WEBroker Travel Insurance Policy summary - Online Travel Insurance

WEBroker Travel Insurance Policy summary - Online Travel Insurance

WEBroker Travel Insurance Policy summary - Online Travel Insurance


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Important conditions relating to health & activitiesPlease consider these questions very carefully in relation to yourself and your travelling companionsinsured by us.To avoid unnecessary extra cost, you should only contact the screening service if the answer to any of questions 1, 2 or3 is YES. If all the appropriate answers are NO then there is no need to contact Healthcheck and your condition(s) will beinsured.Please note that if you do contact Healthcheck and go through a full screening when the appropriate answers are all NOthen you will have to pay the appropriate additional premium quoted if you wish to cover your declared conditions.1234Within the last 12 months, have any of you suffered from, been investigatedfor, diagnosed with, received treatment or taken any medication for;a. any cancer or malignant condition.b. any lung related condition (other than stable, well controlled asthma thatrequires not more than 2 medications, including inhalers).c. any heart related condition (including angina)?NB – You must contact Healthcheck if you take regular medication for anyof these conditions.Please noteImportant featuresNoDo any of you suffer from any other medical condition that has requiredreferral to or consultation with a specialist clinic or hospital for treatment, testsor investigation within the 12 months prior to the date this insurance wasarranged or the date that you subsequently made arrangements for a trip?NB – Continuing regular medication that is taken at home for a stable, wellcontrolled condition does not amount to ‘treatment; in this context and sodoes not need to be screened. If you have stable conditions that require nomore than two routine check-ups/reviews per year each then you do notneed to be screened.Has your doctor increased your regular prescribed medication in thelast three months?NoNoYour medical conditions (if any) will be coveredWe would like to draw your attention to some importantfeatures of your insurance including:1. <strong>Insurance</strong> documentYou should read this document carefully. It gives fulldetails of what is and is not covered and theconditions of the cover. Cover can vary from onepolicy to another so you should familiarise yourself withthis particular insurance.2. Conditions and exclusionsSpecific conditions and exclusions apply to individualsections of your insurance, whilst general exclusionsand conditions will apply to the whole of yourinsurance.3. HealthThis insurance contains restrictions regarding preexistingmedical conditions of the people travelling andof other people upon whose health the trip depends.You are advised to read the document carefully.4. Property claimsThese claims are paid based on the value of thegoods at the time you lose them and not on a ‘newfor old’ or replacement cost basis. Deductions will bemade in respect of wear, tear and depreciation.5. LimitsThis insurance has limits on the amount the insurer willpay under each section. Some sections also includeother specific limits, for example, for any one item orfor valuables in total.6. ExcessesUnder some sections of this insurance, claims will besubject to an excess. This means each person will beresponsible for paying the first part of their claim undereach applicable section.There is no cover for claimsrelated directly or indirectlyto these conditions unlessdeclared to us and confirmedin writing.However, cover may beavailable by contacting<strong>WEBroker</strong> Healthcheck on0845 003 5244Please note that there will bean additional premium chargedif you use this service, theamount of which variesand is determined by thedetails declared. Any specialterms that are necessarywill be explained to you andconfirmed in writing.Are you planning to take part in any hazardous activities (see general exclusions on page 7) or are you aware ofany other circumstances that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim, such as the state of health of aclose relative whose health may cause you to cancel or curtail your trip? If so, please contact Voyager <strong>Insurance</strong>Services on 01483 562662.You are not covered for any related claims if you;• have any medical condition as a result of which a medical practitioner has advised you not to travel or would havedone so had you sought his or her advice.• have been given a terminal prognosis.• are on a waiting list for treatment or investigation.YesYesYes7. Reasonable careYou need to take all reasonable care to protect yourselfand your property, as you would if you were notinsured. Any amounts the insurers will pay for propertyleft unattended in a public place or unattended vehicleis very limited, as specified in the wording.8. Sports & activitiesYou may not be insured if you are going to take part insports & activities where there is a generallyrecognised risk of injury. Please check that thisinsurance covers you, or ask us.9. Customer serviceWe always try to provide a high level of service.However, if you think we have not lived up to yourexpectations, please refer to the wording whichoutlines our customer service & complaints procedure.10. Cancellation rightsThis insurance contains a 14 day ‘cooling off’ periodduring which you can return it and get a full refund,providing you have not travelled and there are noclaims. We reserve the right to deduct from therebate of premium the reasonable costs incurred inprocessing the original sale and cancellation.11. Fraudulent claimsIt is a criminal offence to make a fraudulent claim.DefinitionsBaggage means personal belongings, including clothingworn, and personal luggage owned or borrowed by youthat you take with you on your trip.Breakdown means that the vehicle in which you aretravelling stops as a result of mechanical or electricalfailure due to any cause other than lack of fuel, oil orwater.Business colleague means any person that youwork closely with whose absence for a period of oneor more complete days necessitates the cancellationor curtailment of the trip as certified by a director of thebusiness.Curtailment/curtail means cutting your planned tripshort by early return to your home country or admission tohospital as an inpatient so that you lose the benefit ofaccommodation you have paid for.End supplier means any service providers of majorelements of your booked itinerary, including transport,accommodation and ground arrangements that arebooked directly with them and paid for before the start ofyour trip.Family means two adults and all of their children(including foster children) aged 17 and under (20 andunder if in full time education). All persons must live at thesame address.Home country means your usual place of residence inthe United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.Illness means any disease, infection or bodily disorderwhich is unexpectedly contracted by you whilst on yourtrip or unexpectedly manifests itself for the first time duringyour trip.North America means the United States of America,Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean islands includingBahamas & Bermuda.Personal money means cash, being banknotes andcoins, travellers’ cheques, travel tickets andaccommodation vouchers carried by you for yourpersonal use.Pre-existing medical condition means anycondition that has required referral to or consultationwith a specialist clinic or hospital for treatment, tests orinvestigation within the 12 months prior to:1. the date that this insurance was arranged, or2. the date that you subsequently made arrangements fora trip (if this is an annual multi-trip policy), or3. the date that you extended the original period ofinsurance, whichever is the latest.Public transport means any aeroplane, ship, train orcoach on which you are booked to travel.Relative means husband or wife (or partner with whomyou are living at the same address), parent, grandparent,parent-in-law, brother, sister, child, grandchild, brother-inlaw,sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or fiancé(e).Resident means a person who permanently resides inthe United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man and isregistered with a medical practitioner in their homecountry.Ski equipment means skis, snowboards, ski-poles,bindings, ski-boots and snowboard boots.Trip means any holiday, leisure or business trip whichbegins and ends in your home country and for which youhave paid the appropriate premium.Unattended means out of your immediate control andsupervision such that you are unable to prevent loss, theftor damage occurring.Valuables means cameras and other photographicequipment, audio and video equipment, computers,all discs, CDs, tapes and cassettes, other electronicor electrical equipment of any kind, spectacles and/or sunglasses, telescopes and binoculars, jewellery,watches, furs and items made of or containing preciousor semi-precious stones or metals.We, us and our means the insurers.You and your means each person for whom thepremium has been paid and whose age does not exceedthe maximum shown in the policy features table. Youmust be resident in the United Kingdom, Channel Islandsor Isle of Man and registered with a medical practitioner inyour home country. Each person is separately insured.2

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