Form ITR-7 - Taxmann

Form ITR-7 - Taxmann Form ITR-7 - Taxmann


567Deductionsa Amount withdrawn from reserve or provisions ifcredited to Profit and Loss accountb Income exempt under sections 10, 10AA, 11 or 12[exempt income excludes income exempt undersection 10(38)]c Amount withdrawn from revaluation reserve andcredited to profit and loss account to the extent itdoes not exceed the amount of depreciationattributable to revaluation of assetd Loss brought forward or unabsorbed depreciationwhichever is lesse Profit of sick industrial company till net worth isequal to or exceeds accumulated lossesf Others (including residual unadjusted items and theamount of deferred tax credited to P&L A/c)g Total deductions (5a+5b+5c+5d+5e+5f)Book profit under section 115JB (3+ 4i – 5g)Tax payable under section 115JB [18.5% of (6)]5a5b5c5d5e5f5g67Schedule MATCMAT CreditComputation of tax credit under section 115JAA1 Tax under section 115JB in assessment year 2012-13 (1d of Part-BTTI) 12 Tax under other provisions of the Act in assessment year 2012-13 (5 of Part-B-TTI) 23 Amount of tax against which credit is available [enter (2 – 1) if 2 is greater than 1, otherwise 3enter 0]4 Utilisation of MAT credit Available [Sum of MAT credit utilized during the current year is subject to maximum of amount mentioned in3 above and cannot exceed the sum of MAT Credit Brought Forward ]S.No AssessmentYear(A)i 2006-07ii 2007-08iii 2008-09iv 2009-10v 2010-11vi 2011-12vii 2012-13viii TotalMAT CreditBroughtForward(B)MAT CreditUtilised duringthe Current Year(C)MAT Creditfor theCurrentYear(D)[enter 1-2, if 1is greater than2 otherwiseenter 0]5 Amount of tax credit under section 115JAA [enter 4C(viii)] 56 Amount of MAT liability available for credit in subsequent assessment years [enter 4E(viii)] 6Balance MAT CreditCarriedForward(E)[E=B-C+D]

Schedule SISlNoSectioncodeIncome chargeable to Income tax at special rates IB [Please see instruction]IncomeTax thereon Sl Section iiiNo code Special rate(%)Specialrate (%)IncomeiTax thereoniiSPECIAL RATE1 1A 15 6 5BBD 152 22 10 7 3 21 20 8 4 5BB 30 9 5 5BBC 30 10 11 Total (1ii to 10 ii)Schedule ITTAX PAYMENTSSlNoiiiiiiivvviDetails of Advance Tax and Self Assessment Tax Payments of Income-taxBSR Code Date of Deposit (DD/MM/YYYY) Serial Number of Challan Amount (Rs)NOTE ► Enter the totals of Advance tax and Self Assessment tax in Sl No. 11a & 11d of Part B-TTISchedule TDSTDS ON OTHER INCOMESlNoTax DeductionAccount Number(TAN) of theDeductorDetails of Tax Deducted at Source on Income [As per Form 16 A issued by Deductor(s)]Name of the DeductorUnique TDSCertificateNumberFinancial Year inwhich TDS isDeductedTotal Tax DeductedAmount out of (6) claimedthis Year(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)iiiNOTE ► Please enter total of column 7 of Schedule-TDS in 13(b) of Part B-TTISchedule TCSTCS ON INCOMESlNoTax Deduction and TaxCollection Account Numberof the CollectorDetails of Tax Collected at Source [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]Name of the Collector Total tax collected Amount out of (4) claimedduring the year(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)iiiNOTE ► Please enter the total of column (5) in Sl No. 15c of Part B-TTI

567Deductionsa Amount withdrawn from reserve or provisions ifcredited to Profit and Loss accountb Income exempt under sections 10, 10AA, 11 or 12[exempt income excludes income exempt undersection 10(38)]c Amount withdrawn from revaluation reserve andcredited to profit and loss account to the extent itdoes not exceed the amount of depreciationattributable to revaluation of assetd Loss brought forward or unabsorbed depreciationwhichever is lesse Profit of sick industrial company till net worth isequal to or exceeds accumulated lossesf Others (including residual unadjusted items and theamount of deferred tax credited to P&L A/c)g Total deductions (5a+5b+5c+5d+5e+5f)Book profit under section 115JB (3+ 4i – 5g)Tax payable under section 115JB [18.5% of (6)]5a5b5c5d5e5f5g67Schedule MATCMAT CreditComputation of tax credit under section 115JAA1 Tax under section 115JB in assessment year 2012-13 (1d of Part-BTTI) 12 Tax under other provisions of the Act in assessment year 2012-13 (5 of Part-B-TTI) 23 Amount of tax against which credit is available [enter (2 – 1) if 2 is greater than 1, otherwise 3enter 0]4 Utilisation of MAT credit Available [Sum of MAT credit utilized during the current year is subject to maximum of amount mentioned in3 above and cannot exceed the sum of MAT Credit Brought Forward ]S.No AssessmentYear(A)i 2006-07ii 2007-08iii 2008-09iv 2009-10v 2010-11vi 2011-12vii 2012-13viii TotalMAT CreditBroughtForward(B)MAT CreditUtilised duringthe Current Year(C)MAT Creditfor theCurrentYear(D)[enter 1-2, if 1is greater than2 otherwiseenter 0]5 Amount of tax credit under section 115JAA [enter 4C(viii)] 56 Amount of MAT liability available for credit in subsequent assessment years [enter 4E(viii)] 6Balance MAT CreditCarriedForward(E)[E=B-C+D]

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