Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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806 INDEXlanguage impairment in Alzheimer’sdisease 237–8laughing, pathological 425law, capacity andburden of proof 785evidence 785–8here and now test 785human rights and 787lack of capacity 785next of kin 786objectives 784principles of 784–5role of 783–4sectioning 786–7treatment 786learning disability 623–5care in the family home 624–5causes of death 623community teams 625day care 625frequency of dementia 623–4medical contribution to diagnosis 624multihandicapped person 625rehabilitation into the community 624services for 624social background 623terminal care 625leukoaraiosis 23, 252–3Lewy body dementia 188life events 82, 379–80Life Events and Difficulties Schedule(LEDS) 382life expectancy, measurement of 72–3life review 446–7life satisfaction 75–7definition 75determinants 75–6epidemiology 75explanatory mechanisms 76lithium therapy 63, 440in acute mania 479, 483–4in affective disorders 440depression and 455–7drug interactions 458, 484optimum plasma levels 457–8response to 456side effects 457, 484renal 457subjective 457thyroid 457living arrangements 88–9, 313–15alone 313–14of normal aged 79–80with others 314see also hospitalization; long-term care;nursing homeslong-term care 717–20psychiatric services in 717–20rehabilitation and 741long-term outcome studies 105–7case identification 105co-morbidity 105choice of comparison groups 106follow-up 106–7measurement of outcomes 106measures of intervening variables106sample representativeness and attrition106lorazepam in acute mania 487lumbar puncture (LP) in assessment ofdelirium 129Lundby Study 208–9Luria–Nebraska battery 139magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)in Alzheimer’s disease 234–5brain atrophy 355–6functional (fMRI) 357in geriatric psychiatry 355at Henry Ford Aging Program39–40in schizophrenia-like psychosis 508magnetic resonance morphometry 355magnetic resonance spectometry (MRS)403–4maintenance therapy 448–9major depressive disorder (MDD), naturalhistory 99–100maniaclinical features 479–80early-onset (EOM) 100epidemiology 477genetics 473–4after head injury 482late-onset (LOM) 100management 479–80, 483–8in paranoid psychoses 498risk factors 477–8secondary 481treatment goals 483manic episode 371MAO-A inhibitors 63MAOIs 439, 441Marital Intimacy Scale 170Measurement of Morale in the ElderlyScale 170Medicaid 692medical psychiatry inpatient units 709–12clinical and patient characteristics710–11organizational features 710problems, advantages and caveats711–12structure and organization 709–10Medicare 691–2Medicare Economic Index (MEI) 692MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathywith lactic acid and strokelikeepisodes) 251Mental Health Act 1983 (England andWales) 789–90sectioning under 786–7Mental Status Examination (MSE)125–6, 154–5, 499Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ)169Mental Test Score 733meralgia paresthetica 344methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) 319metrifonate 231mild cognitive impairment (MCI) 49,304, 305–6, 308Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)127, 128, 140–1, 143, 144, 169 180,298, 733Minimum Data Set (USA) 728mirtazapine 567mixed anxiety depressive disorder 553MMPI 593modernization theory 21monoamine oxidase (MAO), plateletactivity 398monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)567mononeuritis multiplex 342mononeuropathies 343–4Montgomery–Asberg Depression Ratingscale (MADRS) 155, 298mood disordersEpidemiological Catchment Area studies392longitudinal studies 415mood-incongruent paranoid states511–12nosology and classification 371–3morale, assessment 170mortalitycause of death 103–4community-based studies 103death certificate studies 103methodological studies 104patient-based studies 103motor neurone disease 278motor neurone disease inclusion dementia261MRC Cognitive Function and AgeingStudy (MRC CFAS) 202–4multi-chemical networking profile,brain 62multidisciplinary team 111, 667–9audit 668communication in 667effectiveness in treatment of depressionin physically disabled 427–8future development 668–9leadership in 667–8morale 668in psychogeriatric services 662multi-infarct dementia (MID) 186–7,247 255–6, 346cf Alzheimer’s disease 347Multiphasic Environment AssessmentProcedure 170multiple sclerosis, subcortical dementia in270multiple systems atrophy (MSA) 270multiprocess phenomenon conception 21multisystem atrophy 278National Health Serviceorigins 658reforms 658, 659necrosis 19nefazodone 567nerve growth factor (NGF) therapy 320neurasthenia (fatigue syndrome) 582–3neuritic plaques 223neurochemistry 397–9neuroendocrinology 51–4

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