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Analysis and recommendations 55opinion <strong>of</strong> the Council, the nature <strong>of</strong> the case merits an independent inquiry.(3) The Council may monitor the status <strong>of</strong> departmental inquiries or actions taken in pursuance theretoon the complaints <strong>of</strong> “misconduct” against <strong>of</strong>ficers through a quarterly report obtained periodically from the DistrictPolice Officer, and issue appropriate advice to the police department for expeditious completion <strong>of</strong> inquiry, if in thecouncil’s opinion the departmental inquiry or departmental action is getting unduly delayed in any such case;Explanation: “Misconduct” in this context shall mean any wilful breach or neglect by a police <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> anylaw, rule, and regulation applicable to the police that adversely affect the rights <strong>of</strong> any member <strong>of</strong> the public,excluding “serious misconduct” as defined in sub-Section (1)(4) The Council may also call for a report from, and issue appropriate direction for further action or, ifnecessary, a direction for a fresh inquiry by another <strong>of</strong>ficer, to the DPO when a complainant, being dissatisfied by theoutcome <strong>of</strong>, or inordinate delay in the process <strong>of</strong> departmental inquiry into his complaint <strong>of</strong> “misconduct” as definedabove, by any police <strong>of</strong>ficer, brings such matter to the notice <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Commission</strong>; and(5) The Council may lay down general guidelines for the district police to prevent misconduct on thepart <strong>of</strong> police personnel.Powers <strong>of</strong> the Council:Using the powers vested in the Council under Section 79(2) the Council can receive a complaint from anaggrieved person <strong>of</strong> misconduct by a police <strong>of</strong>ficer and merely forward this to the DPO or Regional Police Officer(as required) to take action under the Discipline Rules. This reduces the Council to a mere post <strong>of</strong>fice tasked with theduty <strong>of</strong> accepting and forwarding complaints. Knowing the closed and opaque nature <strong>of</strong> internal inquiries, such amandate in no way serves the accountability or oversight function <strong>of</strong> the body.The mandate <strong>of</strong> the DPC as provided at section 79 <strong>of</strong> the DPPA also does not empower it to request from thepolice a time-bound enquiry report that examines the complaint. Second, the DPC is not able to make any <strong>of</strong> its ownfindings. Third, the DPC can only forward complaints to the PPO when a report is not furnished. If a report isfurnished, but is inadequate in the opinion <strong>of</strong> the DPC, no recourse is given. All these weaknesses together add up toa powerless and impotent body.79. (6) - (11) RecommendationThe powers <strong>of</strong> the Council must be laid down in the Act and therefore it is our suggestion that new subsections(6) – (11) be added to the DPPA to read as follows:79(6) – (9) Powers <strong>of</strong> the Council(6) In the cases directly enquired by it, the Council shall have all the powers <strong>of</strong>:(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance <strong>of</strong> witnesses and examining them on oath;(b) discovery and production <strong>of</strong> any document;(c) receiving evidence on affidavits;(d) requisitioning any public record or copy there<strong>of</strong> from any court or <strong>of</strong>fice;(e) issuing authorities for the examination <strong>of</strong> witnesses or documents; and(f) any other matter as may be prescribed.(7) The Council shall have the power to require any person, subject to legal privilege, to furnish informationon such points or matters as, in the opinion <strong>of</strong> the Council, may be useful for, or relevant to, the subject matter <strong>of</strong> theinquiry, and any person so required shall be deemed to be legally bound to furnish such information.(8) The Council shall have the power to advise the Administrator on measures to ensure protection <strong>of</strong>

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