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68Revisiting Police Laws(f) Personnel Management;(g) Education and Training;(h) Finance and Internal Audit;(i)(j)Crime Prevention;Crime against women;(k) Traffic Planning and Management;(l)Criminal Identification;(m) Information Technology;(n) Transport;(o) Research and Development;(p) Legal Affairs;(q) Welfare;(r) Estate Management.(3) The specialist investigators shall be operationally responsible to the <strong>of</strong>ficer in-charge <strong>of</strong> the investigationbranch.4) Every police <strong>of</strong>ficer shall be liable for posting to any branch, division, bureau and section, oranywhere in or outside the police:(5) Posting to any specialist branch, division, bureau or section shall be subject to necessary trainingand experience in accordance with the rules.9. Superintendence <strong>of</strong> police. - (1) The superintendence <strong>of</strong> police throughout a general police area shall vest in theappropriate Government.(2) The power <strong>of</strong> superintendence under clause (1) shall be so exercised as to ensure that policeperforms its duties efficiently and strictly in accordance with law.10. Administration <strong>of</strong> the police. - (1) Administration <strong>of</strong> police in a general police area shall vest in theProvincial Police Officer, Capital City Police Officer or City Police Officer posted under Article 11, or Article15, as the case may be.(2) The Provincial Police Officer, Capital City Police Officer and City Police Officer, as the case maybe, shall exercise such powers and perform such functions and duties and shall have such responsibilities as may beprovided by or under this Order and any other law for the time being in force.(3) The police <strong>of</strong>ficers mentioned in clause (1) may for direction and control issue standing orders notinconsistent with the Order or rules made hereunder for the efficient functioning <strong>of</strong> the police.(4) Provincial Police Officer shall prepare a provincial annual policing plan for review by the ProvincialPublic Safety 10 [and Police Complaints] <strong>Commission</strong>. The plan shall include -(a) objectives <strong>of</strong> policing;(b) financial resources likely to be available during the year;(c) targets; and(d) mechanism for achieving these targets.11. Posting <strong>of</strong> Provincial Police Officer, Capital City Police Officer and Head <strong>of</strong> Federal Law EnforcementAgency. -(1) The Provincial Government shall, out <strong>of</strong> a panel <strong>of</strong> three police <strong>of</strong>ficers recommended 11 [***] by theFederal Government, post a police <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police as Provincial Police Officer <strong>of</strong>the Province:Provided that before a police <strong>of</strong>ficer is posted as Provincial Police Officer under clause (1) the Federal Government

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