Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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28 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRYTable 7.2continuedStudy Subjects Imaging and measurement technique FindingsMeyer et al., 1994 2481 Healthy volunteers, 27–90 years old,44 M, 37 F. No major neurologic orpsychiatric illnessElwan et al., 1996b 25 88 Healthy ‘lower middle class’volunteers, 40–76 years old (54.8+9.6years), 57 M, 31 F. No major medical,neurologic, or psychiatric illness. Allright-handedCT (n=2 scanners). Blinded measureof tissue density (densitometry) andregional brain volume (trace methodology)from axial slices (8 mm thick)CT. Multiple linear measurements(no additional details provided)Yoshii et al., 1986 26 33 Normal volunteers, 24–82 years old Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging.PlanimetrySimon et al., 1987 27 48 Subjects, including normal volunteersand patients with normal MR imagingstudies, 11 months to 64 years old,25 M, 23 F. Excluded: periventricularhigh signal areas, anomalous developmentof the corpus callosum, pre-scandiagnosis of multiple sclerosisUematsu et al., 17 normal male volunteers, mean age1988 28 31.5 years old, SD 5.5 years. PhysicallyhealthyCondon et al., 40 Volunteers, 20–60 years old, 20 M,1988 29 20 F. No additional details providedYoshii et al., 1988 30 58 Volunteers, 21–81 years old, 29 M,29 F. Neurologic and psychiatric historiesnot reported. Handedness not specifiedHayakawa et al., 143 Patients and seven normal volunteers,1989 31 0–60 years old. All with normal MRimaging scansHauser et al., 25 normal volunteers, mean age 37 years1989 32 old, SD 8.6 years, 14 M, 11 F. Excluded:history of medical or psychiatric illnessJernigan et al.,1990 33 58 Healthy volunteers, 8–79 years old,35 M, 23 F. No history of neurologic,psychiatric, or medical illness (diabetesmellitus, heart disease). Handedness notspecifiedMR imaging (0.15 tesla). Planimetry;midsagittal slice, 5 mm thickMR imaging (0.5 tesla). Planimetry; midsagittalslice 10 mm thickMR imaging (0.15 tesla). Volumemeasurement (two raters) derived fromcomputer-assisted pixel segmentation ofcontiguous sagittal slices (variable slicethickness and number)MR imaging (1.0 tesla). Mathematicallyderived estimate of brain volume frominversion recovery films, based on planimetricarea measurement made on singleslice (10 mm thick) at level of foramen ofMonro. Blinded global ratings of corticalatrophy from films (axial slices, [n=?],10 mm thick, 3 mm interscan gap).Number of raters and rater reliabilitiesnot specifiedMR imaging (0.35 tesla). Planimetry;midsagittal slice 10 mm thickMR imaging (0.5 tesla). Planimetry;midsagittal sectionMR imaging (1.5 tesla). Volume estimates(one of two raters) derived fromcomputer-assisted pixel classification ofmultiple spin-echo axial images (5 mmthick, 2.5 mm interscan gap)Age associated with decreased tissue densityin cortical gray matter (frontal, temporal,parietal, and occipital) and in whitematter (frontal only), but not in subcorticalgray matter (caudate, putamen,or thalamus). Age associated withdecreased ratios of cortical gray mattervolume to IV and subcortical graymatter volume to IV, but not withwhite matter volume to IV. Interactionswith sex or laterality not reportedNo correlation between age and maximalbifrontal distance, bifrontal index,maximal bicaudate distance, maximalseptum–caudate distance, or cella mediaindex. Interactions with sex or lateralitynot reportedNo significant correlation between corpuscallosum area and age. Trend for declinein the area of anterior half of corpuscallosum with age (r=0.31, p=0.8)Corpus callosum area did not change afterthe 18th year of ageNo significant correlation between corpuscallosum area and ageFor males but not females, age negativelycorrelated with ratio of total brainvolume to IV. Interactions with lateralitynot reportedNo correlation between age and brainvolume. Age significantly correlated withratings of cortical atrophy for both malesand femalesDecrease in size of brain structures withage. Pituitary area decreased progressivelyafter 20 years of age. Trend fordecrease in cerebellar vermis area afterthe fifth decade; pontine and corpuscallosum area remained stable during theadult lifeCorpus callosum area did not correlate withageAge negatively correlated with ratios ofcerebral volume to IV and of gray mattervolume to IV. Among gray matterstructures, age negatively correlatedwith ratios of cortical gray matter volumeto IV, caudate volume to IV, anddiecephalon volume to IV; but not withthalamus volume to IV or anteriorcingulate volume to IV. No correlationbetween age and ratio of white mattervolume to IV. Interactions with sex orlaterality not reportedcontinued

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