National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement For the Period ...

National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement For the Period ... National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement For the Period ...


Article 7Step 3.If no settlement is reached in Step 2, the grievance shall be put in writing and presentedto the Employer no later than thirty (30) days after the dispute or grievance arises,except as may be otherwise provided in a Supplemental Agreement or Section 4 of thisArticle. The Employer must reply to the written grievance in writing to the Local Unionwithin fourteen (14) days after receipt of the written grievance.After any grievance is reduced to writing, the Employer representative will makeavailable for inspection by the business agent and/or steward, time sheets and all suchother records as are pertinent to the handling of the specific dispute or grievance. Thisdoes not preclude or prevent an oral attempt on the part of the business agent or thesteward to settle such dispute or grievance before a request is made for such records.Step 4.The Local Union and the Employer shall conduct a local-level hearing after theforegoing steps have been exhausted. Scheduling of the local-level hearing will be bymutual agreement but it is to take place as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30)days after the Employer's written response to the grievance to discuss and attempt toresolve the grievance. If the grievance is not resolved at the local-level hearing, eitherparty has the right to file the grievance with the appropriate Joint Arbitration Committeewithin fifteen (15) days after the local-level hearing.During the local-level hearing and prior to docketing the grievance with the JointArbitration Committee, the business agent and Employer representative shall designatein writing that the grievance has been examined by both parties. This document mustbe attached to the grievance if it is filed with the Joint Arbitration Committee. Failure ofthe Local Union and the Employer to comply with this requirement shall preclude thedocketing of the grievance and it shall be returned to the parties to comply with thisrequirement.Any party to a grievance who intends to use a decision of any Joint ArbitrationCommittee as precedent must present a copy of the decision to the other party as soonas possible prior to the presentation of the case to the Committee.30

Article 7Section 5.Designation of Joint Arbitration Committees(a) National Automobile Transporters Joint Arbitration CommitteeThe Employers and the Unions from each of the designated Areas shall establish theNational Automobile Transporters Joint Arbitration Committee, hereinafter referred to asthe National Joint Arbitration Committee. This Committee shall consist of designatedrepresentatives of the Employers and Local Unions who are parties of this Agreement.Any panel of the National Joint Arbitration Committee hearing a case shall consist of anequal number of designated representatives of the Employers and the Local Unions.(b) Area Joint Arbitration CommitteesThe Employers and the Local Unions in the appropriate Areas referred to in Article 1,Section 1, shall establish Area Joint Arbitration Committees designated as:(1) Central Joint Committee;(2) Southern Joint Committee;(3) Eastern Area Automobile Transporters Joint Arbitration Committee;(4) Western Area Automobile Transporters Joint Arbitration Committee.The Area Joint Arbitration Committees shall consist of designated representatives ofthe Employers and the Local Unions from the appropriate area(s). Any panel of theArea Joint Arbitration Committee hearing a case shall consist of an equal number ofdesignated representatives of the Employers and the Local Unions.(c) Multi-State or Area Joint Arbitration Committees, within Western Area.The following Multi-State or Area Joint Arbitration Committees are recognized anddesignated to function as Joint Arbitration Committees.Western Area:Southwest Local CommitteeNorthwest Local CommitteeThe Employers and the Local Unions may agree upon changes to the number of andthe geographical locations of the above Joint Arbitration Committees to functionhereunder subject to National Joint Arbitration Committee approval.31

Article 7Section 5.Designation of Joint Arbitration Committees(a) <strong>National</strong> <strong>Automobile</strong> <strong>Transporters</strong> Joint Arbitration CommitteeThe Employers and <strong>the</strong> Unions from each of <strong>the</strong> designated Areas shall establish <strong>the</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Automobile</strong> <strong>Transporters</strong> Joint Arbitration Committee, hereinafter referred to as<strong>the</strong> <strong>National</strong> Joint Arbitration Committee. This Committee shall consist of designatedrepresentatives of <strong>the</strong> Employers and Local Unions who are parties of this <strong>Agreement</strong>.Any panel of <strong>the</strong> <strong>National</strong> Joint Arbitration Committee hearing a case shall consist of anequal number of designated representatives of <strong>the</strong> Employers and <strong>the</strong> Local Unions.(b) Area Joint Arbitration CommitteesThe Employers and <strong>the</strong> Local Unions in <strong>the</strong> appropriate Areas referred to in Article 1,Section 1, shall establish Area Joint Arbitration Committees designated as:(1) Central Joint Committee;(2) Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Joint Committee;(3) Eastern Area <strong>Automobile</strong> <strong>Transporters</strong> Joint Arbitration Committee;(4) Western Area <strong>Automobile</strong> <strong>Transporters</strong> Joint Arbitration Committee.The Area Joint Arbitration Committees shall consist of designated representatives of<strong>the</strong> Employers and <strong>the</strong> Local Unions from <strong>the</strong> appropriate area(s). Any panel of <strong>the</strong>Area Joint Arbitration Committee hearing a case shall consist of an equal number ofdesignated representatives of <strong>the</strong> Employers and <strong>the</strong> Local Unions.(c) Multi-State or Area Joint Arbitration Committees, within Western Area.The following Multi-State or Area Joint Arbitration Committees are recognized anddesignated to function as Joint Arbitration Committees.Western Area:Southwest Local CommitteeNorthwest Local CommitteeThe Employers and <strong>the</strong> Local Unions may agree upon changes to <strong>the</strong> number of and<strong>the</strong> geographical locations of <strong>the</strong> above Joint Arbitration Committees to functionhereunder subject to <strong>National</strong> Joint Arbitration Committee approval.31

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