Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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EARLY DETECTION 19310. Korten AE, Henderson AS, Christensen H et al. A prospective studyof cognitive function in the elderly. Psychol Med 1997; 27: 919–30.11. Rosenman SJ. The validity of the diagnosis of mild dementia. PsycholMed 1991; 21: 923–34.12. Eastwood MR, Corbin S. Investigation of suspect dementia. Lancet1981; i: 1261.13. O’Connor DW, Pollitt PA, Brook CP et al. Does early interventionreduce the number of elderly people with dementia admitted toinstitutions for long-term care? Br Med J 1991; 302: 871–5.14. Breitner JCS. Inflammatory processes and anti-inflammatory drugs inAlzheimer’s disease: a current appraisal. Neurobiol Aging 1996; 17:789–94.

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