Total raised - £1335.21 - Beech Green Primary School

Total raised - £1335.21 - Beech Green Primary School

Total raised - £1335.21 - Beech Green Primary School


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BEECH GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOLNewsletter for Wednesday 22 nd June 2011<strong>Total</strong> <strong>raised</strong> - £1,335.21A special thank you for all the donations, to all the cake makers, the parentswho helped pack the Y2 tombola prizes, our stunning Irish dancers, the FireBrigade for sending a fire engine and especially to all of you for bringing yourchildren and supporting our school event last Friday.If you brought cakes in for the Summer Fayre and would like your cake tins back then pleasego to the Reception Unit and collect them by Friday. Thank you.BEECH NUTS – YOUR PTFA NEWSLETTER!It has come to notice that some parents are not familiar with ‘<strong>Beech</strong> Nuts’ and so will bemissing vital information sent out to your from our Parents, Teachers and Friends Association– known as the ‘PTFA’.‘<strong>Beech</strong> Nuts’ is the name of their newsletter which is normally produced monthly. They senda paper copy home with your eldest child, plus copies are on the main notice board inreception and back copies are posted on the PTFA tab of our school website.Did you miss the fact; there is a disco this Friday? - June 24 thTickets: £3 in advance (to include a drink and a packet of crisps) or £4 on the door.Times: KS1 5.30 – 6.45 p.m. KS2 7.00 – 8.15 p.m.Please apply for your tickets tomorrow by sending the relevant money in a named envelope(it will be cheaper than paying on the door!) Tickets will be given to the children.PTFA – will be looking for a new Chair and Vice-Chair at the end of the summer termdue to the current chair and vice-chair having served the maximum of 4 years.Are you interested in taking on this role, or at least joining the group of parents who workvery hard to support school with different fund raising events, but who also hopefully have alot of fun doing it? Other events coming up…Treasure Hunt – walking around Quedgeley to take place on Saturday 2 nd July at 2.30 andSunday 3 rd July at 10.30.Balloon Race – to take place on the last day of term (Wednesday 20 th July). Tickets arenow available.We would like to thank the current PTFA for all they do.Thank you to the Y5 pupils who won school an iPad! Last week four Y5 pupils entered acompetition, run by ‘its learning’! They produced a video showing how <strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> is usingour ‘virtual learning environment’ known as the ‘VLE’. The first prize was an iPad!The children’s video actually came third (which was a fantastic achievement), but thecompany said that the entries were such high quality that the first 3 all got an iPad!Well done Molly, Mia, Ethan and Charlie and Ms Wiggall who got them started on the filming!INDUSTRIAL ACTION JUNE 30 thThe strike action planned for next Thursday, June 30 th , will only affect one class at <strong>Beech</strong><strong>Green</strong>, during the afternoon. Parents of children in that class have received a letter todayinforming them that they will need to collect their child at 1.15 p.m. For all other childrenschool will be open all day as normal.

<strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> Wins MOCK TRIALSThe final verdict was that <strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> was the best team to be entered out of 14 teams from10 other schools in the County, who have been competing over the week. Points wereallocated for several aspects of the proceedings and team <strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> came out top.Well done Year 6, who shone through in ‘court’ yesterday!In no particular order congratulations to Samuel Lancaster-Potter, Sam Brown, Abi Base,Josh Bester, Ellie Rodway, Liesl Buchan, Tariq Awan, Danny King, Noah Denman,Joe Wheeler, Ben Wellington and Lee Evans who were our representatives.“Yesterday afternoon a group of twelve year six’s went to Shire Hall, Gloucestershire to takepart in a mock trial competition. Our heat was against Abbymead <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong>. We gotgiven a fake case about dangerous driving. In our school we were the prosecuting team andwere trying to make the bench of magistrates find the defendant guilty. We arrived at ShireHall and made our way through town, wearing all our costumes, to the hall. When we arrivedwe were directed to the court room. It was very grand.Court proceeding to follow next week…”By Liesl BuchanSt James’ Church Music and Arts FestivalLast Saturday morning <strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> Choir performed four songs at St James’ church aspart of their Music and Arts Festival. We were lucky enough to hear one song split upinto solo parts. Well done to the children for performing solo, what a brave thing todo. We would like to say thank you to the choir children and also their parents whogave time up to attend this event. We hope that you enjoyed it.Our children’s art display was also very much appreciated and we have been asked toleave it in church for another week as people have requested to go and see it! That’svery good too – well done to the children who produced the art work.Thanks also to Miss Wescott, Mrs McGill and Mrs Gough for all their extra hard work!Success at the Maths 24 Challenge!Maths 24 Challenge is a game designed to test the player’s quick mathematical mentalagility. A competition took place with 7 other primary schools at Grange <strong>Primary</strong> lastThursday. <strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> team won bronze medal for coming third, so congratulations to thefollowing mathematicians:Jessica TranGemma KenifickDanny KingJames BraggMovies and Musicals<strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> presents a Movies and Musicals concert this coming Tuesday(28 th June) at 6:30pm in the school hall. Refreshments (and popcorn!) will beavailable so remember to bring some money along! Tickets are free to anyonewho is interested although we are already nearly ‘sold out’!Lost propertyOnce again we have a mountain of clothes and coats found aroundschool! That which is named has been returned, but if you have lostsomething recently please take a rummage through the lost property inReception. It will be left there until this Friday and will then be re-cycled!

The Quedgeley Show 2011 – taken from ‘Quedgeley News’“For each year for the last 37 years the Quedgeley show has been held. Many aspects ofmodern life have unfortunately gone by the board, but here in Quedgeley your localCommunity Trust has tried to retain just a few through the show. Our annual show is not onthe lines of the major agricultural shows, in fact many local shows have ceased to be, butours continues and it does give a few local people an opportunity to show off their gardening,cooking and many other skills.This year’s Quedgeley Show will be held at Severn Vale <strong>School</strong> on Saturday 16th July inconjunction with the school's 50th anniversary celebration weekend.Schedules for this year's show can now be downloaded from www.quedgeleynews.com andfor the first time this year you can also download an entry form (Word 97-2003 format) to yourcomputer, complete it and then email it as an attachment to editor@quedgeleynews.com –(must be emailed back by Wednesday 13th July). Please note entry fees for your web entryforms must be paid on the morning of the show when you bring your entries along between9 am and 10.15 am.There are lots of different classes to suit most people's hobbies and interests so have a lookand when you find something to suit you complete your entry form, email it to QuedgeleyNews, bring your entries along on the day and fingers crossed you could be a winner!”Thank you for understanding we need ‘Voluntary’ Contributions to enable school tripsto take placeFollowing on from last week’s newsletter we would like to reassure all parents that weendeavour to collect all trip donations. Hopefully this will quash the ‘playground rumour’ thatsome parents regularly ‘get away with paying nothing’ at the expense of those who regularlysupport school by promptly sending in a ‘voluntary’ contribution for their child!Sulgrave Manor (Y5), 93% paid in fullBlack Country Museum (Y3), 96% paid in fullBirds of Prey Centre (Y2), CL6 100% paid in full, CL5 89% paid in fullLydiard House (Y1), CL4 93% paid in full, CL3 90% paid in fullCotswold Wildlife Park (Rec), Cl2 97% paid in full, CL1 94% paid in fullThe other percentages equal very few people, who have in the main already paid a depositand are still to send in the balance of the trip cost. If that is you, please pay your balance orgo to speak with the office staff. Many thanks.TESCO and Sainsbury’s VouchersThe final count has been made and we are delighted to tell you that we have collected thegrand totals of 61,346 TESCO vouchers and 18,523 Sainsbury’s vouchers. We will soonbe able to give you our ‘shopping list’ of free goodies to add to our resources.Many thanks to everyone for once again collecting such a fabulous amount of vouchers andan enormous thank you to Mrs Nikki Rule who has tirelessly counted and logged all thevouchers as they came in. We could not do this without parent help!Music Tuition from SeptemberLetters went home last week to children in years 3 to 5 asking if anyone would like to takemusical instrument tuition in the next academic year. Some of the peripatetic teachers areprepared to take children in the current year 2, so if your child is in that year group and youthink that they would genuinely like to learn to play an instrument and be committed to the fullyear of tuition, please see Mrs Phillips in the office. Unfortunately, Mrs Griffiths will no longerbe teaching keyboard, percussion and guitar for us next year as she is retiring from the localauthority in July. We will all miss her very much – she has been teaching for us for severalyears and has always given time over and above the hours she has been paid for to teachthe children. We all wish her a really happy retirement!

Summer Holiday Club 2011 - If you would like a place for your child in the Summer HolidayClub and you have not received an application form, please collect a spare form from theoffice or download one from our school website (found under Childcare Tab).The closing date for application forms is Wednesday 13th July, places are offered on a 'firstcome, first served basis'.Quedgeley Baptist Church – Reminder – Only 10 places left!Have you registered yet for your child to experience all the fun of the Pirates’ Cove?Holiday Bible Club – Monday 22 nd August – Friday 26 th AugustEveryday 10:00 – 12:30 in <strong>Beech</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong>Book online at www.quedgeleybaptist.org<strong>School</strong> Nurse Lunch Time Drop in Sessions – 12 noon to 12.30 7 th July.Sports Xtra - Summer Fun! Sport, Dance, Adventure, Secret Agent things!, Martial ArtsGet up to 66% off simply enter code BTSX01 when booking on-line.To book phone 07512 700 393 or go to www.sports-xtra.comLittle Monsters Childcare – Invite you to join them on 15 th July 2011 from 12 p.m. until 2p.m. for a sponsored event stroll around Kingsway Park – part of The under 5’s Barnardo’sBig Toddle! If you wish to join the group text your family name to 07502 206 109 and you willbe given more information.Education Through Sport – Summer Soccer Camp 2011 at Severn Vale <strong>School</strong>1 st – 26 th August 8.30 – 3.30 p.m.Interested in taking part? Call 01452 526999 or 07872 456054, visitwww.nflaeducationonline.com or see our parents’ noticeborad.Want an action packed holiday? For boys and girls aged 6-16 years10 th Jul-21 st Aug -Day camp for 6-14 year olds – www.kgadventure.com or call 01449 742700ITEMS FOR SALE – to advertise in this section please send details up to 25 words + £1Your advert can go in here!Did you get your post this week?KS1KS2Y3/4/5 interested in musical instrumentsPTFA NEWS CHILDREN’S DISCO: FRIDAY 24 th JUNE THIS FRIDAYPLEASE BUY YOUR TICKETS BEFORE THE NIGHT OF THE DISCO.Infants: 5.30pm – 6.45pm. Juniors: 7pm – 8.15pm.Tickets £3.00 each and include a drink and crisps. TICKETS ON THE DOOR £4.00Please return the tear-off slip below with payment in a sealed envelope to the PTFA tray in the Office,marked “Children’s Disco”.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….To the PTFA tray in the office - TICKETS FOR CHILDREN’S DISCOChild’s Name ……………………………………Class………Child’s Name ……………………………………Class……… I enclose £3 eachBALLOON RACE TICKETS Wednesday 20 th July 2011 - Everyone shouldhave received 6 balloon tickets to sell, they are £1 each, please sell as manyas you can to make a splendid spectacular super end to the summer term,there are spare tickets in the drawer if you can sell more!!!

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