Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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ELDER ABUSE 773autonomous choice for the victim and avoid paternalistic actionthat seeks to provide a speedy resolution, perhaps throughinstitutionalization. Accurate identification of unmet care needsshould generate planned and effective care strategies, whichengender safety without intrusion. Given that abuse may bemultidirectional, attention may need to be focused on both victimand abuser.While overtly criminal activity, such as theft or assault, may bedealt with by prevailing criminal law, most countries haveeschewed a legislative approach to elder abuse, relying insteadupon health and social service agencies to develop locallyapplicable policies and procedures. In the USA mandatoryreporting laws have achieved only limited success and professionalsremain unfamiliar with reporting procedures 30 . Of greaterpotential benefit for the future is the emergence of nationalorganizations, aiming to prevent the abuse of older people bydisseminating research, informing public policy and providingspecialist advice to both professionals and the general public 3 .REFERENCES1. Bennett G, Kingston P. Elder Abuse: Concepts, Theories andInterventions. London: Chapman and Hall, 1993.2. Action on Elder Abuse. Definition. London: Action on Elder Abuse,1995.3. Jenkins G, Asif Z, Bennett G. Listening is Not Enough. London:Action on Elder Abuse, 2000.4. National Center on Elder Abuse. Briefing Papers. Washington, DC:National Aging Information Center, 2000.5. Takamura C, Golden O. National Elder Abuse Incidence Study.Washington, DC: National Aging Information Center, 1998.6. Lachs MS, Williams C, O’Brien S et al. Older adults: an 11 yearlongitudinal study of adult protective service use. Arch Intern Med1996; 156(4): 449–53.7. Pittaway E, Gallagher E. Services for Abused Canadians. 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