WEBroker Travel Insurance Policy summary - Online Travel Insurance

WEBroker Travel Insurance Policy summary - Online Travel Insurance

WEBroker Travel Insurance Policy summary - Online Travel Insurance


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Special conditions relating to claims(applicable to all extended sections of cover)a. if you fail to notify the travel agent, tour operator orprovider of transport or accommodation as soon asyou find out it is necessary to cancel the trip, theamount we will pay will be limited to the cancellationcharges that would have otherwise applied.b. you must get (at your own expense) writtenconfirmation from the provider of the accommodation(or their administrators), the local police or relevantauthority that you could not use your accommodationand the reason for this.c. (for curtailment claims only) you must tell ournominated emergency service as soon as possible ofany circumstances making it necessary for you toreturn home and before any arrangements are madefor your repatriation.d. you must check in according to the itinerary suppliedto you unless your tour operator or airline hasrequested you not to travel to the airport.e. you must get (at your own expense) writtenconfirmation from the scheduled public transportoperator (or their handling agents) of the cancellation,number of hours of delay or involuntarily deniedboarding and the reason for these together with detailsof any alternative transport offered.f. you must comply with the terms of contract of thescheduled public transport operator and seek financialcompensation, assistance or a refund of your ticketfrom them, in accordance with the terms and/or(where applicable) your rights under EU Air PassengersRights legislation in the event of denied boarding,cancellation or long delay of flights.g. you must get (at your own expense) writtenconfirmation from the scheduled public transportoperator/accommodation provider that reimbursementwill not be provided.General conditions1. You must tell us all relevant facts. A relevant fact isone that is likely to influence us in accepting yourinsurance. This could be the state of your health orthat of a close relative or any planned hazardousactivities. If you are in any doubt as to whether a factis relevant, you should tell us. If you do not tell us thismay result in your claim being invalid (please refer toquestion 4 of important conditions relating to health &activities on page 2).2. You must notify Voyager <strong>Insurance</strong> Services Ltd on01483 562662 as soon as possible about any changein circumstances which affects your policy, includingyou, a person you are travelling with, a close businessassociate or relative receiving confirmation of a new orchanged medical condition or currently being undermedical investigation, change in sporting activity orleisure activities you intend to participate in duringyour trip or any additional persons(s) to be insuredunder this policy. We have the right to re-assess yourcoverage, policy terms and/or premium after youhave advised us of any such change this may includeus accepting a claim for the cancellation chargesapplicable at that time if no suitable or alternative coverfor your changed circumstances can be provided. Ifyou do not advise us of any change then any relatedclaim may be reduced or rejected or your policy maybecome invalid.3. You must notify Voyager <strong>Insurance</strong> Services Ltd on01483 562662 if your plans for your trip include travelto areas affected or threatened by war or similar risksas set out in general exclusion 1. We reserve the rightnot to cover such trips or, if we will cover them, toapply special terms or conditions and/or charge anadditional premium as we think appropriate. No coverfor such trips shall attach unless you accept suchterms, including any additional premium, before youdepart.4. You must advise the claims handlers of any possibleclaim as soon as possible. You must supply themwith full details of all the circumstances and any otherinformation and documents we may require.5. You must keep any damaged articles that you wish toclaim for and, if requested, send them to the claimshandlers at your own expense. If we pay a claim forthe full value of an article, it will become our property.6. You must agree to have medical examination(s) ifrequired. In the event of your death, we are entitledto have a post mortem examination. All suchexaminations will be at our expense.7. You must assist us to obtain or pursue a recovery orcontribution from any third party or other insurers(including the Department of Work & Pensions) byproviding all necessary details and by completing anyforms.8. You must pay us back within 1 month of demand anyamounts that we have paid on your behalf that are notcovered by this insurance.9. You must take all reasonable steps to avoid orminimise any loss that might result in you making aclaim under this insurance.10. You must comply with all the terms, provisions,conditions and endorsements of this insurance. Failureto do so may result in a claim being declined.11. Except for claims under section 3 - hospital staybenefit, section 4 - personal accident, section 5 -travel delay, section 14 - hijack, section 15 - mugging& section 16 pet care, this insurance shall only beliable for its proportionate share of any loss or damagethat is covered by any other insurance.12. We may take action in your name but at our ownexpense to recover for our benefit the amount of anypayment made under this insurance.13. We may at our option discharge any liability underthis insurance by replacing or repairing any article orarticles lost or damaged, or by issuing you with a creditvoucher.14. No refund of premium will be allowed after thecooling off period following the date of purchase of thisinsurance nor after any travel has begun.15. This insurance is non-transferable. If a trip iscancelled for any reason other than that described insection 1 - cancellation or curtailment then the coverfor that trip terminates immediately and no refund ofpremium in whole or part will be made.16. If you or anyone acting on your behalf makes anyclaim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any waythen this insurance shall become void, premiums nonrefundableand all claims shall be forfeited.General exclusionsYou are not covered for claims arising out of:1. loss or damage directly or indirectly occasioned by,happening through or in consequence of war, invasion,acts of foreign enemies, terrorism, hostilities (whetherwar be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution,insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscationor nationalisation, or requisition or destruction of ordamage to property by or under the order of anygovernment or public or local authority. This is notapplicable, however, in respect of claims under section2 - emergency medical expenses arising throughterrorism other than losses arising from nuclear,chemical and biological exposures unless you plannedto travel to areas that were publicly known to beaffected or threatened by such risks. (Please seegeneral condition 3)2. loss, damage, expense or indemnity incurred as aresult of travelling to an area that the Foreign andCommonwealth Office (or its equivalent in other EUcountries) have advised against travel provided thatsuch loss, damage, expense or indemnity is directly orindirectly related to any such circumstances that arethe reason for the advice.3. loss, damage, expense or indemnity directly orindirectly resulting from or attributable to radioactivecontamination of any nature.4. loss, destruction or damage directly occasioned bypressure waves caused by aircraft and other flyingobjects travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.5. you travelling in an aircraft other than as a fare payingpassenger in a fully licensed passenger carryingaircraft.6. your suicide or attempted suicide or your deliberateexposure to unnecessary danger (except in an attemptto save human life).7. sexually transmitted diseases or the influence ofalcohol or drugs.8. your participation that was planned or intended at thetime of arranging this insurance in activities of ahazardous nature except as listed on page 9 under theactivities levels Leisure, Action & Action Plus, (wherethe appropriate additional premium has been paid),unless declared to and accepted by us. We reservethe right to apply special terms and conditions (whichmay include additional premiums) and coverage will besubject to your compliance with them.9. wintersports, other than curling, toboganning andrecreational ice-skating, except when this insurance istaken in connection with a wintersports trip and theappropriate premium paid as provided for under theactivities levels Leisure, Action or Action Plus. In noevent, however, is cover granted for wintersports ifyou are aged over 74 or for ski or skibob racing inmajor events, ski jumping or the use of skeletons orbob-sleighs.10.scuba diving if you are;i. not qualified for the dive undertaken unless you areaccompanied by a properly qualified instructor, orii. diving to a greater depth than 30m, oriii. diving alone, oriv. diving in wrecks or at night.11.racing or race training of any kind (other than on footor sailing) except as provided for under the activitieslevels Leisure, Action or Action Plus.12.you taking part in civil commotions or riots of any kind.13.any consequential loss of any kind, except as may bespecifically provided for in this insurance.14.you breaking or failing to comply with any lawwhatsoever.15.manual labour of any kind unless declared to andaccepted by us.16.your financial incapacity, whether directly or indirectlyrelated to the claim except as provided for undersection 1 - cancellation or curtailment (e).17.the bankruptcy or insolvency of a tour operator, travelagent, transport company or accommodation supplierexcept as provided for under section 13 - holidayfinancial protection of the policy.18.a tour operator failing to supply advertised facilities.19.any government regulation or act.20.you travelling against any health requirementsstipulated by the carrier, their handling agents or anyother public transport provider.21.you travelling against the advice of a medicalpractitioner.7

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