National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement For the Period ...

National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement For the Period ... National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement For the Period ...


Article 3check, the total amount deducted along with the name of each employee on whosebehalf a deduction is made, the employee's social security number and the amountdeducted from that employee's paycheck. The International Brotherhood of Teamstersshall reimburse the Employer annually for the Employer's actual cost for the expensesincurred in administering the weekly payroll deduction plan.In the event that an Employer has been determined to be in violation of this Article bythe decision of an appropriate Joint Arbitration Committee, and if such Employersubsequently is in violation thereof after receipt of seventy-two (72) hours' written noticeof specific delinquencies, the Local Union may strike to enforce this Article. However,such strike shall be terminated upon the delivery thereof. Errors or inadvertentomissions relating to individual employees shall not constitute a violation.Section 5.401(k) Savings PlanWith respect to an Employer that has both a Company 401(k) and Teamsters National401(k) Plan:(a) The Employer agrees to offer the Teamster National 401(k) Tax DeferredSavings Plan to employees covered under this contract. If the Employer has a plan inexistence prior to the effective date of the Teamsters National 401(k) Tax DeferredSavings Plan, an employee may participate in either plan.(b) The Employer shall deduct and remit an amount specified in writing by theemployee from the employee paychecks to the Plan designated by the employee. TheEmployer shall provide the Administrator of the appropriate 401(k) plan with the name,date of birth, address and date of hire of all newly hired employees within thirty (30)days after the employee acquires seniority and shall provide the Local Union with acopy of such notice.(c) The NATLD and the Unions shall each designate one Trustee for the jointlytrusteedTeamsters National 401(k) Tax Deferred Savings Plan. No employercontributions to this plan will ever be required.Section 6.Retirement NotificationAn employee must notify his/her Employer of the filing of an application for his/hernormal retirement pension benefit at the time such application is submitted to theapplicable pension fund.14

Article 4ARTICLE 4.STEWARDSThere shall be at least one Steward and one designated alternate at each terminal.The Employer shall provide a locking file cabinet for the Steward to conduct Unionbusiness on the Employer’s premises. The Union shall have sole possession of thekey. At no time shall any steward be discriminated against for Union activities. Beforedischarging a steward, except in cases of proven dishonesty, drunkenness, or beingunder the influence of a habit forming controlled substance, the Employer shall take thematter up with the Union.The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to designate a steward and an alternatefrom the Employer's active work list. The authority of the steward and alternate sodesignated by the Union shall be limited to, and shall not exceed, the following dutiesand activities:(a) The investigation and presentation of grievances with the Employer or thedesignated Employer representative in accordance with the provisions of the collectivebargaining agreement;and,(b) The collection of dues when authorized by appropriate Local Union action;(c) The transmission of such messages and information, which shall originatewith, and are authorized by the Local Union or its officers, provided such messages andinformation:(1) have been reduced to writing; or,(2) if not reduced to writing, are of a routine nature and do not involvework stoppages, slowdowns, refusal to handle goods, or any other interference with theEmployer's business.(d) The job steward, or his designated alternate, shall be permitted reasonabletime-off without pay to attend Union meetings called by the Local Union. The Employershall be given twenty-four (24) hours prior notice by the Local Union.When requested by the Union or the employee, there shall be a Steward or otherbargaining unit member designated by the Union present whenever the Employermeets with the employee about grievances or discipline or to conduct investigatoryinterviews. Meetings or interviews shall not begin until the Steward or designatedbargaining unit member is present. An employee who does not want a Union Stewardor the designated bargaining unit member present at any meeting or interview where15

Article 4ARTICLE 4.STEWARDSThere shall be at least one Steward and one designated alternate at each terminal.The Employer shall provide a locking file cabinet for <strong>the</strong> Steward to conduct Unionbusiness on <strong>the</strong> Employer’s premises. The Union shall have sole possession of <strong>the</strong>key. At no time shall any steward be discriminated against for Union activities. Beforedischarging a steward, except in cases of proven dishonesty, drunkenness, or beingunder <strong>the</strong> influence of a habit forming controlled substance, <strong>the</strong> Employer shall take <strong>the</strong>matter up with <strong>the</strong> Union.The Employer recognizes <strong>the</strong> right of <strong>the</strong> Union to designate a steward and an alternatefrom <strong>the</strong> Employer's active work list. The authority of <strong>the</strong> steward and alternate sodesignated by <strong>the</strong> Union shall be limited to, and shall not exceed, <strong>the</strong> following dutiesand activities:(a) The investigation and presentation of grievances with <strong>the</strong> Employer or <strong>the</strong>designated Employer representative in accordance with <strong>the</strong> provisions of <strong>the</strong> collectivebargaining agreement;and,(b) The collection of dues when authorized by appropriate Local Union action;(c) The transmission of such messages and information, which shall originatewith, and are authorized by <strong>the</strong> Local Union or its officers, provided such messages andinformation:(1) have been reduced to writing; or,(2) if not reduced to writing, are of a routine nature and do not involvework stoppages, slowdowns, refusal to handle goods, or any o<strong>the</strong>r interference with <strong>the</strong>Employer's business.(d) The job steward, or his designated alternate, shall be permitted reasonabletime-off without pay to attend Union meetings called by <strong>the</strong> Local Union. The Employershall be given twenty-four (24) hours prior notice by <strong>the</strong> Local Union.When requested by <strong>the</strong> Union or <strong>the</strong> employee, <strong>the</strong>re shall be a Steward or o<strong>the</strong>rbargaining unit member designated by <strong>the</strong> Union present whenever <strong>the</strong> Employermeets with <strong>the</strong> employee about grievances or discipline or to conduct investigatoryinterviews. Meetings or interviews shall not begin until <strong>the</strong> Steward or designatedbargaining unit member is present. An employee who does not want a Union Stewardor <strong>the</strong> designated bargaining unit member present at any meeting or interview where15

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