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','• fWha"! did you say, Mary?^ ' - •' 'Mary:I saitl today* was' a. nice day and I was ^iad to, yoA» know, to' be here.' (What j.B^-1'11 ask you !^ .Well, they just make those prayers up._(Oh, they do. Ihey'are very nice. I always like' to hear Irwin (or Erving).)Mary:It's jast like the^ir preachers, you know. As they go along, they makef ' 'their prayers up.That's the same,,you know.;CUSTOMS OF MOUHMING'FOR DECEASED RELATIVES(Well, Fannie, let me ask you something.< "Mary remembers when her aunt used, to g«? «ut to a grave and ( cry. Did you ever see your folks do that*--I meanmourn?) " . ' * . ,Yes. " '(Quapaws used to do that, didn^t they?)Yeah, they did. They rnwurn quite a while. But I -never did see -ny folKs do that.(Did you, Mary?)Mary: Oh yes. I've seen--I 'ised to ^o with irjy aunt out to the graveyard, yoir-know. I .. ^3t rememoer aboul my father, you know. See, they mourn. They goout "four days and they take food out" there you know,, and they leave it out thereat the'head of the—c

-5- T-621-1+ N^0 • 'p ,(Grave.) *>Grave, you know. ',. And she used > to mo.urn and* she used to ^alk.And of coursemy aunt raised me after .my mother died.And I was oust- always with her whereevershe went, yau know. ' • * - ' . -(She'd-take you along with her. .Well, wher*e is your family cemetery, Fannie? )Over to our'old home place.^ ' ' .-(That's where the.Good' Eagle cemetery is? ' Well, what was your step-mothec-'sname, I always forget'.) .Fannie: (Indian name.)(And she' s buAed over there.)AUm-h$i.And grandma cletus is buried over there. Gi get ta (?) he'r name- is.Miss Gi get ta (?). ^ > ^-^(Well now,grandmaCletus was she one of those old Quapaw-.ladies Who lived--?)Alone? , /• • / ,* • • ' ' ( . • '(Uh-huh. Granda Cedar and grandma Cletus?) ' " ' .Um-huh.- Grandma Harrison.j(Oh, grandma Harrison. I've heard talk about them. Somebody said they hadthe last house, or the last cabin on the.reservation that didn't have a floor?Have you heard that? )'No, I didn't, know.(They said it didn't have'a floor--do-you know Mary?)•Mary; .No, I don't--I dafi't remember.'Course in the early days they didnhave their floor,- you know.Had" the dirt floor, you know and it was srnoo.thyou know. ' - •HORSES AKD A DOG THAT UNDERSTOOD QUAPAW LANGUAGE'(Well, are they the ones that had a horse they had to talk to in* Quapaw?)Well, Mrs. Harcison did, didn't she? . - ^-— - , \Mary: Well, Aunt Frances did too. < -•-_Oh, did she? \ ' -I ' . oi •Mary: And those horses used to\ know what they were saying. Just do what

','• fWha"! did you say, Mary?^ ' - •' 'Mary:I saitl today* was' a. nice day <strong>and</strong> I was ^iad to, yoA» know, to' be here.' (What j.B^-1'11 ask you !^ .Well, they just make those prayers up._(Oh, they do. Ihey'are very nice. I always like' to hear Irwin (or Erving).)Mary:It's jast like the^ir preachers, you know. As they go along, they makef ' 'their prayers up.That's the same,,you know.;CUSTOMS OF MOUHMING'FOR DECEASED RELATIVES(Well, Fannie, let me ask you something.< "Mary remembers when her aunt used, to g«? «ut to a grave <strong>and</strong> ( cry. Did you ever see your folks do that*--I meanmourn?) " . ' * . ,Yes. " '(Quapaws used to do that, didn^t they?)Yeah, they did. They rnwurn quite a while. But I -never did see -ny folKs do that.(Did you, Mary?)Mary: Oh yes. I've seen--I 'ised to ^o with irjy aunt out to the graveyard, yoir-know. I .. ^3t rememoer aboul my father, you know. See, they mourn. They goout "four days <strong>and</strong> they take food out" there you know,, <strong>and</strong> they leave it out thereat the'head <strong>of</strong> the—c

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