof our activity – in introducing carbon-reduction technologies<strong>and</strong> in monitoring global warming. thus, wesee that telecom <strong>and</strong> the environment are interdependent<strong>and</strong> can work to assist each other.on the international Frontthe international telecommunication union (itu)has been emphasizing the need for the introductionof eco-friendly elements in all telecom <strong>and</strong> iCt-relatedequipment <strong>and</strong> services. a recent symposium on iCts<strong>and</strong> climate change in Quito, ecuador, in july 2009, recommendedthat global efforts to combat climate changewould facilitate economic <strong>and</strong> social growth <strong>and</strong> alsothat the iCt sector must limit its own carbon footprint.it naturally follows that the increased use of ‘green’construction materials, renewable energy coupled with‘green’ purchasing policies <strong>and</strong> methodologies can providetangible assistance towards achieving the objectiveof ‘green telecom.’it is therefore necessary to call upon public <strong>and</strong> privateentities at the national as well as international levelto include in their activities <strong>and</strong> projects the analysis<strong>and</strong> study of the impact that telecommunications <strong>and</strong>iCts have on climate change.establishing ‘Green’ telecom systemsgoing by itu reports, the iCt sector contributes 2-2.5percent of the total global warming effects. these figureswould be much more important for countries likeindia <strong>and</strong> China where the iCt sector is becoming an integralpart of the economic development <strong>and</strong>, moreover,its growth is unprecedented.in india, as in many other neighboring countries, thetelecom networks are exp<strong>and</strong>ing in a phenomenal manner.urban <strong>and</strong> rural teledensity of 100 percent <strong>and</strong> 30percent respectively has been achieved in india with over500 million subscribers; the government is taking actionon several fronts to further increase the teledensity<strong>and</strong> penetration of broadb<strong>and</strong>. it is expected that indiawill have 900 million mobile <strong>and</strong> 40 million broadb<strong>and</strong>subscribers by the year 2012. similar action is afoot inmany other neighboring countries, correspondingly resultingin the exponential growth of telecom networksin the region.a holistic view shows that development <strong>and</strong> managementof green telecom systems should aim at makingthe following components green or as green as possiblewith today’s <strong>and</strong> tomorrow’s technologies:- materials <strong>and</strong> substances- operational cycle- waste disposal- r&d activitiesMaterials <strong>and</strong> substanceslet us look at building materials. the ‘green buildings’movement has already been going on for the pastfew years with the objective of some components beingdesigned as ‘net zero’ structures. the same philosophyis being adopted for telecom components with a specialemphasis being placed on achieving low heat dissipation.the trend is towards designing systems that do not needmuch cooling, air conditioning or heating <strong>and</strong> can operateat ambient temperatures. also, heating <strong>and</strong> coolingsystems are being designed to run on eco-friendly energysources. lighting has also undergone a sea change,with the arrival of CFl, liquid crystals <strong>and</strong> leds, whichconsume 1/10 of the energy of conventional systems.the energy Frontlet us look at the energy front, which is emerging as36 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 363/25/10 8:30:29 AM

the most important aspect to tack-le. it is obvious that the larger theequipment, the greater the energyrequirement. today, such energy– in excess of 1 kilowatt – is beingprovided by diesel generators, whichleave a large carbon footprint. More-over, the health hazards are consid-erable <strong>and</strong> these pervade the humanas well as animal kingdom. withthe awareness of our environmentgradually taking a firm hold in ourthinking, it follows that we must de-vise telecommunication systems insub-sets of a smaller size – spatiallyseparated – so that it is able to servea large area or a large population,<strong>and</strong> yet requires less energy than,say, 1 kilowatt at each location.the question of eco-friendly energysources has been under intenseconsideration by telecom professionalsall over the world. apart fromthe development of energy-efficienttechnology, power has been a majorproblem for rural telecommunicationsin india. recently, the departmentof telecommunications hasdecided to offer financial supportfrom the universal services obligationFund to telecom players usingrenewable sources of energy to powertheir base stations in rural areas.under certain conditions, it will givers 5 million per installation for mobiletowers running on solar or windor some other type of renewableenergy. Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing the usualgovernmental approach, this moveindicates the government’s thrusttowards providing affordable telecomfacilities in rural india. similarefforts are being made at variousfronts in neighboring asia-pacificcountries.the following eight approacheshave been considered in the past: energywind energytidal / lunar energyscattered electromagneticenergy (Nokia is reported tohave utilized this for certainh<strong>and</strong>sets)pico hydelBiomassFuel cellother new technologiesthat might be developed infutureanother area of concern is theuse of the diesel engine-alternatorsets for running mobile systems particularlyin rural areas where commercialpower is available only for apart of the day. this naturally causesan enormous degradation of the environment.according to one estimate,india would require more than3,00,000 towers by the end of 2010,out of which about 80 percent wouldbe installed in rural areas. these willmount antennas <strong>and</strong> other associatedequipment for nearly 750,000base stations which are estimatedto consume about 16 billion litersof diesel a year. the annual carbonemission as a result thereof wouldbe about 40 million tons. in view ofthe explosive growth of mobile telephonyin india, by 2015 these figuresare likely to double. Climate changehas become a major policy issueglobally, because the rate at whichgreenhouse gas emissions are risingis exceeding the worst-case scenariosof environmental scientists. therefore,telecom policy should make itincumbent on rural operators to employclean energy sources.waste disposalhere it needs to be acknowledgedthat e-waste is a growing problem.efforts must be made to dispose ofmobile phones, computers, etc., inan environment-friendly manner<strong>and</strong> to reduce <strong>and</strong> avoid the use oftoxic materials in the productionstage. the re-use of iCt equipmentalso needs to be encouraged. somemanufacturers have started invitingtheir consumers to deposit discardedpieces at specified locations,which is a healthy trend. <strong>and</strong> suchmeasures would also enable re-usein the most efficient manner.r&d activitiessome private operators in indiahave developed microcellular systemsrun by solar power. recently,the effort of one such company hasgained international recognition byreceiving “the wall street journaltechnology innovation award 2009.”such developments are likely takingplace in other neighboring countries,too. governments should supportsuch efforts so that india <strong>and</strong>the region becomes an exporter ofclean technologies <strong>and</strong> thus contributesto the global efforts of reducingcarbon emissions, without affectingeconomic development. there arereports of energy-efficient enginealternators being developed for ruralareas. lightweight base stationarrays have been designed for ruralapplications.some emerging action Pointsin order to take care of the climateissues <strong>and</strong> arrive at green solutionsfor telecom systems, it wouldthus be necessary to initiate certainactions. First of all, the design ofthe rural network needs to be engineeredin such a way that energyrequirements are minimized. <strong>and</strong>furthermore, the systems themselvesshould be eco-friendly alongthe lines indicated earlier. Networksdesigned for urban applications cannotbe retrofitted.Furthermore, insofar as rural areasare concerned, care should betaken to tailor the networks for thespecific needs of such areas. the ruralcustomer has, broadly speaking,two types of requirements. he needsto be in mobile contact all the time<strong>and</strong> at home he needs to be able toget from his tV set, that is, in audiovisualformat, the information thathe needs for his business <strong>and</strong> entertainmentfor his family whereliteracy level might be a limitingfactor. we have to find eco-friendlysolutions to provide him with thesefacilities without contributing muchto the global carbon footprint. theelectronics installed in rural areasmust not require air conditioning,<strong>and</strong> suitable design features to improveenergy efficiency should beintroduced.there is a need for stringentnorms for energy efficiency, emissions<strong>and</strong> carbon footprint, not onlyfor manufacturers, but also for operators.the type of approach mentionedin this article requires actionswhich are quite achievable <strong>and</strong> cansoon result in green telecommunications,with the least resource wastage<strong>and</strong> minimum environmentalimpact. such would be the conceptof a telecom professional who hasan eco friendly temperament.N.K. Mathur is a former adviser foroperations to the Telecom Commissionof India.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 37AP-11 copy.indd 373/25/10 8:30:30 AM

itBy arpaN BaNerjeeoday’s students aregrowing up in a digitalworld that utilizesa variety of hi-techtools, from computers<strong>and</strong> video gamesto increasingly sophisticated mobiledevices. schools <strong>and</strong> universitiesare following suit, integratinga range of technologies both in <strong>and</strong>outside the classroom. let us lookat some exciting trends in today’seducation sector.Globalizationthe dem<strong>and</strong> for higher education globally has increased<strong>and</strong> will continue to grow. New campuses arebeing built <strong>and</strong> existing campuses are exp<strong>and</strong>ing. universitiesare competing internationally for resources,faculty, the best students <strong>and</strong> education funding.overseas expansion creates opportunities for students<strong>and</strong> faculty in terms of exchange programs <strong>and</strong>exp<strong>and</strong>ed campus environments. China, india <strong>and</strong> theMiddle east have quickly become key areas for widespreadcampus growth. the learning model varies bycountry <strong>and</strong> institution, ranging from replicating thehome campus, to building local capacity, to participatingin faculty exchanges.these global learning environments give studentsan opportunity to exp<strong>and</strong> their portfolios to include experiencethat is valued in today’s workforce. universities,in turn, use their foreign campuses to attract topresearch talent <strong>and</strong> build international relationships,establishing a global presence <strong>and</strong> helping develop localcapacity.information Literacyenhancing technical literacy <strong>and</strong> creating a culturethat encourages faculty to use computers, smart devices<strong>and</strong> other innovative tools in their curricula is becominga top priority for colleges. From the perspective ofstudents, while they are device-savvy, they may not necessarilybe information savvy. in spite of growing upwith technology, many students have not learned howto use technology for academic purposes. universitiesare addressing this through a variety of methods <strong>and</strong>are creating a technology culture through a variety ofprograms such as support desks <strong>and</strong> student employmentprograms. the bottom-line is to ensure that studentsare viable c<strong>and</strong>idates <strong>and</strong> are competitive in theglobal workplace.internet br<strong>and</strong>ing today is a viable way to market academicprograms to prospective students while enhancingthe school’s br<strong>and</strong>. universities are also establishingonline parties <strong>and</strong> networking websites for newly-admittedfreshmen, allowing them to interact virtuallywith campus services <strong>and</strong> the campus community beforethey start school. the presence of schools in virtualonline communities such as second life helps enhancethe br<strong>and</strong>. youtube’s education channels <strong>and</strong> itunes uare effective not only for teaching <strong>and</strong> learning, but alsofor marketing a university. to attract students, universitiesdevelop student-blogger programs, where currentstudents blog about their life at the university. someuniversities also have “fan pages” on Facebook to enablecommunications with incoming freshmen.38 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 383/25/10 8:30:32 AM

Mobilitystudents depend heavily on theirmobile phones <strong>and</strong> pdas these days.with the proliferation of mobilephones on campus, colleges everywhereare compelled to capitalize onfeature-rich phones that are capableof much more than just voice calls.adoption of the BlackBerry, iphone<strong>and</strong> other smart devices that haveinternet access allows students <strong>and</strong>faculty to perform a wide range ofassignments. tasks like administration,sharing class notes, downloadinglectures, instant messaging, etc.,are possible anywhere cell phoneservice is available.Mobile phones are also beingused to access computer files fromremote locations. with services likesoonr, students who have forgottento bring an assignment to class canuse their cell phone to access thecompleted work on their home computer<strong>and</strong> show it to the professor.Mobile applications such as twitter<strong>and</strong> Citysense help students schedulemeetings or study dates remotely.Mobile learning that uses pdas<strong>and</strong> smartphones to deliver courseware,field data, short tutorials <strong>and</strong>classroom polls is also on the rise.new technology adoption – atrend in itselfsome of the biggest trends of todayinclude the emergence of web2.0 <strong>and</strong> social networking phenomenasuch as blogs <strong>and</strong> wikis, as wellas new online video repository <strong>and</strong>delivery websites such as youtube,itunes u <strong>and</strong> Big think. the emergenceof smartphones such as theiphone <strong>and</strong> other intelligent deviceshas enhanced mobile learning(referred to as m-learning). thesetechnologies create new channelsfor content delivery, online videoexpansion <strong>and</strong> podcasting. also, theadoption of virtual reality websitessuch as second life has providedhigher-education institutions withnew venues for class gatherings <strong>and</strong>learning.some popular web 2.0 tools are:Blogs: short for ‘web log,’ a blogis an online journal, which has awriter/creator <strong>and</strong> readers who serveas contributors <strong>and</strong> commentatorsthat help shape the dialogue. a typicalblog combines text, images <strong>and</strong>links to other blogs, web pages <strong>and</strong>other media related to its topic.Wikis: the best way to describe awiki is by giving the classic exampleof wikipedia, which is an online encyclopediathat is generated, validated<strong>and</strong> maintained by users.Podcasts: series of digital mediafiles, which can be both audio <strong>and</strong>/or video.Mashups: similar to a portal, amashup is a newer, loosely-definedweb 2.0 technique for content aggregation.examples of popular consumermashups are google maps<strong>and</strong> diggs.Social networking <strong>and</strong> communities:popular social networks likeFacebook, orkut, linkedin, used tobuild an online community of userswho share similar interests <strong>and</strong>/oractivities.a combination of these tools istransforming the traditional learningenvironment into somethingmore social <strong>and</strong> personalized. whiletraditional learning Managementsystems (lMs) like Blackboard orweb Ct are course-centered <strong>and</strong>driven by faculty, the new approachis to create a ‘learner-centric’ system.universities continue to examineways in which they can integratethese tools to further enhance thecampus <strong>and</strong> learning experience <strong>and</strong>improve productivity through flexiblelearning environments. Manyuniversities view technology as akey asset that helps them create anintellectually vibrant <strong>and</strong> relevantcampus to attract the best students<strong>and</strong> faculty.Learning <strong>and</strong> collaborationthe education process hasevolved over a period of time to collaborativelearning. web 2.0 <strong>and</strong> socialnetworking tools such as blogs<strong>and</strong> wikis <strong>and</strong> online social gatheringwebsites such as Flickr are enhancing<strong>and</strong> facilitating collaborativelearning <strong>and</strong> are being used widelyon many campuses. the delivery ofcontent has evolved dramatically, asmany professors opt to post all classmaterial including complete audio<strong>and</strong>/or video recordings of lectureson sites like itunes u <strong>and</strong> youtube.open source course-managementsystems such as Moodle <strong>and</strong> similarsystems on Facebook are some applicationsto support more content <strong>and</strong>student collaboration.Virtual meeting place tools likewebex, dimdim <strong>and</strong> gotomeetingare efficient web-based collaborationsolutions that help improveproductivity <strong>and</strong> decrease the needfor face-to-face communication <strong>and</strong>travel. these tools simulate the visualcommunications that occur betweenstudents <strong>and</strong> teachers in thetraditional classroom setting.education <strong>and</strong> entertainmenthigher-education content <strong>and</strong> entertainment(edutainment) are sharinga common footprint these days.teachers are combining the twousing various videos that containboth educational <strong>and</strong> entertainmentvalue in podcasts <strong>and</strong> posting coursecontent on education channels. televisionbroadcasting companies suchas the BBC, MtV, NBC, <strong>and</strong> aBC arequickly developing methods to integratebroadcast media with highereducation. this trend supports themarked increase in the use of multimediadevices on college campuseswhere content is accessible notonly through computers, but alsothrough tVs <strong>and</strong> smartphones.in conclusion, technology willplay an increasing role in highereducation this century. the learningtechnology of today is being shapedwith the help of tools to create asocial, highly collaborative <strong>and</strong> personalizedenvironment. institutionswill adopt innovative solutions thatwill change the way students learn,communicate, produce, collaborate<strong>and</strong> study both on <strong>and</strong> off campus.Creating innovative services fromcur¬rent <strong>and</strong> future technologies requiresa powerful, reliable, exp<strong>and</strong>able<strong>and</strong> secure it infrastructurethat has adequate b<strong>and</strong>width, qualityof service <strong>and</strong> storage. Many colleges<strong>and</strong> universities have alreadydeveloped plans to ensure successin meeting their current <strong>and</strong> futureneeds. educators, management <strong>and</strong>administrators who are proactive inembracing the trends with the helpof the right technology partner arein a position to create significantcompetitive advantages.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 39AP-11 copy.indd 393/25/10 8:30:33 AM

ittelematicsbeyondnavigationFroM PaGe 35leading role in the Chinese telematicsmarket. in the coming years, theindustry will be active with partnerships<strong>and</strong> investments.recently, korean telecommunicationsprovider sk telecom introducedthe Mobile in Vehicle (MiV)service in shanghai. the technologyenables the remote control ofvehicles via mobile phones. Comparedto traditional telematics services,MiV offers a lot of advantages.with MiV, telematics offers mobiletelecommunications technology,platform <strong>and</strong> content, representinga new concept of convergence serviceswhere customers can use theirmobile phones to diagnose <strong>and</strong>control their cars, <strong>and</strong> use variousmultimedia services. the service iscompatible with both smart phones<strong>and</strong> non-smart phones.sung-Chul hong, executive vicepresident <strong>and</strong> head of next internetbusiness division of sk telecomsaid, “the telematics service providedin the form of a package – offeringmobile telecommunicationstechnology, platform <strong>and</strong> contents– is promising. it can be used viaboth smart phones <strong>and</strong> non-smartphones, thereby making it highlycompatible with all types <strong>and</strong>br<strong>and</strong>s of automobiles worldwide.”sk telecom expects the promisingconvergence service marketworldwide, which combines information<strong>and</strong> communicationstechnology with the automobile industry,to reach us$15.4 billion by2010. in 2007, sk telecom acquireda 65 percent stake in shenzhen e-eye high tech, a gps service companyin China for $15.21 million. thecompany initially plans to implementthe MiV-based security serviceon three or four kinds of automobilemade by toyota <strong>and</strong> honda <strong>and</strong>then exp<strong>and</strong> MiV to other br<strong>and</strong>sas well. More MiV services includ-ing remote vehicle diagnosis, shortcutintroduction based on real-timetraffic information, <strong>and</strong> playingmusic <strong>and</strong> video on mobile phonesvia the vehicle a/V system, will beintroduced successively, companyofficials said.telematics in Japanin japan, the government hasinitiated an intelligent transportsystem (its) to solve transportationproblems such as traffic accidents<strong>and</strong> congestion through the use ofvehicle telematics technology. theNational police agency, the Ministryof international trade & industry,the Ministry of transport, theMinistry of posts & telecommunications<strong>and</strong> the Ministry of Constructionare working together toachieve the goals of its.one of the key focus areas of itsis Vehicle information <strong>and</strong> Communicationsystems (ViCs). under this,the one that immediately precededactual deployment is electronic tollCollection (etC) technology. etCenables vehicles to pass throughtollgates without stopping to paythe toll <strong>and</strong> without getting stuck inthe congestion at the tollgate. tollsare paid through credit cards. theservice is now available at almostall of the tollgates across japan.its is beneficial to the nation inmany ways. By providing up-to-theminuteinformation <strong>and</strong> alertingdrivers about possible hazards, ithelps reduce traffic <strong>and</strong> accidentson the road. additionally, it enablesdrivers to drive efficiently, eliminatingunnecessary acceleration<strong>and</strong> deceleration. all of these featureswill result in a reduction infuel consumption <strong>and</strong> carbon emissions,<strong>and</strong> ultimately significantcost savings. japan is aggressivelypreparing to complete the entirebasic infrastructure by 2010.aBi research had forecast thatin 2011 the aggregate japanesecommercial telematics marketwill reach $267 million, up froma 2006 level of just over $120 million,amounting to a Cagr of 17percent.telematics ChallengesCurrently in the nascent form,the telematics industry faces a numberof challenges, the most crucialamong them being the integrationof various data such as road <strong>and</strong>traffic information, location-basedbusinesses, <strong>and</strong> other informationof particular interest to users. ast<strong>and</strong>ard infrastructure is essentialto provide the information via a single<strong>and</strong> efficient source. the industryurgently needs private <strong>and</strong> publicsector investments to drive downthe costs of data accumulation <strong>and</strong>management. they should organizewell to garner support from thegovernment to set up adequate telematicsinfrastructure including livetraffic information, antenna <strong>and</strong>camera systems. telematics companiesalso have the responsibilityto educate end-users about the newtechnology <strong>and</strong> the added featuresthat provide them with safety, security<strong>and</strong> emergency assistance. theyneed to train <strong>and</strong> recruit sales personnelto inform new vehicle buyerson the benefits of telematics.awareness created through thesemeans would drastically affect buyers’decisions.Looking Forwardgoing forward, telematics willspread to more areas like fleet management,emergency services <strong>and</strong>public utilities. with intense competitionin the logistics environment,freight carriers in japan, korea <strong>and</strong>China are facing huge challenges inrelation to vehicle allocation <strong>and</strong>operational management of trucks.Fleet management systems allowcarriers to achieve more efficientvehicle allocation <strong>and</strong> lower distributioncosts. Commercial telematicsmay also develop by includingemergency medical services (eMs),public transportation, car rentals<strong>and</strong> municipal fleets.emerging telecommunicationstechnologies such as wiMaX <strong>and</strong>lte will further accelerate thegrowth of telematics in the asiapacificregion.40 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 403/25/10 8:30:34 AM

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My personal take is that such sessions need to bemanaged <strong>and</strong> run in-house since the internal communicatorhas a lot more context, better relationships <strong>and</strong>insight into messages <strong>and</strong> key internal information.there are broadly three levels of content that employeesare interested in knowing – company, office <strong>and</strong> team.therefore, the content <strong>and</strong> approach needs to addressthe company’s plans <strong>and</strong> strategy, the office updates <strong>and</strong>team events such as recognitions <strong>and</strong> performance updates.knowing how to conduct such sessions is a science,<strong>and</strong> i can safely say that i am still learning the ropes.however, based on my experiences with conductingsuch sessions at various indian <strong>and</strong> multinational organizations,what follows are some best practices that i amable to distill <strong>and</strong> share.recently, i was closely involved in championing a seriesof such sessions that aimed at getting powerful contentfused with even more compelling presentations.it is clear that any such exercise needs leadership maturity<strong>and</strong> the commitment of time <strong>and</strong> effort in orderto make a substantial impact. it takes a lot more energy<strong>and</strong> drive to inspire people to focus on the br<strong>and</strong>, theorganizational goals <strong>and</strong> how each one can partner tomake it successful.these sessions are coordinated to time with publicfacing<strong>and</strong> client-specific announcements. senior leadersfrom across locations deliver content real-time, enbusinessthe scienceof town hAllsAnd employeeAliGnmentBy aNiisu k. Verghese“town halls” or “allh<strong>and</strong>s” sessions, if doneconsistently, are powerfulinternal communicationplatforms for organizationsto connect withemployees, share plans, engage inconversations <strong>and</strong> gauge feedback.some organizations invest a lotof time <strong>and</strong> attention into gettingthese interactions right <strong>and</strong> involveadvertising <strong>and</strong> event managementagencies to package the sessions as‘events,’ thereby creating a ‘wow’effect that will help audiences retainthe message.42 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 423/25/10 8:30:35 AM

Get feedback to get better at townhalls: i am a firm believer in gettingfeedback on the content, presenters<strong>and</strong> format of the sessions.suring everyone is on board withhow to go forward.i managed <strong>and</strong> witnessed numeroussuch sessions in my previousworkplaces, but nothing comparesto the passion <strong>and</strong> drive seen whenpeople rally together, speak thesame language <strong>and</strong> align to the samevision.here are my top recommendationswhile planning <strong>and</strong> executingthese sessions. one caveat – townhalls or leadership-employee interactionsare not a one-off exercise<strong>and</strong> requires the commitment of theleadership to ensure continuity <strong>and</strong>consistency.First the basics, then the jazz:always get the ‘who, what, when,where <strong>and</strong> how’ of communicationclarified up front. it is safer to setup a pre-event call <strong>and</strong> run a highlevel plan by senior leaders on theprocess of rollout. one of the commonmistakes i have observed isthat internal communication teamsinvest too much time in ‘creating’or ‘hyping’ the session as an eventrather than focusing on the content<strong>and</strong> delivery. Finally, what matters iscontent <strong>and</strong> how employees perceiveit. a town hall or an all-h<strong>and</strong>s is not“show-time,” but an opportunity fordialogue. remember, your employeesare sparing their valuable timeto come <strong>and</strong> listen to you – make itcount.what you say is what you mean:Very often (<strong>and</strong> unfortunately), i noticethe attention paid to developingkey messages is probably only about5 percent of the overall effort of runningtown halls. to me, it shouldideally take over 75 percent of yourtime to get the message right. ratherthan ‘recall’ your messages, itmakes more sense to get them rightthe first time. in key messages development,it important to underst<strong>and</strong>cultural nuances so as to suit all geographies,locations <strong>and</strong> languages.in this specific rollout, effort takento include india-specific content <strong>and</strong>case studies helped employees relatebetter. work out the ‘what’s in it forme’ perspective in every communication.plan your town hall strategy:planning is the most critical elementof successful town halls. Fromthe timing (avoiding sessions aroundholidays or close to long weekends)to the frequency (having one largesession or multiple sessions dependingon the nature of the content), itis essential to think through the processof running a town hall. just likethe way appropriate channels arecritical to reaching your audiences,similarly, it helps to place the rightpresenter with the relevant teamsyou are targeting. From my experience,i have found that employeesare able to relate to speakers whodirectly or indirectly affect theircareers, growth <strong>and</strong> performance.also, people are able to speak morefreely in smaller, close-knit groupsthey are familiar with.aligning your presenters: onceyour content package is ready, it isimportant to select speakers whocan deliver the messages <strong>and</strong> rallyemployees. while a single round ofsessions may only be the ‘start’ ofany conversation, underst<strong>and</strong>ingthe personalities of each presenteris useful. usually, a preparation callor meeting is driven by the internalcommunication team, briefing thepresenter or presenters on possiblequestions that employees may askalong with suitable talking points.packing a punch with your content:Create <strong>and</strong> make presentationmaterial <strong>and</strong> videos available forpresenters. they need all the ammunitionpossible to make an impact.From my experience, interspersingvideo content with slides adds themuch-needed stimulus <strong>and</strong> also allowsfor informed conversations.timing your communication:employees need sufficient lead-timeto plan their work <strong>and</strong> be preparedwith questions to ask. therefore,ensure the calendar invites are sentat least a week prior to the sessions.Be sure to tell employees that thetown hall schedules <strong>and</strong> venues maychange while the team continuesmapping the speakers’ <strong>and</strong> venue’savailability. if there is a possibility ofreleasing marketing-facing messages,ensure that you share them firstwith your employees before they hitthe press.Murphy’s law <strong>and</strong> other factors:Conducting town halls involves people,technology <strong>and</strong> communication.while we can control most of theseelements, factor in situations whereyour tools <strong>and</strong> resources may notfunction as planned. have suitableback-ups for presenters, equipment<strong>and</strong> venues. invest time to test <strong>and</strong>verify that the systems work beforeyou engage your audiences. Most often,compatibility issues with projectors,microphones, sound systems<strong>and</strong> laptops can cause a lot of hiccupsunless you test the set-up. on d-day,have a process for sending out the announcements<strong>and</strong> reminders, trackingsession completion, conductingan exit poll <strong>and</strong> capturing questionsthat employees ask.get feedback to get better attown halls: i am a firm believer ingetting feedback on the content,presenters <strong>and</strong> format of the sessions.also, get feedback almost instantaneouslyso that your audiencecan recollect their thoughts easily.poll the presenters to underst<strong>and</strong>what worked well <strong>and</strong> what neededfixing. this feedback enables internalcommunications to revisit theirplans, restructure content <strong>and</strong> includepositive changes for improvedcommunication.share your plans with your stakeholders:depending on the contentshared during your sessions, there isa possibility that other stakeholdersincluding new hires, partners, clients,agencies <strong>and</strong> alumni may needto be informed. again, to be consistent,the internal communicatorneeds to work with relevant stakeholdersto have suitable content forpresentations, websites, portals <strong>and</strong>induction programs.Aniisu K. Verghese has over 11 years of experiencein the evolving internal communication arena,online media <strong>and</strong> corporate communications. Hecurrently works as an internal communication expertfor a global customer experience company,where he oversees employee communication for India<strong>and</strong> the EU.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 43AP-11 copy.indd 433/25/10 8:30:36 AM

GreenCarbonarbitrationin KoreaBy aMaNda MiN ChuNg haNas carbon becomessynonymous withcash, more <strong>and</strong>more carbon emissionsrelated projectsare launched<strong>and</strong> announced. as you might expect,disputes over carbon emissionsprojects are also growing.recently, there was a very significant case in korea.it was the first arbitration case about carbon emissionstrade <strong>and</strong> caught the attention of lawyers <strong>and</strong> businesspeople alike. as of February 2010, there were no casesin litigation in korea.the incident traces back to 2004 when daegu City,korea district heating Corporation <strong>and</strong> taegu energy& environment Co. decided to work together to reusemethane gas from one of the largest l<strong>and</strong>fills in korea,in Bangcheon-ri, a small town in daegu City.daegu had been troubled by the smells coming fromthe Bangcheon-ri l<strong>and</strong>fill. residents continuously complainedabout the stink. the city badly needed to makea decision. the methane gas was the key – if the gas wasgone, the smell would also be gone. the city searchedfor a private company that would invest money to build<strong>and</strong> operate a l<strong>and</strong>fill gas-to-energy plant. the subsidiaryof daesung group, taegu energy & environment,signed the contract then constructed the plant by september2006 for a 23 billion won (us$20 million) investment.daegu City <strong>and</strong> taegu energy & environmentalso signed a contract on the supply of l<strong>and</strong>fill methanegas with korea district heating Corporation. sincethe Bangcheon-ri l<strong>and</strong>fill plant began commercial operationsin october 2006, the complaints from residentshave completely ended.the basic mechanism of the project is very simple.the plant captures <strong>and</strong> refines the methane gas fromthe l<strong>and</strong>fill. daegu gets an annual payment for the useof the methane from taegu energy & environment.then, taegu energy & environment sells the refined gasto korea district heating Corporation, which uses thegas as fuel.this project was successful both economically <strong>and</strong>environmentally. Capturing <strong>and</strong> recycling methane gashas multiple benefits. as well as yielding energy <strong>and</strong>money, it also prevents a malodorous greenhouse gasfrom being released into the air.in 2008, taegu energy & environment sold 49 millioncubic meters of refined methane gas to korea districtheating Corporation, as well as generated 28 thous<strong>and</strong>skilowatts of electricity for a total of 6.3 billion won inannual sales, up from 5.9 billion won in 2007. daeguCity also got paid 512 million won from taegu energy &environment for the use of the methane. korea districtheating Corporation supplied heating to 10,000 householdsthrough methane gas instead of oil. that causedthe effect of saving 29,000 tons of fossil fuel.however, the honeymoon period was over when theplant was registered as a Clean development Mechanism(CdM) project with the united Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change (uNFCCC) in august 2007. itwas the first case in which a korean local governmentregistered a CdM project. the uNFCCC issued Certifiedemission reductions (Cers) to daegu City, which assumedabout 11.7 billion korean won net profit for 21years when it applies the price of the Cers at 11 euro44 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 443/25/10 8:31:22 AM

per ton <strong>and</strong> an exchange rate 1,700 won per 1 euro. theuNFCCC issued 2.2 million tons of Cers <strong>and</strong> is likely toissue an additional 2.8 million tons of Cers to daeguCity.ironically, this big fortune led to disputes among thethree parties over the distribution proportion of the Cers.each party wanted to have a bigger portion of the annualCers, while daegu City insisted the majority of the Cerswere its own. however, daegu, which controls the project,confirmed only 1.15 percent for korea district heatingCorporation <strong>and</strong> 0.76 percent for taegu energy & environmentfor the cost of equipment <strong>and</strong> labor.korea district heating corporation insisted on receiving50 percent of the amount of Cers’ sales while taeguenergy & environment was asking for 30 percent ofthe sales. there was no precedent to use as a guidelineto judge the proportion. they tried to figure out whatwould be the best solution for all parties with less cost<strong>and</strong> time. they agreed to file for arbitration rather thanlitigation, which is pricey <strong>and</strong> can take up to a few yearsdepending on the case.arbitration is an alternative way of producing impartial<strong>and</strong> fair resolutions to business disputes. But unlikelitigation, parties select their own place of arbitration,their own adjudicators <strong>and</strong> even their own arbitrationprocedure based on their specific needs as long as eachparty agrees to the procedure. arbitration is most commonlyused for the resolution of commercial disputes,particularly in the context of international commercialtransactions.each party, korea district heating Corporation, taeguenergy & environment <strong>and</strong> daegu City appointedkim & Chang, yulchon <strong>and</strong> Min & partners, respectively,as legal representatives. there were four hearings <strong>and</strong>the arbitration proceedings lasted only four monthsuntil February 2010. the korean Commercial arbitrationBoard (kCaB) concluded that korea district heatingCorporation would receive 10.33 percent of the Cers,taegu energy & environment would get 1.16 percent,<strong>and</strong> daegu City 88.51 percent. kCaB appreciated an additional5 percent as an invisible contribution to koreadistrict heating Corporation because it constructed themethane gas boiler <strong>and</strong> hot water tanks as well as themethane gas recycling plant. taegu energy was recognizedfor its additional investment into the equipmentfor acquiring the Cers.even though the three parties were not fully satisfiedwith the result, they still agreed to accept the decision.Mr. seo jung-kil, an official at the environment<strong>and</strong> greenery Bureau of daegu City said, “it was thefirst case over carbon emissions disputes. there were noprecedents to consider as a guideline.” he added, “sinceit was a joint venture, we wanted to find a reasonablesolution that could satisfy all of us. that is why we optedfor arbitration.”the public relations spokesperson for taegu energy& environment said, “as the leader of the l<strong>and</strong>fill gas-toenergybusiness, we hope to contribute to utilize l<strong>and</strong>fillgas economically <strong>and</strong> efficiently. also, we do our bestto reduce environmental pollution <strong>and</strong> to manage <strong>and</strong>operate an environmentally friendly l<strong>and</strong>fill.”according to the arbitration decision, korea districtheating Corporation took 10.33 percent of the annual400,000 ton of Cers, or about 41,000 tons annually. thecorporation expects an annual 550 million won in additionalprofit, or a total of 11.7 billion won for the 21years of the project. it also plans to invest the profit intogreenhouse gas reduction <strong>and</strong> renewable energy projects.Mr. roh tae-woo, public relations officer of koreadistrict heating Corporation said, “Besides this project,currently we plan to apply to register two more projectsas CdM projects. one project is using nematodeinfectedpine trees as a fuel for a cogeneration plant,which aims to reduce 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide peryear. another one is an lNg thermal power generationproject in hwaseong City. the corporation will do ourbest to reduce the greenhouse gases we emit as well asto live up to the korean government’s low-carbon, greengrowth policy.”Mr. ahn gun-hyung, an officer of the kCaB, explained,“Following the first case over carbon emissions,other parties have recently sought arbitration. i thinkdisputes between parties over carbon issues will increaseas carbon related projects grow.”Considering the new trend, the korean Carbon lawsociety (kCls) was established on Feb. 25, 2010. it wasan approach designed to meet the needs for new regulationto cover carbon emissions-related issues. professorkim sung-su of yonsei university’s school of law was appointedthe first chairman of the kCls. prof. kim saidat the inaugural meeting, “the conventional laws couldnot cover the issues of climate change, greenhouse gases<strong>and</strong> carbon emissions. we need to study laws <strong>and</strong> regulationsfor environment, natural resources <strong>and</strong> energy.”a detailed legal approach to the current carbon emissionsissues was delivered at the meeting. according tothe presentation, different methods are used to settledisputes over carbon emissions trading globally. theemission reduction purchase agreement (erpa) of theworld Bank, widely used as a model contract for carbonemissions trading, states that disputes should be settledfollowing the rules of english law <strong>and</strong> uNCitral (unitedNations Commission on international trade law) arbitrationrules. if two parties fail to agree to a venueof arbitration, the place should be the united kingdomunder erpa.But the CdM erpa of the international emissionstrading association (ieta) doesn’t specify a governinglaw, so it is understood the disputing parties can choosethe law they wish. it also states the venue of arbitrationshould be at permanent Court arbitration.the kCaB’s ahn explained that there are no specificlaws or regulations that govern carbon emissions or carbontrading disputes as of yet. he added that as internationalcarbon trade <strong>and</strong> commerce increases amongthe nations of the world, it is an inevitable fact that disputeswill rise as well. as these transactions grow morecomplex, it becomes increasingly important to resolvedisputes <strong>and</strong> conflicts as quickly, efficiently <strong>and</strong> formativelyas possible.“however, litigation can be costly, time-consuming<strong>and</strong> lead to a permanent breakdown in business relationships.i strongly believe that arbitration can be thebest alternative to litigation over carbon trading relatedissues. arbitration is the most commonly used form ofdispute resolution in business transactions as well,” ahnsaid.APRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 45AP-11 copy.indd 453/25/10 8:31:45 AM

interviewrara jeonThe following is an interview between <strong>Asia</strong>-<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>and</strong> Rara Jeon, CEO of Barnet & Company.Question: can you please tell us know alittle bit about your company, such as a briefhistory, for the benefit of our readers?answer: Barnet & Company, exhibition & Convention,was founded in 2005, <strong>and</strong> provides export marketing,consulting, trade services, <strong>and</strong> education servicesas a knowledge services specialist company. in otherwords, we provide overseas network services for small<strong>and</strong> medium-sized companies so that they can go intooverseas markets. we help them meet overseas buyersby providing planning <strong>and</strong> consulting, <strong>and</strong> offer informationabout variousspecialized internationalexhibitions. we help companieswith trade supportservices, bridging domestic<strong>and</strong> foreign businessesfor international trade.in addition, we provideemployment-related education<strong>and</strong> job retrainingfor workers by offeringvarious training programs<strong>and</strong> certificate programs.For example, comparedto a manufacturer thatusually needs 5-8 employeesto make one millionwon in sales annually, mycompany, a knowledgeservice provider, needsto hire 20-30 employees.Barnet & Company can offermore employment opportunitiesto people whowant to have a job. Now,the korean government islooking at diverse ways tocreate more jobs becausethe unemployment rate isa serious issue in korea.that is why i might say mycompany is significantlycontributing to society as a knowledge service provider.Q: what is your business philosophy? whoare your main business role models?a: i often hear some business owners say that theywant to do “a business that can make some money”when someone asks what kind of business they want todo. it is a joke, but it could be an honest answer for anybusinessperson. i also have to worry about the company’soperating costs <strong>and</strong> many things. however, i alwaystry to keep in mind the fact that i will run a businessthat not only can create profits, but also contribute to<strong>and</strong> serve society.i see some Ceos run their business with a philosophythat i want to follow. one would be sung-joo kim,the Chairwoman <strong>and</strong> Ceo of sungjoo group <strong>and</strong> MCMholdings ag. she is known for her active involvementin non-profit charities <strong>and</strong> cultural organizations forsupporting humanitarian causes. the other would beCostco’s Ceo james d. sinegal. Costco’s stock keepsgoing up <strong>and</strong> revenues of the company continue togrow. however, Ceo jamesd. sinegal wears a plainnametag, answers his ownphone <strong>and</strong> has an officeat the company headquarterswithout walls. the examplesof two Ceos showmany things about theirbusiness philosophy withoutmany words.Q: what are the coreareas of business ofyour company? whatimportant areas are youplanning to add in thefuture?a: our company’s coretechnology is how to train<strong>and</strong> create brains, a workforce,for the near future.the brains will predictupcoming industry, createprofessional plansfor international conventions<strong>and</strong> help companiesengage in internationaltrade.i would say that it / Bt/ Nt / et / st / gt (greentechnology) are hot areasin the industry, but soonpeople technology (pt) will lead the industry. all aspectsof industry such as the design of merch<strong>and</strong>ise <strong>and</strong>lifestyles are more focused on humans than anythingelse. korea, especially poor in natural resources, has tofocus on human resources. Barnet & Company createda joint venture with a company from india, a countrywith powerful brains <strong>and</strong> technologies.the Comprehensive economic partnership agreement(Cepa) between korea <strong>and</strong> india became effectiveon january 1, 2010. it will create a strategic trading partnerrelationship between korea <strong>and</strong> india. it will also46 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 463/25/10 8:31:47 AM

some scientists who specialize in the future say therewill be a time when women will lead the world soon.women are very detail-oriented. i think it will helpto better underst<strong>and</strong> 21st century consumers.create more business opportunities for Barnet & Company.the first <strong>and</strong> best way to become a global company isto secure global talents. Barnet & Company opened thedoor for that <strong>and</strong> will help other companies do globalbusinesses.Q: korea is emerging as a global hub ofbusiness. in this changing scenario, what isthe future of global marketing <strong>and</strong> networking?a: south korea has more applied technologies thanthe core technologies. korea uses the resources, energy<strong>and</strong> technology from other countries <strong>and</strong> createsa whole new product that can surprise the world. theconcept of a global village has been known for a longtime, but there are only a few companies applying itto business <strong>and</strong> taking advantage of it. if you comparethe apple iphone <strong>and</strong> the samsung smart phone, youwill know the difference. the apple iphone’s success ismade not by the people working at apple, but by applicationdevelopers from all over the world because thedevelopers create the applications for the iphone <strong>and</strong>the applications make the phone successful. Meanwhile,even though samsung’s smart phone is a great pieceof technology, it was only created by the employees atsamsung. that makes a huge difference. a company ora country can perform better when it cooperates withother companies or countries. we need to go see <strong>and</strong>work with the experts of the world. For example, mobilephones can be designed in israel, get hardware fromtaiwan <strong>and</strong> software from the united states <strong>and</strong> obtainthe applications from the world. global sourcing will bemore important for business in the future.Q: please also let us know about your exhibition& convention business area. what arethe important conferences <strong>and</strong> seminars youhave organized in the past? what are the importantconferences you’re planning to organizein the near future?a: i have been working in the field of conventions <strong>and</strong>exhibitions for over 10 years. i think i have made the rightcareer choice for myself. i have had many chances to travelaround the world <strong>and</strong> i earned experience <strong>and</strong> knowledgeacross multiple industries. working in conventions <strong>and</strong> exhibitionsis not limited to simply organizing the event, butAPRIL 2010 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 47AP-11 copy.indd 473/25/10 8:31:52 AM

it includes communicatingwith companies tohelp them go to foreignmarkets, overseas exhibitions<strong>and</strong> trade meetings.without having theknowledge <strong>and</strong> informationabout the worldmarket <strong>and</strong> business, itis really difficult to workin the convention <strong>and</strong>exhibition business.to help small <strong>and</strong>medium-sized companiesexp<strong>and</strong> their overseasoperations, Barnett & Company introduces worldrenownedinternational exhibitions to the companies<strong>and</strong> helps them to participate in the exhibitions. wehave partnerships with the convention organizers, sowe can better support the companies. in addition, Forkorean exporters that want to have business meetingswith overseas buyers, we do convention planning <strong>and</strong>convention operation by creating consultation meeting,corporate visits <strong>and</strong> company ir.Barnet & Company offered consultations to many domesticcompanies <strong>and</strong> helped them exhibit at the shanghaiit road show, uae ubiquitous Conference, tokyo Biotechnologyindustry trade Meeting <strong>and</strong> the Magic Fashionshow in las Vegas. the companies had opportunities tomeet with overseas buyers <strong>and</strong> to make deals.during the international-india Film Festival scheduledin june as well as the g-20 summit scheduled forNovember, we will try to organize some other eventsthat can create a synergy effect. the two events could begreat opportunities for the MiCe industry to emerge <strong>and</strong>grow. to organize <strong>and</strong> hold large-scale summits like theg20 or other global conventions in korea, the governmentneeds to build national competitiveness <strong>and</strong> thecompanies in the convention sector have to steadily developtheir capabilities.Q: your company has a special relationshipwith india. what are your plans for the indianmarket?a: a company should be insightful <strong>and</strong> have a vision.Barnet & Company is aiming for the indian market withover 1.2 billion people. Barnet & Company will promotethe trade in human resources <strong>and</strong> materials betweenkorea <strong>and</strong> india. the indian international Film Festivalscheduled for june will be a great opportunity not onlyfor the film industries of korea <strong>and</strong> india, but also forthe travel industry <strong>and</strong> others. we are planning manyevents <strong>and</strong> conventions related to the film festival.Q: your companies have partnerships withcompanies from all over the world. please tellus about your business partnerships in otherparts of the world <strong>and</strong> what kinds of businessthey are doing.a: Barnet & Company has had global partnershipswith leading international companies including the capitalfinance group samper Ventures in the united states,the trading company js global in the united states thatdoes exhibition, convention, marketing <strong>and</strong> trading,<strong>and</strong> our arab partnerin the Middle east for ajV project in the past.Q: korea is amale-dominatedsociety. as a youngkorean woman entrepreneur,whatare the main problemsyou have toface in doing businessin korea?a: i often get similarquestions when i aminterviewed. i can’t say that there is no prejudice or difficultiesfor a businesswoman in korea. however, if i hada chance to be born one more time, i would still wantto be a businesswoman. if i go to a business meetingor conference, usually there are relatively fewer womenthan men. when a businesswoman says something, itgets more attention <strong>and</strong> has more impact on the audience.i think that could be one of my advantages as abusinesswoman.some scientists who specialize in the future say therewill be a time when women will lead the world soon.women are very detail-oriented. i think it will help tobetter underst<strong>and</strong> 21st century consumers. the significantpart of decision making in daily consumptionis done by women. For example, women decide whichclothes, car, house <strong>and</strong> even movie tickets to buy. womenwill play a more critical role not only as consumers,but also as producers in society.Q: what important steps would you like tosuggest the korean government take to improvethe working environment for koreanwomen entrepreneurs <strong>and</strong> those working inthe corporate sector?a: i don’t want to ask for a special benefit for womenentrepreneurs. however, i’d like to see more social facilitiesthat provide services for all married women, sothat they can give birth to a child <strong>and</strong> raise the child ina more comfortable situation.Q: what is your take on the future of thekorean economy <strong>and</strong> what are the importantissues that the korean economy is facing today?a: the low birthrate <strong>and</strong> the aging population arebecoming huge social problems in the near future. researcherswho study the future predict that the populationof korea could be only 500,000 in the year 2300.we will need a young workforce to lead economic activityin the near future. Not only the government, buteveryone in korea should consider the importance ofhaving children. even though the current governmentencourages families to have more children by offeringmaternity subsidies <strong>and</strong> other benefits when a newbaby is born, we need to come up with more practical<strong>and</strong> useful ways to promote more births. i’d like to emphasizeagain the importance of raising the birthratefor the future of korea.48 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 483/25/10 8:32:06 AM

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By rajiV kuMarlast month i wentback to seoul after26 years. the city istransformed <strong>and</strong> so is theeconomy.Lessons from Koreathe Government And businesses of indiAstill do not seem to work toGethertowArds A common nAtionAl purposein 1984,when i visitedthe export processingzones,Masan <strong>and</strong> iricontributed atleast 60 percentof southkorea’s totalexports. pos-Co had beenestablishedas a public sector company to takeon established global giants <strong>and</strong>, despitehaving to import 100 percentof its raw materials, out-competedall of them by relying on the latesttechnology, economies of scale <strong>and</strong>above all, sheer, hard work <strong>and</strong> dedication.at the same time, korea wasreaching full employment levels byfuriously exp<strong>and</strong>ing labor-intensiveexports. the question arose in mymind, “if korea could successfullycombine the latest technology withlarge-scale employment generation,could we do it as well?”the most striking memory from26 years ago is of having lunch withthe president of the Federation ofkorean industries, the organizationof the korean chaebols, who, like thejapanese zaibatsus, worked closelywith their respective governmentsto create industrial juggernauts. iasked the president, a wise old man,most gracious in his hospitality toa young researcher, what the mainlessons were for india from the koreanexperience in industrialization.he gave me three nuggets that haveremained with me since.First, he said, countries <strong>and</strong>/or their firms cannot succeed in afiercely competitive global economy(this was in 1984) unless industry<strong>and</strong> government worked closely togetherto achieve national goals.second, developing countriesshould not be unduly concernedabout national pride <strong>and</strong> nationalbr<strong>and</strong>s as long as they can generatethe necessary employment fora young workforce by successfullyattracting the necessary technology<strong>and</strong> foreign direct investment (Fdi).But they should not forget that bothregaining national pride <strong>and</strong> buildingnational br<strong>and</strong>s are worthy goalsto be achieved over time. the koreansin their pragmatism had h<strong>and</strong>edover Masan largely to firms fromjapan, a country that had colonizedkorea not so long before <strong>and</strong> hadbroken down the gate of their emperor’spalace so that it did not facein an auspicious direction. (Quiterightly, the koreans are restoring itto its original location ahead of theg-20 summit in November.)third, remember that any countryis only as good as its humancapital. he cited with approval theefforts of his friend prof. Choi, thefounder of the korea advanced instituteof science <strong>and</strong> technology (nowkaist) to bring korean researchersback from the united states by payingthem higher salaries than werebeing paid at that time either to seniorbureaucrats or corporate managers.<strong>and</strong> as we know, prof. Choisucceeded brilliantly. korea hasemerged as a leader in several frontlinetechnologies <strong>and</strong> now competesthrough product innovation <strong>and</strong> nolonger as a low-cost producer.have we learned these simplelessons in india? i am afraid not. thegovernment <strong>and</strong> industry, thoughnot mutually suspicious anymore,still do not seem to work togetherwith a common national purpose.For example, maximizing employmentgeneration can be a commongoal for the government <strong>and</strong> industry.in this case, special economiczones, which have already generatedlarge-scale employment, willhopefully not remain controversial.the criterion for making l<strong>and</strong>available on a priority basis shouldthen become a minimum numberof jobs generated per unit of l<strong>and</strong>.all restrictions, except on strategicgrounds, would be removed on Fdiwhen it is seen to generate employment.there is, of course, give <strong>and</strong> takebetween the government <strong>and</strong> industry.But it is often non-transparent<strong>and</strong> perceived to be largely for private,not national, purposes. thiscan change if industry decides tomake the government accountable<strong>and</strong> not continue to act as a supplicantseeking favors. But for that,industry has to achieve even greatersocial legitimacy by paying its taxeshonestly, not cutting regulatory corners,<strong>and</strong> generating employment<strong>and</strong> lowering prices when it can.it has to be seen by the people asworking for national goals <strong>and</strong> notonly for maximizing personal consumption<strong>and</strong> ostentation.unlike korea, we have still notrecognized the importance of attractingback our human capital. instead,we celebrate whenever a person ofindian origin earns global recognition.this is a loser’s pride! giventhat indian higher education systemis hardly producing any globallycomparableresearchers, the onlyway forward is to attract talent backfrom abroad as seed capital. indianindustry can play a major role byletting charity begin at home ratherthan donating millions of dollars toforeign universities.Moreover, it should be recognizedby all those concerned that talentwill not be attracted only becauseof a love for the motherl<strong>and</strong> or fora possible entry into policymaking,as increasingly difficult as it is. researchersneed living <strong>and</strong> workingconditions comparable to the onesthey are giving up. it is time we paidattention to these issues. For once,we can learn from pakistan, wherein 2006, the government announcededucation pay scales that, in purchasingpower parity terms, are betterthan those obtained in most advancedeconomies.Rajiv Kumar is director & CE of ICRIER, NewDelhi, India. These are his personnel views.Acknowledgment: This column was first printedin ‘Mint,’ a newspaper in India, <strong>and</strong> is being reproducedhere with the permission of the author.50 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | APRIL 2010AP-11 copy.indd 503/25/10 8:32:27 AM

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