Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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802 INDEXanxiety/anxiety disorder continuedsubstance-induced 553, 556apolipoprotein E (APOE) 218–19, 299apolipoprotein E gene (APOE)in Alzheimer’s disease 214apoptosis 19assessmentbasic issues 137of carers 170of depression 170of depressive states 153–6of environment 170of morale 170multidisciplinary 111non-computerized 138–40problems in 133–5procedures 37–8selection of tools 138–40Assessment of Daily Living 165–7attitudes towards older people 741atypical antipsychotics 523–5, 528–9audit 668Australianursing homes in 752–3Sydney Dementia Carers’ TrainingProgram 762–8autoimmune theory of aging 20autonomy, patient 715Barthel’s Index of ADL 166Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) 155,298Behaviour Rating Scale 169benign senescent forgetfulness (BSF) 49,237, 303–4benzodiazepines 63, 564–8correlated 615dependence and withdrawal 565detection of use 616efficacy 565gender and age 615misuse in the community 619pharmacokinetics 565prevalence of use 614–15psychiatric morbidity 615selection 566side effects 565–6bereavement 465–7early phases 466–7later phases 467pathological 407–8pre-bereavement situation 465–6at time of death 466b-blockers 567–8Binswanger’s disease 247, 270biological models 780–1biological programming 19biological theories of aging 19–20biomarkers of aging 71bipolar disorder 371–2epidemiology 477genetics 473natural history 100prognosis 481–2risk factors 477–8symptoms 408–9treatment 440, 456Blessed Dementia Rating Scale 169, 298blood oxygenation level-dependent(BOLD) contrast 357blood pressure in dementia 256–7bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)277brainadult neurogenesis 48aging, normal 308in Alzheimer’s disease at autopsy 223anatomy 25–41atrophy, MRI in measurement of355–6collateral sprouting 47–8CSF spaces, changes in size of 34–8hippocampus 49linear measurements 26literature review 26–41neural transplantation 48neuroimaging studies 23, 25–6non-specific structural abnormalities inschizophrenia 506parenchyma, changes in size 27–33post-mortem studies 23–4potential regeneration 47–8quantitative MRI 39–40quantitative structural changes 45–9regenerative sprouting 48subcortical hyperintensities, incidenceof 39tropic support 48see also hippocampusbrain–body weight theory 20brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM)347brain tumours 335–7Brief Agitation Rating Scale 170Brief Assessment Schedule 734depression cards 170Burden interview 170buspirone 566CADASIL (cerebral autosomal sominantarteriopathy with subcortical infarctsand leukoencephalopathy) 248, 251CAGE questionnaire 603, 609caloric restriction and aging 20CAMCOG 162CAMDEX (Cambridge Examination forMental Disorders of the Elderly) 162CANTAB (Cambridge NeuropsychologicalTest Automated Battery)148–9capacity, concept of 784carbamazepine (CBZ) in acute mania484–5cardiovascular disease 319–20risk factors, Alzheimer’s disease and 206care see caregiving; carers/caregiving;community care; daycare; familycaregiving; nursing homesCaregiver Activity Survey 170caregivingadverse effects 331–2for carers 332cost 755–6definition 331dementia vs. non-dementia 757patterns of formal/informal 81policy background 331types 332in USA 689–95see also family caregivingcarers/caregiverscaring for 332importance of role 755–6informal 331, 671stress and burden 756support for 686see also family caregivingCaretaker Obstreperous-Behaviour RatingAssessment (COBRA) 170CARITAS 655, 664carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) 344case-control studies 199–201conducting 199of dementia 199–200case identification 105Cavalieri method 45Center for Epidemiologic Studies DepressionScale (CES-D) 158, 159, 170central nervous system (CNS) malignancies,psychiatric manifestations 335–7cephalization, index of 20CERAD (Consortium to Establish aRegistry for Alzheimer’s Disease)228cerebral amyloid angiopathy 253cerebrovascular disease 270Charles Bonnet syndrome 127, 505cholecystokinin-B receptor antagonists63cholesterol metabolism, dementia riskand 319–20chronological aging 71–3Clifton Assessment Procedures for theElderly (CAPE) 169, 733Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) 143clinical models 781Clock Drawing Test 169clonazepam 565in acute mania 486–7clozapine 523COGDRAS (Cognitive Drug ResearchComputerized Assessment System)149Cognitive Assessment Scale 169cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)447–8, 454cognitive dysfunctioncomputer methods of assessment147–9depression and 430non-computerized assessment 138–40cognitive psychology 20–1cognitive regression hypothesis 21cognitive tests before and after surgery744–5cohort studies 68–9communication 641in multidisciplinary teamwork 667community carebackground 671–3backup from geriatric psychiatry 671–2

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