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• Dates (from – to) 2011-2012• Name and type of organizationproviding education and training• Project nameIdentification dataRomania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme financed by theEuropean Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and co-financed bythe partner states in the programme (www.romania-serbia.net)Cross-border network for advanced training and research in environmental protectionMIS Code 464Project team member - BiologistPERSONAL SKILLSAND COMPETENCESAcquired in the course of life and careerbut not necessarily covered by formalcertificates and diplomas.MOTHER TONGUEROMANIANOTHER LANGUAGES• Reading skills• Writing skills• Verbal skillsSOCIAL SKILLSAND COMPETENCESLiving and working with other people, inmulticultural environments, in positionswhere communication is important andsituations where teamwork is essentialORGANIZATIONAL SKILLSAND COMPETENCESCoordination and administration ofpeople, projects and budgets; at work, involuntary work (for example culture andsports) and at home, etc.TECHNICAL SKILLSAND COMPETENCESWith computers, specific kinds ofequipment, machinery, etc.OTHER SKILLSAND COMPETENCESCompetences not mentioned above.DRIVING LICENCE(S)ADDITIONAL INFORMATION1. ENGLISHlevel: 1= basic,level: 1=basic,level: 1= basic,I compenete managerial activities have led and lead research projects and research anddevelopment of human resources. Participant and organizer of scientific and cultural events,organizing activities such as: board member and president of enrollment, developmentregulations. Participating in research activities well suited to teamwork.Good organizational skills, all the activities are carefully prepared according with a scheduledplan. I am tenacious, sociable, communicative and thorough.I use the computer for editing materials, drawings, graphics, internet. Very skilful in usingvarious type or equipment used in biology laboratories (equipment from broad use likespectrophotometers, centrifuges, thermostat).[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]B categoryReference may be obtained from:Prof. Dr. M. Dragan-Bularda “Babes-Bolyai” University (Romania)Prof. Dr. D. Verdes, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” (Romania)(dverdes@umft.ro)Prof. Dr. V. Ostafe West University of Timisoara (vostafe@cbg.uvt.ro)ANNEXESLIST OF PUBLICATIONSPage 2 - Curriculum vitae ofFilimon, Marioara <strong>Nicoleta</strong>For more information go to:www.uvt.ro and www.cbg.uvt.ro

Lecturer. PhD. Filimon Marioara<strong>Nicoleta</strong>Last updated 31/03/2013Page 3 - Curriculum vitae ofFilimon, Marioara <strong>Nicoleta</strong>For more information go to:www.uvt.ro and www.cbg.uvt.ro

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