Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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548 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRYEvidence that low income persons enter old age in considerablyworse health than others 55 indicates that improving the mentalhealth of the elderly will also require attention to social inequalityand its link to physical and mental health throughout the lifecourse.REFERENCES1. Blazer DG. Generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder in theelderly: a review. Harvard Rev Psychiat 1997; 5: 18–27.2. Sheikh JI. Anxiety and panic disorders. In Busse EW, Blazer DG, eds,Geriatric Psychiatry, 2nd edn. Washington, DC: AmericanPsychiatric Press, 1996: 279–89.3. Beekman AT, Bremmer MA, Deeg DJ et al. Anxiety disorders in laterlife: a report from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. Int JGeriat Psychiat 1998; 13: 717–26.4. Blazer DG, Hughes DC, George LK. Stressful life events and theonset of generalized anxiety syndrome. Am J Psychiat 1987; 144:1178–83.5. Pearlin LI. The sociological study of stress. J Health Soc Behav 1989;30: 241–56.6. 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