May 2011 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

May 2011 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

May 2011 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club


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The Spinnakerserved on the Sailing, and Slipway Committees. In these years the keeler racing was started from theRPNYC’s startbox at Pt Jerningham, John would drop them off a log book was provided by John for PortNick staff to complete the lapse times and then return to collect it after he’d finished racing in the thirddivision.John also carried out some architectural work for our club which included the fence at the northern end ofthe hardstand, which apparently is no ordinary fence. John recalls when Ross Telford approached him tobe the race officer for the club’s Wellington-Nelson and Brothers races. This was an annual event until thetime the club gave these races to the RPNYC, a decision John did not support at that point in time.Dependent on the tides, yacht races could start as early as 5am. At these early morning starts theoccupants of the surrounding houses would be woken by a 10 minute, five minute and then the start gun. Itwas easy to determine what residents were woken by the starts due to the lights in the houses beingswitched on.Up until 1983 the slip operated mainly at weekends,run by a roster of four Slipmasters, including John.Bookings were made at Little Ship Services duringthe week, and the slip master took charge forSaturdays and Sundays. Quick slips on week dayswere organised by Brian Miller from Little Ships. Anumber of club captains continued with this systemfor quite some time. This was in the days prior to theTravelift, and the labour intensive method ofmoving boats required four volunteers, and it notbeing always possible to get assistance, an ad hocslipway development committee was formed tolook at alternative ways of slipping boats.By this time Mike Usher was running the slipway. John was invited to join the committee due to hisexperience. The outcome of this was that the club now has a Travelift operating on piles built for the CityCouncil and leased to the <strong>Club</strong>, a sealed hardstand area, washdown area complying with anti pollutionregulations and 15 identical cradles fully adjustable and stable. This has required fulltime staff. Mike Usherhas been Slipmaster handling bookings and driving the Travelift and John holds the grandly named titleSlipway Manager, to act as pilot and handle paperwork. It is well known to members using the hardstandhow much is owed to these members, who were responsible for introducing the much improved system wehave now.He intends to keep sailing in the Cruising Division in Kotuku since he can't stop now after 32 years in the sameboat.Debt Recovery CostsThe Management Committee agreed that from 1 March 2005, all newoutstanding debts will incur interest and any associated debt recovery costs.Interest will be charged at the rate of 19% per annum.HAVE WE GOT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS?The best way to stay informed of events, racing & general information is via ourirregular emails. Often this is our only avenue for issuing last minute information,and we’d hate to think of you missing out. You can unsubscribe at any time, so tostay up with the play, drop Communications a line at eb.comms@gmail.comA TV can insult your intelligence, but nothing rubs it in like a computer.- 14 -

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