2006-2007 Annual Report - Santa Rosa County

2006-2007 Annual Report - Santa Rosa County

2006-2007 Annual Report - Santa Rosa County


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containers for residents to contribute their recyclables. The recycle program continuesto grow in materials received, processed and ultimately sold for reuse.The mosquito control department is responsible for the larvacide and adulticidetreatment of mosquitoes for <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Rosa</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Larvacide assessments arecompleted throughout the year. Mosquito larva is treated in ditches, abandonedpools, holding ponds, etc. In addition to larviciding, when temperatures are above60 degrees, we utilize up to three fog trucks per weeknight for spraying the adultmosquitoes. Traps are set throughout the county to monitor species of mosquitoes,migration patterns and breeding areas.Fiscal Year <strong>2006</strong>/<strong>2007</strong> Highlights• 75,000 tons of Class I materials were received and 70,500 tons of Class IIImaterials were received at the Central Landfill.• Approximately 6,300 tons of material were recycled. Using the EPA model, thecarbon generation offset equates to approximately 380 acres of trees.• A new cell design was completed, advertised and awarded. It is anticipatedconstruction of the new cell will begin during January 2008. Duringthe design phase, landfill staff worked for several months on site construction,resulting in considerable savings over outside bids.• Inspected and reported in full program compliance by the FloridaDepartment of Environmental Protection.• FDEP Tallahassee uses <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Rosa</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s remediation systems as theirmodel for other groups to follow.• The mosquito control program expanded its trapping and surveillance activities byadding 18 new trapping locations to more effectively evaluate our treatmentmethods.• Approximately 816,000 acres were treated with adulticide and 2,000 acres weretreated for larva.Jerrel Anderson, PEEnvironmental Manager6065 Old Bagdad Hwy.Milton, FL 32583(850) 981-7135 Office(850) 981-7133 Faxjerrela@santarosa.fl.govFacing page: A mosquito trap is used to measure the numberof mosquitoes.Above right: The recycling crew and one of the county’smany recycling containers.Above left: The Central Landfill received over 145,ooo tons of material during the fiscal year.27

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