Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry.Editors: Professor John R. M. Copeland, Dr <strong>Mohammed</strong> T. <strong>Abou</strong>-<strong>Saleh</strong> and Professor Dan G. BlazerCopyright & 2002 John Wiley & Sons LtdPrint ISBN 0-471-98197-4 Online ISBN 0-470-84641-0ContentsList of Contributors xiPreface xixPreface to First EditionxxiPART A HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 11 A Conceptual History in the Nineteenth Century 3G. E. Berrios2 Scope and Development in the Twentieth Century 7E. W. Busse3 The Development in Britain 9Tom Arie4a The Development in the USA, 1600–1900 13W. A. Achenbaum, C. Cederquist, V. Kahland K. Rosenberg4b In the Beginning 15The Late F. PostPART B NORMAL AGEING 17B1 Theories of Ageing5 General Theories of Aging 19E. W. BusseBII Brain Ageing6 Structural Changes in the Aging Brain 23G. Mazeika and P. M. Doraiswamy7 Anatomy of the Ageing Brain 25J. T. Campbell III and C. E. Coffey8 Quantitative Structural Changes in theAgeing Brain 45Bente Pakkenberg, Lisbeth Regeur andHans Jørgen G. GundersenPotential Regeneration of the Ageing Brain 47S. B. DunnettHippocampal Changes and Memory Impairmentin Normal People 49J. T. O’Brien9 Neuroendocrinology of Ageing 51R. A. Burns and M. T. <strong>Abou</strong>-<strong>Saleh</strong>10 Neurophysiology of Ageing as Reflected byElectroencephalogram (EEG) and Event-relatedPotentials (ERPs) 57D. H. R. Blackwood, W. J. Muir and H. Forstl11 Pharmacokinetic and PharmacodynamicConsiderations in Old Age Psychopharmacology 61F. SchifanoBIII Psychology of Ageing12 Normal Ageing—A Problematical Concept 65D. B. BromleyCohort Studies 68P. Rabbitt13 Chronological and Functional Ageing 71J. M. Guralnik and D. MelzerHealth Expectancy: Monitoring Changes inPopulation Health 74C. Jagger14 Life Satisfaction 75L. K. GeorgeBIV Sociology of Ageing15 The Normal Aged among Community-dwellingElders in the UK 79C. VictorDo Life Events Seem Less Stressful to the Old? 82A. D. M. DaviesSupport Networks 83G. C. Wenger16 World Statistical Trends and Prospects 87G. C. MyersDemography of the Old: Implications ofRecent Trends 90E. GrundyPART C ABNORMAL AGEING 9317 The Influence of Social Factors on Mental Health 95D. Mechanic and D. D. McAlpine18 The Natural History of Psychiatric Disorders:Early-onset Disease in Late Life andLate-onset Illness 99J. Hays19 Mortality and Mental Disorders 103M. E. Dewey

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